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Ich war mal wieder ein wenig im Web untwegs und hab für euch (für wen sonst <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> ) eine kleine Liste von allen Waffen in UT2 aufgetrieben. Hier mal ein kleiner Ausschnitt:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>For those of you that are fans of "Super Weapons" you won't be let down. As of last posting UT2 will feature 2 weapons: A gun similar to the Redeemer that homes in on its target and travels low to the ground and a gun called the ION Cannon that is a giant laser housed in a satellite in outer space. The IC will fire a giant laser down on a "painted" target on the ground and do some incredible amount of damage. Obviously this weapon will only be useful on outdoor maps.
Mind you that these weapons are features are subject to change. But, I think that DE has learned a lot from playing, watching and listening to the UT community. I think the weapons will be pretty fun and well balanced. Then again I hope they still leave them a little too powerful because that was one of the things that separated UT from Quake 3 was the chaos and speed of the weapons and game.[/quote]
Und zum Abschluss noch ein paar nette Bilder von den Waffen (den Text dazu findet ihr auf der Preview-Site):
Besonders gut finde ich was sich die Entwickler da mit der Sniper Rifle ausgedacht haben. Endlich können Camper sofort ausgemacht werden
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[ 11. Februar 2002: Beitrag editiert von: speiky* ]
Ich war mal wieder ein wenig im Web untwegs und hab für euch (für wen sonst <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> ) eine kleine Liste von allen Waffen in UT2 aufgetrieben. Hier mal ein kleiner Ausschnitt:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Zitat:</font><HR>For those of you that are fans of "Super Weapons" you won't be let down. As of last posting UT2 will feature 2 weapons: A gun similar to the Redeemer that homes in on its target and travels low to the ground and a gun called the ION Cannon that is a giant laser housed in a satellite in outer space. The IC will fire a giant laser down on a "painted" target on the ground and do some incredible amount of damage. Obviously this weapon will only be useful on outdoor maps.
Mind you that these weapons are features are subject to change. But, I think that DE has learned a lot from playing, watching and listening to the UT community. I think the weapons will be pretty fun and well balanced. Then again I hope they still leave them a little too powerful because that was one of the things that separated UT from Quake 3 was the chaos and speed of the weapons and game.[/quote]
Und zum Abschluss noch ein paar nette Bilder von den Waffen (den Text dazu findet ihr auf der Preview-Site):

Besonders gut finde ich was sich die Entwickler da mit der Sniper Rifle ausgedacht haben. Endlich können Camper sofort ausgemacht werden
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[ 11. Februar 2002: Beitrag editiert von: speiky* ]