Gnome 3.0 - GnomeShell - Discussion

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GNOME 3 @ SUSE gallery

This is a test appliance for GNOME Shell.
It uses a git snapshot of GNOME Shell and some other GNOME 3 component, on top of openSUSE 11.3.

Link zum Image: GNOME 3 SUSE Gallery

Link zum Repo für openSUSE 11.3: Index of /repositories/home:/fcrozat:/gnome3/openSUSE_11.3

Screenshots sagen mehr als 1000 Worte:

Das Debian experimental Repo ist wieder aktuell (gnome-shell 2.91.5-1 sowie nautilus 2.91.7-1)

Werde das Debian Repo bei Gelegenheit einmal testen...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gnome 3 Website
GNOME 3 - Made of Easy

Das nächste unstable release GNOME 2.91.6 erscheint am 2. Februar.

Kurz danach wird es neue Screenshots geben, da die Gnome 3 Systemeinstellungen nun fast fertig sind.

GIT-Link zum gnome-control-center
gnome-control-center - GNOME's main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop

Auch das Dash der Gnome-Shell wird leicht überarbeitet.

No labels on the dash except for hover
gnome-shell-design - Next generation GNOME desktop shell design


Dash without labels
gnome-shell-design - Next generation GNOME desktop shell design
Das Kalender Dings ist ganz nett, das nimmt die Termine aus dem Evolution Kalender (Thunderbird Extension nicht so wie es grad aussieht)... Hat noch einen kleinen Bug, es springt nämlich, wenn ich auf den Pfeil nach rechts klicke, auf März und nicht auf Februar, vermutlich weil der Februar nicht 31 Tage hat ;)
Der Kalenderbug wurde so wie es ausschaut bereits behoben.
Jetzt kannst nochmal kompilieren :d

calendar: Fix prev/next buttons to not skip months
calendar: Fix grid non-US week layouts
calendar: Fix UTC/local mixup
calendar: Fix event list for week starts other than Sunday

Quelle: gnome-shell - Next generation GNOME desktop shell

Nautilus 2.91.8 wurde soeben getagged

+Major changes in 2.91.8 are:
+* Propagate custom icons to bookmarks
+* Don't quit the application if there are file operations running
+* Better keynav in the places sidebar
+* Use symbolic icons for the notification area
+* Fix some drawing regressions while renaming
+* Fix issues with the default sort order selection
+* Completely remove GConf dependency
+* Large refactor of NautilusWindow/NautilusView architecture
+* Cleanup installed desktop files
+* Fix a couple of crashers
+* Build with GCC 4.6

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
GNOME 3 live CD / USB test image

Link zum ISO: Index of /repositories/GNOME:/Medias/images/iso

Quelle: Frederic Crozat blog: GNOME 3 live CD / USB test image


GNOME Shell 2.91.6 released

Changes since 2.91.5
* Implement new calendar design with Evolution Data Server integration
to show calendar appointments [David, Maxim]
- Bug fixes [Adel, Florian]
* Add DBus-activatable shell-themed dialogs for lgout and shutdown [Ray]
* Add buttons to search via Google or Wikipedia to the search
results in the overview. OpenSearch XML files can be used
to extend the options. [Maxim]
* Add a keyboard layout selector to the system status area that
shows up when a keyboard with multiple layouts is configured
* Switch the default font for the shell UI to Cantarell (distributions
that have Cantarell configured as the default for sans-serif should
patch gnome-shell.css in packaging to specify sans-serif only for
better language/font matching.) [Jakub, Owen]
* Accessibility (exposing UI via ATK to assistive technologies) [Alejandro]
- Initialize accessibility
- Add accessibility support for StWidget and StLabel
* Improve shadow support in St [Ray]
- Allow border images and gradients to be combined
- Split st-shadow into box-shadow/st-background-image-shadow/icon-shadow
- Clip background and any shadows of the background to the border
* Use Clutter effects and GL shaders to properly implement faded edges
for StScrollView [Adel]
* Work around problems with keyboard input when IBus is in use [Owen, Daiki]
* Centralize application launching and display errors in the mesage tray [Dan]
* Add a generic modal dialog base class used for run dialog and
for new system dialogs [Ray]
* Require shell extensions to declare the versions they are
compatible with [Giovanni]
* Fix ShellRecorder to work again and switch the default format to webm [Adel]
* Fix drawing of "bubbles" when pointing to items near a corner [SardemFF7]
* Add Main.get/setThemeStylesheet for extensions to modify [SardemFF7]
* UI tweaks
- Add a timeout when mousing over the application switcher popup [Adel]
- Improve "swipe scrolling in the overview" by allowing swiping anywhere
on the background and extending it the the app/search views
as well as the workspace vie w[Florian]
- Make it easier to activate a window by hovering during inter-app
drag-and-drop [Adel]
* Visual tweaks [Florian, Jon M, Luca, Owen, Ray]
* Miscellaneous bug fixes
[Adel, Bastien, Cosimo, Dan, Florian, Giovanni, Marina, Maxim, Vincent]
* Code cleanups [Adel, Florian, Marina, Maxim, Vincent]
* Build fixes [Adel, Colin, Dan, Florian, Jonathan S, Maxim]

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Muss man das irgendwie aktivieren oder so, hab grad neu kompiliert und es sieht noch aus wie vorher, mit denn add/remove workspace buttons an der rechten Seite ...

edit: ach habs schon, das ist noch nicht im master branch...


Wie man auf dem Bild sieht, hab ich permanent diese gvc Nachricht ((mutter:2611): Gvc-WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...), und die volume control geht auch nicht (passend zu der Nachricht...), weiß wer woran das liegen könnte?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das neue Workspace-Management ist deutlich übersichtlicher!

Bzgl. der Fehlermeldung kann ich dir leider nicht weiterhelfen.
Du hast vermutlich den Stable Gnome 2.32 + die Gnome-Shell 2.91.x "git" installiert,
mitunter haben sich die Gnome-Shell abhängigkeiten verändert oder es ist einfach nur ein Bug.

Guter Bericht über den aktuellen Gnome 3 Status (mit Screenshots):
GNOME 3: Viel Neues von der "Shell" und ein Flamewar obendrauf - Linux/Unix -
Da tut sich was in git master... :hail:

Handle changes in window position for workspace thumbnails
Improve workspace controls slide-in positioning
Don't switch to a workspace when dragging it to launch on that workspace
Avoid popping the workspace controls in and out at the end of DND
Remove now unnecessary workspace controls
Add automatic workspace management
Don't activate newly added workspaces
Add workspace thumbnails to the overview
Move restacking handling from WorkspacesView to WorkspacesDisplay
Use a single "zoomed out" view for both workspace controls hover and DND
Don't check for Workspaces.WindowClone for window drops
Remove workspace indicators
Switch to a vertical layout for workspaces

Quelle: gnome-shell - Next generation GNOME desktop shell
Schöne Sache :) allerdings hat sich sonst im master nicht allzuviel geändert was nicht schon im thumbnails branch war. Daher braucht man noch nicht direkt neu kompilieren wenn man den schon hat ...
GTK+ 3.0.0 released

What's new in GTK+ 3

GTK+ 3 is a major new version of GTK+, containing far too many
changes to list them all here. The major highlights include:

* Cairo drawing throughout. GDK no longer wraps the antiquated
X11 drawing API; we've made a clean break and exclusively rely
on cairo for all our drawing needs now. This has also enabled us
to remove several other X11-centric concepts such as GCs, colormaps
and pixmaps.

* Modern input device handling. The input device handling in GDK has
long been a sadly neglected area. This has changed; with 3.0, GTK+
steps into the modern world of XI2 with full support for multiple
pointers, keyboards and other gizmos.

* A new theming API which sports a familiar CSS syntax for theme
configuration and other improvements such as animated state

* More flexible geometry management, with support for height-for-width,
for both widgets and cell renderers.

* Multiple backend support for GDK. With GTK+ 2.x, you had to recompile
your application to have it work with a different GDK backend.
In GTK+ 3, multiple GDK backends can be built into a single library
and selected at runtime.

* Easy application support. With the integration of D-Bus support in
GIO, we could finally add a GtkApplication class that handles a lot
of the platform integration aspects of writing an application, such
as keeping track of open windows, ensuring uniqueness, exporting
actions, etc.

* Of course, there's some new widgets as well, such as a switch and
an application chooser.

Quelle: GTK+ 3.0.0 released
GNOME 3 Live image - version 0.0.4

  • many modules have been updated to GNOME 2.91.6
  • kernel 2.6.37 (desktop flavor) and Xorg 1.9.3 (ie fresh drivers for many cards) : thanks to OBS, I've been able to easily integrate those packages update on our stable distribution (openSUSE 11.3). Still no gallium driver for radeon, this is scheduled for next week.
  • fixed freeze at startup on some radeon card (there was a race between graphical splash and radeon KMS)
  • some additional network drivers (shaun, this release is for you ;) )
  • more GNOME 3 modules, based on feedback we got from FOSDEM (epiphany, evince, brasero, gnome-packagekit, file-roller, evolution, gnome-games, totem-plugins...)
  • new gnome-shell, with integration with evolution-data-server (no, you won't have yet new workspace layout in this image, since GNOME-Shell hackers are still busy working on it)
  • The Board is also in the image, feel free to test it

Quelle: Frederic Crozat blog: GNOME 3 Live image - version 0.0.4

Download: GNOME 3 - Made of Easy
GNOME Shell 2.91.90 released

Changes since 2.91.6
 * Workspace handling [Owen, Jakub]
   - Replace existing workspace controls in the overview with a vertical list
     of workspace thumbnails.
   - Change workspace orientationin the main view to vertical
   - Workspaces are automatically managed - empty workspaces are removed,
     other than the last workspace which is always empty - a new workspace
     is added when something is started on that workspace.
   - Add ability to change workspace by mousewheel scrolling over
     thumbnails [Sardem FF7]
 * Add a PolicyKit authentication agent; requests to the user for
    authentication from PolicyKit now show up as shell-themed dialogs. [David]
 * Visual refresh [Florian]
   - Improve the appearance and behavior of the overview "dash"
   - Use larger icons in the Application browser
   - Improve the appearance of the top panel and round the corners of
     the screen [Florian]
   - Improve the appearance of the search entry in the overview [Florian, Ray]
 * Remove minimize and maximize buttons from the titlebar [Owen]
   ( gnome org/msg02527.html)
 * Change the options for stopping the system; Suspend is now in the menu,
   while Power Off... is hidden, but can be accessed by holding down Alt
   when browsing the user status menu [Ray]
 * Port telepathy integration to telepathy-glib from hand-written D-Bus code
   [Guillaume, Morten]
 * Remove the window filtering and highlighting when using the dash application
   menu - it was confusing and buggy rather than helpful [Adel]
 * Use the alt-tab switcher when <Alt>Above_Tab (alt-` typically) is pressed,
   and fix keybinding handling durng alt-tab. [Rui]
 * Message tray
   - Improve the expand/collapse behavior of for greater stability [Marina]
   - Hold notifications while the user is marked busy [Giovanni]
   - Group chat messages together [Hellyna]
   - Fix bug that resulted in missing icons for contacts without
     avatars [Hellyna]
   - Enable navigation using arrow keys between buttons in
     notifications [Hellyna]
 * Add audio feedback when scrolling over the volume status icon [Giovanni]
 * Add a "Show Layout" item to the input source selector menu
   [Giovanni, Sergei]
 * Use GLib application launching API, to allow us to associate windows with
   applications in a broader rannge of circumstances [Colin]
 * Unify history management between run dialog and looking glass,
   giving consistent behavior [Jasper]
 * Pass extension metadata object to extensions so they can be configured in
   metadata.json [Giovanni]
 * Support symbolic colors for legacy tray icons [Dan]
 * Shell Toolkit: implement ability to specify inset shadows in CSS [Florian]
 * Remove no-longer-useful --xephyr option from gnome-shell wrapper script
 * Improve the drawing of the "box pointer" used for menus and notifications
   [Sardem FF7]
 * Memory leak fixes [Maxim]
 * Code cleanups [Adel, Dan, Florian, Marina]
 * Bug fixes [Adel, Bastien, Dan, Florian, Giovanni, Jasper, Marina, Maxim,
   Owen, Ray, Takao]
 * Build fixes [Dan, Jason, Jasper, Luca, Owen, Florian, Pierre, Thomas]
 * Visual tweaks [Florian, Jon McCann, Jonathan S, Luca, Marina]

Quelle: GNOME Shell 2.91.90 released
"Remove minimize and maximize buttons from the titlebar" ...

Hm wie minimier ich denn jetzt schnell ein Fenster? Rechtklick -> minimize geht natürlich aber das ist ja umständlich. Überseh ich was?
Hmm, so wie ich das verstanden habe, wollen die Entwickler (UI Designer) kein minimieren mehr bzw. halten es für überflüssig.
Unter Gnome 2 kann man mit Alt + F9 das aktive Fenster minimieren...

GNOME 3: Erste Beta bringt viel Neues für "Shell" und Nautilus

Window controls for GNOME 3

Ubuntu - Cool die Gnome-Shell gibt es jetzt im offiziellen Gnome 3 PPA (aber nur für Natty).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Fedora 15 Gnome 3.0 Beta Screenshots





Zuletzt bearbeitet:
GNOME 3 live image - revenge of the workspaces (aka 0.0.5)

Changes in the image itself is pretty minimal :

* switched back to default kernel, some people with non-PAE system could not use previous image anymore (thanks Andre for the info)
* more a11y tools integrated (still work in progress, thanks Javier for the notice)
* more language available (switching languages from GNOME 3 is broken in this image, it should be fixed with image 0.0.6)

Link: Frederic Crozat blog: GNOME 3 live image - revenge of the workspaces (aka 0.0.5)

DL Live ISO: GNOME 3 - Made of Easy

Die Gnome 3 Website wurde überarbeitet.
Und ein neues Live Image in der Version 0.0.6 ist verfügbar.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

zwei Screenshots von meiner gnome-shell Installation unter Debian Experimental/Unstable.

Sieht noch nach einiges an Konfigurationsarbeit aus :-)
Sehr schön.

GNOME 2.91.92 Release Candidate sollte in ein paar Tage in Fedora Rawhide landen :d

GNOME Shell 2.91.92 released

Changes since 2.91.92
 * New network indicator for NetworkManager 0.9. This mostly
   completes replacing all legacy status icons in the status area
   with native implementations. If NetworkManager 0.9 is not
   found, the old nm-applet status icon will be shown in the
   status area as before [Giovanni; Matthias, Dan]
 * Multi monitor improvements [Alex]
   - Rewrite window positioning code to enable multi-monitor goodness
   - Enable new Mutter feature  workspaces_only_on_primary so that
     workspace switching only affects the primary monitor and
     windows on other monitors are unaffected.
   - In the overview, show windows for each monitor on that monitor
     rather than scrunching them oddly onto the primary monitor.
   - Use new "pointer barriers" feature of XFixes extension to trap the
     mouse cursor at hot screen corners even when there are adjacent
     monitors the cursor could slide onto.
   - Don't use a slideout for the workspace selector if it's at a
     monitor boundary.
 * Message Tray
   - Combine multiple notifications from the same source into a
     "stack" instead of filling the summary area with identical
     icons. [Marina]
   - Queue up incoming notifications while the user is interacting
     with the summary area [Hellyna]
   - Don't show resident (permanent) notifications from apps that
     are currently active [Neha]
   - Improve styling of items in the message tray to make
     click targets and states more obvious [Marina, Florian, Jonathan S]
   - For legacy status icons, forward clicks on the message tray label
     to the icon. [Dan]
   - For legacy status icons, kick out of the Activies Overview when
     the icon or label is clicked. [Dan]
   - Fix scrolling to the bottom when new messages arrive [Adel]
   - Misc bug fixes [Dan, Owen]
 * Greatly speed up search by not creating objects for non-displayed
   results [Maxim]
 * Fix long delay on entering overview on certain AMD cards by
   not repeatedly looking for the actor at pointer [Adel]
 * Message Tray chat [Jasper]
   - Add history navigation to entry
   - Handle and display aliases correctly
   - Carry conversations across shell restart
   - Support "actions" like the IRC /me command
   - Retrieve chat history from TelepathyLogger
 * When removing an empty workspace, merge it with the empty
   workspace and enter the overview instead of animating to
   a random adjacent workspace [Adel, Owen]
 * Performance testing framework [Owen]
   - Use standardized window confgurations instead of whatever
     windows the user has around.
   - Add new performance metrics for switching to the app view and
     for overview performance with different numbers of windows open.
 * Fix up StTooltip (fix bugs, add hover timeouts, and constrain
   tooltips to monitors) and use to display labels on hover over
   applications in the Dash [Giovanni, Florian, Owen]
 * Allow dragging over the workspace selector during a XDND drag to
   change workspaces [Adel]
 * Add Restart button to shutdown dialog [Ray]
 * Remove Screen Reader and Screen Keyboard from Accessibility menu;
   not ready to be a prominent feature of GNOME 3.0, though still
   available through System Settings. [Dan]
 * Honor relevant lockdown GSettings keys [Florian]
 * Improve appearance of PolicyKit dialogs [David]
 * Fixes for RTL layout [Abderrahim, Giovanni]
 * Remove sliding startup indicator in favor of a fixed one [Florian]
 * Obey global GNOME text size setting [Owen]
 * Visual tweaks [Adel, Florian, Jon M,  Jonathan S, Phil, Ray]
 * Code cleanups [Colin, Florian, Owen]
 * Build fixes [Bastien, Colin, Dan, Frédéric, Florian, Giovanni, Jason, Owen]
 * Bug fixes [Adel, Alex, Colin, Dan, David, Diego, Florian, Giovanni, Jasper,
   Jon M, Maxim, Neil, Owen, Ray, Vadim, Wouter]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Und nu, wer von euch hat schon ein System mit einer richtigen install (kein jhbuild ;) )?

Ich hab jetzt ein Ubuntu 11.04 mit der shell aus dem gnome3-team ppa, läuft bis auf Kleinigkeiten recht gut!
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