
Radeon Software 18.4.1 für Windows 10 April-Update

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Radeon Software 18.4.1 für Windows 10 April-Update


Passend zur gestrigen Veröffentlichung des April-Updates von Windows 10 hat AMD den Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition in der Version 18.4.1 veröffentlicht. Die Version richtet sich explizit an das vierte große Update für das Betriebssystem von Microsoft.

Zudem will AMD folgende Fehler beseitigt haben:

  • Water textures may not render or may appear to be missing in World of Final Fantasy.
  • Stellaris may experience an application hang on loading screens.
  • Call of Duty: World War II may experience corruption during gameplay on some Radeon RX 400 series graphics products.
  • The Radeon ReLive Instant Replay feature may fail to record in some gaming applications unless desktop recording is enabled.
  • Sea of Thieves may experience flickering in some game menus on multi GPU enabled system configurations.

Noch offen sind folgende Probleme:

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider may experience an application hang when launched using DirectX 12 API.
  • World of Tanks may experience minor corruption on ground textures.
  • Eyefinity settings may not retain after Radeon Software update.
  • Radeon Overlay may not show all available features when some games are run in borderless fullscreen mode.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt may experience stuttering during gameplay.
  • Destiny 2 may experience increasing load time durations when the game is run for extended periods of time.
  • Some DirectX 9 games or applications may experience a hang or system instability when being run on multi GPU system configurations utilizing four GPUs.
  • Netflix playback through a web browser may experience corruption or hangs when using multi GPU enabled system configurations with Radeon RX 400 series or Radeon RX 500 series graphics products.

Der Download des Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition ist wie immer direkt bei AMD möglich.