Is my Seasonic Tx-850W going bad? Shutdown today once


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Hi dear users. I have had an problem today.

My pc:
10850K stock 4800mhz stock Kraken X73 good temps
2x16 GB DDR4 GSKILL 3000mhz XMP
Seasonic Tx-850 Ultra Titanium
Gigabyte Rtx 3090 Gaming OC
Aorus Z490 Pro Gaming

I bought machine and plugged in march 2021. No single issue,no reboots,no shutdowns. I played all games for many hours,no issues. Today…i launched Metro Exodus and after cinematic part pc just shutdown. I rebooted again and its fine again.

Happened when gpu load change from 0% to 99%.

My question is. It was psu issue or maybe other hardware?

I remember that when pc goes off ,pc case lights flickered once and monitor flickered. That not happens when i shutting down manually.

i am running now game and no shutdowns. Happened today once. Also i have pc until march 2021 and thats like today never happened.

Is psu going just bad,rma or what you recommend for me. Thank you

PS:I am not german,very sorry for my language.
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Sounds more like an external cause to me.

Maybe a short interruption in the power supply and of course you notice it immediately on the computer.

I would wait and see if it occurs again.
Nothing smells burnt in the power supply or computer?
Also sounds like an external power drop to me.
Maybe an issue in the grid are where you are living.
I would wait and observe for the same issue to happen again. If it doesn't, all good.
I repeated launching game maybe 50 times again and no shutdown.No rma pc/psu etc .?
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+1 for "keep going".

Maybe the powergrid had an issue that time.

if it doesnt happen repeatedly it propably isnt a problemt with your hardware
But why only pc was affected and not laptop ( no battery mode Power was on ) and not router?
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I pressed only reboot button to boot it up. I dont know if that was coincedence that during advertisement part in Metro,voltage fluctuation i had, or maybe one off fluke with Gpu / Psu ?

Happened once and now its not shutting off.I tested few days the same scenario.
Happened once and now its not shutting off.I tested few days the same scenario.
You're saying that something happened and now your PC won't power off on shutdown?

Did you install a BIOS update?

I wonder if it's coincidence or causality.
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No. Nothing happened.

But if monitor flickered 10 seconds after shutdown it can be related to power in house in this moment? But also laptop doesnt change to battery mode, router dont shutoff ,and ceiling lights was on.
Last question. So my shutdown was not related to OCP protection? It happened when i launch Metro Exodus in advertisement part ( 30 fps ).Happened once and i cant reproduce. Also I don’t have to flip switch on the back psu. Just pressed power button in case to boot pc.

If i run without issues that apps: 3dmark fire strike, port royal, wild life, time spy, Unigine Heaven
Quake 2 Rtx, Battlefield 5 , Watch Dogs Legion, Cyberpunk 2077,Ghost Recond Wildlands, Crysis 3 remastered, Crysis 1 Remastered, Metro Exodus Enhanced, Cod Vanguard, Control <-- 24 hours without shutdown. Its fine?

So issue with shutdown not repeated all working fine. BUt i wanna ask. Is any chance that this shutdown was caused just in a bug from game or driver issue ?? Thanks
So issue with shutdown not repeated all working fine. BUt i wanna ask. Is any chance that this shutdown was caused just in a bug from game or driver issue ?? Thanks
I assume it was a one time event in the main power line connected to your house.
Lightning impact in the neighborhood, incident in the voltage converter Relais station, something like that.

Your PC is fine.
I assume it was a one time event in the main power line connected to your house.
Lightning impact in the neighborhood, incident in the voltage converter Relais station, something like that.

Your PC is fine.
Last question.But why only pc was affected ?And not laptop ( no battery mode Power was on ) and not router.
Last question.But why only pc was affected ?And not laptop ( no battery mode Power was on ) and not router.
Different internal capacitor capacity.
Laptop and router could bridge the incident
Oki thank you 2k5lexi. So if that happened once and now working ok all nothing to worry ?
Hey update. I tried today start run Metro 50 times. And one time game launched not in fullscreen but on window.Second time it change itself resolution to 1080P from 1440P. Itself. So that was bugs too? And that shutdown i think was related to bug too. ?

I mean is this possible that this shutdown was due game bug/driver?
Can be anything.
Driver update, game update, geforce experience update, Steam update...

Bug in sense malfunction sounds unrealistic to me.

Not sure what you are looking for...
Johnyguru respond to me:"
If it was, it would do it every single time you do the same thing that made it shut off the first time.

The thing we KEEP SAYING is that you had it shut down ONCE in seven months. The "Seasonic bug" has the PSU shut down EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you can reproduce it the first time.

Like I said almost a month ago....

Run Prime95 and Furmark at the same time.

Prime95 (small FFT's on all cores) + Furmark @ 1080p w/2x MSAA. With Furmark in the foreground, press the space bar every two or three seconds to make the donut disappear an reappear. If you can do that for a few minutes, the PSU is probably fine and the shut down was just a fluke.

If >>I<< do this with a Seasonic known to be buggy with Ampere, it shuts down EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Not "once in seven months.""
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So exactly what I'm saying, too.

If the PSU had an issue, the issue would show up. It would be reproducible. But it isn't.
But why monitor flickered after 10 seconds after shutdown? But power was in house i mean laptop,router , and ceiling lamps when i switch them they was on.
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Someone said this to me:"My response, is that once it has happened, it will happen again and the frequency will increase as well. So yes, RMA it if you have a spare PSU to use temporarily."

Listen to him?
So if this happened once in 8 months of use still rma?
no, it works
Someone said this to me. "P.S. it´s not your PSU, maybe instable RAM settings"

Can be unstable hardware?
Can be unstable hardware?
Can be anything. Better swap out the whole pc :asthanos:

If the pc shuts down once a year with indications of a general power drop wouldn't waste any thought on it as long as it doesn't happen again.

Did anything happen again?
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