[Sammelthread] Palworld

Jep. Hab aber auch meinen RAM unter Verdacht. Glaub der ist zu hoch vom Takt.
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Dedicated server? Im Single Player sollte es eigentlich perfekt laufen
bei mir läufts seit 43 stunden ohne crash
Steam version v0.1.4.1 has been released.


▼Major Fixes
・Fixed an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the total number of Pals captured by the guild reached approximately 7000.
・In the previous patch, save data that had already been in this state (for servers, the server's world data) remained in a broken state that made it impossible to load, but after applying this patch it will be resolved and will load properly.

・Fixed an issue where some weapons equipped by other players would disappear when a player used a grenade in multiplayer.

・Fixed an issue where, although the displayed capture probability increased when the capture power was strengthened with Lifmunk Effigies, the capture probability did not actually increase at all due to an internal processing bug.

▼Base related
・Fixed an issue where if a Pal that was manually assigned to a breeding farm went to sleep, it would not wake up forever.
・Fixed an issue where no wood would drop when Pal at the base felled a tree.

・Implemented countermeasures against some cheats and exploits.


We will continue development placing top priority on fixing major problems and issues.
Thank you for your continued support of Palworld.
den einzigen Bug hab ich auf den Spezial Inseln, auf den Tierschutzgebieten, da fall ich regelmäßig durch den Boden xD
Nicht abmounten !
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