Looking for assistance flashing my Asrock 7900XTX Phantom


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I have a brand new Asrock 7900XTX sitting here waiting for its Alphacool waterblock to arrive. I am interested on getting the new Aqua bios on it with the increased power limit. From what I have heard, I need to flash the original Aqua bios on it first, then use Asrock's bios update utility to update the bios to the increased power limit version. I do have a CH341A programmer and I am just looking for some help on making sure I do this right.

First off, have I located the right chip on my card?


The chip reads "GD PJ237 25L Q16ET JG C030370". I apologize, my phone really doesn't like to focus on things that are up close.

So on my programming software is this the right chip selection?


If this does have issues I should just be able to use the programmer to flash back to the Phantom bios correct?

Update: Well I bit the bullet and just sent it. My Asrock 7900XTX is now up and running with the new Aqua OC bios! Now I am just waiting for my waterblock to show up to really be able to test it. Sorry for making this in a new thread, I should have contained it to the other thread for these things.
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