ASRock X470 Taichi (Ultimate) im Test - Gute Technik und niedriger Stromverbrauch

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Also ich würde mich erst einmal an den Händler wenden, denn vermutlich hat jemand diese RAMs schon einmal bekommen und dann vertauscht, da scheint den Bildern im Netz nach ja kein Aufkleber drauf zu sein, oder doch?
Also ich würde mich erst einmal an den Händler wenden, denn vermutlich hat jemand diese RAMs schon einmal bekommen und dann vertauscht, da scheint den Bildern im Netz nach ja kein Aufkleber drauf zu sein, oder doch?

Nein waren auf beiden keine Aufkleber drauf, ärgere mich grad selbst das mir das nicht viel eher aufgefallen ist.

Hab mit Jacob-Electronik schon telefoniert und eine Reklamations Email samt Fotos hingeschickt heute morgen.
Aber heute keine Antwort mehr bekommen. Werde da denke ich morgen nochmal anrufen. Möchte schließlich endlich das haben was ich bestellt hab.
Update: Ware geht jetzt als Widerruf retour.. eine Grantieabwicklung würde 2-3Wochen angeblich dauern. Und darauf hab ich null bock gehabt.
ah dann hat sich das mit dem Speicher ja eh erledigt (hab dir auch im anderen Thread geantwortet) - blöd halt das du nun neu kaufen mußt und wahrscheinlich mehr zahlen mußt um wieder 4266er zu bekommen - wobei es ja eigentlich nicht notwenig ist da Ryzen 2000 mit mehr als 3700 im besten Fall sowieso noch nix anfangen kann.

wie schaut es bei anderen Besitzern des Taichi aus - lassen sich beim Ram vorerst wirklich keine Latenzen kleiner 18 einstellen ?

ich warte ja leider noch bis Amazon endlich das Taichi liefern kann...
Ja, ich habe G.Skill 14-14-14-34 mit dem X470 Taichi am laufen, schaffen aber nicht alle 2700X im Kaltstart ;)
ah dann hat sich das mit dem Speicher ja eh erledigt (hab dir auch im anderen Thread geantwortet) - blöd halt das du nun neu kaufen mußt und wahrscheinlich mehr zahlen mußt um wieder 4266er zu bekommen - wobei es ja eigentlich nicht notwenig ist da Ryzen 2000 mit mehr als 3700 im besten Fall sowieso noch nix anfangen kann.

wie schaut es bei anderen Besitzern des Taichi aus - lassen sich beim Ram vorerst wirklich keine Latenzen kleiner 18 einstellen ?

ich warte ja leider noch bis Amazon endlich das Taichi liefern kann...

ja ich weiss das die 4000+ unnötig sind, aber die Samsung-B speicher dadrin sollten am problemlosesten scharfe Timings hinbekommen.
Und mal sehn jetzt hab ich ja auch wieder Zeit.

Also meine 2400 jetzt laufen mit CL16 kleiner geht es auf jedenfall.
meines Wissen ist auch bei den B-Dies die Wahrscheinlichkeit, das ein für höhere Geschwindigkeit aber weniger scharfen Timings gepinnter Ram , besser eine niedrigere Geschwindigkeit mit schärferen Timings hinbekommt, als etwa ein mit niedrigeren Geschwindigkeiten dafür mit schärferen Timings gepinnter Ram nicht größer. Also es ist zum Beispiel nicht gesagt das du ausgehend von 4266CL19 leichter 3600CL16/17 erreichst als von einem 3200CL14 aus - ich bin mir allerdings nicht ganz sicher - eventuell könnte ein Profi was dazu sagen - wobei das gehört eher in den Ram Bereich ;)

ich kann es selber leider nicht testen da mir aktuell leider immer noch das Taichi und die Cpu fehlt - meine Ausgangslage wäre jedenfalls die 3200Cl14 B-Dies
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich hatte wo gelesen das die B-Dies recht linear nach unten skalieren. Das Stand glaub ich sogar im Computerbase testbereicht mit dem 2700x. Dort haben die auch extra die 4266 Riegel genommen weil die quasi die "elite" Ausbeute der Chips sind.
kann dir ggf. morgen mehr sagen ^^

Und eigentlich bin ich auf die 4266 nur gestoßen, weil für 265€ der Aufpreis zu guten 3200 oder 3600 nur minimal war. Naja jetzt hab ich mich drauf festgesetzt.
Ich bin dran viele wichtige AMD CBS Optionen in den OC-Tweaker zu bekommen, damit es für einige User leichter wird :)

Für das X470 Taichi, X470 Gaming K4 und X470 Master SLI habe ich schonmal BIOSe mit folgender Verbesserung hier:

JZ Board

1. Add GPU clock option in OC Tweaker.
2. Modify DRAM timing group rule in OC Tweaker.

Weiteres wird folgen....
wie immer super Arbeit von dir JZ :bigok:

du bist defintiv mit ein Grund warum sich Asrock in den letzten Jahren zu meiner bevorzugten Mainboard Marke entwickelt hat - jetzt müßte nur Amazon noch endlich mal mein Taichi versenden :(

in der Zwischenzeit bin ich immer noch am überlegen ob 2600X oder 2700X - reichen fürs Gaming in 4K und hin und wieder mal ein bisschen Encoding (alles andere was ich mache schafft auch ein Pentium :d ) würde eigentlich der 6ender aber irgendwie - lässt mich der 8ender nicht ganz los :cool:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ja bitte gerne bescheid geben würde mich interessieren wie die auf dem Taichi laufen - danke

Auf anhieb 3466 und CL15 bzw irgendwie stellt das Bios immer auf CL16 um.. Werd ich mich nochmal mit beschäftigen.. Steig bei dem Uefi eh noch nicht so ganz durch.

richtiger Ram.JPG

Höhere Taktungen probiere ich später mal aus, jetzt geht das Fake-Kit erstmal retoure

Edit: Kurz 3DMark durchlaufen lassen, 6098 vs 6238 und das nur durch Ram tausch und Taktung vom Ram hoch.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bei mir Läuft der Ram auch mit CL14 bei 3466 Mhz, dafür aber mit erhöhter DRam Voltage.

Allgemeine Frage zur DRam Voltage, ist das bei euch auch so wenn zb 1,39 eingestellt sind, beim Volt auslesen aber zb. 1,44 angezeigt werden? Ist das ein anzeige Offset von 0.05V oder wie kann das sein?
Bei der vDimm geben viele Bretter einfach etwas mehr Spannung als eingestellt.

Schau mal mit HWinfo unter Last, was da bei DRAM Voltage / vDimm angezeigt wird. Die könnte dann auf 1,40 droppen. Falls nicht, versuch einfach die Voltage mit 1,375 auf ~ 1,40v zu drücken. Probieren geht über studieren. ;)
Bei der vDimm geben viele Bretter einfach etwas mehr Spannung als eingestellt.

Schau mal mit HWinfo unter Last, was da bei DRAM Voltage / vDimm angezeigt wird. Die könnte dann auf 1,40 droppen. Falls nicht, versuch einfach die Voltage mit 1,375 auf ~ 1,40v zu drücken. Probieren geht über studieren. ;)

das ist mir schon klar ;-)

Also stimmt die DRAM Voltage beim einstellen nicht und es geht mehr drauf.. gut.

Gibts schon bei den Ryzen 2 Erfahrungen wieviel DRAM Voltage für den normal betrieb okay sind? 1,4?!
Soviel wie dein Ram mitmacht, du musst nur drauf achten, dass die eine Voltage ( mir ist der Name entfallen - Formel war Voltage = vDimm : 2 ) nicht zu hoch wird, da war wohl 0,950v als max angesetzt, laut buildzoid.

1,40-1,50v vDimm sind unkritisch.
okay danke. Dann kann ich ja erstmal die 1,43 bei mir laufen lassen.
Der Ram ist bei den 4266mhz auch mit 1,4V angegeben, denke das macht dem nix.

Allgemein muss ich mich eh erstmal mit dem Bios auseinandersetzen, das Taichi hat da ja einstellungen über einstellungen.
Und bei Ram hoffe ich durch Updates noch auf bessere kompatibilität.
Da bist du wohl noch auf dem Stand vom Ryzen Launch, seit SummitPi AGESA kann man GDM (Gear Down Mode) deaktivieren, damit ist auch bei Frequenzen höher 2666 MHz ungerade Werte möglich.
Werde die bei PinnaclePI AGESA ab auch höher 2666 umgesetzt ?

Ich werde es testen ;)
Ja, auch bei PinnaclePi. Habs zumindest bei meinem B350 Tomahawk mit schon gesehen. Mein X470 Taichi Ultimate ist heute angekommen, werde da auch mal schauen, voraussichtlich dieses Wochenende.
Hey, vielleicht kannst Du ja mal HWInfo laufen lassen und die Ausgabe posten, damit man mal der Lane-Beschaltung auf die Schliche kommen können, danke!
gibts bei den X470 Taichis eigentlich auch ein ähnliches Feature wie den Performance Enhancer von den Crosshair 6 u. 7 Boards wo PPT, TDC und EDC Einstellungen in bestimmten Leveln optimiert werden um die bestmögliche XFR2 Performance rauszuholen ?
Also och glaube nicht das solche Boards durch ein Limit der Leistungsaufnahme die Performance der CPU ausbremsen.
Hey, vielleicht kannst Du ja mal HWInfo laufen lassen und die Ausgabe posten, damit man mal der Lane-Beschaltung auf die Schliche kommen können, danke!
Gerade fertig geworden mit Einbauen, hier der Bus Output von HWInfo:
HWiNFO64 Version 5.83-3435

Bus -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PCI Bus #0 ----------------------------------------------------------------

AMD Zen - Root Complex ----------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Root Complex
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Root Complex
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1450&SUBSYS_14501849&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1450&SUBSYS_14501849&REV_00\3&11583659&0&00
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0000)

AMD Zen - IOMMU -----------------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - IOMMU
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - IOMMU
Device Class: IOMMU
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:0:2
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1451&SUBSYS_14511022&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:1:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&08
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)

AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge -------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:1:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Express-Stammport
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_14531022&REV_00\3&11583659&0&09
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0101)

PCI Express x4 Bus #1 -----------------------------------------------------

Samsung Electronics SSD 960 NVMe PCIe SSD Controller ----------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: Samsung Electronics SSD 960 NVMe PCIe SSD Controller
Original Device Name: Samsung Electronics SSD 960 NVMe PCIe SSD Controller
Device Class: NVMe Controller
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 1:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_144D&DEV_A804&SUBSYS_A801144D&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FD600000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Driver Description: Samsung NVMe Controller
Driver Provider: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 17-Mar-2017
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_144D&DEV_A804&SUBSYS_A801144D&REV_00\4&2EEC526C&0&0009
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0101)#PCI(0000)

AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge -------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:1:3
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 16 - 32 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Express-Stammport
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_14531022&REV_00\3&11583659&0&0B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)

PCI Express x4 Bus #3 -----------------------------------------------------

AMD 400-Series Chipset - USB Controller A ---------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - USB Controller A
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - USB Controller A
Device Class: USB xHCI Controller
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 3:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43D0&SUBSYS_43D01849&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: 16 - 32 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FCEA0000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Generischer USB-xHCI-Hostcontroller
Driver Description: USB-xHCI-kompatibler Hostcontroller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 10-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43D0&SUBSYS_43D01849&REV_01\4&288C77C7&0&000B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0000)

AMD 400-Series Chipset - SATA Controller ----------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - SATA Controller
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - SATA Controller
Device Class: SATA AHCI Controller
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 3:0:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C8&SUBSYS_43C81849&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: 16 - 32 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTB#
Memory Base Address 5 FCEE0000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[SATA Host Controller]
[SATA Port#0]
[SATA Port#1]
[SATA Port#2]
[SATA Port#3]
[SATA Port#4]
[SATA Port#5]
[SATA Port#6]
[SATA Port#7]
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI- Controller
Driver Description: Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI- Controller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C8&SUBSYS_43C81849&REV_01\4&288C77C7&0&010B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0001)

AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Function ------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 3:0:2
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C6&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: 16 - 32 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTC#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Upstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C6&SUBSYS_43C61849&REV_01\4&288C77C7&0&020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)

PCI Express x4 Bus #29 ----------------------------------------------------

AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 2x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_43C71849&REV_01\5&331D27D3&0&00020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0000)

PCI Express x2 Bus #30 ----------------------------------------------------

ASMedia ASM2142 USB 3.1 xHCI Controller -----------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM2142 USB 3.1 xHCI Controller
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM2142 USB 3.1 xHCI Controller
Device Class: USB xHCI Controller
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 30:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_2142&SUBSYS_21421B21&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 2x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FCD00000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Generischer USB-xHCI-Hostcontroller
Driver Description: USB-xHCI-kompatibler Hostcontroller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 10-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_2142&SUBSYS_21421B21&REV_00\6&353AA021&0&0000020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)

AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:2:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_43C71849&REV_01\5&331D27D3&0&10020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0200)

PCI Express x1 Bus #32 ----------------------------------------------------

ASMedia ASM1061 PCI-E x1 SATA 6Gbps Controller ----------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1061 PCI-E x1 SATA 6Gbps Controller
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1061 PCI-E x1 SATA 6Gbps Controller
Device Class: SATA AHCI Controller
Revision ID: 2
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 32:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_0612&SUBSYS_06121849&REV_02
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
I/O Base Address 0 EFD8
I/O Base Address 1 EFCC
I/O Base Address 2 EFD0
I/O Base Address 3 EFC8
I/O Base Address 4 EFE0
Memory Base Address 5 FCCFFE00
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[SATA Host Controller]
[SATA Port#0]
[SATA Port#1]
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI- Controller
Driver Description: Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI- Controller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_0612&SUBSYS_06121849&REV_02\6&14CFDA8F&0&0010020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0200)#PCI(0000)

AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:3:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_43C71849&REV_01\5&331D27D3&0&18020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)

PCI Express x1 Bus #33 ----------------------------------------------------

ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 33:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Upstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_11841849&REV_00\6&3B4AF5E0&0&0018020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)

PCI Express x1 Bus #38 ----------------------------------------------------

ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 38:1:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_11841849&REV_00\7&35896FF8&0&080018020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0100)

PCI Express x1 Bus #39 ----------------------------------------------------

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168 ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168
Original Device Name: Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168
Device Class: Unknown Network Adapter
Revision ID: 10
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 39:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FB&SUBSYS_21108086&REV_10
[PCI Express]
Version: 1.1
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 2 - 4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 16 - 32 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 128 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FCBFE000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Driver Description: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 01-Jun-2017
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24FB&SUBSYS_21108086&REV_10\68ECC5FFFFC3162600
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0100)#PCI(0000)

ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 38:3:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_11841849&REV_00\7&35896FF8&0&180018020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0300)

PCI Express x1 Bus #40 ----------------------------------------------------

ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 38:5:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_11841849&REV_00\7&35896FF8&0&280018020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0500)

PCI Express x1 Bus #42 ----------------------------------------------------

Intel I211AT Copper (Pearsonville) Network Adapter ------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: Intel I211AT Copper (Pearsonville) Network Adapter
Original Device Name: Intel I211AT Copper (Pearsonville) Network Adapter
Device Class: Ethernet Adapter
Revision ID: 3
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 42:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1539&SUBSYS_15391849&REV_03
[PCI Express]
Version: 1.1
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 1 - 2 us
L1 Exit Latency: 8 - 16 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FCAE0000
I/O Base Address 2 0
Memory Base Address 3 FCADC000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Intel
Driver Description: Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection
Driver Provider: Intel
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 08-Dec-2016
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1539&SUBSYS_15391849&REV_03\7085C2FFFF8253EA00
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0500)#PCI(0000)

ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 38:7:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_11841849&REV_00\7&35896FF8&0&380018020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0700)

PCI Express x1 Bus #43 ----------------------------------------------------

AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:4:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: Not negotiated
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_43C71849&REV_01\5&331D27D3&0&20020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0400)

PCI Express x4 Bus #44 ----------------------------------------------------

AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:9:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 2x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Slot Power Limit: 26.000 W
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_33061B21&REV_01\5&331D27D3&0&48020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0900)

PCI Express x2 Bus #45 ----------------------------------------------------

Aquantia AQtion AQC107 10Gbit Network Adapter -----------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: Aquantia AQtion AQC107 10Gbit Network Adapter
Original Device Name: Aquantia AQtion AQC107 10Gbit Network Adapter
Device Class: Ethernet Adapter
Revision ID: 2
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 45:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1D6A&DEV_D107&SUBSYS_D1071849&REV_02
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: >64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FC8F0000
Memory Base Address 2 FC8EF000
Memory Base Address 4 FC400000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Aquantia
Driver Description: Aquantia AQtion 10Gbit Network Adapter (NDIS 6.50 Miniport)
Driver Provider: Aquantia
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 23-Oct-2017
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1D6A&DEV_D107&SUBSYS_D1071849&REV_02\6&19C17EFF&0&0048020B
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0900)#PCI(0000)

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:2:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&10
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0200)

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:3:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&18
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0300)

AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge -------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:3:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex
Slot Implemented: Yes
Hot-Plug: Not Capable
Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: >4 us
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Express-Stammport
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_14531022&REV_00\3&11583659&0&19
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)

PCI Express x16 Bus #46 ---------------------------------------------------

AMD Vega10 - Switch Upstream in PCIe --------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Upstream in PCIe
Original Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Upstream in PCIe
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: C3
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 46:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1470&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_C3
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled
L0s Exit Latency: 256 - 512 ns
L1 Exit Latency: 32 - 64 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 FD400000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Upstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1470&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_C3\4&1C3D25BB&0&0019
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)

PCI Express x16 Bus #47 ---------------------------------------------------

AMD Vega10 - Switch Downstream in NBIF ------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Downstream in NBIF
Original Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Downstream in NBIF
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 47:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1471&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: Downstream-Switchport für PCI-Express
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1471&SUBSYS_14711022&REV_00\5&14DB8B86&0&000019
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)

PCI Express x16 Bus #48 ---------------------------------------------------

AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 -----------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Radeon RX Vega 56
Original Device Name: ATI/AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 (Vega 10 XL)
Device Class: VGA Compatible Adapter
Revision ID: C3
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 48:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F&SUBSYS_6B761002&REV_C3
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Memory Base Address 0 E0000000
Memory Base Address 2 F0000000
I/O Base Address 4 FF00
Memory Base Address 5 FD300000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Driver Description: Radeon RX Vega
Driver Provider: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Driver Version: 24.20.11001.5003 (Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.4.1)
Driver Date: 25-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F&SUBSYS_6B761002&REV_C3\6&2CBC9480&0&00000019
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)

ATI/AMD Vega - High Definition Audio Controller ---------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ATI/AMD Vega - High Definition Audio Controller
Original Device Name: ATI/AMD Vega - High Definition Audio Controller
Device Class: Mixed mode device
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 48:0:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AAF8&SUBSYS_AAF81002&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: IRQ55
Interrupt Pin: INTB#
Memory Base Address 0 FD3FC000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Microsoft
Driver Description: High Definition Audio-Controller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 11-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AAF8&SUBSYS_AAF81002&REV_00\6&2CBC9480&0&01000019
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0001)

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:4:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&20
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0400)

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:7:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&38
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0700)

AMD Zen - Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B/C ---------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B/C
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B/C
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:7:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1454&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Express-Stammport
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1454&SUBSYS_14541022&REV_00\3&11583659&0&39
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0701)

PCI Express x16 Bus #49 ---------------------------------------------------

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Function ---------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Function
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Function
Device Class: Non-Essential Instrumentation Function
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 49:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_145A&SUBSYS_145A1022&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices
Driver Description: AMD PCI
Driver Provider: Advanced Micro Devices
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 12-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_145A&SUBSYS_145A1022&REV_00\4&C93BEE2&0&0039
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0701)#PCI(0000)

AMD Zen - Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP --------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
Device Class: Unknown En/Decryption
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 49:0:2
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1456&SUBSYS_14561022&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTB#
Memory Base Address 2 FD200000
Memory Base Address 5 FD1FE000
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
Driver Description: AMD PSP 3.0 Device
Driver Provider: Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 27-Oct-2017
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1456&SUBSYS_14561022&REV_00\4&C93BEE2&0&0239
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0701)#PCI(0002)

AMD Zen - Reserved --------------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Reserved
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Reserved
Device Class: USB xHCI Controller
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 49:0:3
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_145F&SUBSYS_79141849&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTC#
Memory Base Address 0 FD000000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Generischer USB-xHCI-Hostcontroller
Driver Description: USB-xHCI-kompatibler Hostcontroller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 10-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_145F&SUBSYS_79141849&REV_00\4&C93BEE2&0&0339
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0701)#PCI(0003)

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge ------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Host Bridge
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:8:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1452&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&40
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0800)

AMD Zen - Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B/C ---------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B/C
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Internal PCIe GPP Bridge 0 to Bus B/C
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:8:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1454&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTA#
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Express-Stammport
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1454&SUBSYS_14541022&REV_00\3&11583659&0&41
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0801)

PCI Express x16 Bus #50 ---------------------------------------------------

AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Function ---------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Function
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe Dummy Function
Device Class: Non-Essential Instrumentation Function
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 50:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1455&SUBSYS_14551022&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices
Driver Description: AMD PCI
Driver Provider: Advanced Micro Devices
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 12-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1455&SUBSYS_14551022&REV_00\4&2B9CC193&0&0041
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0801)#PCI(0000)

AMD Carrizo FCH - SATA AHCI Controller (MS) -------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - SATA AHCI Controller (MS)
Original Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - SATA AHCI Controller (MS)
Device Class: SATA AHCI Controller
Revision ID: 51
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 50:0:2
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7901&SUBSYS_79011849&REV_51
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: INTB#
Memory Base Address 5 FD5FF000
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[SATA Host Controller]
[SATA Port#0]
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI- Controller
Driver Description: Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI- Controller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7901&SUBSYS_79011849&REV_51\4&2B9CC193&0&0241
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0801)#PCI(0002)

AMD Zen - HD Audio Controller ---------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - HD Audio Controller
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - HD Audio Controller
Device Class: Mixed mode device
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 50:0:3
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1457&SUBSYS_22211849&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Slot Implemented: No
Emergency Power Reduction: Not Supported
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1
Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: L0s Entry
L0s Exit Latency: < 64 ns
L1 Exit Latency: < 1 us
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: IRQ43
Interrupt Pin: INTC#
Memory Base Address 0 FD5F0000
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Microsoft
Driver Description: High Definition Audio-Controller
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 11-Apr-2018
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1457&SUBSYS_22211849&REV_00\4&2B9CC193&0&0341
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0801)#PCI(0003)

AMD Carrizo FCH - SMBus and ACPI Controller -------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - SMBus and ACPI Controller
Original Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - SMBus and ACPI Controller
Device Class: SMBus (System Management Bus)
Revision ID: 59
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:20:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_790B&SUBSYS_790B1849&REV_59
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
Driver Description: AMD SMBus
Driver Provider: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 10-Oct-2017
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_790B&SUBSYS_790B1849&REV_59\3&11583659&0&A0
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)

AMD Carrizo FCH - LPC Bridge ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - LPC Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - LPC Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-ISA Bridge
Revision ID: 51
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:20:3
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_790E&SUBSYS_790E1849&REV_51
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Enabled
Running At 66 MHz: Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-ISA-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_790E&SUBSYS_790E1849&REV_51\3&11583659&0&A3
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1403)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 0 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 0
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 0
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1460&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1460&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C0
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1800)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 1 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 1
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 1
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1461&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1461&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C1
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1801)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 2 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 2
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 2
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:2
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1462&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1462&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C2
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1802)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 3 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 3
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 3
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:3
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1463&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1463&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C3
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1803)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 4 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 4
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 4
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:4
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1464&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1464&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C4
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1804)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 5 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 5
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 5
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:5
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1465&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1465&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C5
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1805)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 6 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 6
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 6
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:6
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1466&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1466&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C6
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1806)

AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 7 -----------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 7
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Data Fabric: Function 7
Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:24:7
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1467&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[System Resources]
Interrupt Line: N/A
Interrupt Pin: N/A
Bus Mastering: Disabled
Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable
Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable
[Driver Information]
Driver Manufacturer: (Standardsystemgeräte)
Driver Description: PCI Standard-Host-CPU-Brücke
Driver Provider: Microsoft
Driver Version: 10.0.17134.1
Driver Date: 21-Jun-2006
DeviceInstanceId PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1467&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&11583659&0&C7
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1807)
Hab jetzt nur mal kurz drübergesehen, der 10Gbit Adapter scheint per PCI Express 3.0 x4 angebunden. Gerade läuft er auf x2, weil ich ihn mit 1Gbit Speed betreibe, muss das gesamte Netzwerk jetzt noch auf 10Gbit umrüsten :)
Hallo ich besitze mittlerweile das x470 taichi. Wollte mal das Feature prescion boost overdrive nutzen. Settings sind im Bios auf 10 Fach skalierung. Wenn ich dann allcore auslaste springt der 2700x fuer ne millisekunde auf 4,3 ghz aber anschließend auf 3,9. Kerntemperatur liegt bei 59-65 grad. Haendisches oc funktioniert. Da rennt er all core 4.2. Ich habe youtube videos von dem Feature gesehen, wo das gut klappt. Kann mir jemand mit dem Board und cpu weiterhelfen. Danke schon mal vorab
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
das würde mich auch interessieren - das und noch ein paar Features scheinen ja am Crosshair das Feature Performance Enhancer auszumachen - das ja laut der 8auer dort sehr gut inklusive BCLK Erhöhung funktioniert - single thread last in cb knappe 4,5 Ghz - laut seinem Video - wäre schön wenn man das am Taichi auch ohne das explizite Feature nachstellen könnte. Mir fehlt da die Erfahrung mit Amd bzw. AM4 um das einschätzen zu können ?
Gerade fertig geworden mit Einbauen, hier der Bus Output von HWInfo:
Danke erstmal dafür, mehr Kommentare dazu im Spoiler.
AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge -------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:1:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0101)

PCI Express x4 Bus #1 -----------------------------------------------------

Samsung Electronics SSD 960 NVMe PCIe SSD Controller ----------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: Samsung Electronics SSD 960 NVMe PCIe SSD Controller
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0101)#PCI(0000)
Hier haben wir die SSD, die maximal 256 Byte pro Paket übertragen kann, während SATA 8192 Byte pro Paket (dort FIS genannt) erlaubt und bei Ethernet geht mit Jumbo Frames ja auch ähnlich viel. Dies ist einer der Gründe warum der Overhead von PCIe so viel höher als bei SATA ist, ohne dass dies mit der Bitkodierung zu tun hat, deren Overhead geht jeweils noch mal extra oben drauf.

Jetzt kommt die Anbindung des externen Chipsatzes:
AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge -------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:1:3
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)
Alles wo der Location Pathmit PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103) beginnt, hängt am externen Chipsatz, also am X470 und deren Daten müssen durch die Verbindung oben, bei Intel wird diese DMI genannt und ist bei DMI3 technisch auch PCIe 3.0 x4.

Zuerst kommt der USB 3 Controller des Chipsatzes, dann der SATA Host Controller der wie beim X370 immer noch 8 SATA Ports hat:
PCI Express x4 Bus #3 -----------------------------------------------------

AMD 400-Series Chipset - USB Controller A ---------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - USB Controller A
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - USB Controller A
Device Class: USB xHCI Controller
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 3:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43D0&SUBSYS_43D01849&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0000)

AMD 400-Series Chipset - SATA Controller ----------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - SATA Controller
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - SATA Controller
Device Class: SATA AHCI Controller
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 3:0:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C8&SUBSYS_43C81849&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
[SATA Host Controller]
[SATA Port#0]
[SATA Port#1]
[SATA Port#2]
[SATA Port#3]
[SATA Port#4]
[SATA Port#5]
[SATA Port#6]
[SATA Port#7]
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0001)
Beide sind jeweils mit 4 PCIe 3.0 Lanes angebunden, so wie auch das nächste Gerät, welche die 8 PCIe 2.0 Lanes bietet, also ein PCIe Switch ist (steht ja auch unter Device/Port Type), eine PCIe 3.0 x4 Anbindung im Upstream aber im Downstream eben PCIe 2.0 Lanes hat.

Damit der zweite im Chipsatz, denn auch die ganzen PCIe 3.0 Lanes um den USB3 und den SATA Host Controller anzubinden, kommen von einem PCIe Lane Switch der in diesem externen Chipsatz steckt.
AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Function ------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 3:0:2
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C6&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 4x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)
Alles bei dem der Location Paths mit PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002) anfängt, hängt also an diesem zweiten Switch innerhalb des X470 und dies kommt jetzt, zuerst der jeweilige Downstream und dann das Gerät:
AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 2x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s

Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0000)

PCI Express x2 Bus #30 ----------------------------------------------------

ASMedia ASM2142 USB 3.1 xHCI Controller -----------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM2142 USB 3.1 xHCI Controller
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM2142 USB 3.1 xHCI Controller
Device Class: USB xHCI Controller
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 30:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_2142&SUBSYS_21421B21&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 2x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s

Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)
Der ASM2142 PCIe 3.0 (8GT/s), aber der Downlink des Switches an dem er hängt bietet nur PCIe 2.0 (5GT/s) und daher wird dieser hier, der ja fest auf dem Board verlötet ist, auch niemals mit 8GT/s laufen. Zwei PCIe 2.0 Lanes sind eigentlich zu wenig für so einen ASM2142, damit schafft die Anbindung nicht einmal die Bandbreite eines USB 3.1 Gen2 (10Gb/s) Ports, zumal er maximal 128 Byte pro Paket über PCIe übertragen darf (obwohl er 512 Byte könnte), also nur halb so viel wie die 960er in diesem Board.

Jetzt kommt der ASM 1061 SATA Host Controller:
AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------
ASMedia ASM1061 PCI-E x1 SATA 6Gbps Controller ----------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1061 PCI-E x1 SATA 6Gbps Controller
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1061 PCI-E x1 SATA 6Gbps Controller
Device Class: SATA AHCI Controller

[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
[SATA Host Controller]
[SATA Port#0]
[SATA Port#1]
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0200)#PCI(0000)
Jetzt kommt der ASM1184 Switch der auf dem Board verlötet ist, der hat nur einen PCIe 2.0 x1 Upstream und danach folgen dessen 4 Downstreams und die Geräte die an dem jeweiligen Downstream hängen bzw. wenn es ein leerer Slot ist, die beiden x1 Slot hängen da ja dran, dann eben keines:
ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch ----------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Original Device Name: ASMedia ASM1184 PCI-E Switch
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 33:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1184&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 1x
Current Link Width: 1x
Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168 ------------------------------------------
Intel I211AT Copper (Pearsonville) Network Adapter ------------------------
Damit sind nun 4 der 8 PCIe Lanes des X470 verbraucht, mal schauen was mit dem Rest ist:
AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:4:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 2.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: Not negotiated

Maximum Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 2.5 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0400)
"Current Link Width: Not negotiated" verrät das da nichts dran hängt, die gehen ja auch an den x4 oder an den zweiten M.2 Slot, die Umschalter dafür erscheinen hier aber nicht, die sind ja auch nur passiv und nicht aktiv wie ein Switch.

Jetzt wird es spannend, denn nun kommt der AQC107 bzw. zuerst der Downlink an dem er hängt:
AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function -------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Original Device Name: AMD 400-Series Chipset - PCIe Downstream Function
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 1
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 29:9:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 2x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s

Device/Port Type: Downstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0900)
"Alles bei dem der Location Paths mit PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002) anfängt, hängt also an diesem zweiten Switch innerhalb des X470" hatte ich geschrieben und siehe da PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0900) fängt mit PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002) an! Also hängt der AQC107 auch daran:
Aquantia AQtion AQC107 10Gbit Network Adapter -----------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: Aquantia AQtion AQC107 10Gbit Network Adapter
Original Device Name: Aquantia AQtion AQC107 10Gbit Network Adapter
Device Class: Ethernet Adapter
Revision ID: 2
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 45:0:0
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1D6A&DEV_D107&SUBSYS_D1071849&REV_02
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 4x
Current Link Width: 2x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: PCI Express Endpoint
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes

Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0103)#PCI(0002)#PCI(0900)#PCI(0000)
Der X470 hat also wie der X370 auch, nicht nur 8 PCIe 2.0 Lanes, sondern noch 2 PCIe 3.0 Lanes und schon beim X370 gab es ein MSI Board bei dem da ein ASMedia USB 3.1 Host Controller dran hing.

Da kein Mainboard diese Lanes nach außen führt, dürfte an dem Gerücht etwas dran sein wonach diese PCIe 3.0 Lanes die Spezifikation nicht einhalten. Mit bestimmten Controllern scheint es keine Probleme zu geben, also kann man diese auf dem Board verlöteten und da anbinden, aber wären sie über einen Slot verfügbar, könnten alle möglichen Geräte da dran hängen und dann würde solche Probleme zu Tage treten.

Jetzt verlassen wir den Chipsatz wieder und sind zurück an den Geräten die direkt am Root Hub hängen:
AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge -------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - PCIe GPP Bridge
Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 0:3:1
PCI Latency Timer: 0
Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1453&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00
[PCI Express]
Version: 3.0
Maximum Link Width: 16x
Current Link Width: 16x
Maximum Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Current Link Speed: 8.0 GT/s
Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex
Maximum Payload Size Supported: 512 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 256 bytes
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)
Für die PCIe Geräte innerhalb der CPU ist der Payload (also die Daten pro Paket) mit 256 Byte höher, wie auch hier beim x16 Slot, in dem die Graka steckt. Die hat mehrere Funktionen und funktioniert daher auch wie ein PCIe Switch, wie man am Uplink und den Downlinks erkennt:
AMD Vega10 - Switch Upstream in PCIe --------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Upstream in PCIe
Device/Port Type: Upstream Port of PCI Express Switch
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)
AMD Vega10 - Switch Downstream in NBIF ------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Downstream in NBIF
Original Device Name: AMD Vega10 - Switch Downstream in NBIF
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)
AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 -----------------------------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Radeon RX Vega 56
Original Device Name: ATI/AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 (Vega 10 XL)
Device Class: VGA Compatible Adapter
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)

ATI/AMD Vega - High Definition Audio Controller ---------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: ATI/AMD Vega - High Definition Audio Controller
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0301)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0000)#PCI(0001)
Zu guter letzt kommen noch der interne USB 3 und der SATA Host Controller des in die CPU integrierten Chipsatzes, die damit ja eigentlich ein SoC ist:
[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Zen - Reserved
Original Device Name: AMD Zen - Reserved
Device Class: USB xHCI Controller
Revision ID: 0
PCI Address (Bus:device:Function) Number: 49:0:3

Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0701)#PCI(0003)
AMD Carrizo FCH - SATA AHCI Controller (MS) -------------------------------

[General Information]
Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - SATA AHCI Controller (MS)
Original Device Name: AMD Carrizo FCH - SATA AHCI Controller (MS)
Location Paths PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0801)#PCI(0002)
Die hängen einmal an PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0701) und einmal an PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0801), also zumindest formal an unterschiedlichen Ports des Root Hubs, aber die Frage ist immmer (auch beim X470) wie weit dies stimmt oder nur so nach außen ausgegeben wird. Dies kann aber nur AMD beantworten, ich kann nur unterstellen das es so ist wie es HWInfo ausgibt.
der 10Gbit Adapter scheint per PCI Express 3.0 x4 angebunden. Gerade läuft er auf x2, weil ich ihn mit 1Gbit Speed betreibe
Nein, max bedeutet, dass der Chip selbst ein x4 Interface hat, angebunden ist er aber nur mit 2 Lanes und dies ändert sich auch nicht, egal ob 1 oder 10 GbE, aber eine PCIe 3.0 Lane hat schon fast genug Bandbreite für eine 10GbE Verbindung, zwei sind also locker ausreichend.
Habe nun das X470 Taichi (nicht Ultimate)-System fertig, bin positiv überrascht, dass es bislang absolut 0 Instabilitäten gab. Zwei 16 GB ECC UDIMM-Module (Crucial CT16G4WFD8266) wurden auch mit Auslieferungs-UEFI (1.10) sofort erkannt (korrekt als DDR4-2666) und laufen auch tatsächlich im ECC-Modus. Die Auto-Timings waren allerdings lockerer als JEDEC-Standard, wodurch minimal Leistung verschenkt wurde.

Die standard-UEFI-CPU-Lüftersteuerung muss etwas nachgebessert werden, mit einem Noctua NH-U12S SE AM4 mit NF-A12x25 PWM und Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut als WLP läuft der Lüfter im Idle bei T(Die) unter 30°C bei über 1.000 UPM (2600X, CPU-seitig alles Standard-Einstellungen), wodurch er bei mir das lauteste im Testsystem ist. Stellt man im UEFI das CPU-Lüfterprofil auf "Silent", werden die UPM auf 700 reduziert, wodurch das System fast lautlos ist, bei Volllast geht dann der Lüfter aber nur bis 900 UPM, was immer noch fast nicht hörbar ist, aber T(Die) geht bis 89°C hoch, was mir subjektiv zu viel ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

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