RTFM ;-)
Nachzulesen bei
http://www.arcticsilver.com/arctic_silver_instructions.htm :
"Never use any oil or petroleum based cleaners (WD-40, citrus oil based cleaners and many automotive degreasers) on the base of a heatsink. The oil, which is engineered to not evaporate, will fill in the microscopic valleys in the metal and significantly reduce the effectiveness of any subsequently applied thermal compound. (Akasa TIM-Clean contains cirtus terpines and is designed to leave minimum residue.)"
- Also besser nicht mit Benzin da dran, das setzt sich evtl. im Metall fest, Alkohol ist die bessere Wahl.
"If your heatsink has a thermal 'pad' mounted on it, this pad must be removed before using Arctic Silver thermal compound. Thermal pads are made with paraffin wax that melts once it gets hot. When it melts, it will fill in the microscopic valleys in the heatsink with wax. To minimize the permanent contamination of the mounting surface with wax, the thermal pad should be removed before it is used and melted. Never use heat or hot water to remove the pad, the heat will melt the wax into the heatsink."
- Beim Pad gilt fast dasselbe wie beim Benzin, nur dass es dazu erst einmal heiss werden muss. Hierbei schmilzt es und füllt dabei natürlich die Strukturen im Metall, was nur sehr schwer, wenn überhaupt, zu entfernen ist.
"On an Intel P4 type CPU with a large metal heat spreader, put a small amount of Arctic Silver onto the center of the heat spreader as shown in the photo."
"RECHECK to make sure no foreign contaminants are present on either the bottom of the heatsink or the top of the CPU core. Mount the heatsink on the CPU per the heatsink's instructions. Be sure to lower the heatsink straight down onto the CPU."
"Our testing has shown that this method minimizes the possibility of air bubbles and voids in the thermal interface between the heat spreader and the heatsink. Since the vast majority of the heat from the core travels directly through the heat spreader, it is more important to have a good interface directly above the actual CPU core than it is to have the heat spreader covered with compound from corner to corner."
- Bei Heatspreadern ist es nicht wichtig, die gesamte Fläche abzudecken (was man schon am Design des Intel-Boxed-Kühlers erkennen kann). Wichtiger ist, dass der Bereich direkt über dem CPU-Kern gut bedeckt und vor allem frei von Lufteinschlüssen ist, was am Besten mit der oben beschriebenen Methode erreicht werden kann, nämlich indem man einfach einen kleinen Klecks WLP in der Mitte des HS platziert und dann direkt den Kühler senkrecht und gerade montiert. Dazu gibts auch schöne Bilder in der o.g. Anleitung, ab Punkt 10.
Viel Spaß!