[Sammelthread] Grand Theft Auto Series / GTA V / Trilogy Definitive Edition

Mittag leute :d

Hihi das hab ich nachgemacht von Tiagoesanto

Soll ein Abstrakter Paintjob werden noch nicht fertig ist noch sehr viel zu machen
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
tolle bilder ice und jeti natürlich auch :)






Zuletzt bearbeitet:
das Problem mit Autos tunen ist immer. dass man sie selten behalten kann. entweder man fährt sie kaputt oder man "verliert" sie.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
dass es praktisch funktioniert habe ich aber bisher nur von nyzeone gesehen (und einer ausm russenforum). habe es selbst versucht - funzt aber nicht.

würde mich nicht wundern wenn es nyzeone nicht einmal selbst implementiert hat.
@kong: ich kenne das prob, habs auch selbst zig mal probiert bis es mal ging... allerdings finde ich die dirtlense ehr.. kacke :d.. sobald ne helle stelle (eben nicht nur die sonne) da ist, wird ein teil dieser dirtlense sichtbar, ebenfalls macht es das ganze bild leicht dunkler und komplett erschwerend hinzukommt, das es nur richtig geil aussieht, wenn man direkt in die sonne schaut. aber lad mal deine enbeffect iwo hoch, dann kann man mal reinschauen ;) würde jetzt auch mal behaupten das nyze das net selbst gemacht hat :p

verwende "All UR iCEnHanCER R BelOng 2 Us 2013 Edition Featuring NFS-HR by MasterKontrol BETA RELEASE 0.9R"


//""""""   """"""                                                                                                                                                                    """"""   """"""                                                      
//"::::"   "::::"                                                                                                                                                                    "::::"   "::::"                                                      
//"::::"   "::::"TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT               hhhhhhh                     SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS                                                                             iiii  "::::"   "::::"                                                      
// ":::"   ":::" T:::::::::::::::::::::T               h:::::h                   SS:::::::::::::::S                                                                           i::::i  ":::"   ":::"                                                       
//  "::"   "::"  T:::::::::::::::::::::T               h:::::h                  S:::::SSSSSS::::::S                                                                            iiii    "::"   "::"                                                        
//   """   """   T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T               h:::::h                  S:::::S     SSSSSSS                                                                                     """   """                                                         
//               TTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTTeeeeeeeeeeee    h::::h hhhhh            S:::::S                eeeeeeeeeeee    nnnn  nnnnnnnn        ssssssssss       eeeeeeeeeeee   iiiiiii                                                                      
//                       T:::::T      ee::::::::::::ee  h::::hh:::::hhh         S:::::S              ee::::::::::::ee  n:::nn::::::::nn    ss::::::::::s    ee::::::::::::ee i:::::i                                                                      
//                       T:::::T     e::::::eeeee:::::eeh::::::::::::::hh        S::::SSSS          e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn ss:::::::::::::s  e::::::eeeee:::::eei::::i                                                                      
//                       T:::::T    e::::::e     e:::::eh:::::::hhh::::::h        SS::::::SSSSS    e::::::e     e:::::enn:::::::::::::::ns::::::ssss:::::se::::::e     e:::::ei::::i                                                                      
//                       T:::::T    e:::::::eeeee::::::eh::::::h   h::::::h         SSS::::::::SS  e:::::::eeeee::::::e  n:::::nnnn:::::n s:::::s  ssssss e:::::::eeeee::::::ei::::i                                                                      
//                       T:::::T    e:::::::::::::::::e h:::::h     h:::::h            SSSSSS::::S e:::::::::::::::::e   n::::n    n::::n   s::::::s      e:::::::::::::::::e i::::i                                                                      
//                       T:::::T    e::::::eeeeeeeeeee  h:::::h     h:::::h                 S:::::Se::::::eeeeeeeeeee    n::::n    n::::n      s::::::s   e::::::eeeeeeeeeee  i::::i                                                                      
//                       T:::::T    e:::::::e           h:::::h     h:::::h                 S:::::Se:::::::e             n::::n    n::::nssssss   s:::::s e:::::::e           i::::i                                                                      
//                     TT:::::::TT  e::::::::e          h:::::h     h:::::h     SSSSSSS     S:::::Se::::::::e            n::::n    n::::ns:::::ssss::::::se::::::::e         i::::::i                                                                     
//                     T:::::::::T   e::::::::eeeeeeee  h:::::h     h:::::h     S::::::SSSSSS:::::S e::::::::eeeeeeee    n::::n    n::::ns::::::::::::::s  e::::::::eeeeeeee i::::::i                                                                     
//                     T:::::::::T    ee:::::::::::::e  h:::::h     h:::::h     S:::::::::::::::SS   ee:::::::::::::e    n::::n    n::::n s:::::::::::ss    ee:::::::::::::e i::::::i                                                                     
//                     TTTTTTTTTTT      eeeeeeeeeeeeee  hhhhhhh     hhhhhhh      SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS       eeeeeeeeeeeeee    nnnnnn    nnnnnn  sssssssssss        eeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiii                                                                     
//MMMMMMMM               MMMMMMMM                                           tttt                                                KKKKKKKKK    KKKKKKK                                            tttt                                              lllllll 
//M:::::::M             M:::::::M                                        ttt:::t                                                K:::::::K    K:::::K                                         ttt:::t                                              l:::::l 
//M::::::::M           M::::::::M                                        t:::::t                                                K:::::::K    K:::::K                                         t:::::t                                              l:::::l 
//M:::::::::M         M:::::::::M                                        t:::::t                                                K:::::::K   K::::::K                                         t:::::t                                              l:::::l 
//M::::::::::M       M::::::::::M  aaaaaaaaaaaaa      ssssssssss   ttttttt:::::ttttttt        eeeeeeeeeeee    rrrrr   rrrrrrrrr KK::::::K  K:::::KKK   ooooooooooo   nnnn  nnnnnnnn    ttttttt:::::ttttttt   rrrrr   rrrrrrrrr      ooooooooooo    l::::l 
//M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::M  a::::::::::::a   ss::::::::::s  t:::::::::::::::::t      ee::::::::::::ee  r::::rrr:::::::::r  K:::::K K:::::K    oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn  t:::::::::::::::::t   r::::rrr:::::::::r   oo:::::::::::oo  l::::l 
//M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::M  aaaaaaaaa:::::ass:::::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t     e::::::eeeee:::::eer:::::::::::::::::r K::::::K:::::K    o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t   r:::::::::::::::::r o:::::::::::::::o l::::l 
//M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M           a::::as::::::ssss:::::stttttt:::::::tttttt    e::::::e     e:::::err::::::rrrrr::::::rK:::::::::::K     o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::ntttttt:::::::tttttt   rr::::::rrrrr::::::ro:::::ooooo:::::o l::::l 
//M::::::M  M::::M::::M  M::::::M    aaaaaaa:::::a s:::::s  ssssss       t:::::t          e:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r     r:::::rK:::::::::::K     o::::o     o::::o  n:::::nnnn:::::n      t:::::t          r:::::r     r:::::ro::::o     o::::o l::::l 
//M::::::M   M:::::::M   M::::::M  aa::::::::::::a   s::::::s            t:::::t          e:::::::::::::::::e  r:::::r     rrrrrrrK::::::K:::::K    o::::o     o::::o  n::::n    n::::n      t:::::t          r:::::r     rrrrrrro::::o     o::::o l::::l 
//M::::::M    M:::::M    M::::::M a::::aaaa::::::a      s::::::s         t:::::t          e::::::eeeeeeeeeee   r:::::r            K:::::K K:::::K   o::::o     o::::o  n::::n    n::::n      t:::::t          r:::::r            o::::o     o::::o l::::l 
//M::::::M     MMMMM     M::::::Ma::::a    a:::::assssss   s:::::s       t:::::t    tttttte:::::::e            r:::::r          KK::::::K  K:::::KKKo::::o     o::::o  n::::n    n::::n      t:::::t    ttttttr:::::r            o::::o     o::::o l::::l 
//M::::::M               M::::::Ma::::a    a:::::as:::::ssss::::::s      t::::::tttt:::::te::::::::e           r:::::r          K:::::::K   K::::::Ko:::::ooooo:::::o  n::::n    n::::n      t::::::tttt:::::tr:::::r            o:::::ooooo:::::ol::::::l
//M::::::M               M::::::Ma:::::aaaa::::::as::::::::::::::s       tt::::::::::::::t e::::::::eeeeeeee   r:::::r          K:::::::K    K:::::Ko:::::::::::::::o  n::::n    n::::n      tt::::::::::::::tr:::::r            o:::::::::::::::ol::::::l
//M::::::M               M::::::M a::::::::::aa:::as:::::::::::ss          tt:::::::::::tt  ee:::::::::::::e   r:::::r          K:::::::K    K:::::K oo:::::::::::oo   n::::n    n::::n        tt:::::::::::ttr:::::r             oo:::::::::::oo l::::::l
//MMMMMMMM               MMMMMMMM  aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa sssssssssss              ttttttttttt      eeeeeeeeeeeeee   rrrrrrr          KKKKKKKKK    KKKKKKK   ooooooooooo     nnnnnn    nnnnnn          ttttttttttt  rrrrrrr               ooooooooooo   llllllll
// ENBSeries effect file
// visit http://enbdev.com for updates
// Copyright 2010 (c) Boris Vorontsov
// Master Kontrol - END.OF.LINE.......... NFS-HR Project 2011
// ENB FX By IceLaGlace V1.35 2011 (c)
// Rockstar Games - 2008 (c)
//NOTE: enable or disable these
//to disable, write // symbols before #define
//#define POSTPROCESS_V2 //overwise v1 of color processing // LEAVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//#define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION //use contrast, brightness, saturation from game

// ICE 135 (-150, 1.5, 10.0, 1) PACKET (-150, 0, 0, 0); MK (-5.0, 2.0, 25.0, 1.0) MK (4.0, 1.4, 65.0, 1.0) MK (-1.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0)
// TILT (50.0 1 100.0 1)? MADE (0.05, 0.25, 40.0, 0.025) MK DDOF (0.5 2.0 16.0 -1.0) LAST (1.0, 2.0, 28.0, 1.0) Tilt-ish

float	NearBlur = -25.0;
float	FocalPlane = 1.95;
float	FarBlur = 1.0;
float	BlurCutoffConstant = 1.05;

float	Dist1 = 0.25;
float	Dist2 = 0.25;
float2	MaxCoC = float2 (5.0, 18.0);

int	PixelSizeMultiplier = 1.25;
float	BlurIntensity = 0.125;
float2	FocusPoint= float2 (0.475, 0.475);
//float4	FocusPoint= float4 (-0.45, 0.65, -0.15, 0.85);


#define STATIC_DOF

// LQ = 24 TAPS, HQ = 60 TAPS.... CHOOSE ONE ONLY!!

//#define DOF_LQ
#define DOF_HQ

int	MBSteps = 11;
int	MBAmount = 0.55;
// Bloom
float   	Contrast = 0.75;
float   	BloomR = 1.50;
float   	BloomG = 0.88;
float   	BloomB = 0.30;

float	EColorSaturation=1.65;
float	EBloomAmount=0.03;
float	AdaptationDepth = 0.35;

// HDR Settings  
float4  	FogColor={0.75, 0.25, 1.25, 0.75}; 
float   	Defog=0.0;
float   	Exposure=0.041;
float   	Gamma=0.5;
float   	BlueShift=0;

// Ice filmic
float   A = 0.113; // SCREEN LUMA
float   B = 0.302; // OVERALL BLEACH DARKNESS / Lower=Darker
float   C = 0.480; // FOREGROUND SCREEN BRIGHTNESS / Higher=Brighter
float   D = 0.011; // OVERALL CONTRAST
float   E = 0.002; // MIDDLE SCREEN CONTRAST 
float   F = 2.500; 

// Bleach Bypass
float   BP_factor = 0.25;

// Vignette

float   VignetteAmount = 0.0;

//   sampler2D AdapLumSampler;
//   sampler2D BloomSampler;
//   float4 ColorCorrect;
//   float4 ColorShift;
//   float4 FogColor
//   float Exposure;
//   sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler2;
//   sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler3;
//   sampler2D HDRSampler;
//   sampler2D JitterSampler;
//   float PLAYER_MASK;
//   sampler2D StencilCopySampler;
//   float4 TexelSize;
//   float4 ToneMapParams;
//   float4 deSatContrastGamma;
//   float4 dofBlur;
//   float4 dofDist;
//   float4 dofProj;
//   float gDirectionalMotionBlurLength;
//   float4 globalScreenSize;
//   row_major float4x4 motionBlurMatrix;
// Registers:
//   Name                         		Reg    Size
//   ------------------------------------------ ------- -------
//   globalScreenSize      		c44      1
//   Exposure                    		c66      1
//   motionBlurMatrix     		c72      4
//   TexelSize                    		c76      1
//   dofProj                       		c77      1
//   dofDist                       		c78      1
//   dofBlur                       		c79      1
//   gDirectionalMotionBlurLength 	c80      1
//   ToneMapParams                		c81      1
//   deSatContrastGamma           	c82      1
//   ColorCorrect                 		c83      1
//   ColorShift                   		c84      1
//   PLAYER_MASK                  		c85      1
//   GBufferTextureSampler2       	s0        1
//   GBufferTextureSampler3       	s1       1
//   HDRSampler                   		s2       1
//   BloomSampler                 		s3       1
//   AdapLumSampler               		s4       1
//   JitterSampler                		s5       1
//   StencilCopySampler           		s6       1
float4 vpos  : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
float3 pos  : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
//int4  _i0 : register(i0);
float4  _c0 : register(c0);
float4  _c1 : register(c1);
float4  _c2 : register(c2);
float4  _c3 : register(c3);
float4  _c4 : register(c4);
float4  _c5 : register(c5);
float4  _c6 : register(c6);
float4  _c44 : register(c44);
float4  _c66 : register(c66);
float4  _c72 : register(c72);
float4  _c73 : register(c73);
float4  _c74 : register(c74);
float4  _c75 : register(c75);
float4  _c76 : register(c76);
float4  _c77 : register(c77);
float4  _c78 : register(c78);
float4  _c79 : register(c79);
float4  _c80 : register(c80);
float4  _c81 : register(c81);
float4  _c82 : register(c82);
float4  _c83 : register(c83);
float4  _c84 : register(c84);
float4  _c85 : register(c85);
float   maxi : register(c86);
float   temp : register(c87);
texture2D texs0 : register(s0);
texture2D texs1 : register(s1);
texture2D texs2 : register(s2);
texture2D texs3 : register(s3);
texture2D texs4 : register(s4);
texture2D texs5 : register(s5); //Motion Blur
texture2D texs6 : register(s6);
texture2D texs7 : register(s7);
texture2D texs13 : register(s13); //Palette (0.82)
texture2D texs15 : register(s15);
//sampler2D s0=sampler_state { Texture=<texs0>; };
//sampler2D s1=sampler_state { Texture=<texs1>; };
sampler2D s2=sampler_state { Texture=<texs2>; };
//sampler2D s3=sampler_state { Texture=<texs3>; };
sampler2D s4=sampler_state { Texture=<texs4>; };
//sampler2D s5=sampler_state { Texture=<texs5>; };
sampler2D s6=sampler_state { Texture=<texs6>; };
sampler2D s7=sampler_state { Texture=<texs7>; };
//sampler2D s13=sampler_state { Texture=<texs13>; };
sampler2D s15=sampler_state { Texture=<texs15>; };
//Next samplers states fixing problems on ATI cards

sampler2D s0 = sampler_state
Texture   = <texs0>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU  = Clamp;
AddressV  = Clamp;
sampler2D s1 = sampler_state
Texture   = <texs1>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU  = Clamp;
AddressV  = Clamp;
sampler2D s3 = sampler_state
Texture   = <texs3>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU  = Clamp;
AddressV  = Clamp;
sampler2D s5 = sampler_state
Texture   = <texs5>;
MinFilter = GaussianQuad;
MagFilter = GaussianQuad;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU  = Wrap;
AddressV  = wrap;

sampler2D s13 = sampler_state
Texture   = <texs13>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU  = Clamp;
AddressV  = Clamp;

float4 _oC0=0.0; //output
float4 _c0=float4(0, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986);
float4 _c1=float4(0.25, 1, 256, 0);
float4 _c2=float4(0, 2, 4, 8);
float4 _c3=float4(58.1640015, 47.1300011, 0, 0);
float4 _c4=float4(-0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5);
float4 _c5=float4(2, -1, 0.125, 0);
float4 _c6=float4(256, 2, 4, 8);


float4 _c7=float4(1.0, 0.1, 0.8, 1.0);
float4 _c8=float4(0.0, 0.1, 0.8, 0.333);
float4 _c9=float4(0.06, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1);
float4 _c10=float4(0.01, 1.4, 0.0, 0.32);
float4 _c11=float4(0.333333, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//float4 _c12=float4(0.27, 0.67, 0.06, 0.0);
float4 _c12=float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0);
float4 _c13=float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00001);
float4 _c150=float4(0.55, 0.9, 0.85, 0.9);
float4 _c195=float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.07);//0.7
float4 r0;
float4 r1;
float4 r2;
float4 r3;
float4 r4;
float4 r5;
float4 r6;
float4 r7;
float4 r8;
float4 r9;
float4 r10;
float4 r11;
float4 _v0=0.0;
r1=tex2D(s2, _v0.xy); //HDRSampler
r2=tex2D(s3, _v0.xy); //BloomSampler
//DOF - IceLaGlace - MK Edit-ion 2012 :)

float2  center;
float   depth;
float   focus;
r0=tex2D(s1, _v0.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler3
r0.y=-_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
r0.z=r0.y * _c77.y; //DofProj.y
r0.z=r0.z * -_c77.x; //DofProj.x
r0.x=_c77.y * -r0.y + r0.x;
r0.y=r0.z * r0.x;
r3=_c4; //-0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5
depth=r0.z * r0.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
depth+=_c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
depth+=148; //Offset

// (-150, 1.5, 10.0, 1); PACKET (-150, 0, 0, 0); MK (-5.0, 2.0, 25.0, 1.0) MK (4.0, 1.4, 65.0, 1.0) MK (-1.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0)
//float4  vDofParams = float4(-15.0, 2.0, 45.0, 1.0);
float4  vDofParams = float4(NearBlur, FocalPlane, FarBlur, BlurCutoffConstant);
// Near Blur, Focal Plane, Far Blur, Blur Cutoff Constant 

r4=tex2D(s1, FocusPoint); //GBufferTextureSampler3
r4.y=-_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
r4.z=r4.y * _c77.y; //DofProj.y
r4.z=r4.z * -_c77.x; //DofProj.x
r4.x=_c77.y * -r4.y + r4.x;
r4.y=r4.z * r4.x;      

float cdepth;
cdepth=r4.z * r4.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
cdepth+=_c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
cdepth+=148; //Offset
r4.w = tex2D(s0, FocusPoint).w;
if(r4.w > 0)
vDofParams.z = cdepth*6.0; // Default was 6.0 (ICE)
vDofParams.y = cdepth;

depth = max(depth, 0); //Zoom Bug Fixed
float   dist;
if(depth < vDofParams.y)
dist = (depth - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.y - vDofParams.x);
dist = (depth - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.z - vDofParams.y);
dist = clamp(dist, 0, vDofParams.w);

dist = dist * Dist1 + Dist2; // MK - Top switches

#ifdef DOF_LQ

int	DoF_TAPS=24;

static	float3 poisson[24]=
float3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.0, -1.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.7071, -0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.9659, 0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.2588, -0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.9659, -0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.2588, 0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.5000, -0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.5000, 0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.5000, 0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.5000, -0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.2588, 0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.9659, -0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.2588, -0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.9659, 0.2588, 1.0000 )

#ifdef DOF_HQ

int	DoF_TAPS=60;

static	float3 poisson[60] =
float3( 0.2165, 0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.2165, 0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.2165, -0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.2165, -0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.4330, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.4330, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.4330, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.4330, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.6495, 0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.7500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.6495, 0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.6495, -0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.7500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.6495, -0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.2163, 0.3754, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.3750, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4333, -0.0004, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.2163, -0.3754, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.3750, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4333, 0.0004, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4328, 0.5004, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.6250, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.6498, 0.1246, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.4328, -0.5004, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.6250, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.6498, -0.1246, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.6493, 0.6254, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.8750, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.8663, 0.2496, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.6493, -0.6254, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.8750, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.8663, -0.2496, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.2160, 0.6259, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.4340, 0.5000, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.6500, -0.1259, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.2160, -0.6259, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.4340, -0.5000, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.6500, 0.1259, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.4325, 0.7509, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4340, 0.7500, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.8665, -0.0009, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4325, -0.7509, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4340, -0.7500, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.8665, 0.0009, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.2158, 0.8763, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.6510, 0.6250, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.8668, -0.2513, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.2158, -0.8763, 0.9070 ),
float3( 0.6510, -0.6250, 0.9070 ),
float3( 0.8668, 0.2513, 0.9070 )

float2	pixelSizeHigh;
float2	pixelSizeLow;

pixelSizeHigh.x = 1.0 / _c44.x;
pixelSizeHigh.y = 1.0 / _c44.y;

pixelSizeHigh.xy *= PixelSizeMultiplier;
pixelSizeLow.xy = pixelSizeHigh.xy;

float2	vMaxCoC = MaxCoC; // float2 (5.0, 10.0); MK TESTING
float	radiusScale = BlurIntensity;
float	discRadius;
float	discRadiusLow;
float	centerDepth;
float4	tdepth;

float4 tapHigh;
float4 tapLow;

centerDepth = dist;

discRadius = abs(centerDepth * vMaxCoC.y - vMaxCoC.x);
discRadiusLow = discRadius * radiusScale;
r1 = 0.0;

for(int t = 0; t < DoF_TAPS; t++)
float2 coordLow = _v0.xy + (pixelSizeLow.xy * poisson[t].xy * discRadiusLow);
float2 coordHigh = _v0.xy + (pixelSizeHigh.xy * poisson[t].xy * discRadius);

tapLow = tex2D(s2, coordLow.xy) * poisson[t].z;
tapHigh = tex2D(s2, coordHigh.xy) * poisson[t].z;

tdepth = tex2D(s1, coordHigh.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler3
tdepth.y = -_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
tdepth.y = 2.0 / tdepth.y;
tdepth.z = tdepth.y * _c77.y; //dofProj.y
tdepth.z = tdepth.z * -_c77.x; //dofProj.x
tdepth.x = _c77.y * -tdepth.y + tdepth.x;
tdepth.x = 2.0 / tdepth.x;
tdepth.w = tdepth.z * tdepth.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
tdepth.w += _c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
tdepth.w += 148; //Offset

tdepth.w = max(tdepth.w, 0); //Fixed Zoom Bug

if(tdepth.w < vDofParams.y)
tapHigh.w = (tdepth.w - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.y - vDofParams.x);
tapHigh.w = (tdepth.w - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.z - vDofParams.y);
tapHigh.w = clamp(tapHigh.w, 0, vDofParams.w);

tapHigh.w = tapHigh.w * 0.5 + 0.5;

tapLow.w = tapHigh.w;

float tapBlur = abs(tapHigh.w * 2.0 - 1.0);
float4 tap = lerp(tapHigh, tapLow, tapBlur);

if(tap.w >= centerDepth)tap.w = 1.0;
else	tap.w = abs(tap.w * 2.0 - 1.0);

r1.xyz += tap.xyz * tap.w;
r1.w += tap.w;

r1.xyz /= r1.w;
float4 dofcolor = r11;
dofcolor.w = r1.w / DoF_TAPS;

#endif //DEPTH OF FIELD.

r1.w=dot(r1.xyz, r1.xyz); //dp2
//if (-r1.w<0.0) //r3 = r1;
//else r3 = _c0.x;
r3 = lerp(_c0.x, r1, saturate(r1.w * 10000));
r4 = r3;
r5 = r3;
r6 = r3;
r7 = r3;


r0.x=r0.z * r0.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
r0.x=_c78.y * -r3.w + r0.x; //DofDist.y
r1.w=max(r0.x, _c0.x); //0.0
r0.x=1.0/_c78.z; //DofDist.z
r0.x=r1.w * r0.x;
r1.w=lerp(_c79.y, _c79.z, r0.x);//DofBlur
r0.x=min(_c79.z, r1.w); //DofBlur.z
r0.z=dot(r7.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.x=dot(r3.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.y=dot(r4.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.z=dot(r5.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.w=dot(r6.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r1.w=dot(r8, _c1.xxxx);
r8=r8 - r1.w;
r2.w=dot(r8, r8);
r0.z=r0.z - r1.w;
r0.z=r0.z * r0.z - r2.w;
if (r0.z<0.0)
} else r0.x=_c1.y;

r8=tex2D(s0, _v0.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler2

r8.yz=_c1.yz; // 1.0, 256.0
r9=r8.w * -r8.z + _c2; //0, 2, 4, 8
if (r9.w<0.0) //r9<0.0
 r9=_c1.w; //0.0
} else r9=_c1.y; //1.0 
//r9 = Filtered Sky Mask

//r10=r8.w + tempc6;//c6.yzwx; //256, 2, 4, 8
r10=r8.w * -_c6.x + _c6.yzwx; //256, 2, 4, 8
if (r10.x<0.0)
} else r10.x=-_c1.y;
if (r10.y<0.0)
 r10.y=-_c1.w; //0.0
} else r10.y=-_c1.y; //1.0
if (r10.z<0.0)
} else r10.z=-_c1.y;

if (r10.z<0.0)
} else r10.z=-_c1.y;

if (r10.w<0.0)
} else r10.w=-_c1.y;

r9=r9 + r10;
r9=r9 * _c4.x;

r0.z=dot(r9, _c1.yyyy);
r0.z=r0.z + _c4.w;
r8.xzw=r3.xyz * r9.x;

r7.xyz=r7 * _c4.w + r8.xzw;
r7.xyz=r4 * r9.y + r7;
r7.xyz=r5 * r9.z + r7;
r7.xyz=r6 * r9.w + r7;
r7.xyz=r0.z * r7;
r0.z=-r0.x + _c1.y;
r1.w=r0.x * _c1.x;

r3.xyz=r3 * r1.w;
r3.xyz=r7 * r0.z + r3;
r3.xyz=r4 * r1.w + r3;
r3.xyz=r5 * r1.w + r3;
r3.xyz=r6 * r1.w + r3;

//r4.xyz=_v0.yxy * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.x=_v0.y * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.y=_v0.x * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.z=_v0.y * _c5.x + _c5.y;

r0.z=r4.y * _c77.z; //DofProj.z
r0.z=r0.y * r0.z;
r1.w=-r4.x * _c77.w; //DofProj.w
r1.w=r0.y * r1.w;
r5.xyz=r1.w * _c73; //MotionBlurMatrix.2
r5.xyz=r0.z * _c72 + r5; //MotionBlurMatrix.1
r5.xyz=-r0.y * _c74 + r5; //MotionBlurMatrix.3
r5.xyz=r5 + _c75; //MotionBlurMatrix.4

r0.y=-r5.z * _c77.z; //DofProj.z
r6.x=r5.x * r0.y;
r0.y=r5.z * _c77.w; //DofProj.w
r6.y=r5.y * r0.y;
//r0.yz=-r4 + r6.xxyw;
r0.yz=-r4.yz + r6.xy;

//MOTION BLUR STYLES - MasterKontrol.

r0.y=r0.y * _c80.x;
r0.z=r0.z * _c80.x;
r4.xy=r0.yz * _c5.z;
r5=tex2D(s6, _v0.xy);
r1.w=r5.x - _c85.x;
r4.zw=r3.xy * _c2.w;
r4.zw=_v0.xy * _c3.xy + r4.zw;
r5=tex2D(s5, r4.zw);
r4.zw=r4.xy * (r5.x - 4) + _v0.xy;

for (int iii=0; iii<MBSteps; iii++)
r6.x=r4.x * r3.w + r4.z;
r6.y=r4.y * r3.w + r4.w;
 r7=tex2D(s6, r6.xy);
 r5.w=r7.x - _c85.x;
 if (r5.w<MBAmount)
 r5.w=_c1.y; //1.0
 } else r5.w=_c1.w; //0.0
 r6=tex2D(s2, r6.xy);
 r5.xyz=r6.xyz * r5.w + r5.xyz;
 r2.w=r2.w + r5.w;
 r3.w=r3.w + _c1.y; //1.0


r0.y=r0.y * _c44.x; //GlobalScreenSize
r0.z=r0.z * _c44.y; //GlobalScreenSize
r0.y=dot(r0.yz, r0.yz)+_c0.x; //dp2
r0.y=pow(r0.y, _c4.w); //0.5
r0.y=r0.y * _c4.w; //0.5
r0.x=r0.x + _c1.y; //1.0
r0.x=saturate(r0.y * r0.x);
r4.xyz=r5 * r2.w - r3;
r0.xyz=r0.x * r4 + r3;
if (-r1.w<0.0) r0.xyz=r3.xyz;
if (-r0.w<0.0) r0.xyz=r1.xyz;

//Color Processing


r1=tex2D(s4, _c0.x); //AdapLumSampler , 0.0
r0.w=r0.w * _c81.y; //ToneMapParams.y
r1.x=r1.x * _c81.x; //ToneMapParams.x
r1.xyz=r2 * _c66.x - r1.x; //Exposure.x
r2.xyz=max(r1, _c0.x); //0.0
r1.xyz=r2 * _c81.z; //ToneMapParams.z
r1.xyz=r1 * _c1.x; //0.25
r0.xyz=r0 * _c66.x + r1; //Exposure.x
r1.xyz=r0.w * r0;
r1.x=dot(r1.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721
r0.xyz=r0 * r0.w - r1.x;
r0.xyz=_c82.x * r0 + r1.x; //DeSatContrastGamma.x
r0.w=r1.x * _c84.w; //ColorShift.w
r1.yzw=r0.w * _c84.xxyz; //ColorShift
//Darken as DarkeningAmount, Keeps Colors
r0.xyz=r0.xyz - _c84.xyz * r0.w; //ColorShift
r0.xyz=r2.x * r0.xyz + r1.yzww;
//Coloring (Green, Brown, ...)
r0.xyz=2.0 * r0.xyz * _c83.xyz; //ColorCorrect
//Keeps Colors, Changes Luma
r0.w=_c82.z - _c1.y; //deSatContrastGamma.z - 1.0
r2.x=pow(r1.x, r0.w);
_oC0.xyz=r0.xyz * r2.x; //orig
_oC0.w=_c1.y; //1.0
//float4  color = r0 * r11;
r0=tex2D(s2, _v0.xyz); //HDR Color - MK
float4  color = r0;
float4 origcolor = tex2D(s2, _v0.xyz);
//Adaptation Luminance
r5=tex2D(s4, _c0.x);
r0.xyz=r11 * r5.w;
r3.xy=r3.xy * r5.w;
color.xyz=color.xyz * r5.w;

//Temp 2.0 Test
r7=tex2D(s3, _v0.xy); 
color=r7 * 0 + r0; // * 0 + r11 does not work
float4 colorbloom = tex2D(s3, _v0.xy);//0.5
colorbloom *= r5.w;
colorbloom.r*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
colorbloom.g*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
colorbloom.b*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
//Increase Color
float cgray=dot(color.xyz, 0.333);//luma
float3 poweredcolor=pow(color.xyz, EColorSaturation);
float newgray=dot(poweredcolor.xyz, 0.333);
float bloomgray=dot(colorbloom.xyz, 0.333) * EBloomAmount;
colorbloom.r *= BloomR;
colorbloom.g *= BloomG;
colorbloom.b *= BloomB;
color.xyz=lerp(color.xyz, color.xyz*0.8+colorbloom.xyz*0.3, saturate(bloomgray));
color.xyz=max(color.xyz, 0.0001);
color *= Exposure;
float4 curr = ((color*(A*color+C*B)+D*E)/(color*(A*color+B)+D*F))-E/F;
float4 whiteScale = ((W*(A*W+C*B)+D*E)/(W*(A*W+B)+D*F))-E/F;
color = curr*whiteScale;
color = pow(color,1/2.2);
//color.xyz = saturate(color.xyz);
color.xyz=color.xyz*0.98 + sin(color.xyz*1.570796)*0.08;
//Bleach Bypass Code

float   luma = dot(color.xyz, _c12.xyz);
float3  blend = luma.xxx;
float   L = min(1, max(0, 10*(luma - 0.5)));
float3 result1 = 1.5 * color.xyz * blend;
float3 result2 = 1.0 - 1.5*(1.0 - blend)*(1.0 - color.xyz);
float3 newColor = lerp(result1.xyz, result2.xyz, L);
float3 mixRGB = BP_factor * newColor.xyz;
mixRGB += ((1.0f - BP_factor) * color.xyz);

color.xyz = mixRGB;

//Increase Constrast
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, 0.5 * (1 + sin((color.xyz - 0.5)*3.1415926)), Contrast);

//Apply Original Corrections (((

r0.w=1.0;//_c81.y/r5.x; //r5 is Adaptation Luminance Sampler
luma=0.27*color.r + 0.67*color.g + 0.06*color.b;
color.xyz=color.xyz * r0.w - luma;
color.xyz=_c82.x * color.xyz + luma; //DeSatContrastGamma.x
r0.w=luma * _c84.w; //ColorShift.w
r1.xyz=r0.w * _c84.xyz; //ColorShift
//Darken as DarkeningAmount, Keeps Colors
color.xyz=color.xyz - _c84.xyz * r0.w; //ColorShift
color.xyz=saturate(r0.w) * color.xyz + r1.xyz;
//Coloring (green, brown, ...)
color.xyz=2.0 * color.xyz * _c83.xyz; //ColorCorrect
r0.w=_c82.z - _c1.y; //deSatContrastGamma.z - 1.0
color.xyz=color.xyz * pow(luma, r0.w);
//Colour Palette Texture (0.082)

float3 brightness=0.001;//tex2D(s4, _c0.x);//adaptation luminance
float3 palette;
float4 uvsrc=1.0;
palette.r=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).r;
palette.g=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).g;
palette.b=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).b;
#endif //E_CC_PALETTE
//Cross Processing Code - IceLaGlace 2011 (c)

float Weight;
r2.x = dot(color.xyz, 0.333);
r2.x = 1 - pow(1.71, -r2.x*5.0);
r2.x = r2.x * 0.094; // 8-19-2012 Changing Gamma / Brightness Levels
r0.xyz = saturate(r0.xyz - r2.x);
r0.xyz = lerp(r0.xyz, sin(r0.xyz*1.570796), 1.25);
Weight=0.6 - r2.x*0.5;
color.xyz=lerp(color.xyz, r0.xyz, Weight);
r10.x = dot(color.xyz, _c12.xyz);
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, r10.x, 0.1);
float fRatio = 0.5;
float moodR = 1.02;
float moodG = 1.02;
float moodB = 1.01;
float4 colInput = r0;
float4 colMood = 0.56;
colMood.r = moodR;
colMood.g = moodG;
colMood.b = moodB;
float fLum = ( colInput.r + colInput.g + colInput.b ) / 3;
colMood = lerp(0, colMood, saturate(fLum * 2.0));
colMood = lerp(colMood, 1, saturate(fLum - 0.5) * 2.0);
float4 colOutput = lerp(colInput, colMood, saturate(fLum * fRatio));
color.rgb=max(0, colOutput);

//Vignette Code
focus = length(center.xy)*1.41421;
focus = pow(focus, 4);
color.xyz -= focus * VignetteAmount;
return _oC0;
//Temporary Post Process
technique Shader_C215BE6E
   pass p0
 PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 PS_C215BE6E();
//Original Post Process
   pass p0
// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.23.949.2378
// Parameters:
//   sampler2D AdapLumSampler;
//   sampler2D BloomSampler;
//   float4 ColorCorrect;
//   float4 ColorShift;
//   float4 FogColor
//   float Exposure;
//   sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler2;
//   sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler3;
//   sampler2D HDRSampler;
//   sampler2D JitterSampler;
//   float PLAYER_MASK;
//   sampler2D StencilCopySampler;
//   float4 TexelSize;
//   float4 ToneMapParams;
//   float4 deSatContrastGamma;
//   float4 dofBlur;
//   float4 dofDist;
//   float4 dofProj;
//   float gDirectionalMotionBlurLength;
//   float4 globalScreenSize;
//   row_major float4x4 motionBlurMatrix;
// Registers:
//   Name                         		Reg    Size
//   ------------------------------------------ ------- -------
//   globalScreenSize      		c44      1
//   Exposure                    		c66      1
//   motionBlurMatrix     		c72      4
//   TexelSize                    		c76      1
//   dofProj                       		c77      1
//   dofDist                       		c78      1
//   dofBlur                       		c79      1
//   gDirectionalMotionBlurLength 	c80      1
//   ToneMapParams                		c81      1
//   deSatContrastGamma           	c82      1
//   ColorCorrect                 		c83      1
//   ColorShift                   		c84      1
//   PLAYER_MASK                  		c85      1
//   GBufferTextureSampler2       	s0        1
//   GBufferTextureSampler3       	s1       1
//   HDRSampler                   		s2       1
//   BloomSampler                 		s3       1
//   AdapLumSampler               		s4       1
//   JitterSampler                		s5       1
//   StencilCopySampler           		s6       1
   def c0, 0, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
   def c1, 0.25, 1, 256, 0
   def c2, 0, 2, 4, 8
   def c3, 58.1640015, 47.1300011, 0, 0
   def c4, -0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5
   def c5, 2, -1, 0.125, 0
   def c6, 256, 2, 4, 8
def c180, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.5
def c181, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.01
def c183, 800.0, 600.0, 0.0, 100.5
   defi i0, 7, 0, 0, 0
   dcl_texcoord v0.xy
   dcl_2d s0
   dcl_2d s1
   dcl_2d s2
   dcl_2d s3
   dcl_2d s4
   dcl_2d s5
   dcl_2d s6
   texld r0, v0, s1
   add r0.y, -c77.x, c77.y
   rcp r0.y, r0.y
   mul r0.z, r0.y, c77.y
   mul r0.z, r0.z, -c77.x
   mad r0.x, c77.y, -r0.y, r0.x
   rcp r0.x, r0.x
   mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.x
   texld r1, v0, s2
   texld r2, v0, s3
   abs r0.w, c79.w
   mov r3, c4
   mad r4.xy, c76, r3, v0
   texld r4, r4, s2
   mad r5.xy, c76, r3.zxzw, v0
   texld r5, r5, s2
   mad r3.xz, c76.xyyw, r3.wyzw, v0.xyyw
   texld r6, r3.xzzw, s2
   mad r3.xy, c76, r3.ywzw, v0
   texld r7, r3, s2
   dp3 r1.w, r4, r4
   rcp r1.w, r1.w
   cmp r3.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r4
   dp3 r1.w, r5, r5
   rcp r1.w, r1.w
   cmp r4.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r5
   dp3 r1.w, r6, r6
   rcp r1.w, r1.w
   cmp r5.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r6
   dp3 r1.w, r7, r7
   rcp r1.w, r1.w
   cmp r6.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r7
   dp3 r1.w, r1, r1
   rcp r1.w, r1.w
   cmp r7.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r1
   mad r0.x, r0.z, r0.x, -c78.w
   mad r0.x, c78.y, -r3.w, r0.x
   max r1.w, r0.x, c0.x
   rcp r0.x, c78.z
   mul r0.x, r1.w, r0.x
   lrp r1.w, r0.x, c79.z, c79.y
   min r0.x, c79.z, r1.w
   dp3 r0.z, r7, c0.yzww
   dp3 r8.x, r3, c0.yzww
   dp3 r8.y, r4, c0.yzww
   dp3 r8.z, r5, c0.yzww
   dp3 r8.w, r6, c0.yzww
   dp4 r1.w, r8, c1.x
   add r8, r8, -r1.w
   dp4 r2.w, r8, r8
   add r0.z, r0.z, -r1.w
   mad r0.z, r0.z, r0.z, -r2.w
   mul r0.x, r0.x, r0.x
   cmp r0.x, r0.z, c1.y, r0.x
   texld r8, v0, s0
   mov r8.yz, c1
   mad r9, r8.w, -r8.z, c2
   cmp r9, r9, c1.y, c1.w
   mad r10, r8.w, -c6.x, c6.yzwx
   cmp r10, r10, -c1.y, -c1.w
   add r9, r9, r10
   mul r9, r9, c4.x
   dp4 r0.z, r9, c1.y
   add r0.z, r0.z, c4.w
   rcp r0.z, r0.z
   mul r8.xzw, r3.xyyz, r9.x
   mad r7.xyz, r7, c4.w, r8.xzww
   mad r7.xyz, r4, r9.y, r7
   mad r7.xyz, r5, r9.z, r7
   mad r7.xyz, r6, r9.w, r7
   mul r7.xyz, r0.z, r7
   add r0.z, -r0.x, c1.y
   mul r1.w, r0.x, c1.x
   mul r3.xyz, r3, r1.w
   mad r3.xyz, r7, r0.z, r3
   mad r3.xyz, r4, r1.w, r3
   mad r3.xyz, r5, r1.w, r3
   mad r3.xyz, r6, r1.w, r3
   mad r4.xyz, v0.yxyw, c5.x, c5.y
   mul r0.z, r4.y, c77.z
   mul r0.z, r0.y, r0.z
   mul r1.w, -r4.x, c77.w
   mul r1.w, r0.y, r1.w
   mul r5.xyz, r1.w, c73
   mad r5.xyz, r0.z, c72, r5
   mad r5.xyz, -r0.y, c74, r5
   add r5.xyz, r5, c75
   mul r0.y, -r5.z, c77.z
   rcp r0.y, r0.y
   mul r6.x, r5.x, r0.y
   mul r0.y, r5.z, c77.w
   rcp r0.y, r0.y
   mul r6.y, r5.y, r0.y
   add r0.yz, -r4, r6.xxyw
   mul r0.yz, r0, c80.x
   mul r4.xy, r0.yzzw, c5.z
   texld r5, v0, s6
   add r1.w, r5.x, -c85.x
   mul r4.zw, r3.xyxy, c2.w
   mad r4.zw, v0.xyxy, c3.xyxy, r4
   texld r5, r4.zwzw, s5
   add r2.w, r5.x, c4.x
   mad r4.zw, r4.xyxy, r2.w, v0.xyxy
   mov r5.xyz, r3
   mov r2.w, c1.y
   mov r3.w, c1.y
   rep i0
     mad r6.xy, r4, r3.w, r4.zwzw
     texld r7, r6, s6
     add r5.w, r7.x, -c85.x
     cmp r5.w, r5.w, c1.w, c1.y
     texld r6, r6, s2
     mad r5.xyz, r6, r5.w, r5
     add r2.w, r2.w, r5.w
     add r3.w, r3.w, c1.y
   rcp r2.w, r2.w
   mul r0.yz, r0, c183.xxyw//c44.xxyw
   dp2add r0.y, r0.yzzw, r0.yzzw, c0.x
   rsq r0.y, r0.y
   rcp r0.y, r0.y
   mul r0.y, r0.y, c4.w
   add r0.x, r0.x, c1.y
   rcp r0.x, r0.x
   mul_sat r0.x, r0.y, r0.x
   mad r4.xyz, r5, r2.w, -r3
   mad r0.xyz, r0.x, r4, r3
   cmp r0.xyz, r1.w, r3, r0
   cmp r0.xyz, -r0.w, r0, r1
   texld r1, c0.x, s4
   rcp r0.w, r1.x
   mul r0.w, r0.w, c81.y
   rcp r1.x, r0.w
   mul r1.x, r1.x, c81.x
   mad r1.xyz, r2, c66.x, -r1.x
   max r2.xyz, r1, c0.x
   mul r1.xyz, r2, c81.z
   mul r1.xyz, r1, c1.x
   mad r0.xyz, r0, c66.x, r1
   mul r1.xyz, r0.w, r0
   dp3 r1.x, r1, c0.yzww
   mad r0.xyz, r0, r0.w, -r1.x
   mad r0.xyz, c82.x, r0, r1.x
   mul r0.w, r1.x, c84.w
   mul r1.yzw, r0.w, c84.xxyz
   mov_sat r2.x, r0.w
   mad r0.xyz, c84, -r0.w, r0
   mad r0.xyz, r2.x, r0, r1.yzww
   mul r0.xyz, r0, c83
   add r0.xyz, r0, r0
   mov_sat r1.x, r1.x
   add r0.w, -r8.y, c82.z
   pow r2.x, r1.x, r0.w
//mul r2.x, r2.x, c181.x
   mul oC0.xyz, r0, r2.x
   mov oC0.w, c1.y
//texld r1, v0, s2
//mul oC0.xyz, r1, c199.z
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@blackstone: Was soll das wohl sein .. :drool:

Sagt doch der Name schon ^^
Das ist seine enbeffect+dirtlens-Code!

dirtlens- dreckige objekte? wie soll ich mir das genau vorstellen? oder hab ich grad einfach nur ein brett vorm kopf
funktioniert bei jemandem GTA 4 unter windows 8? Bei mir startet das spiel im fenster modus aber das bild bleibt schwarz
recht hat er ja :d musst dir halt vorstellen das du dreck bzw ne art wasserflecken auf der linse hast, heisst, schaust du ins dunkle ist es nicht sichtbar, schaust du ins helle wird es sichtbar. das is alles eigentl. In gtaIV allerdings kann man jetzt wie niggbert anstatt nur "flecken" ne art "strahlen" zu nehmen und wenn man dann in die sonne schaut wirkt es als hätte man sichtbare sonnenstrahlen, was auch echt ein sau geiler effekt ist, wenn man die sonne recht mittig zur kamera-mitte hat... in meinen augen hat das ding aber sonst nur nachteile und sieht großteils störend aus, ist an stellen sichtbar wo man sie nicht sehen will und macht wie schon geschrieben auch das gesamte bild ein wenig dunkler..

@kong: schaue mir das gleich mal an, da ich aber 0 ahnung von codes habe versuche ich jetzt per vergleichen mit meiner dirtlense enbeffect.fx aus der v4 enb das da rein zu copy/pasten. also entweder es geht auf anhieb, oder ich kriegs net hin :d aber schauen wa gleich mal ;)
@flying könntest du bitte mal dein postfach ein wenig leeren? hätte da noch 1-2 fragen an dich :P
Hab Platz gemacht :P

Dann beschmücke ich mal die Seite 454 mit ein paar Gn8 Bildern vom wunderschönen Vanquish..

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Aber bedenke, selbst mit dem Rechner, kanns zu Rucklern kommen :d:d

Sehen abnormal gut aus deine Bilder!!
@kong: schaue mir das gleich mal an, da ich aber 0 ahnung von codes habe versuche ich jetzt per vergleichen mit meiner dirtlense enbeffect.fx aus der v4 enb das da rein zu copy/pasten.

hab deine enbeffect mal verglichen und die codes rüberkopiert bzw. gelöscht in der iceshader.fx; es kommt dann aber nur ein schwarzes bild (interface ist aber zu sehen) -.-
So, noch'en paar Gn8-Screens von mir, allerdings ohne PJ. Aber spätestens morgen Abend gibt's Bilder von meinem angemalten Lambo.

Auch wenn es ziemlich schlechte Qualli hat, hier der Innenraum:

Schickes Video du da über mir. Ach hätt' ich fast vergessen: Wie immer viele, schöne Screens von euch.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hm, sorry kong, aber aufgrund bf3-technischer abhängigkeit kam ich net dazu das noch anzuschauen :d mache es aber morgen nach der arbeit... aber mehr als copy/paste geht bei mir auch nicht :d haste evtl recht weiter eben den Sampler S15 vergessen?

aber trotzdem eine gute nacht ;)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
zum thema GTA V mir scheiß egal der texturmatsch den nord gesehen hat oder so das game zerbumst alles guck mal an was ihr alles machen könnt !
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