Asus X99-E-10G WS HWinfo VCCIO Values


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I have a problem to understand what is the correct value for the VCCIO voltage. In the BIOS I set VCCIO CPU to manual 1.05V and VCCIO PCH is left to Auto.
HWinfo is reporting different values for VCCIO CPU in two different sections. Which is the correct one and why are there two different?

Thank you for any info :)



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I did test HWmonitor on the day you postet your problem, but in my config I did't find 2 VCCIO voltage results and I am using also X99. I'm confused about your problem, and got no solution or reason yet, sorry bro
Thanks for testing.

With HWmonitor, I dotn have this issue too. But with HWinfo (Link: HWiNFO - Download) Maybe if you find time, you can install that one and check what value you get on you x99.

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