Wie viele Pumpen für zwei Radiatoren des Airplex Modularity System


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Hi all,

Sorry i can only communicate in English

Are there people who use TWO Airplex Modularity System radiators? Either stacked or right next to each other or anywhere in the loop.
If so how many pumps do you use preferable D5 pumps?
And what is the flowrate you achieve?

Thx in advance.
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I would take 1 Laing DDC-1T plus PWM with this

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I have 2 of them, and they are absolutely quiet. I think you should get 160 l/h .

Thx for the reply but i already have two D5's plus even tho the Lian DDC has more headpressure but it has a high pitched tone that i do not like.
Some one contacted me and he used 3 x AMS rads chained together as ONE single unit using two D5 pumps cooling one cpu and TWO gpu's and using 2 pairs of Koolance quick release. He said he had around 2.2l/m = 0.58 GPM

Infact i already have all the water cooling gear except the cpu and gpu block waiting for RTX4080 and either AM5 or Raptor Lake cpu.
So i cant buy the DCC pumps.
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