Test: Schenker Notebooks XMG P722 - GTX 670M im SLI

I read a lot of spam on this topic, Teamate contains very little about the message the performance, are easier to read if the thread contained the information about the performance and not any private arguments and slander,
VSS thank for little tips you mentioned in this topic sometimes hard to distinguish yourself where is the line marketing and reality,
SFVogt whether it is possible to make a test 670mSLI that are listed in the following link? , Made available links that you do not include information that interests me
I will say that in the basic configuration 670mSLI price is really attractive
missing a test battery and Single SLI, SLI performance / single GPU / CAD Benchmark and other

written via Translator
I greet

Review: Professional GPUs – Nvidia vs AMD 2011 | CG Channel

un ,
It leaves the user has to provide assistance alone, already I read about it here, and by writing criticism can meet with a dynamic response, so 670mSLI and the question whether it is more efficient than 680m/7970m?
670m SLI base price
7970m base price
680m base price
thanks for the reply
provided if there is a test in which a 670m spot in the results can locate 670mSLI?
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