Corsair Hydrocool bei HardOCP

Marc Wessels

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Nun, die waren da nicht sonderlich begeistert, u.a. steht folgendes im Fazit->

Looking at the Hydrocool 200 objectively, the system needs to have some design flaws addressed before it can be recommended to the performance crowd. The system would greatly benefit from a few minor tweaks but overall the Delphi CPU water block is what holds this system back. The “Microchannel Surface Technology”, while great in theory, falls short in many ways. Poor construction, less than stellar performance and a design that prevents any form of maintenance just isn’t acceptable. In the grand scheme of things, I would like to see Delphi put out another revision of this block that remedies problems we have outlined in this review. Quality control can easily address the concave mating surface of the block that should drastically improve the system’s cooling ability. Still though, you have to question the quality control of the manufacturing company that cannot machine something flat.
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Na Supi,

nen Kumpel hat sich das dingen letztes WE
bestellt. mal sehen was der so sagt wenn se da is.
Hmmm, die Koolance ist ja auch deutlich besser, so wie ich das sehe... schade, das wir die nicht hier haben...

Bei Geizhals hab ich die für 400 Euro mit Kühlkörper gesehen - ganz schön happig...
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