Helft mir mal bei English pls!


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Ist das richtig so ? Morgen schreibe ich english über das thema schule... Wir kriegen Aussagen von Schülern, über welche wir dann unsere meinung schreiben sollen. Hab extra keine komplizierten sentences gemacht.

Without homework we would be much better at school because we have more free-time.

I don't think so because the pupils can learn for tests when they do their homework. Without homework the pupils will be bad at school. They get experience if they do their homework. They will be sure in tests and so they don't make so much mistakes. They become better in school. With homework the pupils can learn things...

The teachers always say what we have to do. I want to choose what I learn.

The teachers have experience in their work. They know what is good for pupils. And so they know what they have to do in the different classes. I think it is right, that the teacher chooses the stuff which the pupils have to learn. The teachers know what they do and they don't make things which are bad for pupils.

ist das richtig?
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Hi also die mesiten verwenden viel zu viel they, that will be u.s.w.

hier mal ein Vorschlag von mir.

zu 1)
In my opinion the school achievement will not better without homework.
Due to homeworks they imprint the learned stuff and will perform better
in tests.

zu 2)
Teachers don`t choose the stuff. They teach in the way what is predetermined
in the curriculum. If pupil will choose the stuff by theyself the knowledge
would be very one-sided.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bemerkung am Rande: Es beginnt im Englischem nie ein Satz mit "and"
zum ersten satz: ..we would have more freetime. ist ein bedingungssatz, d.h andere verbform
"Without homework we would be much better at school since we had more free-time."

"I don't think so because the pupils can learn for tests when they do their homework. Without homework the pupils would be bad at school. They will practice and learn better if they do their homework. They will be more self-confident in tests and so they won't make so much mistakes. They will become better in school. With homework the pupils can learn things in a better way as without homework"

"The teachers always say what we have to do. I want to choose what I learn."

"The teachers have experience in their work. They know what is good for pupils. And so they know what they have to do in the different classes. I think it is right, that the teacher chooses the stuff which the pupils have to learn. The teachers know what they do and I believe that they teach us pupils in the best way they can think of."

so, das wärs im groben - schreib das bitte nicht einfach ab ;) sondern lern es wenn überhaupt auswending und versuche, soviel eigenes wie möglich in deinen text einzubauen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
"Without homework pupils would be much better at school because they would have more free-time.

I don't think so because without homework pupils would be bad at school. By doing their homework pupils automatically learn for tests. That's why they will make less mistakes and have better marks. Repeating the stuff ("homework") teachers taught them in school also makes pupils learn much faster.

Teachers always say what pupils have to do. Pupils want to choose it themselves.

The teachers have experience in their job. They know what to teach in different classes. It's right that the teacher chooses the stuff pupils have to learn, because they know what they do and I think that they teach pupils the best way they can."

So in etwa würde ich das schreiben. Vor allem die ganzen the's musst du weglassen. Ich welche Klasse gehst du, wenn ich fragen darf...
S.h. Profil...Geburtstag 04.1988 ...dürfte also, wenn alles gut geklappt hat bis jetzt für die 9te Klasse sein...
ja bin neunte klasse gymi...
Bin NICHT sitzengeblieben :coolblue: Bin sogar ganz gut 2und3 :d

Danke für eure Antworten aber der LEhrer meinte wir sollen im Present bleiben...
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