
Radeon Software 19.5.1 ist für Rage 2 optimiert

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Radeon Software 19.5.1 ist für Rage 2 optimiert


AMD hat den Grafiktreiber Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition in der Version 19.5.1 veröffentlicht. Der Treiber ist auf die baldige Veröffentlichung des Mai-Updates für Windows 10 hin optimiert und ermöglicht Entwicklern das Tracing im Radeon GPU Profiler.

Weitaus wichtiger aber ist, dass AMD hier alle Leistungsoptimierungen für den heutigen Release von Rage 2 eingepflegt hat. AMD selbst spricht von einer um 16 % höheren Leistung im Vergleich zum Vorgänger mit einer Radeon VII. Ob und wie sehr auch andere Grafikkarten davon profitieren, verrät AMD nicht.

Zudem sollen die folgenden Probleme behoben worden sein:

  • Performance metrics overlay may experience intermittent flicker when playing back protected content with this feature enabled.
  • DOOM may experience an application hang during launch on AMD XConnect Technology system configurations.
  • Radeon Software installation may fail or get stuck at 33% when installing on AMD Radeon HD 7970 system configurations.
  • Some Radeon RX 400 and Radeon RX 500 series graphics products may experience a system hang when hot plugging 8K displays.
  • AMD Radeon VII may fail to apply Radeon Settings video profiles to video playback.
  • HTC VIVE devices may experience connection or detection issues by the OS or SteamVR.
  • System instability may be experienced on ASUS TUF Gaming FX505 laptop when a wireless display is connected.
  • Stuttering or frame drop may be experienced when playing back DivX interlaced content in the Windows Movies & TV application.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience higher than expected memory clocks at idle or desktop with multi-display system configurations.
  • Some system configurations may not be able to set 10-Bit color in Radeon Settings when the connected display is set to 4K 60hz.
  • Enhanced Sync may fail to enable on Radeon FreeSync enabled displays in DirectX 9 API games on game first launch.
  • AMD Link may experience intermittent authentication issues. An update of the AMD Link application is also required.
  • Some games may experience texture flickering or corruption on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products when using the Vulkan API.

Weiterhin offen und bekannt sind die folgenden Probleme:

  • Radeon ReLive streaming and uploading of videos and other content to Facebook is currently unavailable.
  • ASUS TUF Gaming FX505 may experience discrete GPU connection issues with devices disappearing from device manager when the system is idle.
  • World War Z may experience an application hang after extended periods of play.
  • AMD Radeon VII may experience screen flicker in multi display setups on desktop or while applications are running.
  • Performance metrics overlay and Radeon WattMan gauges may experience inaccurate fluctuating readings on AMD Radeon VII.
  • HDR Video may freeze or have corruption during playback when using Movies and TV Application with some Ryzen APUs.

Die Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition in der Version 19.5.1 kann direkt bei AMD heruntergeladen werden.

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