Looking for XOC BIOS for GTX780Ti HOF V2 and GTX980Ti HOF GOC


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First I want to apologize for writing here in English but I've recently managed to obtain these two amazing cards and I'm struggling to find the dreaded XOC BIOS for them. So I'm coming here for help!

So, first the GTX780Ti HOF V2. When I first got the card I was hoping it would come with a proper LN2/XOC BIOS but it didn't.
The BIOS that Mad222 used for his overclocking was the I'm looking for it mainly because the card has proper voltage scaling with it.


Then there's the GTX980Ti HOF GOC. Now, I don't have the LN2 version which is the full 16 stage, I have the 14 stage but the rest of the PCB is identical to the LN2.
The main issue is it comes with a regular 980Ti HOF BIOS that only has Hynix memory straps and only displays 2 power connectors in GPU-Z. The GOC I have comes with Samsung memory and 3x 8pin connectors!
I've tried normal HOF XOC BIOSes on it and they work but they're all Hynix, none of them are GOC LN2
Here's a BIOS Rsannino used for his overclocking with Samsung memory.

Any help is massively appreciated! I just want to run these cards full throttle like they're meant to be run!

Thanks! Mad
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Although XOC BIOS can unlock higher performance, they also come with risks, such as increased power consumption and the possibility of instability. Always ensure proper cooling and backup your original BIOS before flashing.
Most of these files are not actually supposed to be shared.

However this might have what you want.

Flash them at your own risk and keep in mind, that the XOC and LN2 versions are generally not recommended for daily use.
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