UBB view hack


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Hi there.

I don't speak German. Is someone here able to tell me whereabouts i can find the UBB view hack?

I noticed it's present on this site. I have tried UBBdev.com but they don't seem to have it there...

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
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Hi Revolver,
I am the webmaster here, but what is the UBB view hack ? I added several things to this ubb and I am sure that I can help you, but I can´t remenber this one. What is it about ?

Hi dbode <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

I have actually found it. It's the Hit Hack 2.01 by e@sy. I wasn't sure of the name because most people use "views" instead of "hits" as the column next to "replies"

Thanks for replying anyways. AMD rocks!!!!!!
No Problem. I hope the hit hack will be available in Version 6.1 soon...

One thing to know : The hit hack increases the load on the server a little bit - so if your server is weak, it may overload it... I got problems here in Germany with my host because of it, because they just offer 12 cgi-scripts at one time.
my board is small so it shouldnt be a problem. Though, i bet now i've said that, it will be hehehe, knowing my luck.
Well, I started this board three month ago, so if your board grows, the traffic will grow as well. Right now, just the forum is taking about 20 Gig traffic every month...
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