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Update 20-04-2017

Released - 20-04-2017 RaceRoom has been updated | Sector3 Studios Forum

Added McLaren 650S GT3 which is now available in the store.


Data displays:

Fixed wrong color of delta and laptime on some of the new data displays.

Fixed an issue where Low Fuel warning on data display screen wasn’t going away.

Fixed an issue on cars with new data displays where the compact HUD rev lights had issues when not using cockpit cam.

Enabled tire temperature even when tirewear is disabled.

Added speed limited revlight blinking to old data displays.

Citroen data display had a typo in "Brake balance"

Fixed issue with displays sometimes showing data for wrong car when “show opponent cockpits” was enabled.

Various other fixes and tweaks to existing displays.
Flag system:

Fixed yellow flag appearing during private Qualifying.

Fixed White flag appearing in MP Qualifying session that used rolling start.

Fixed an issue in a race with additional lap, checkered flag was showing when timer reached zero and at end of additional lap.

Fixed an issue where an illegal overtake under yellow followed by a retirement of the overtaken car would result in the impossibility to give the position back

Fixed an issue where checkered flag did not appear for final lap in MP server with flag rules enabled.

Time allowed to give a position back after an illegal overtake increased from 15 to 30 seconds

Yellow flag now triggers for cars at 20% of their predicted speed ( was 10% )

White flag trigger now requires a car to be 70 kph under its predicted speed (was 30) The other trigger condition remains at 40% of its predicted speed.
Fixed 2 Race Format only saving replay of second race.

Fixed Multiple Race format giving overall results that did not count points.

Re-enabled allowing turning shadow split off after some potential issues reported with AMD Crossfire.

Possible fix for the issue where some players, depending on setup had their input frozen.

Added some logging when initializing texture and setting video mode.

Added a new startup argument for disabling TrackIR. -disableTrackIR can now be added in Steam Launch Options.

Slow down penalty throttle limitation doesn't get activated immediately anymore, but waits until the player applies some brake. This also fixes occurrences of penalties triggering heavy lift oversteer on FWD cars.


Added handling for more JOIN_FAIL messages so error messages are more specific.

Fixed so join request timeouts are correctly reported as a timeout instead of generic lost connection message.

Added some fixes when on occasion, connections were not dropping when leaving sessions.

Changed so client doesn't respond to ping requests unless connected or trying to join.

Sounds, Cameras, Physics & AI:

Citroen WTCC 2016 has received a slight increase in engine torque at low to med rpm.


Audi TT cup cars have a new display

Audi DTM 2016 finally has its new display

Backend & Portal:

Fixed top Leaderboard banner in competitions not scaling properly.

Fixed a minor alignment issue with VIP drivers description box in Portal.

Fixed exit "x" button on partner page section clipping with the page and looking out of place.

Fixed facebook section in partner page overlapping with top banner.

Some fixes to the redeem popup in portal.

Fixed error 13 some players were receiving after exiting wtcc championship round 1.

Fixed so players from USA and Canada get USD as default currency instead of the global default EUR.
Update neu, Wagen neu, Strecke neu :)



Fixed an issue where time allowed to give a position was showing 15 seconds instead of 30.

Fixed an issue where players sometimes received a penalty while on grid at the start of MP race.

Added a 2 second period during which the yellow flag causer still can be overtaken after he/she has fulfilled the criteria for not causing a yellow anymore.

Increased the speed threshold needed to release a yellow flag.


Added a setting “Stay in Practice Session if Empty” to turn on/off session freeze to dedi. If ON, the server will stay in practice session if it’s empty. If OFF the server will continue to qualifying even if it’s empty.

Added a setting “Allow Players Join in Qualifying” to allow/disallow players join during Qualifying. If OFF players can’t join during Qualifying. If ON players can join during Qualifying.

Sounds, Cameras, Physics & AI:

Mclaren 650s: Camera update following the steering wheel alignment fix.

Suzuka: Fixed BMW procar going wide in 130R and fixed too harsh 130R cut rules


McLaren 650s GT3: Fixed alignment of the steering wheel.

Portal & Backend:

Fixed some inconsistencies with competition starting and ending time being x hours off depending on the players local time difference to UTC.

Anderstorp - Store - RaceRoom Racing Experience

McLaren 650S GT3 - Store - RaceRoom Racing Experience

McLaren 650S GT3 @ Anderstorp GP

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
will evtl auch mit raceroom anfangen, ist im multiplayer viel los ? und fahren die einigermaßen ordentlich ?
Naja Multiplayer sind leider nicht viele Spieler drin

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


Reworked the Yellow Flag code logic to address all cases where penalties would wrongfully be handed out.

Fixed various issues with Data Displays

Fixed a crash occurring on some machines with specific sound systems. As a result, all sound profiles are now listed in the Sound Settings menu instead of attempting to auto-detect.

Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck when accessing the Timing screen right at the moment the qualifying session ends and game switches to race session.

Fixed an issue with external links to auto-start the game and join a specific multiplayer server when the livery ID wasn’t passed in the link.

Fixed an issue where “Session Freeze” setting wasn’t passed to the dedicated server.

Fixed a case where certain track cuts would wrongfully result in instantaneous DQ for the player (ie: cutting T1 of Anderstorp onto the pitlane exit path)

Fixed an issue where dedicated server could sometimes remain stuck in race session

Fixed an issue where DNF players could sometimes show up in the race results .json file with their logged laps listed twice.


Brought back the possibility to set the resolution using a startup argument.

Made it so that the SteamVR Supersampling setting will be used for the resolution only if the user doesn't use a startup argument for setting the resolution.

Sounds, Cameras, Physics & AI:

Updated the Audi TT cup handling after feedback from Philip Ellis. More biting in the front at turn in, and looser rear under braking.

Fixed a glitch where code would report some RPM when ignition was on but engine wasn’t running.

Fixed an issue where code would briefly lock up all four wheels in certain cars when control is handed from AI to player (ie: rolling & leaderboard starts)


Nürburgring & Nordschleife: updated to 2017 visuals after our visit to the 24H earlier this year. Main pitwall logos, old pitwall color, BMW bridge, BMW sign at Brünnchen, T13 pitwall, NGK chicane logo, carousel banner, armco flags, graffitis, new fencing.

Paul Ricard : fixed some floating elements after the camber changes in last patch.

Zandvoort : Updated S/F gate visuals to current logo of the track.

Portal & Backend:

Added team field to profile details. This will (for now) be used in MP race results and standings seen in portal.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Fährt hier jemand RRRE?

Wie siehts bei euch mit Zeiten aus? Fahre aktuell den Mercedes AMG Wettbewerb auf dem Moscow Raceway Sprint, bin bei 1:31,771 ...wer bietet weniger ? :d

Läuft noch 4 Tage oder so
ich habs nochmal probiert aber ich habe es als gescheitert abgehakt.
deshalb flog es runter.
1) zu kompliziertes FFB eingestelle
2) FOV. wo liegt das problem einfach im menü einen wert in Grad anzugeben statt das blöde 0,5-xxx ?
ja man kann das über umwege und zusatztools... ach hör auf...
es kann nicht angehen das ich zb in open wheelern alles als ok empfinde optisch und in GT3 komme ich mir vor wie im falschen film (hauptsächlich FOV bedingt).
im vergleich zu AC stinkt R3E da mächtig ab (vom FFB setup erst recht).
Na dann viel Spaß weiterhin mit AC... Weiß nur nich warum du dich für das Statement "deinstalliert" hier her verirrst :p
in die threads weiterhin mal reinschauen darf ich schon noch ja?
oder schreibst du mir dann immer per PN was sie wieder alles an neuem content und bugfixes haben?
Also mir mach R3E momentan mehr Spaß als AC. Irgendwie find ich das FFB in AC Merkwürdig, wann immer mir da ein Auto mal ins rutschen kommt, merk ich das erst wenns zu spät ist. Keine Chance das irgendwie noch abzufangen.
In R3E merk ich sofort wenn das Auto sich selbstständig machen will und kanns fast immer abfangen. Das hat mich in Assetto schon immer ungemein genervt.
Vom Sound und der Immersion fang ich gar nicht erst an, da kommt AC nämlich bei weitem nicht mit.
also seit dem DD wheel merke ich sofort was das auto treibt in AC, mit dem T500 wars auch immer zu spät.
und ohne frage der sound in R3E ist mit am besten von allen von mir gekauften renngames.
Ja gut aber extra nochmal 1000€ aufn Tisch legen damit ich die AC Fahrzeuge endlich nicht mehr verliere ist mir dann aber auch zu doof :fresse: Ich fahr in AC nur noch Autos mit elendig viel Downforce oder GT3 wobei mir die in R3E nochn tick besser gefallen. Straßenkisten oder ältere Rennwagen gehen mir in dem Game einfach zu sehr auf den Sack, viel zu unberechenbar.
nunja die älteren F1 autos stellen wohl egal mit welcher hardware eine herausforderung dar.
wir sind letztens die alten masseratis auf Snetterton gefahren und ich habe nichts mit den dingern geregelt bekommen ^^
Hab 1:31,513 auf Moscow, Wettbewerb geht in diesen Minuten zu Ende, naja naja, viel los war hier ja nicht ;)
We are thrilled to finally share with you all a very special announcement on what has now been brewing behind our curtains for a while.
Porsche is coming to RaceRoom! #WelcomeHome

Porsche and RaceRoom have reached a long-term agreement with the goal of bringing you the best virtual Porsche Motorsport experience. No less than 9 Porsche race cars will come to RaceRoom, with the first three set for release in 2017.

Check out the video to get a first taste of the beautiful Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991 II) and its unique flat-six sound in #RaceRoom
More details will be revealed in the near future.

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