[Sammelthread] Samsung 8Gbit DDR4 C-Die K4A8G085WC - OC-Ergebnisse im Startbeitrag! [updated]

Habe 2x 8 GB G.Skill Aegies 3200 CL16-18-18-38 RAM, laut meiner Recherche sollten das Samsung C-Dies sein, die Endung ist 10C.
Können die gut übertaktet werden bzw. lohnt sich das oder reicht es das XMP Profil zu aktivieren?
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10C sind S8C, dann bist du hier im Thread also richtig. Manuelles OC ist unabhängig davon bei allen ICs möglich und immer effizienter, als nur das XMP zu verwenden. DDR4-3600 CL18 erreicht man mit nahezu jedem S8C Kit, je nach Plattform auch noch ein zwei Taktstufen mehr (siehe Startbeitrag).

For higher frequencies do you indicate different values for the timings (I am currently 18-22-22-22-42-64)?
Unless your kit is very weak those timings should be good for 3800/3900, so they are probably not what is holding you back. Esp if the kits voltage tolerance is low, stability upwards of 3600 can be a bit of a struggle, because it requires a very fine balance of voltages/settings.
Habe 2x 8 GB G.Skill Aegies 3200 CL16-18-18-38 RAM, laut meiner Recherche sollten das Samsung C-Dies sein, die Endung ist 10C.
Können die gut übertaktet werden bzw. lohnt sich das oder reicht es das XMP Profil zu aktivieren?
Ich habe genau das gleiche Set mit einem Ryzen 5 3600 auf einem MSI B450 Gaming Pro Max.
Habe mich jetzt auch das erste mal am Ram OC versucht und viel recherchiert.
Habe es dank des Beitrags von @emissary42 geschafft auf 3800 Mhz zu übertakten. Stabil! (Mit Memtest86 überprüft, 4 mal komplett durchgelaufen ohne einen einzigen Fehler)
Habe SOC auf 1,1 V gesetzt und DRAM Voltage auf 1,35 (da c-die und da normalerweise 1,35V max). Die clocks habe ich aus ein CL18 gesetzt (Also 18-22-22-22-42-64). Dazu noch Proc ODT auf 36.9 Ohm (Quasi geraten auf empfehlungen aus verschiedensten Quellen) und es läuft wie geschmiert.
Hier meine Benchmarks (Mit AIDA64; Ja ich weiß, es müsste Mhz und nicht Ghz heißen..):

Verglichen mit dem standard XMP Profil auf MSI also ein krasser Leistungsboost. Vielleicht hilft dir das ja, @Dragonheart100 !

Ich habe mich auch mal an den Timings versucht, aber ich habe keine Ahnung wo ich da anfangen soll. Bin nach diesem Guide vorgegangen, aber als ich die empfohlenen "Safe" Timings probiert habe ist bei mir der Stresstest (Auch bei AIDA64) fehlgeschlagen. Daher habe ich Memtest86 gar nicht erst durchlaufen lassen und habe das Profil mit den unoptimierten Timings wiederhergestellt.
Vielleicht hat jemand ja einen Vorschlag, wie ich am besten die Timings anpassen kann, ohne nach jeder kleinen Stellschraube Memtest86 2 1/2 Stunden durchlaufen zu lassen... Bzw. vielleicht hat ja jemand mit dem selben Set bereits ein optimiertes OC Profil parat?
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Hey guys, I'm from Canada, so sorry for speaking in English since I do not know how to speak German. A friend has told me that this forum is like the Mecca of samsung c-die overclocking and I'm so glad that everyone else here is willing help each other out as well as share their overclock settings! First of all, I have a Trident Z F4-3200C16D-32GTZR (CL16-18-18-38 1.35v) in 2x16 sticks. My CPU is a Ryzen 7 3800x and my motherboard is an ASUS B550-F gaming. Which setting do you guys think is best for me, and do you think it is possible for me to achieve 3600mhz at cl16, or 3800mhz at cl18? Also, setting my ram to default xmp with advertised frequency is unstable, so I had to set my frequency down to 3000 mhz at cl16 for a stable clock.
Vielleicht hat jemand ja einen Vorschlag, wie ich am besten die Timings anpassen kann, ohne nach jeder kleinen Stellschraube Memtest86 2 1/2 Stunden durchlaufen zu lassen...
Man muss nicht bei jeder Änderung direkt den ganzen Test-Parcours über die Einstellungen jagen. Gerade wenn man aber noch nicht vertraut mit den einzelnen Werten ist, hilft es nicht zu viel auf einmal zu verändern.

Einstellungen von anderen Usern 1:1 zu übernehmen funktioniert in der Regel nicht, weil jedes System anders ist und die Einstellungen daher durch normale Sample Variation selbst bei absolut identischem RAM, CPU, MB unterschiedlich ausfallen können. Man kann sich aber an den hier auf den letzten Seiten gezeigten oder im Startbeitrag verlinkten Ergebnissen orientieren, was den Prozess vor allem in der Anfangsphase extrem beschleunigt.

Das ist aber in dem von dir verlinkten Guide auch gut erklärt und beschrieben.

Hey guys, I'm from Canada, so sorry for speaking in English since I do not know how to speak German.
Welcome to Hardwareluxx :wink:

Which setting do you guys think is best for me, and do you think it is possible for me to achieve 3600mhz at cl16, or 3800mhz at cl18?
DDR4-3600 CL16 is not very realistic unless your kit is above average both in scaling and voltage tolerance. More likely results are 3600 18-20-20/18-21-21 and 3800 18-21-21/18-22-22. Most kits require 1.35V or less for that, which makes it pretty common ground for S8C. The higher frequencies tend to be harder to stabilize, because they require a finer balance of settings.

If your kit does scale beyond 1.35V and/or up to 1.4V 3600+ CL17(-20-20/-21-21) with GDM off might be possible, too.

Also, setting my ram to default xmp with advertised frequency is unstable, so I had to set my frequency down to 3000 mhz at cl16 for a stable clock.
I wouldn't expect any issues with the XMP, since compatibility is officialy guaranteed by GSK. So please double check, that you are using the correct DIMM slots (A2/B2).
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10C sind S8C, dann bist du hier im Thread also richtig. Manuelles OC ist unabhängig davon bei allen ICs möglich und immer effizienter, als nur das XMP zu verwenden. DDR4-3600 CL18 erreicht man mit nahezu jedem S8C Kit, je nach Plattform auch noch ein zwei Taktstufen mehr (siehe Startbeitrag).

Unless your kit is very weak those timings should be good for 3800/3900, so they are probably not what is holding you back. Esp if the kits voltage tolerance is low, stability upwards of 3600 can be a bit of a struggle, because it requires a very fine balance of voltages/settings.

Do you think that maybe my motherboard can hold higher clocks? I'm using a strix b450-f board.
I don't have personal experience with your MB, but it is definitely possible. With 4x8GB the secondary memory slots might be too weak, because of the daisy chain layout. You can confirm it by testing both pairs in the two primary slots, to see if and at what settings all of them can handle higher frequencies.
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Hello guys,

so, since my last post i have changed my motherboard to a B550 as the B450's VRM was overheating.

With the B550, I felt improvements in the memory OC - several configurations that didn't even start before started to boot and even entered Windows.

The first thing I noticed is that to get more than 1800MHZ FCLK I needed about 1.2v on VSOC.

With this I was able to stabilize 3666mhz 18-22-22-22-42-64. The necessary configurations were very similar to those of 3600mhz with the exception of VRAM which went down to 1.35v.


I was already satisfied with this improvement, however, with this new motherboard I wanted to try 3773mhz, 3800mhz, etc.

Keeping 1.2v VSOC I saw that it was possible to reach 1900mhz FCLK and started testing 3773mhz. I tried starting from the 3666mhz OC configurations, however after many attempts I gave up using this starting point.

I then decided to reset the memory to the default 3200mhz XMP. From there I changed memory frequency to 3773mhz, timings to 19-23-23-23 and geardown mode disabled. Karthu test failed at 979%, but AIDA64 crashed with 17 seconds. Then I decreased VRAM and with 1.335v I got the best result with AIDA64 running 2 hours without any error and Karthu giving an error at 779%. Less than 1.335v resulted in worse stability. I did several tests changing the CADBUS (24-20-24-24, 24-24-24-24, 30-24-24-24, 24-30-24-24) all with worse results. I tried to change the RTT values but without much success.


I feel that I am very close to stabilizing 3773mhz but it seems that a small detail is missing and I can not find what it is. Did I reach my memory frequency limit? Do you guys have any idea what I can change to improve the stability? Thank you very much!
hello .I am new to overclocking. My pc specs ryzen 3 3300x rx 5700xt and b450 mortar max and my ram is quite odd from TEAM WIN dark z alpha 3200 mhz xmp profile is 16-18-18 at 1.35v is it c die? Can anyone guide me.any help is deeply appreciated thanks
Did you already confirm the DRAM manufacturer to be Samsung and the die rev to be C-Die with Thaiphoon Burner?

On specifications like that it is next to impossible to tell, what type of IC they are based upon, since almost all IC types can clear them.
Actually the app say that it is a samsung b-die sir.


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Well, them actually being S8B is pretty unlikely. It does confirm the ICs to be made by Samsung and their density however. The usual way to tell them apart with little risk is via the tRFC limit, that even at 1.35V is way lower for S8B than for S8C.
I even tried to ask in discord most of them are saying it is indeed a c-die. But there is no guide(well i am noob about ram Oc) regarding samsung c-die OC. even 3600 OC ill be happy.. right now it is on XMP
If you are new to memory overclocking I would recommend learning the basics first. A good way for that is the MemTestHelper Guide (Link). Any S8C specific information you need after that, you can find here in the thread, be it in the first post or in the results from other users on the last couple of pages.
But if i want to skip a lot of process sir and ill try moving to 3600 mhz what will be the starting primary timings if it is indeed a c-die..
I got my best results with 1,33 Volt.
Ok managed to boot 3600 cl18-22-22-42 rest auto soc 1.1 and 1.35. managed to post at 3733mhz but lots of errors
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I can safely assumed it is indeed c Die. Anyone can help me tuned it now?
You can try to copy settings from other users 1:1, but usually some adjustments are required even with identical components. Esp voltages for certain settings can/will differ from one setup to the next. In the end, there is no super-shurefire-shortcut for memory overclocking and you will get the best results by doing it properly.
Can anyone tell me if it is really a CDIE?? but right now im running 3600mhz with c die timings
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These are the pics attached
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Can anyone tell me if it is really a CDIE?? but right now im running 3600mhz with c die timings
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These are the pics attached
Sorry if flooding but why cant i upload the pics? Just used screenshots. Again as you all can see it is samsung bdie as per taipoon Burner. And because as per various sources. It was determined that i am running C-die teamforce dark z alpha 3200.. B OR C?


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I did alread explain it in my first answer. So one more time, in a more in depth manner: You can not discern between S8B and S8C by running typical S8C settings. Since S8B is an (in every aspect) superior IC, it has no issues running the settings of other ICs incuding those of S8C. A simple way to test a kit for S8B, is to determine the minimum tRFC for a given memory ratio. Since S8B can go way lower with that than most other ICs and esp S8C, it is a pretty simple and easy way to tell them apart. The first post also has an image attached the shows the typical min tRFC range of both S8B and S8C.
Thanks for all the infos... What can be tweaked to make it tighter.. if i primary timings cant be tighten.
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This is my current setup


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Noch ein paar C-Die Reviews aus dem Web für den Startbeitrag (über einen längeren Zeitraum gesammelt):

Auf Grund des OC-Ergebnisses sind diese auch ein potenzieller C-Die Kandidat (2x8GB 1Rx8 Samsung @ 3200 14-18-18 1.45V):

Leider wurden scheinbar keine typischen C-Die Einstellungen probiert :/
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