die frage ist, warum habe ich vor einiger zeit bei mersenne über einen etwas versteckteren link die version 23.1 runterladen können? jetzt sehe ich nichts mehr davon...
die changes werden in der WHATSNEW.TXT folgendermaßen beschrieben:
New features in Version 23.1 of prime95.exe
1) Big SSE2 FFTs now take the L2 cache size into account. P4 Celeron (128KB L2 cache) is faster for FFTs between 512K and 2M. P4 Northwood (512KB L2 cache) is faster for FFTs larger than 1M.
2) Benchmark no longer times 256K and 320K FFTs, but will time 2048K FFT.
3) Support for torture testing FFT sizes from 1280K to 4096K added.
New features in Version 22.13 of prime95.exe
1) A P-1 and ECM QA suite was implemented. A bug in ECM for exponents below 172,700 and near the limit of an FFT size and using SSE2 code was fixed.
New features in Version 22.12 of prime95.exe
1) A bug was fixed that caused some factors to be missed in stage 2 of P-1 when the available memory did not let the program allocate 12 temporary variables. If testing a number in the 16 millions using an FFT size of 768K, then each temporary takes 768K * 8 bytes or 6MB. If your memory setting was less than 72MB (6MB * 12 temporaries) then you were affected by the bug. Actual the program allocates some fixed tables so anything less than about 75MB triggered the bug.