Paccus Hawk - the first joystick with hydraulic feedback

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hi ho...

hat schon jemand auf den link geklickt und ihn als sicher befunden ?

sorry für mein missvertrauen :d

Sieht jedenfalls auch gut aus. Bin gespannt auf erste Tests. Ein Erscheinungstermin schon bekannt? Schade das er kabelgebunden ist.
Antwort von Paccus bzgl. einer Anfrage von mir:

'thank you for your inquiry. We are currently testing the production prototype and trying to get the money from the bank to start production. As you might know, we are a new small company and that makes it difficult to convince a bank to put money in our company. We hope to get funding in February. Than we can start to create the production tools and make the first run. We plan to have the first units available by this summer. The price will be around €450. You could help us by passing on the good news. The more people that are interested in our products, the easier it will get to convince the bank. We will add you to our updates. Thank you again and we sure hope to make you happy in the near future.

kind regards
The Paccus Team
Bart Sikkens'
super video :/

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