i_hassers Benchmark Utility


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So, da ich den Benchmark sehr gut finde, dachte ich, man kann doch hier mal einen kleinen Vergleich starten. :)

Hier downloaden!

Entpacken und dann mit der entsprechenden *.bat den Benchmark starten.

A64 u. Athlon XP : BK7.bat

Pentium4 : BP4.bat

Pentium-M : Ich denk mal die BK7.bat passt da auch, wenn nicht mal ausprobieren.

Die Ergebnisse stehen dann in der result.txt!
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Kannst du ne Herstellerseite oder sowas sagen, wo man nachschauen kann um was es sich genau handelt? Deine Infos sind recht spärlich und ich installiere nur ungern was, wenn ich nicht weiß was es ist :d
Ich fang mal an : System wie in der Signatur -

benchmarking utility, written by intel_hasser
Version C
Timer Resolution: 2801104568 Hz

Compiled for AMD K7

dhrystone 2 benchmark:
  VAX rating: 4075.8863 VAX MIPS
  dhrystone rating: 7161.3322 kilo dhrystone/s

integer mandelbrot benchmark:
  calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
  result: 995.1951 it/s

  integer result:  6771.4933 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 24601.9596 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

whetstone benchmark:
  result: 2138.6992 MWIPS

floatpoint mandelbrot benchmark:
  calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
  result: 1049.9908 it/s

  float result:    2019.0188 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 21124.4874 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

memory bandwith benchmark:

  measurement 1
  blksize      int32 read     int32 write      int64 read     int64 write    float64 read   float64 write
     1 kB    15249.2 MB/s    21334.0 MB/s    17622.0 MB/s    15978.4 MB/s    15095.7 MB/s    14528.1 MB/s
     4 kB    21948.0 MB/s    21340.2 MB/s    17428.9 MB/s    15832.5 MB/s    16992.8 MB/s    15066.6 MB/s
     8 kB    23327.9 MB/s    20972.9 MB/s    17693.7 MB/s    16049.0 MB/s    17077.6 MB/s    15351.8 MB/s
    16 kB    24483.9 MB/s    21148.8 MB/s    17839.9 MB/s    16151.7 MB/s    17390.1 MB/s    15538.8 MB/s
    24 kB    24898.3 MB/s    21155.3 MB/s    17803.4 MB/s    16124.6 MB/s    17505.6 MB/s    15586.3 MB/s
    32 kB    25112.3 MB/s    21245.0 MB/s    17905.0 MB/s    16203.6 MB/s    17562.2 MB/s    15617.3 MB/s
    48 kB    25321.7 MB/s    21278.8 MB/s    17928.0 MB/s    16228.7 MB/s    17607.7 MB/s    15638.9 MB/s
    64 kB    25300.2 MB/s    21270.2 MB/s    17799.3 MB/s    16019.7 MB/s    17548.2 MB/s    15476.3 MB/s
    96 kB    12214.2 MB/s    10644.4 MB/s     9989.1 MB/s     7338.2 MB/s     9029.8 MB/s     7288.4 MB/s
   128 kB    12143.8 MB/s    10563.8 MB/s     9882.5 MB/s     7230.9 MB/s     8804.5 MB/s     7185.4 MB/s
   192 kB    12145.8 MB/s    10562.7 MB/s     9892.5 MB/s     7225.1 MB/s     8812.1 MB/s     7188.7 MB/s
   256 kB    12158.6 MB/s    10566.8 MB/s     9900.8 MB/s     7229.1 MB/s     8808.6 MB/s     7191.4 MB/s
   384 kB    12156.6 MB/s    10567.4 MB/s     9902.2 MB/s     7228.7 MB/s     8817.4 MB/s     7185.8 MB/s
   512 kB    12126.7 MB/s    10539.3 MB/s     9900.4 MB/s     7215.2 MB/s     8794.2 MB/s     7188.2 MB/s
   768 kB     4658.2 MB/s     3269.3 MB/s     4258.4 MB/s     3086.2 MB/s     4209.6 MB/s     3090.2 MB/s
  1024 kB     4654.1 MB/s     3268.2 MB/s     4256.5 MB/s     3086.8 MB/s     4207.4 MB/s     3093.1 MB/s
  1536 kB     4657.7 MB/s     3273.2 MB/s     4255.7 MB/s     3091.4 MB/s     4210.5 MB/s     3095.2 MB/s
  2048 kB     4653.2 MB/s     3265.3 MB/s     4251.9 MB/s     3081.7 MB/s     4202.3 MB/s     3093.1 MB/s
  3072 kB     4583.0 MB/s     3264.5 MB/s     4244.9 MB/s     3062.0 MB/s     4142.0 MB/s     3069.4 MB/s
  4096 kB     4548.7 MB/s     3252.5 MB/s     4214.4 MB/s     3046.8 MB/s     4105.8 MB/s     3057.0 MB/s

  measurement 2
 datasize            COPY             ADD           SCALE           TRIAD
  float64     3304.2 MB/s     3278.6 MB/s     3872.1 MB/s     3516.0 MB/s 
  int32       3509.0 MB/s     1791.6 MB/s     3683.4 MB/s     2362.9 MB/s 
  int64       3499.4 MB/s     1624.5 MB/s     3303.3 MB/s     1690.6 MB/s 

  average speed
  memory read:          12137.2588 MB/s
  memory write:         10463.7217 MB/s
  memory operation:      2952.9727 MB/s

  average memory speed:  8517.9844 MB/s

bubble sort memory benchmark:
  sorting random list with 655360 32bit entries
  result: 897.6268 it/s
  integer result:  4117.8757 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 20196.6005 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

integer matrix benchmark:
  using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
  rating: 542.5806 it/s

prime filtering benchmark (M3):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 6.1828 it/s

  integer result:  1916.8445 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 11723.3807 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M4):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 3.5695 it/s

  integer result:  836.8122 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 5263.9896 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M6):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 3.8419 it/s

  integer result:  1620.0874 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 8057.1795 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

floatpoint matrix benchmark:
  using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
  rating: 414.0303 it/s

image operation benchmark:
  image size of 1024x1024
  rating: 131.3116

  integer result:  688.7205 MOPS (million operations per second)
  float result:    1376.9022 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 11032.7461 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

Rel. Rating (Calc/Mem, Cache/Mem):    1.44/0.70       0.86/1.16   
Abs. Rating (Int, Float, Mem):       76.12          121.76          68.95
Category Rating (Office, MMedia):    77.10           85.87
Overall Rating (Average):            81.92

Der Hersteller ist der hier : http://www.planet3dnow.de/vbulletin/member.php?u=8607 :O
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
was hat der benchmark denn mit firefox zu tun? der wird ja in das verzeichnis davon installiert? Und was macht der genau? misst der nur die cpu geschwindigkeit?
Firefox? Der hat nicht mal eine Installationsroutine! Das ist eine selbstenpackende ZIP-Dazei, die ich erstellt hab, das wird dahin installiert, wo man das Verzeichniss entpackt! :rolleyes:

Wenn du mein Ergebniss oben anschaun würdest, dann wüsstest du, was getestet wird. CPU/Memory etc., eben die Gesamtperformance eines Systems, ausser Grafikleistung. ;)
Wenn du mein Ergebniss oben anschaun würdest, dann wüsstest du, was getestet wird. CPU/Memory etc., eben die Gesamtperformance eines Systems, ausser Grafikleistung.

Habs auch egrade gesehen ;)
Firefox? Der hat nicht mal eine Installationsroutine! Das ist eine selbstenpackende ZIP-Dazei, die ich erstellt hab, das wird dahin installiert, wo man das Verzeichniss entpackt!

Ne im ernst, der hat das bei mir automatisch ins firefox verzeichnis entpackt..... egal verschieb ichs eben wo anders hin ;)

Lass den bench dann auch gleich mal laufen, mal schaun was bei rauskommt :) Wie lange dauert ein durchlauf ca.?
So mit XP-M 2600+ und 232MHZ FSB:

Ist das gut????

benchmarking utility, written by intel_hasser
Version C
Timer Resolution: 2676047152 Hz

Compiled for AMD K7

dhrystone 2 benchmark:
VAX rating: 3664.2806 VAX MIPS
dhrystone rating: 6438.1410 kilo dhrystone/s

integer mandelbrot benchmark:
calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
result: 750.2312 it/s

integer result: 5104.7136 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 18546.2722 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

whetstone benchmark:
result: 2096.4136 MWIPS

floatpoint mandelbrot benchmark:
calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
result: 1002.7252 it/s

float result: 1928.1323 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 20173.5645 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

memory bandwith benchmark:

measurement 1
blksize int32 read int32 write int64 read int64 write float64 read float64 write
1 kB 10017.4 MB/s 10150.7 MB/s 16412.8 MB/s 11548.1 MB/s 14563.9 MB/s 9924.1 MB/s
4 kB 12453.2 MB/s 10152.3 MB/s 16289.2 MB/s 11437.9 MB/s 16416.3 MB/s 10429.0 MB/s
8 kB 12855.8 MB/s 10137.7 MB/s 16507.9 MB/s 11548.7 MB/s 16580.4 MB/s 10436.4 MB/s
16 kB 13199.7 MB/s 10156.3 MB/s 16600.5 MB/s 11600.3 MB/s 16875.2 MB/s 10515.6 MB/s
24 kB 13320.8 MB/s 10159.5 MB/s 16633.6 MB/s 11602.6 MB/s 16972.6 MB/s 10543.6 MB/s
32 kB 13379.7 MB/s 10189.3 MB/s 16575.1 MB/s 11616.5 MB/s 17023.0 MB/s 10566.6 MB/s
48 kB 13452.1 MB/s 10175.7 MB/s 16694.7 MB/s 11575.5 MB/s 17070.3 MB/s 10580.3 MB/s
64 kB 13373.0 MB/s 10116.3 MB/s 16557.8 MB/s 11530.8 MB/s 16886.6 MB/s 10511.2 MB/s
96 kB 5271.4 MB/s 4844.9 MB/s 7715.3 MB/s 6607.3 MB/s 6937.3 MB/s 6641.9 MB/s
128 kB 5259.0 MB/s 4864.2 MB/s 6993.4 MB/s 6524.4 MB/s 6882.6 MB/s 6543.2 MB/s
192 kB 5258.5 MB/s 4863.7 MB/s 6970.2 MB/s 6508.6 MB/s 6893.6 MB/s 6546.9 MB/s
256 kB 5264.8 MB/s 4857.9 MB/s 6965.7 MB/s 6545.4 MB/s 6851.2 MB/s 6541.5 MB/s
384 kB 5225.9 MB/s 4874.8 MB/s 6972.1 MB/s 6546.6 MB/s 6877.4 MB/s 6542.8 MB/s
512 kB 5247.2 MB/s 4825.6 MB/s 6952.1 MB/s 6502.0 MB/s 6855.3 MB/s 6544.6 MB/s
768 kB 1678.6 MB/s 1308.6 MB/s 1677.3 MB/s 1330.1 MB/s 1676.5 MB/s 1335.5 MB/s
1024 kB 1673.9 MB/s 1312.0 MB/s 1674.3 MB/s 1335.0 MB/s 1673.4 MB/s 1339.8 MB/s
1536 kB 1667.3 MB/s 1305.8 MB/s 1669.4 MB/s 1327.5 MB/s 1660.4 MB/s 1334.5 MB/s
2048 kB 1656.6 MB/s 1293.0 MB/s 1660.3 MB/s 1315.1 MB/s 1657.2 MB/s 1321.9 MB/s
3072 kB 1663.9 MB/s 1302.1 MB/s 1665.6 MB/s 1324.4 MB/s 1662.2 MB/s 1332.3 MB/s
4096 kB 1658.1 MB/s 1294.7 MB/s 1653.4 MB/s 1319.7 MB/s 1654.3 MB/s 1324.7 MB/s

measurement 2
float64 1568.9 MB/s 1396.1 MB/s 1574.7 MB/s 1602.8 MB/s
int32 1600.7 MB/s 1568.2 MB/s 1570.9 MB/s 1639.5 MB/s
int64 1588.5 MB/s 1485.8 MB/s 1448.5 MB/s 1488.5 MB/s

average speed
memory read: 8534.7900 MB/s
memory write: 6478.1313 MB/s
memory operation: 1544.4224 MB/s

average memory speed: 5519.1147 MB/s

bubble sort memory benchmark:
sorting random list with 655360 32bit entries
result: 438.1396 it/s
integer result: 2009.9717 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 9858.1399 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

integer matrix benchmark:
using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
rating: 477.7496 it/s

prime filtering benchmark (M3):
searching all primes up to 20000000
primes found: 1270607
result: 3.9195 it/s

integer result: 1215.1617 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 7431.9033 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M4):
searching all primes up to 20000000
primes found: 1270607
result: 2.6761 it/s

integer result: 627.3712 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 3946.4949 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M6):
searching all primes up to 20000000
primes found: 1270607
result: 3.3247 it/s

integer result: 1401.9842 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 6972.4869 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

floatpoint matrix benchmark:
using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
rating: 351.0116 it/s

image operation benchmark:
image size of 1024x1024
rating: 122.7382

integer result: 643.7537 MOPS (million operations per second)
float result: 1287.0038 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 10312.4150 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

Rel. Rating (Calc/Mem, Cache/Mem): 1.74/0.58 1.18/0.85
Abs. Rating (Int, Float, Mem): 59.05 115.32 50.18
Category Rating (Office, MMedia): 60.24 71.05
Overall Rating (Average): 66.19
benchmarking utility, written by intel_hasser
Version C
Timer Resolution: 3150397402 Hz

Compiled for AMD K7

dhrystone 2 benchmark:
VAX rating: 5143.4887 VAX MIPS
dhrystone rating: 9037.1096 kilo dhrystone/s

integer mandelbrot benchmark:
calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
result: 997.0505 it/s

integer result: 6784.1179 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 24647.8268 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

whetstone benchmark:
result: 2489.7234 MWIPS

floatpoint mandelbrot benchmark:
calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
result: 1116.0838 it/s

float result: 2146.1085 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 22454.1948 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

memory bandwith benchmark:

measurement 1
blksize int32 read int32 write int64 read int64 write float64 read float64 write
1 kB 7378.0 MB/s 9280.6 MB/s 11925.7 MB/s 11674.2 MB/s 11172.6 MB/s 10999.9 MB/s
4 kB 9789.8 MB/s 8412.3 MB/s 11970.6 MB/s 11767.5 MB/s 11606.3 MB/s 11478.6 MB/s
8 kB 10526.2 MB/s 8324.1 MB/s 11978.3 MB/s 11793.6 MB/s 11698.8 MB/s 11554.9 MB/s
16 kB 10944.1 MB/s 8418.3 MB/s 11992.2 MB/s 11801.4 MB/s 11734.9 MB/s 11593.5 MB/s
24 kB 11088.0 MB/s 8415.6 MB/s 11932.0 MB/s 11745.6 MB/s 11658.4 MB/s 11572.7 MB/s
32 kB 11119.3 MB/s 8387.2 MB/s 11688.5 MB/s 11646.2 MB/s 11438.6 MB/s 11419.5 MB/s
48 kB 8810.0 MB/s 8046.9 MB/s 7647.5 MB/s 8678.2 MB/s 7637.7 MB/s 8675.8 MB/s
64 kB 8826.0 MB/s 8048.8 MB/s 7650.9 MB/s 8708.7 MB/s 7668.1 MB/s 8711.0 MB/s
96 kB 8865.2 MB/s 8073.5 MB/s 7671.7 MB/s 8719.3 MB/s 7513.3 MB/s 8719.7 MB/s
128 kB 8877.5 MB/s 8072.2 MB/s 7671.1 MB/s 8715.7 MB/s 7670.9 MB/s 8724.9 MB/s
192 kB 8883.2 MB/s 8070.5 MB/s 7663.6 MB/s 8721.2 MB/s 7671.9 MB/s 8725.7 MB/s
256 kB 8889.6 MB/s 8074.3 MB/s 7672.3 MB/s 8722.5 MB/s 7671.9 MB/s 8730.8 MB/s
384 kB 8891.1 MB/s 8075.7 MB/s 7678.3 MB/s 8723.0 MB/s 7674.2 MB/s 8729.3 MB/s
512 kB 8890.5 MB/s 8072.0 MB/s 7665.6 MB/s 8722.2 MB/s 7667.7 MB/s 8710.5 MB/s
768 kB 8905.2 MB/s 8052.8 MB/s 7647.3 MB/s 8616.4 MB/s 7643.8 MB/s 8423.8 MB/s
1024 kB 8901.4 MB/s 8050.5 MB/s 7496.4 MB/s 8618.1 MB/s 7647.9 MB/s 8419.6 MB/s
1536 kB 8893.8 MB/s 8053.2 MB/s 7647.7 MB/s 8624.4 MB/s 7647.7 MB/s 8419.5 MB/s
2048 kB 8678.4 MB/s 7613.5 MB/s 7392.3 MB/s 8122.3 MB/s 7404.3 MB/s 7942.5 MB/s
3072 kB 4751.2 MB/s 1910.2 MB/s 4013.5 MB/s 1930.1 MB/s 4001.6 MB/s 1929.4 MB/s
4096 kB 4454.2 MB/s 1493.8 MB/s 3790.2 MB/s 1510.4 MB/s 3786.4 MB/s 1510.7 MB/s

measurement 2
float64 2599.1 MB/s 2636.0 MB/s 2443.6 MB/s 2694.5 MB/s
int32 2494.3 MB/s 2465.1 MB/s 2431.5 MB/s 2639.3 MB/s
int64 2484.2 MB/s 2435.5 MB/s 2430.7 MB/s 2597.1 MB/s

average speed
memory read: 8596.2549 MB/s
memory write: 8391.6562 MB/s
memory operation: 2529.2344 MB/s

average memory speed: 6505.7153 MB/s

bubble sort memory benchmark:
sorting random list with 655360 32bit entries
result: 1069.4882 it/s
integer result: 4906.2920 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 24063.4798 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

integer matrix benchmark:
using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
rating: 1698.1077 it/s

prime filtering benchmark (M3):
searching all primes up to 20000000
primes found: 1270607
result: 9.0829 it/s

integer result: 2815.9809 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 17222.4800 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M4):
searching all primes up to 20000000
primes found: 1270607
result: 6.4303 it/s

integer result: 1507.4916 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 9482.9158 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M6):
searching all primes up to 20000000
primes found: 1270607
result: 5.2144 it/s

integer result: 2198.8393 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 10935.4857 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

floatpoint matrix benchmark:
using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
rating: 1328.8407 it/s

image operation benchmark:
image size of 1024x1024
rating: 185.1746

integer result: 971.2285 MOPS (million operations per second)
float result: 1941.6973 MOPS (million operations per second)
data throughput: 15558.2969 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

Rel. Rating (Calc/Mem, Cache/Mem): 1.21/0.82 0.80/1.25
Abs. Rating (Int, Float, Mem): 101.40 147.94 102.66
Category Rating (Office, MMedia): 106.68 116.05
Overall Rating (Average): 111.84
111 ist hart... :d

Tom Holck hatte damals mit seinem FX55 - 37xxMHz glaub etwas um die 109(oder 113).

Edit: Mein bestes Ergebnis in der result.txt, weiss aber das System nicht mehr..

benchmarking utility, written by intel_hasser
Version C
Timer Resolution: 2964250244 Hz

Compiled for AMD K7

dhrystone 2 benchmark:
  VAX rating: 4461.8128 VAX MIPS
  dhrystone rating: 7839.4052 kilo dhrystone/s

integer mandelbrot benchmark:
  calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
  result: 1051.2424 it/s

  integer result:  7152.8501 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 25987.4922 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

whetstone benchmark:
  result: 2272.4497 MWIPS

floatpoint mandelbrot benchmark:
  calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
  result: 1109.1852 it/s

  float result:    2132.8434 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 22315.4046 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

memory bandwith benchmark:

  measurement 1
  blksize      int32 read     int32 write      int64 read     int64 write    float64 read   float64 write
     1 kB    16104.1 MB/s    22537.7 MB/s    18618.7 MB/s    16807.1 MB/s    15945.5 MB/s    15349.5 MB/s
     4 kB    23181.0 MB/s    22546.8 MB/s    18407.0 MB/s    16734.3 MB/s    17950.8 MB/s    16260.9 MB/s
     8 kB    24631.7 MB/s    22160.5 MB/s    18696.7 MB/s    16949.0 MB/s    18053.2 MB/s    16233.9 MB/s
    16 kB    25873.2 MB/s    22348.6 MB/s    18841.0 MB/s    16991.6 MB/s    18392.2 MB/s    16409.0 MB/s
    24 kB    26303.5 MB/s    22415.5 MB/s    18887.0 MB/s    17102.1 MB/s    18503.8 MB/s    16469.1 MB/s
    32 kB    26534.5 MB/s    22446.2 MB/s    18913.5 MB/s    17119.7 MB/s    18560.1 MB/s    16495.4 MB/s
    48 kB    26761.6 MB/s    22481.5 MB/s    18933.8 MB/s    17141.2 MB/s    18536.7 MB/s    16526.3 MB/s
    64 kB    26746.2 MB/s    22491.2 MB/s    18836.5 MB/s    17055.2 MB/s    18575.8 MB/s    16405.0 MB/s
    96 kB    13304.1 MB/s    11260.1 MB/s    10595.8 MB/s     7668.6 MB/s     9208.5 MB/s     7661.6 MB/s
   128 kB    13035.5 MB/s    11180.7 MB/s    10441.2 MB/s     7572.0 MB/s     9404.9 MB/s     7537.1 MB/s
   192 kB    13040.3 MB/s    11185.1 MB/s    10445.5 MB/s     7576.5 MB/s     9412.7 MB/s     7571.1 MB/s
   256 kB    13044.0 MB/s    11187.8 MB/s    10448.4 MB/s     7575.7 MB/s     9414.9 MB/s     7574.0 MB/s
   384 kB    13048.3 MB/s    11189.9 MB/s    10449.0 MB/s     7574.4 MB/s     9422.7 MB/s     7578.1 MB/s
   512 kB    13028.0 MB/s    11189.9 MB/s    10434.6 MB/s     7568.1 MB/s     9415.2 MB/s     7509.4 MB/s
   768 kB     4815.3 MB/s     2427.6 MB/s     4450.2 MB/s     2175.3 MB/s     4555.8 MB/s     2145.1 MB/s
  1024 kB     4813.3 MB/s     2425.7 MB/s     4449.8 MB/s     2174.3 MB/s     4559.1 MB/s     2140.0 MB/s
  1536 kB     4817.3 MB/s     2427.3 MB/s     4453.5 MB/s     2175.9 MB/s     4564.7 MB/s     2146.6 MB/s
  2048 kB     4805.3 MB/s     2425.8 MB/s     4444.9 MB/s     2173.4 MB/s     4553.1 MB/s     2139.7 MB/s
  3072 kB     4795.8 MB/s     2449.2 MB/s     4418.9 MB/s     2195.1 MB/s     4449.8 MB/s     2165.5 MB/s
  4096 kB     4791.7 MB/s     2447.2 MB/s     4407.7 MB/s     2193.2 MB/s     4420.6 MB/s     2158.4 MB/s

  measurement 2
 datasize            COPY             ADD           SCALE           TRIAD
  float64     3418.1 MB/s     3077.2 MB/s     3863.5 MB/s     3183.6 MB/s 
  int32       3605.8 MB/s     1868.7 MB/s     3615.6 MB/s     2401.6 MB/s 
  int64       3610.4 MB/s     1692.4 MB/s     3393.1 MB/s     1697.4 MB/s 

  average speed
  memory read:          12849.1377 MB/s
  memory write:         10737.0479 MB/s
  memory operation:      2952.2832 MB/s

  average memory speed:  8846.1562 MB/s

bubble sort memory benchmark:
  sorting random list with 655360 32bit entries
  result: 952.3514 it/s
  integer result:  4368.9253 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 21427.9026 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

integer matrix benchmark:
  using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
  rating: 573.0404 it/s

prime filtering benchmark (M3):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 6.0984 it/s

  integer result:  1890.6904 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 11563.4227 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M4):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 3.7302 it/s

  integer result:  874.4852 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 5500.9723 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M6):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 4.0405 it/s

  integer result:  1703.8219 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 8473.6163 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

floatpoint matrix benchmark:
  using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
  rating: 430.1170 it/s

image operation benchmark:
  image size of 1024x1024
  rating: 138.6897

  integer result:  727.4184 MOPS (million operations per second)
  float result:    1454.2677 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 11652.6553 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

Rel. Rating (Calc/Mem, Cache/Mem):    1.45/0.69       0.92/1.09   
Abs. Rating (Int, Float, Mem):       80.36          128.62          72.00
Category Rating (Office, MMedia):    81.01           90.24
Overall Rating (Average):            86.09
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
benchmarking utility, written by intel_hasser
Version C
Timer Resolution: 2607491631 Hz

Compiled for AMD K7

dhrystone 2 benchmark:
  VAX rating: 3761.8648 VAX MIPS
  dhrystone rating: 6609.5964 kilo dhrystone/s

integer mandelbrot benchmark:
  calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
  result: 925.3243 it/s

  integer result:  6296.0798 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 22874.7034 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

whetstone benchmark:
  result: 2002.1439 MWIPS

floatpoint mandelbrot benchmark:
  calculated area (-0.300,0.450)-(0.300,1.050) every 0.015 with maxdepth of 255
  result: 976.6504 it/s

  float result:    1877.9932 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 19648.9713 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

memory bandwith benchmark:

  measurement 1
  blksize      int32 read     int32 write      int64 read     int64 write    float64 read   float64 write
     1 kB     9636.0 MB/s    13248.3 MB/s    16412.3 MB/s    14879.8 MB/s    14059.2 MB/s    13512.1 MB/s
     4 kB    12115.4 MB/s    13253.3 MB/s    16234.6 MB/s    14658.8 MB/s    15796.2 MB/s    14329.8 MB/s
     8 kB    12448.8 MB/s    13112.7 MB/s    16484.2 MB/s    14945.4 MB/s    15869.1 MB/s    14307.2 MB/s
    16 kB    12857.3 MB/s    13149.5 MB/s    16596.0 MB/s    15037.7 MB/s    16181.7 MB/s    14465.4 MB/s
    24 kB    12998.7 MB/s    13208.4 MB/s    16625.3 MB/s    15011.5 MB/s    16300.5 MB/s    14446.3 MB/s
    32 kB    13061.1 MB/s    13204.8 MB/s    16656.4 MB/s    15068.4 MB/s    16358.6 MB/s    14526.6 MB/s
    48 kB    13104.6 MB/s    13224.6 MB/s    16688.3 MB/s    15111.1 MB/s    16417.0 MB/s    14552.6 MB/s
    64 kB    13045.2 MB/s    13035.3 MB/s    16500.1 MB/s    14999.3 MB/s    16260.4 MB/s    14358.5 MB/s
    96 kB     5298.1 MB/s     4716.6 MB/s     8523.2 MB/s     6758.8 MB/s     8368.8 MB/s     6751.9 MB/s
   128 kB     5298.4 MB/s     4735.9 MB/s     8655.7 MB/s     6686.4 MB/s     8337.9 MB/s     6696.8 MB/s
   192 kB     5320.4 MB/s     4697.1 MB/s     8621.9 MB/s     6686.9 MB/s     8341.1 MB/s     6667.4 MB/s
   256 kB     5314.0 MB/s     4699.9 MB/s     8678.9 MB/s     6676.5 MB/s     8339.5 MB/s     6701.9 MB/s
   384 kB     5325.8 MB/s     4697.9 MB/s     8682.6 MB/s     6694.6 MB/s     8348.7 MB/s     6699.3 MB/s
   512 kB     5287.4 MB/s     4687.4 MB/s     8678.6 MB/s     6692.9 MB/s     8347.7 MB/s     6705.8 MB/s
   768 kB     5329.1 MB/s     4688.8 MB/s     8674.7 MB/s     6692.6 MB/s     8311.9 MB/s     6704.0 MB/s
  1024 kB     5310.9 MB/s     4682.0 MB/s     8662.3 MB/s     6675.3 MB/s     8316.0 MB/s     6693.4 MB/s
  1536 kB     3652.0 MB/s     2266.5 MB/s     3937.1 MB/s     2291.4 MB/s     3930.5 MB/s     2289.0 MB/s
  2048 kB     3644.7 MB/s     2290.4 MB/s     3937.2 MB/s     2318.8 MB/s     3922.5 MB/s     2314.2 MB/s
  3072 kB     3633.3 MB/s     2269.3 MB/s     3907.1 MB/s     2310.9 MB/s     3859.7 MB/s     2310.1 MB/s
  4096 kB     3614.4 MB/s     2240.6 MB/s     3879.7 MB/s     2284.9 MB/s     3826.7 MB/s     2285.0 MB/s

  measurement 2
 datasize            COPY             ADD           SCALE           TRIAD
  float64     2780.6 MB/s     1486.8 MB/s     3129.7 MB/s     2026.6 MB/s 
  int32       3048.5 MB/s     1696.0 MB/s     3232.6 MB/s     2260.5 MB/s 
  int64       3025.8 MB/s     1561.4 MB/s     2955.4 MB/s     1564.0 MB/s 

  average speed
  memory read:           9713.7510 MB/s
  memory write:          8531.8135 MB/s
  memory operation:      2397.3193 MB/s

  average memory speed:  6880.9614 MB/s

bubble sort memory benchmark:
  sorting random list with 655360 32bit entries
  result: 894.3339 it/s
  integer result:  4102.7694 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 20122.5097 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

integer matrix benchmark:
  using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
  rating: 505.0826 it/s

prime filtering benchmark (M3):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 6.1592 it/s

  integer result:  1909.5295 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 11678.6421 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M4):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 3.5794 it/s

  integer result:  839.1492 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 5278.6901 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

prime filtering benchmark (M6):
  searching all primes up to 20000000
  primes found: 1270607
  result: 3.7021 it/s

  integer result:  1561.1168 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 7763.9011 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

floatpoint matrix benchmark:
  using 14x14 32bit integer matrices
  rating: 397.2601 it/s

image operation benchmark:
  image size of 1024x1024
  rating: 122.1494

  integer result:  640.6656 MOPS (million operations per second)
  float result:    1280.8301 MOPS (million operations per second)
  data throughput: 10262.9463 MB/s (register/cache/ram - only data)

Rel. Rating (Calc/Mem, Cache/Mem):    1.46/0.69       0.83/1.20   
Abs. Rating (Int, Float, Mem):       71.89          113.31          63.48
Category Rating (Office, MMedia):    71.83           79.69
Overall Rating (Average):            76.15
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