[Sammelthread] AMD K7 - Sockel A (462)

I have 2 untested Asus A7N8X. I might run them soon as well. I revised my 2 Enermax 3.3v/5v power supply’s this week. Just the primary caps to replace now. They can help before modding them.
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Hi, I have responded on hwbot, but I can write it here as well, just for reference.
I think you're using an older debug build (the title of the app says debug) and the latest beta is nForce2XT_1.0_beta_20200426.zip which should work correctly.
The way it works is that there's a predefined list of values which are displayed in the dropdown and available to the user to pick from.
Next, the TREF register is read and if the value matches one of the items in the dropdown, that item is selected.
If not, and the value is still valid, it is inserted in the correct position and then selected.

In your case you have 1562 on AUTO and the closest value from the table is 1560, so it should be inserted after 1560 and selected.
Please try the linked beta version and report back if it is ok, because I could not find an issue in the code.
I will be checking it tomorrow, I think I have the later version and I was assuming that I use this new version.
Yes, please check and hopefully it's just from the version you're using. For example, @digitalbath's screen from the previous page shows version 1.0 beta and not 1.0 (debug).
The reason for selecting 0016 is that it did not match any value and selected the first available one in the dropdown.
It would be better to display something like "unknown" if the value doesn't match at all, but I really think it is just the version of the tool.

Btw, I plan to finally implement the profiles option soon, since there is no need for anything new in ZenTimings, which was my top priority.
Just a question: If I change drive strength or slew rate with the tool, does the tool change both values in the PCI register like 88h ---> 99h? In my version the tool changes only the half of the values like 89h

Profiles would be very nice and more comfortable to use.
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Just a question: If I change drive strength or slew rate with the tool, does the tool change both values in the PCI register like 88h ---> 99h? In my version the tool changes only the half of the values like 89h
That might be an actual bug. I will get the s.A tomorrow and see. It would be pity if I had it wrong the whole time.

Can you please take a look at the registers document (DS an SR are at the bottom) and confirm these are the right addresses.

PS: Yes, I think it is a bug :/. I believe it was correct in some of the older version, but then I must have moved everything to a common function which doesn't take into an account that DS and SR are "doubled" values.
So the correct one should do
value << 4 | value
and then set the whole 8 bit value
It now sets just the lower 4 bits.

PS: I have made a quick fix, let me know on PM if you want to test it. Don't want to attach it here, since I can't test it on my Zen system, but will do on s.A tomorrow.
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This register pages looks fine. They seems to be correct. Maybe there is a mistake in the register in the command rate. As far as I know, the command rate should be in b0d0f1 84:87, not 83:80. Am I wrong?
The DS/SR register are also correct.
The tool reads it from 0, 0, 1, 0x84, 29, 1, which means b0d0f1x84 bit 29, which is in the x87 register, so it seems to be just a documentation issue.
But I will double check that, which means it would be the DFI board then...
The tool ist right about the command rate. It's just the registers documentation.
Hi, does anybody know or Geode NX 1500 cpu's are supported on regular motherboards? I am testing one now on a Epox 8RDA6+ Pro with Digitalbaths DDED bios and it just gives me FF (dead).
I am hoping it is just me doing something wrong. It would be the 2nd dead on arrival in the last week.
I just placed it on a NF7 and it worked. Maybe the Epox board starts at settings it does not like.

Edit This NF7 is the ideal motherboard for testing these things anyway since it never remembers any bios setting after turning it off...
Edit 2: I found something, a voltage of 1.65v gives a no post on my NF7. Stock is 1.1v, 1.3v still works.
Edit 3: Raising voltage to 1.65v in Win XP works fine.
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My ASUS and ASRock boards won't start with the NX1500 CPUs. I have to turn the volt-mods on. Then they start without problem on both boards. The low Vid is the cause for the non-starting on regular boards. They're recognized as normal XP-M CPUs with unlocked multi.

My NX1500 CPUs are not that good, see here: #3.026
They have some strange hickups...
I could boot 1800MHz with 1.4v, 2000MHz needs a lot more, 1.525v does not boot 10x200MHz. 1.6v seems to be running better, any lower crashes it.
I only used voltages> 1.60 / 1.80V on the ASUS / ASRock cards (Volt mods only). So far I haven't had any problems. They seem to stay a little cooler than the normal Thoroughbred B cores. Not sure why. I could run almost 2.10 V / 2400 MHz with air cooling.
I think these are Thoroughbred A, that would explain the cpu clocks. Maybe a few are Tb but mine really seems not to be.
The 2GHz boot run was with a stock Alu cooler so it might do 2.2-2.3GHz. But since i needed 0.2v more to go from 1.8 to 2.0GHz I don’t expect much from it.
I've uploaded beta2 with fixed Drive Strength and Slew Rate: nForce2XT_1.0_beta2_20201127.zip
Should set them correctly now. Profiles are not ready yet.

As for the Geode, I've tested 2 or 3 NX 1500 and quality varies a lot. All of the 3 were the same batch, just different serial numbers.
IIRC one of them was given free to someone, the other one is my cpu for OS installation and board function testing and the 3rd one is on the bot with 3100+ validation.

I've only done some validations for the TeamCup and nothing more: https://bit.ly/3q4sPg1
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AMD Geode NX 1500:

2400MHz @2.1v / 2.116v real

Weiß jemand was das hier ist bzw. was es kann?
"CnQnF2Setup" habe ich auf nem Russen FTP gefunden...
bzw. solltet ihr es selbst über Google finden können...


  • CnQnF2Setup.zip
    35,3 KB · Aufrufe: 84
Hmm. Interessant. Cool and Quiet macht beim NF2 doch keinen Sinn. Man kann ja bekanntlich beim NF2 keinen Multi im Betrieb ändern. Vielleicht ändert das tool den FSB im Betrieb? Muss es mal austesten.
Es gab dieses CPU Disconnect Feature, vielleicht ist das damit gemeint?

Ich habe meinen Sockel A Retro-PC jetzt zusammengebaut, aber es gibt da noch ein Problem.

Vielleicht kann ja von euch jemand helfen.

Habe hier ein A7N8X-E Deluxe zu liegen, das mir Zombieeee überraschend geschenkt hat.

Gibt es irgendwo die 12V Mod Anleitung ich plane das Board komplett zu modden.
mods für das A7N8X-E (und andere A7N8X boards):

  • 12V mod, vdd mod, vdimm mod, vcore mod: #1.606
  • Widerstand R308 raus löten: #3.440, #3.292
  • VTT mod : #2.994 ; da reicht ein 50K Poti
  • Widerstände und Spule für Vdimm: #3.263, besser diese Werte nehmen: #4.183
  • caps: #1.246 und #1.248
  • mod BIOS in der Signatur

Ich hoffe, dass ich nichts vergessen habe. Ein paar links fehlen noch auf der ersten Seite.

edit: Post#2 der Widerstände für Vdimm rework ergänzt.
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Danke dafür.

jetzt mal eine frage:
der controller für die Vdimm, kann man eventuell direkt mit einem Elmor EVC dran?
Der kann ja analoge und digitale spannungs kontrolle.
Da ich dank WMDK einen hier hab würde ich das gern mal probieren.
Uff, da bin ich überfragt. Das hat hier noch keiner probiert. Wäre eine gute Idee das zu probieren. Dann kannst du vermutlich den Vtt und/oder Vdimm mod sparen.
Der Regler ist ja bekannt: Richtek RT9202
Das war eigentlich mein gedanke, das ich mir den VTT und Vmod spare, hab das ding halt hier liegen und es wäre super wenn ich irgend einen nutzen aus den Elmor ziehen kann.

Das kann der Elmor zum beispiel.
  • VMOD header for voltage sense and feedback adjustments (2x voltage reading, 2x current source/sink)
Leider kann ich nur gut löten aber hab keine ahnung von dem was ich da mache, nur eine graue vorstellung.
Aber ich sag immer, learning by doing.

Danke für die hilfe.
Ich denke, es kommt darauf an, was du mit dem board testen möchtest. Bei Vdimm wird der Elmor am meisten Sinn machen. Vtt mod brauchst du ja nur bei bestimmten Speicher Riegeln um die Vtt Spannung zu korrigieren. Normal regelt das board die Vtt Spannung entsprechend der Vdimm Spannung. Kann also gut sein, dass du ohne Vtt mod auskommst. Tzk hat seine AT-6 Riegel auch ohne Vtt mod ans Limit gebracht. Ich musste dafür die Vtt Spannung etwas nach unten regeln. Vdd mod wird nötig sein um einen höheren FSB erreichen zu können. Hier könnte man auch den Elmor benutzen. Vcore mod brauchst du für Spannungen ab 1,85V.
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