[Sammelthread] Der BORDERLANDS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Wonderlands | - Sammelthread

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Reward: 3 Gold Keys
Expires: 10 JUN 15:00 UTC
All platforms K9WTT-J596S-C6CFS-XTBBB-33HHZ
kann man die queens call irgendwo farmen oder sind alle legs random?
Glaub bei den Zwillingen gabs die. Fand die aber nicht besonders toll.
Diamond Keys can only be accessed if you purchase the Director’s Cut of Borderlands 3. And even then, it is a very rare drop so you would have to be extremely lucky to get one of these.
Diamond Keys drop inside Vault Card Crates and you can get those by leveling up your Vault Cards. Vault Cards are a new mechanic introduced to the game in Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut and they can be leveled up by simply playing the game.
With every level up of your Vault Card, you will be given a Vault Card Crate which could potentially contain a Diamond Key. You can level up your selected Borderlands 3 Vault Card quicker if you complete the new daily and weekly challenges added to the game.

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Reward: 3 Gold Keys
Expires: 24 JUN 15:00 UTC
All platforms CZ5B3-5WSFH-K6C6Z-R33BB-RFXTC
Reward: 3 Gold Keys
Expires: 1 JUL 15:00 UTC
All platforms CS53T-6CS6H-WXC6H-6TBTB-9TJ56
Reward: 3 Gold Keys
Expires: 8 JUL 15:00 UTC
All platforms 5HWTJ-JFS69-WR5XS-FBTTJ-99HWH
Reward: 3 Gold Keys
Expires: 16 JUL 03:59 UTC
All platforms WZWB3-K6S69-5FWF9-RTJTB-KSRSZ
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