[Vorstellung] 8.5W Core i3-system (Englisch)


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Hallo, ich bin Niederländisch und weil es kein problem ist für mich Deutsch zu lesen, wurde ich Englisch schreiben.

Some time ago, in september I think, a friend of mine pointed out that a few users on german forums have managed to get a full-blown desktop computer to consume first about 15W AC in idle, then just 12.5W. At the time I had just finished a passively cooled mini-ITX PC in my bedroom (you guessed it - any noise would be too much, and fans would cause too much dust to build up in that environment) based on a Core 2 E5200 which used about 20W idle. The most interesting thing was that they did it without any hardware modding at all, which is a missed opportunity in my opinion. I wondered how much further I could push such a system.

I have a very detailed series of blog posts describing exactly what I have done, but it is in Dutch. Some of you might be able to follow it, some won't. There is an english summary available as well. They are both hosted on tweakblogs which is a subsidiary of Tweakers.net, the biggest Dutch online tech community. The reason I'm posting this here is because the german fora (and Germany in general) seem to have a lot more people focusing on systematically reducing power consumption. Whenever there's a 'stromspar-system', it gets a substantial amount of constructive replies, while if you try that in Holland, except for my extreme mods there seems to be little interest, let alone expertise on the subject. I'm hoping you might get some inspiration from this mod, and possibly tell me what else there can be done on this system.

Blog series on the 8.5W system (earlier posts say 10W, only recently have I achieved 8.5W)

The english summary

I intend for this topic to be more than just a 'hey, look at my cool system', but as a general discussion on the science behind getting the lowest possible power consumption possible (so more than just choosing a good power adapter and components and software undervolting/clocking).

Some general figures on power consumption:
- idle, screen off, but keyboard, mouse, LAN active, passively cooled: 8.3W
- idle, screen on: 9.2W
- light activity (browsing folders, text editing, etc.): less than 11W
- playing flash video: less than 20W
- casual games: average just above 20W
- HD video (1080p): 25W
- OCCT+Furmark stress, fan on: 50.8W
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Great System!
I love how you built your own PSU!
Can I order one of these? ^^
No, but I am in the process of designing a very special kind of PicoPSU with which you can monitor, via USB, exactly how much current the computer is drawing on each of the power lines. It will also allow for modifying the 5V and 3.3V voltages (adjustment between 1.0-3.3V and 1.0-5V). This will allow for much better characterization of the power usage of a low-power computer and its components so that everybody can do the kind of analysis required for the mods I do. It will be built down to a price of about 25€ (don't pin me down on this price). I think such a tool in general will be very helpful and I'm surprised nobody has done it before. Multimeters are nice and all, but you need a ton of them to do these mods and good ones cost a fortune.
No, but I am in the process of designing a very special kind of PicoPSU with which you can monitor, via USB, exactly how much current the computer is drawing on each of the power lines. It will also allow for modifying the 5V and 3.3V voltages (adjustment between 1.0-3.3V and 1.0-5V). This will allow for much better characterization of the power usage of a low-power computer and its components so that everybody can do the kind of analysis required for the mods I do. It will be built down to a price of about 25€ (don't pin me down on this price). I think such a tool in general will be very helpful and I'm surprised nobody has done it before. Multimeters are nice and all, but you need a ton of them to do these mods and good ones cost a fortune.

Love it! :love:
I just got word of somebody with the following configuration and no modding at all:

Da's inderdaad dat i3-systeem:
Intel DH67CF
Intel i3 2100 processor
Thermaltake Slim X3 koeler
Kingston ValueRAM KVR1333D3N9K2/4G (2 x 2GB memory
WD Scorpio Black WD5000BEKT harddisk
Pico-PSU 90W & 70W adapter

who has measured his system to consume 11W AC and 8.76W DC power in idle. As I am running of slower and half the memory, using an SSD that consumes only 75mW and having many mods, this is an absolutely astonishing result for the DH67CF motherboard. Anybody looking to get the lowest possible power consumption even without modding, look no further.
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