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ich glaub die haben das game auf die null aiming konsolen spieler ausgelegt und jetzt müssen sie für die maus spieler alles balancen :d
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Was ist das Ziel hinter dem ganzen "Balancing"? Alle Guns sind gleich wertlos?

Der Tradeoff der Flakker neben dem hohen Ammo Konsum ist die Range und das Risiko sich selbst zu toasten. 8% Dmg Nerf für die Hellwalker? Wieso? Die 8% reißen es jetzt raus? Ich glaube der einzige Sinn hinter dem Bullshit ist die Leute ständig anderen Kram farmen zu lassen um das fehlende Endgame zu kaschieren. Da hab ich net mal einen Hauch Bock die restlichen VH hochzuzocken. Die Stunden fürs Elemental Projector waren ja schön fürn Arsch. Wenigstens muss ich mich über die Recurring Hex net ärgern. Is mir bis heute keine gedropped.
Uff..steht zwar 'nur' ein paar Prozent weniger, aber das Spiel ist nun so unheimlich träge geworden. Kommt mir fast schon vor wie am ersten Tag als man mit weisen und grünen Sachen gespielt hat..
das hab ich mir auch grad gedacht :hmm:
die flakker hätten die auch komplett raus nehmen können anstatt die Knifte auf eine Patrone zu beschränken :(
Kam vor ca 40 min raus. Hat für mich kein ersichtliches Ablaufdatum.

GoldenKey SHiFT Code for 1 Golden Key in Borderlands 3
If codes do not work through Borderlands - VIP - Codes, redeem in-game

All Platforms: WSC3T-BBFSB-95JCC-33333-JS3Z6

Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A6013 mit Tapatalk
Kann mir mal jemand erklären warum die Waffen und Chars überhaupt gebalanced werden?

Bis auf Duel gibts doch eh kein PvP wen interessieren also OP Knarren?

Kam vor ca 40 min raus. Hat für mich kein ersichtliches Ablaufdatum.

GoldenKey SHiFT Code for 1 Golden Key in Borderlands 3
If codes do not work through Borderlands - VIP - Codes, redeem in-game

All Platforms: WSC3T-BBFSB-95JCC-33333-JS3Z6

Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A6013 mit Tapatalk

Danke habe ich mal aktiviert.
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Weil es sicher Leute gibt die das kritisieren, wenn man einen Endgegner oder generell schwierige Gegner in wenigen Sekunden umhauen kann. Overpowered ist eigentlich genau so ein Spaßkiller wie andersherum.
Overpowered ist eigentlich genau so ein Spaßkiller wie andersherum.
Gegen "andersrum" kannst du als Spieler aber nichts tun. Bei overpowered ist es immernoch deine Entscheidung, ob du halt OP sein willst oder nicht. Dann nimmt man halt diese eine OP-Waffe nicht, sondern was anderes. Gibt auch Leute die Glitches suchen und dann die höchste Freude daran haben, diese auszunutzen. Andere würden sagen, man macht sich dadurch doch den Spielspaß selbst kaputt.
Da es aber online einen Coop MP gibt der bei dem Spiel klar im Vordergrund steht, macht es schon Sinn. fand es schon bei BL2 ätzend wenn einer in der Gruppe war, der alles geonehitted hat, während die anderen richtig kämpfen mussten. Und das bei gleichem lvl.
Dann nimmt man so jemanden nicht in sein coop game.
Aber alles nur in grund und boden zu nerfen, ist langweilig. Looter shooter und grind games generell leben davon, dass man eben alles auf die spitze treiben kann. Wenn ich nach hunderten stunden nicht clearen kann wie ein gott, wofür dann der aufwand?
Sollen sie die schwierigkeit anheben durch stäkere bzw komplexere gegner, neuen content mit höheren levels etc. Aber nicht indem man den spieler immer schwächer macht.

Sent from OP6
Da hast du recht.
Das nervt mich gerade bei Division z.B. auch extrem.
Es kommt ein Addon - in einem LOOTSHOOTER - was erwarte ich von einem neuen Addon? Salopp gesagt... ich geh da rein und krieg erstmal ein auf die Fresse , und muss LOOTEN um wieder stark genug zu werden.

Passiert hier aber nicht, ich geh ins neue Addon Gebiet, und pump alles mit halben Magazin um. Also kein Grund zu looten außer ich würde es freiwillig aus was für Gründen wollen, aber nicht weil es notwendig wäre ...

Na ja, hoffe das sie das hier in BL noch hin bekommen :)
Hat ja in BL2 auch geklappt :)
Meine allererste Lyuda ist noch immer gut gegen Graveward. Die Cutsman ist allerdings deutlich schwächer und die Flakker im Grunde nutzlos.
Jakobs Estate ist nun auf einmal schwierig geworden, und nach Anvil trau ich mich ja fast gar nicht mehr, wo jeder zweite Gegner ein blauer ist..
danke 11:23 uhr war er noch aktiv
Watch Now! Bloody Harvest Trailer

ne da geht max 2 tage nach start ein hotfix live:fresse2:
aber immerhin ist mal was neues dabei
bei mir greift ständig das update nicht. habt ihr das auch?
Ich wünschte es wäre so. Offline für increased loot, online für Class Mods... -.-
For the duration of the event, players who enable Mayhem Mode will see an increased drop chance for Anointed gear, increased XP gains, and reduced values for various Mayhem Mode penalty modifiers. Meanwhile, viewers and streamers on Twitch will enjoy the mayhem of amped-up ECHOcast features. Badass Viewer Events will happen more often as we tweaked how those are triggered (this is a permanent change, too!), and we've accelerated voting periods during the event to make these viewers-controlled badasses even more of a challenge. In addition, Rare Chest Events will have a 100% guaranteed win rate this week instead of the usual one-in-four chance.

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Borderlands 3 Patch and Hotfixes: October 24, 2019

PT ist -9 Stunden, also gegen Mitternacht unserer Zeit.

Borderlands 3 Patch and Hotfixes: October 24, 2019
Posted: Oct 24 2019

Today we'll release an update to Borderlands 3 by or before 3:00 PM PDT that fixes a number of reported concerns. In addition, we'd like to outline our goals for patches and hotfixes in the coming weeks. But first, this week's patch notes and hotfixes:

Notes for Patch 3

Added Support for Bloody Harvest, the free Limited Time Event starting on October 24 and ending December 5.
- During the event, the Main Menu will now become spooky when the micropatch has loaded and the event content is available


Fixed a report bug resulting in a crash while loading into maps
Fixed a reported audio crash bug
Fixed a reported crash that occurred for certain users when level transitioning immediately after throwing a longbow grenade
Fixed a reported rare crash that occurred for certain users after completing missions
Fixed a reported crash that occurred for certain users when swapping an equipped weapon
Fixed a reported crash that occurred for certain users when sorting the Mission Log by region


[Consoles Only] Mayhem mode is now available in True Vault Hunter Mode on Consoles
[Consoles Only] Added Photo Mode support for Consoles
[Consoles Only] Added ECHOcast Twitch Extension support for Consoles
Added new Vault Hunter customizations and trinkets
Added ability to specify Mayhem Mode while matchmaking
Adjusted the volume of the 2K and Gearbox logo intro movies
Addressed reported concern where some players were missing skill points
Updated gore stump textures for consistency
[PC Only] Improved reliability of the voice chat system when open and closing the ECHO menu on PC
[PC Only] Added a modification so typing in text chat no longer prevents players from fast travelling
Singularity grenades will no longer cause Saurian corpses to float in the air after dying
Addressed a reported concern that certain players experienced some Visual FX for the side mission "Transaction Packed" before accepting the mission
Addressed a reported concern that some players experienced Brick getting stuck after chasing enemies off the cliff near Hector's Lament in The Anvil
Made a modification where Amber Lamps no longer has a chance to spawn during the "Defend BALEX" objective of "The Family Jewel" mission
Addressed a reported concern with the Legendary grenade mod Quasar, where it was not counting towards the optional grenade kills objective in Slaughter maps
[PS4 Only] Addressed a language code issue present in PS4 activity feeds for English
Addressed a reported concern where users with their region set to Japan were unable to complete the Fast Travel tutorial
Made a modification so Safe Area Calibration is now saved when relaunching the game
Camera no longer resets to a random location when using the Reset Camera function in Photo mode
Photo mode will now force exit when the player is teleported
Subtitles are now present when joining another player's game while a cinematic is playing
Addressed a reported concern where some sounds were quiet or missing for the second player in split screen
Made various split screen UI fixes
Fixed a reported UI issue where the Mayhem Modifier menu would sometimes not appear for certain players

Notes for October 24 Hotfix

As stated in last week's stream, this week's changes focus less on weapons and more on fixes across the game. We are gathering data, reading feedback, and working toward improving all aspects of the game. Please keep submitting bug reports to support.2k.com!


Now consumes 1 ammo instead of 5.

Bug Fixes

Addressed a reported bug with "Space-Laser Tag" which prevented some players from progressing to the next objective
Atomic has been modified to no longer become invincible, as has been reported under certain conditions
Modified Powerhouse Heavy's attacks to no longer damage players outside of the intended range
Addressed a concern that Projected shields were taking too much damage from General Traunt's attacks
Fixed the reported floating door frame in the Jakobs Theatre
Addressed a reported potential progression blocker when Rhy's talks during "Hostile Takeover"
Increased checkpoint sizes of New-U stations in multiple locations
Included a modification so that Zane's Digi-Clone will no longer spawn into the cage in Slaughterstar 3000

Those are a lot of notes to take in, and we're still hard at work addressing reported issues in Borderlands 3. But given that we're just about a month out from Borderlands 3's launch, we'd like to take this opportunity to outline our plans for future updates, including some of the community's most frequently requested changes. There can always be unforeseen challenges when working on patches and hotfixes, so we'll keep you posted on more concrete release timings as these updates continue to progress. Here's a look at some of the things we're working to implement in future patches.
Performance and Stability

Game performance and stability continue to be our top priorities. The first fruits of that labor will be released in our upcoming November patch, with various improvements game-wide. We've also been hard at work improving the game's stability and more improvements in this regard are expected to be included in the November patch. Performance and stability will continue to be an ongoing effort with more fixes rolled out with each upcoming patch.
The Bank

Expanding the bank has been the most consistently requested feature by the community. We've heard you loud and clear and the groundwork for expanding the bank has already started. The first of several planned expansions will coincide with the release of Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite. Expect a significant bank expansion that will more than double the existing space. Additional expansions to the bank will continue to be rolled out over future releases.
Dedicated Loot Pools for Bosses

Several of you have stated a desire to find gear more easily in the game. To do that we are updating the loot pools (the data that determines what in-game items drop) to ensure that more specific gear drops from bosses. That means you'll be able to go to a specific boss to get the specific gear you're looking for. We're working out which bosses get which gear right now and expect this to be ready as part of the November patch as well.
Character Buffs

In the late stages of the game when Mayhem Mode is active, we've found that player companions (Moze's Iron Bear, FL4K's pets, and Zane's Digi-Clone/SNTL) are reportedly not performing as well as we had expected. To address this, we're looking at how to adjust damage according to the relevant skills and gear. The goal here is to make sure we have as many viable character builds as possible.
Additional Mayhem Levels and Mayhem 2.0

Mayhem Mode has been a fantastic addition to the Borderlands world. After receiving some great community feedback, we've been hard at work on a significant revamp that will introduce a host of improvements over several upcoming updates.

The first update will be released as part of the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite and includes the first new Mayhem Mode level, Mayhem 4. Expect a significant challenge when it debuts, with tougher enemies that reward players with highly synergized character builds. A new batch of Legendary gear will also only drop while in Mayhem 4 to reward those players who are truly up for the challenge.

Longer term we have plans to overhaul Mayhem Mode with more UI support, new Mayhem Modifiers that change gameplay more dramatically, Mayhem playlists, new rewards, and additional levels of Mayhem to work through. We're excited about Mayhem 2.0 and we'll talk more about it when we get a little closer to its release.
Vending Machines

Marcus heard the outcry for more vending machines, so we're airdropping in some more across multiple maps. Expect new ammo and health vending machines outside of a few boss arenas and a few in some of the bigger environments. Below are the locations where the new vending machines will be appearing:

Atlas HQ
Lectra City
Jakobs Estate
Voracious Canopy
Tazendeer Ruins
The Pyre of Stars

Skippable Cinematics

We're currently investigating the best way to approach letting players skip cutscenes. This is much easier said than done. Under the hood, the game may activate critical events based on cinematics. In order to make sure mission progression isn't negatively impacted, we need to inspect each cinematic and make sure those events still work correctly. We have a few ideas on how to tackle this problem and expect to have a solution soon.
Target Dummy

Need an easier way to test your gear? We're going to add a target dummy to the shooting range on Sanctuary III! We feel this is the best location since your bank is also on the ship. This way you can manage and test your builds on Sanctuary III without having to travel anywhere else. You can expect to see this sometime in December.
The Future

The list above is only a high-level look at what some of our teams are working on. Stay tuned as we continue to add more information and additions to this list. We here at Gearbox are excited about where Borderlands 3 is heading, and we look forward to showing you all the content that's still to come!
Über Epic kommt gerade ein 5 GB Update rein.
Bei mir waren es 4,7 GB. Der Startbildschirm wurde auch schon geändert. Alles schön in Halloween gehalten. Claptrap mit dem Kürbiskopf sieht auch geil aus.
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