Treiber für das Zepto Znote 6214W Notebook

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Ein dickes Lob an "Lord Nemesis"!

es ist nicht nur das notebook,dass man mit seinen technischen features kauft, sondern ebend auch dieser geniale Treiber Thread, was die ganze Sache so richtig schmackhaft macht/abrundet!

!weiter so!
Maddin12 schrieb:
Ein dickes Lob an "Lord Nemesis"!

es ist nicht nur das notebook,dass man mit seinen technischen features kauft, sondern ebend auch dieser geniale Treiber Thread, was die ganze Sache so richtig schmackhaft macht/abrundet!

!weiter so!

hast recht weiter so :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hi Leute,
mir war etwas langweilig und da hab ich mal den Editor Paint.Net 2.62 ausprobiert...
echt ein nettes Teil :d

das hier ist dabei rausgekommen :bigok:


Version 1


Version 2a



Version 2b



Version 3.1

hab die Files von Version 3 mal angehängt
der Hintergrund ist vom Zepto ftp und die Notebooks von der Homepage
weitere Files gibts auf Anfrage per eMail, hab leider keinen Webspace

Gruß, Nemesis

edit: minimale Modifikation ;)


    68 KB · Aufrufe: 40
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

hab neue Treiber für Touchpad und Cardreader auf der HP Homepage entdeckt
Die *.exe Dateien einfach mit einem Entpacker, zum Bsp. WinRAR, entzippen.

Die Treiber passen, hab die einzelnen Dateien mit denen von dem Zepto FTP verglichen.
danke danke
Hoffentlich werden wir die Treiber auch alle bald brauchen ;)

Und schöne Banner.
Der alte Link zu den Cardreadertreibern war aber neurer, oder? Die "alten" scheinen Ver. zu sein, die von HP :confused:
jo, du hast recht!

hab gerade nochmal die .inf Files der einzelnen Treiber verglichen
gtipci21.inf ist gleich (05/31/2005,
tifm21.inf ist neuer (09/20/2005,, HP) vs (11/30/2005,, Zepto)
TIFMICON.INF ist gleich (06/03/2004,

der Cardreader Treiber vom Zepto FTP ist neuer!
Die Touchpad Treiber installieren nicht auf einem Acer Notebook, daher wohl auch nicht auf einem Zepto, oder?
hmm, die .inf Files zeigen nichts auffälliges (HP Modifikationen oder so)
sollte mit jedem Synaptics Touchpad funktionieren!

warum lässt es sich bei dir nicht installieren?
wie lautet die Fehlermeldung?
*Update* :d
neuer Intel Chipsatz Treiber V. (Juni 06)

allerdings wurden die Dateien für den i945GM und Southbridge (ICH7-M) nicht aktualisiert
Mal ne blöde Frage aber wenn man das 6214W das erste mal in den Händen hält bzw. anfangen will ein Sys draufzuschmeißen, welche Reihenfolge hält man am Besten ein bezüglich der Treiber? Muss man bei NBs was besonderes beachten?

1. Betriebssystem
2. Chipsatztreiber
3. ...?
4. ...?

Im prinzip schon richtig so:
1. OS
2. Chipset/Mainboard treiber
3. Grafik/Sound/Netzwerk Treiber
Am besten besorgst dir vorher erstmal alles was du brauchst.

zur Reihenfolge:

1. Windows (mit integriertem SP)
[1.a Service Pack, falls nicht in Windows CD integriert]
2. Windows Updatepack (von Winfuture oder Winboard)
3. Intel Chipsatz Treiber
4. Grafikkartentreiber
5. restliche Treiber (Sound, Netzwerk, WLAN, Touchpad)
6. jetzt erst Officepaket und sonstige Programme
Welcher ForceWare empfiehlt sich drauf zu haun?

Kein neuerer als der 84.25?
schwer zu sagen!
wenn man sich die Threads bei den einzelnen Treiber so durchliest...
die einen sagen "läuft", die anderen "läuft nicht"!
Humn, nunja, ich würd ma sagen wenn die SB-Lieferung nun endlich bei jede, eingetroffen ist sollten die meisten 2 Tage danach ein laufendes System drauf haben und dann wird sich ja zeigen was läuft und was nicht. Wird bestimmt wie wild gebencht und der optimale Graka-Treiber rausgefunden.

Ich bin da mal optimistisch :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
jep, denke ich auch!

der neue 92.31 soll recht gut sein, allerdings ist das neue Control Panel noch ziemlich verbuged!


so, ich hab mir den Touchpad Treiber noch einmal angeschaut...
der HP oder Asus Treiber kann nicht installiert werden, da die Treiber nach einem bestimmten Geräte-Identifikationsstring suchen.


ich denke ein einfaches Austauschen der Gerätestrings müsste den Treiber installieren lassen!


so, jetzt kommt der Teil, den ich nicht ganz verstehe...
im "AddReg Sections" gibts nämlich gravierende Unterschiede...
während im Zepto Treiber fast keine Funktionen spezifiziert werden, gibts im HP Treiber eine ganze Latte!
Teilweise haben diese auch etwas mit dem Stick zu tun, den es bei den Business Geräten von HP gibt,
und ein paar mit einem Zeigegerät bei einer externen Dockingstation.
Ob die restlichen Optionen alle HP-spezifisch sind oder zu den Funktionen des neuen Treibers gehören ist mir noch unklar.


Falls manche hier fragen, warum sich überhaupt die Arbeit machen und nicht einfach den älteren Treiber des Zepto-Server verwenden,
denen rate ich einen Blick in den Changelog! Es hat sich einiges getan zwischen der 8.1.16 und der 8.2.23!

hier hab ich ein Changelog, das von der 8.1.16 zur geht, zur 8.2.23 wurden bestimmt wieder zahlreiche Probleme gelöst!
Version 03/08/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Move query registry functions out of StartDevice which can be called at
   IRQL=DISPATCH_LEVEL. This could cause system crash. 

Version 01/06/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Fixed a bug where vertical or horizontal scrolling while the cursor is
   over a context sensitive help window clears the help. 
  -Removed the medium brightness level from the INF settings since it
   isn't available on this LuxPad model. 
  -Fixed the defualt illumination power setting for the brightness setting
   when on battery power. The new level will be low when on battery power. 
  -Adjusted the location of the high brightness settings so they won't be
   way down at the bottom of the group and there won't be such a big gap
   between the low and high radio buttons on the Illumination Options tab. 

Version 12/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Added settings for an Illumination Options tab for LuxPad support to an
   OEMs INF files and also added code when creating the page based on the device
   type so that it won't create the Illumination Options tab if the internal
   TP is NOT a LuxPad. 
  -OEM version of LuxPad does not support Medium Brightness level - modified
   the OEMs INF file to remove the Medium Brightness level from the Illumination
   Options tab.

Version 11/29/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Assigned help IDs for Double Click Speed and Button Swapping for an OEM
  -Updated the sizing for an OEM customer for the Disable Touchpad/Stick
   checkbox string so it's no longer cut off in Italian. 
  -Fixed a bug where swapping the left and right buttons option cannot be
   cancelled for a custom OEM control panel. 
  -Fixed some minor help string formatting problems. 

Version 11/17/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -checking in file changes to add blank line at end of HelpTopic 133 for
   all of these and at end of 119 for SP and TZ. 
  -Merged in fix for double click speed not getting canceled and the Alt+D
   causing the Defaults to be set on the Devices tab even though it doesn't
   have the Default button visible. 
  -Fixed truncated string for Portueguese (BR). 
  -Check in fixes for KR and TW for an OEM customer. 
  -Change top-right corner tap zone size for OEM inf. 

Version 11/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed help topic assignment.
  -Modified OEM application launch parameter. 
  -New PnP IDs for new platforms. 

Version  8.2.4 11/10/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Changed OEM PnPID settings. 
  -Fixed a bug that assigning left button to a "print"action locks the

Version  8.2.3 11/09/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Check-in two translated resource strings for all languages. 
  -Changed to use HSIDC_NOTRAYICON from SynTPCpl.rc 
  -Fixed a bug that Dual Mode mode does not update when external USB mouse
   plug and unplug. 
  -Fixed an Dual Mode bug on resume from stanby the TouchPad cannot move the
   cursor if it previously was in Button Mode. 

Version  8.2.2 11/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed HelpId for Dbl click slider to 0 since no help string currently
  -Korean translation fix for Left - Primary Click and Right - Secondary
  -Change product name "DualMode" to "Dual Mode" 
  -Fixed a plugin action launching custom app does not work when Control
   Panel is not running on the setting page of the action. 
  -Added translations for new resource strings. 
  -Fixed a bug that control panel setting dialog crashing when changing
   language settings. 
  -Updated "Help topic undefined" and other strings to have a blank line
   after the help topic to match all other previous help topics. 
  -Disable InstallShield message box during silent install. 
  -Updated copyright date. 

Version  8.2.1 10/28/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug in the context sensitive help pop-ups so that they now filter
   out an extra blank line and CR/LF at end of last line so that the context
   sensitive help doesn't have a bunch of white space after the end of the
   last line of text. 
  -Fixed a bug for DualMode where we needed to turn off Button Mode when the
   device is deleted. 
  -Fixed a bug where DualMode mode was not being correctly setup when going in
   and out the Control Panel settings dialog. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM control panel where SnapToDefault would not revert back
   to the original setting on Cancel. 
  -Removed an older OEM control panel configuration that is no longer
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM control panel where the stick scrolling speed was not
   being correctly written/read.
  -Changed the settings for an OEM control panel to re-align German text and
   resize the text so the strings in the Slow Motion and Constrain Motion combo
   boxes will no longer be cut off. 
  -Fixed the DualMode print function by changing the changing the acquire
   functionality to suppress the cursor for everything, not just for the motion.
   This way the kernel will not report a tap (left button click) while the device
   is suppressed. 
  -Added new ini files for an OEM that will enable the DisableIntPDIfExtPNPPresent
   feature - one ini file to set it to default of On, and one to set it to default
   of Off. 
  -Added New PNP IDs and custom settings to the INF file for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.2.0 10/21/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
New Features
  -Added DualMode functionality.
Bug Fixes

  -Fixed an issue where it was not possible reselect "Select off when typing"
   on Stick tab, once it had been unselected.
  -Updated OEM PnP INF file. 
  -Create a new OEM inf for DualMode platforms. 
  -Updated OEM inf file to use new resource IDs for new PNGs for single 
   pointing Devices tab. 
  -Updated for French langauge so it doesn't wrap over Default button.

Version  8.1.14 10/14/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed order of X and Y DPM to be correct for USB devices.  

Version  8.1.13 10/07/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Fixed a bug where the auto disable was not working correctly before 
   the Windows logon screen. 
  -Removed the hotkey from the USB monitoring feature as requested by an
   OEM customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where the context sensitive help for an OEM control panel
   item was not being displayed correctly. 
  -Updated an OEM inf file with a new PnP ID that will disable scrolling by
  -Update an OEMs INF file settings so one PnP ID has an adjusted scrolling
   region, and another PnP turns the default feature off and the monitoring
   of external PnP devices to off. 
  -Added support for PnP IDs for OEM customers. 

Version  8.1.12 09/30/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the control panel text referring to an external USB device to be
   consistent with other references to USB devices. 
  -Added a hotkey for the Disable the internal device when a USB device is
   present feature. 
  -Added new PnP ID support for OEM customers. 
  -Fixed a bug that was causing some old folders/files to be left around
   when un-installing after upgrading an older driver to a newer driver.

Version  8.1.11 09/24/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed get byte polled to continue to wait rather than fail on the first
   attempt if the data has not yet been put into the buffer by the DPC. 

Version  8.1.10 09/22/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed to only set/clear kbd/aux interrupt bits and no longer read the
   command byte before disabling the kbc/aux interrupts when the keyboard
   controller is disabled and no longer read back the result of the
   write to enable the kbc/aux interrupts. This prevents us from generating
   unwanted kbd interrupts. This will fix the TP not detected on boot/reset
   for dual-processor systems and it also fixes an issue where the KBC may
   not be detected correctly on boot on some systems.
  -Changed the default setting for the Pnp Monitoring feature to off for
   an OEM customer.
  -Fixed a problem in recalibration where it could hang due to a mutex. 
  -Added support to use hotkeys to disable/enable both the passthrough and
   master devices independently.
  -Added new control values so that master and slave devices can be
   enabled/disabled by hotkeys independently.
  -Created an OEM customer INF file for supporting platforms with XP x64 Edition.
  -Added the feature to allow Control Panel to display a custom image on the
   top of the device settings dialog. 

Version  8.1.9 09/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a hang issue for DualMode TP when Media Player window is minimizing. 
  -Fixed up OEM inf file so that the buttons page will always display if
   there is any PS/2 device detected. 

Version  8.1.8 09/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an OEM customer issue with the TouchPad button enable/disable state
   when the PnP Disable feature was enabled. 
  -Fixed an LED on-off setting issue for LuxPad. 
  -Changed the default for the auto disable feature to be off for an OEM
  -Changed the COM API init error message to be clearer.

Version  8.1.7 09/01/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a  bug in processing of chorded buttons where a single packet from
   a mouse device was not getting through. This resulted in a PS/2 mouse left
   button not being detected until the mouse was moved. 
  -Added support to display special information in the device settings page
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Added new controls in to OEM inf file to support new features. 
  -Added support to the control panel to have a control that can monitor the
   active state of the disable internal device if and external PnP device is
   present feature. 
  -Fixed an issue where the device-independent features where not properly
   showing up in the control panel. 
  -Fixed some overlapping controls in an OEM UI. 
  -Updated an OEM inf file to update their customer UI with the
   DisableIntPDIfExtPdPresent feature/UI support. 
  -Add a proper error message for COM API init error. This is to
   differentiate the message about version error.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
so, jetzt kommt der Teil, den ICH nicht ganz verstehe:

Lord Nemesis schrieb:
jep, denke ich auch!

der neue 92.31 soll recht gut sein, allerdings ist das neue Control Panel noch ziemlich verbuged!


so, ich hab mir den Touchpad Treiber noch einmal angeschaut...
der HP oder Asus Treiber kann nicht installiert werden, da die Treiber nach einem bestimmten Geräte-Identifikationsstring suchen.


ich denke ein einfaches Austauschen der Gerätestrings müsste den Treiber installieren lassen!


so, jetzt kommt der Teil, den ich nicht ganz verstehe...
im "AddReg Sections" gibts nämlich gravierende Unterschiede...
während im Zepto Treiber fast keine Funktionen spezifiziert werden, gibts im HP Treiber eine ganze Latte!
Teilweise haben diese auch etwas mit dem Stick zu tun, den es bei den Business Geräten von HP gibt,
und ein paar mit einem Zeigegerät bei einer externen Dockingstation.
Ob die restlichen Optionen alle HP-spezifisch sind oder zu den Funktionen des neuen Treibers gehören ist mir noch unklar.


Falls manche hier fragen, warum sich überhaupt die Arbeit machen und nicht einfach den älteren Treiber des Zepto-Server verwenden,
denen rate ich einen Blick in den Changelog! Es hat sich einiges getan zwischen der 8.1.16 und der 8.2.23!

hier hab ich ein Changelog, das von der 8.1.16 zur geht, zur 8.2.23 wurden bestimmt wieder zahlreiche Probleme gelöst!
Version 03/08/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Move query registry functions out of StartDevice which can be called at
   IRQL=DISPATCH_LEVEL. This could cause system crash. 

Version 01/06/2006 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Fixed a bug where vertical or horizontal scrolling while the cursor is
   over a context sensitive help window clears the help. 
  -Removed the medium brightness level from the INF settings since it
   isn't available on this LuxPad model. 
  -Fixed the defualt illumination power setting for the brightness setting
   when on battery power. The new level will be low when on battery power. 
  -Adjusted the location of the high brightness settings so they won't be
   way down at the bottom of the group and there won't be such a big gap
   between the low and high radio buttons on the Illumination Options tab. 

Version 12/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Added settings for an Illumination Options tab for LuxPad support to an
   OEMs INF files and also added code when creating the page based on the device
   type so that it won't create the Illumination Options tab if the internal
   TP is NOT a LuxPad. 
  -OEM version of LuxPad does not support Medium Brightness level - modified
   the OEMs INF file to remove the Medium Brightness level from the Illumination
   Options tab.

Version 11/29/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Assigned help IDs for Double Click Speed and Button Swapping for an OEM
  -Updated the sizing for an OEM customer for the Disable Touchpad/Stick
   checkbox string so it's no longer cut off in Italian. 
  -Fixed a bug where swapping the left and right buttons option cannot be
   cancelled for a custom OEM control panel. 
  -Fixed some minor help string formatting problems. 

Version 11/17/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -checking in file changes to add blank line at end of HelpTopic 133 for
   all of these and at end of 119 for SP and TZ. 
  -Merged in fix for double click speed not getting canceled and the Alt+D
   causing the Defaults to be set on the Devices tab even though it doesn't
   have the Default button visible. 
  -Fixed truncated string for Portueguese (BR). 
  -Check in fixes for KR and TW for an OEM customer. 
  -Change top-right corner tap zone size for OEM inf. 

Version 11/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed help topic assignment.
  -Modified OEM application launch parameter. 
  -New PnP IDs for new platforms. 

Version  8.2.4 11/10/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Changed OEM PnPID settings. 
  -Fixed a bug that assigning left button to a "print"action locks the

Version  8.2.3 11/09/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Check-in two translated resource strings for all languages. 
  -Changed to use HSIDC_NOTRAYICON from SynTPCpl.rc 
  -Fixed a bug that Dual Mode mode does not update when external USB mouse
   plug and unplug. 
  -Fixed an Dual Mode bug on resume from stanby the TouchPad cannot move the
   cursor if it previously was in Button Mode. 

Version  8.2.2 11/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed HelpId for Dbl click slider to 0 since no help string currently
  -Korean translation fix for Left - Primary Click and Right - Secondary
  -Change product name "DualMode" to "Dual Mode" 
  -Fixed a plugin action launching custom app does not work when Control
   Panel is not running on the setting page of the action. 
  -Added translations for new resource strings. 
  -Fixed a bug that control panel setting dialog crashing when changing
   language settings. 
  -Updated "Help topic undefined" and other strings to have a blank line
   after the help topic to match all other previous help topics. 
  -Disable InstallShield message box during silent install. 
  -Updated copyright date. 

Version  8.2.1 10/28/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug in the context sensitive help pop-ups so that they now filter
   out an extra blank line and CR/LF at end of last line so that the context
   sensitive help doesn't have a bunch of white space after the end of the
   last line of text. 
  -Fixed a bug for DualMode where we needed to turn off Button Mode when the
   device is deleted. 
  -Fixed a bug where DualMode mode was not being correctly setup when going in
   and out the Control Panel settings dialog. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM control panel where SnapToDefault would not revert back
   to the original setting on Cancel. 
  -Removed an older OEM control panel configuration that is no longer
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM control panel where the stick scrolling speed was not
   being correctly written/read.
  -Changed the settings for an OEM control panel to re-align German text and
   resize the text so the strings in the Slow Motion and Constrain Motion combo
   boxes will no longer be cut off. 
  -Fixed the DualMode print function by changing the changing the acquire
   functionality to suppress the cursor for everything, not just for the motion.
   This way the kernel will not report a tap (left button click) while the device
   is suppressed. 
  -Added new ini files for an OEM that will enable the DisableIntPDIfExtPNPPresent
   feature - one ini file to set it to default of On, and one to set it to default
   of Off. 
  -Added New PNP IDs and custom settings to the INF file for an OEM customer. 

Version  8.2.0 10/21/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
New Features
  -Added DualMode functionality.
Bug Fixes

  -Fixed an issue where it was not possible reselect "Select off when typing"
   on Stick tab, once it had been unselected.
  -Updated OEM PnP INF file. 
  -Create a new OEM inf for DualMode platforms. 
  -Updated OEM inf file to use new resource IDs for new PNGs for single 
   pointing Devices tab. 
  -Updated for French langauge so it doesn't wrap over Default button.

Version  8.1.14 10/14/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed order of X and Y DPM to be correct for USB devices.  

Version  8.1.13 10/07/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes

  -Fixed a bug where the auto disable was not working correctly before 
   the Windows logon screen. 
  -Removed the hotkey from the USB monitoring feature as requested by an
   OEM customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where the context sensitive help for an OEM control panel
   item was not being displayed correctly. 
  -Updated an OEM inf file with a new PnP ID that will disable scrolling by
  -Update an OEMs INF file settings so one PnP ID has an adjusted scrolling
   region, and another PnP turns the default feature off and the monitoring
   of external PnP devices to off. 
  -Added support for PnP IDs for OEM customers. 

Version  8.1.12 09/30/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Updated the control panel text referring to an external USB device to be
   consistent with other references to USB devices. 
  -Added a hotkey for the Disable the internal device when a USB device is
   present feature. 
  -Added new PnP ID support for OEM customers. 
  -Fixed a bug that was causing some old folders/files to be left around
   when un-installing after upgrading an older driver to a newer driver.

Version  8.1.11 09/24/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed get byte polled to continue to wait rather than fail on the first
   attempt if the data has not yet been put into the buffer by the DPC. 

Version  8.1.10 09/22/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Changed to only set/clear kbd/aux interrupt bits and no longer read the
   command byte before disabling the kbc/aux interrupts when the keyboard
   controller is disabled and no longer read back the result of the
   write to enable the kbc/aux interrupts. This prevents us from generating
   unwanted kbd interrupts. This will fix the TP not detected on boot/reset
   for dual-processor systems and it also fixes an issue where the KBC may
   not be detected correctly on boot on some systems.
  -Changed the default setting for the Pnp Monitoring feature to off for
   an OEM customer.
  -Fixed a problem in recalibration where it could hang due to a mutex. 
  -Added support to use hotkeys to disable/enable both the passthrough and
   master devices independently.
  -Added new control values so that master and slave devices can be
   enabled/disabled by hotkeys independently.
  -Created an OEM customer INF file for supporting platforms with XP x64 Edition.
  -Added the feature to allow Control Panel to display a custom image on the
   top of the device settings dialog. 

Version  8.1.9 09/15/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a hang issue for DualMode TP when Media Player window is minimizing. 
  -Fixed up OEM inf file so that the buttons page will always display if
   there is any PS/2 device detected. 

Version  8.1.8 09/08/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed an OEM customer issue with the TouchPad button enable/disable state
   when the PnP Disable feature was enabled. 
  -Fixed an LED on-off setting issue for LuxPad. 
  -Changed the default for the auto disable feature to be off for an OEM
  -Changed the COM API init error message to be clearer.

Version  8.1.7 09/01/2005 (Win9x&ME/WinNT/Win2K/WinXP)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a  bug in processing of chorded buttons where a single packet from
   a mouse device was not getting through. This resulted in a PS/2 mouse left
   button not being detected until the mouse was moved. 
  -Added support to display special information in the device settings page
   for an OEM customer. 
  -Added new controls in to OEM inf file to support new features. 
  -Added support to the control panel to have a control that can monitor the
   active state of the disable internal device if and external PnP device is
   present feature. 
  -Fixed an issue where the device-independent features where not properly
   showing up in the control panel. 
  -Fixed some overlapping controls in an OEM UI. 
  -Updated an OEM inf file to update their customer UI with the
   DisableIntPDIfExtPdPresent feature/UI support. 
  -Add a proper error message for COM API init error. This is to
   differentiate the message about version error.


P.S.: ThX für die ganzen Treiber links!!!
ist ganz einfach! :d
die Touchpad Treiber von dem HP- oder Asus-FTP lassen sich nicht installieren,
weil das im Zepto Notebook verbaute Touchpad nicht erkannt wird.
(unterschiedlicher Gerätestring, lässt sich in den ersten beiden Bildern gut erkennen)

weiß gleich gleich,
gelb gleich unterschiedlich :)

bidde :d

und im Grunde ist es das gleiche Problem wie bei der Grafikkarte!
Die normale Forceware von nVidia lässt sich auch nicht installieren,
da die Einträge für die mobilen Grafikkarten fehlen...

sobald ich etwas hinter die Funktionen hier beim Synaptics Touchpad Treiber gekommen bin
und mein 6214W zum Testen hab, biete ich eine modifizierte inf File an, mit der sich der neuere Treiber
installieren lässt!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@Reinfolge der installation der Treiber.

an welcher stelle sollte man die directx 9.0c treiber installieren, oder sind die schon beim SP2 mit bei ?
stimmt, du hast recht!
Zwar ist DirectX 9.0c beim SP2 schon mit dabei,
allerdings wird diese Version immer wieder mal aktualisiert
(ich hatte sogar schon ein Spiel, das ohne die aktualisierte Version nicht lief!)

zur Reihenfolge:

1. Windows (mit integriertem SP)
[jetzt das Service Pack, falls nicht in Windows CD integriert]
2. Windows Updatepack (von Winfuture oder Winboard)
3. DirectX 9.0c (aktuelle Version)
4. Intel Chipsatz Treiber
5. Grafikkartentreiber
6. restliche Treiber (Sound, Netzwerk, WLAN, Touchpad)
7. jetzt erst Officepaket und sonstige Programme

hier gibts das aktuelle DirectX 9.0c -> klick

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