[Übersicht] Ultimative AM4 UEFI/BIOS/AGESA Übersicht

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Hello everyone. İ like this forum and powerfull technical support. I buyed intel arc a750. its idle power usage high. like 40w. intel showed workaround fix. it need bios PCIE ASPM enable and windows power setting tweak. I need modded bios with PCIE ASPM setting. Gigabyte AM4 motherboard have ASPM setting but MSI am4 not. Smokeless UMAF tool can fix this. But i cant trust it. My motherboard is MSI B550 Gaming Edge Wifi. I'm using last agesa bios.
Hello everyone. İ like this forum and powerfull technical support. I buyed intel arc a750. its idle power usage high. like 40w. intel showed workaround fix. it need bios PCIE ASPM enable and windows power setting tweak. I need modded bios with PCIE ASPM setting. Gigabyte AM4 motherboard have ASPM setting but MSI am4 not. Smokeless UMAF tool can fix this. But i cant trust it. My motherboard is MSI B550 Gaming Edge Wifi. I'm using last agesa bios.

No chance so far to get the ASPM show up in BIOS on MSI. Its set allways to disabled. But can be set to "auto" or "enabled" via a modded BIOS and let Windows decide wich to choose.
I need only ASPM option added modded bios. I cant found bios modding documentation for msi am4. If someone show way or give only ASPM option added last bios for B550 gaming edge wifi then i will be very happy.

ASPM set to "Auto" instead of disabled (working with Windows Powerplan options - or at least should be working....)

Flashing on own risk and I suggest with Flashback -> rename to MSI.ROM -> or if you want to use the Flashmethod through Bios then rename the file to its original name.

Please let me know if it works or not.
Thank u for build this. There is lots of option. I cant find aspm setting. I tried bios name search. I found nearest setting "PM L1 SS". I'm tried all options but not worked.


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The Option ist still Hidden even If enabled / Set to Auto.
The complete menu for changing ASPM settings is not available.
The PBS Menu ist mostly for apus.

Try booting Up Windows and Take a Look at idle powerdraw with the modded BIOS and Take a look if there is any Change.

Thats the default Setting. I changed it to "Auto" and the only other option is to set it to Force L0s

But that Option may effect also your NVMe SSDs (my Corsair won't boot if I force it to that state so I changed it to Auto)
Even if I Try to make this Menu visible it won't show up in Bios.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The Option ist still Hidden even If enabled / Set to Auto.
The complete menu for changing ASPM settings is not available.
The PBS Menu ist mostly for apus.

Try booting Up Windows and Take a Look at idle powerdraw with the modded BIOS and Take a look if there is any Change.
i'm set maximum pciexpress power management option from windows power plan. ( like intels recomendation ). but not worked. there is no change for idle power draw.

i'm find something at this link:

"Just a heads up, those on AMD boards that don't expose a PCIe ASPM option can use Smokeless_UMAF to get to it. Its there, but motherboard vendors hide it for some reason.
Load it onto a flash drive, and boot to it, then go to AMD CBS or Setup which should be similar to your normal motherboard options, chances are it will be there.
I got ASPM L0s L1 working on my X470 Gaming Plus Max this way without issue."

I think use smokeless umaf. only i'm not known loading optimal defaults turn back all defaults. I can use smokeless umaf tool. But can i turn back all defaults when used turn back bios's optimal defaults. i dont know.
If you think it will work with this, give it a try.
MSI is one of the manufacturers doing their own thing here (with ASPM), even taking the godlike the option is missing.

I can enable it and force it to one state, so every time you boot up it'll be active, no matter what else you gonna change, but remember, it can cause your system to hang if the NVMe doesn't support it.

Edited the BIOS to Force it on all devices to Enabled.
Remember flashing at own risk!!
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If you think it will work with this, give it a try.
MSI is one of the manufacturers doing their own thing here (with ASPM), even taking the godlike the option is missing.

I can enable it and force it to one state, so every time you boot up it'll be active, no matter what else you gonna change, but remember, it can cause your system to hang if the NVMe doesn't support it.

Edited the BIOS to Force it on all devices to Enabled.
Remember flashing at own risk!!
i'm tried 2nd try mod. System booted. There is no change arc a750 idle power usage. Thanks for your support. Pls don't lose your time for my strange problem. U can write more but if u need time we can do it later.
Thats all i could do.
Seems thats only MSI is disabling it by Default and No Matter what you cant unlock it.
Sorry but good luck getting it enabled. (maybe asking MSI for a new BIOS with activated aspm)
If you want also try this modded one.
In the Overclocking Tab should be a menu called Advanced -> Open it and go to Demo Board -> PCI-E Port -> Enable ASPM Mode for every device.
Using at your own risk.

Um mich mal in die Bios Mods mit einzuklinken, kann ich auch so nen Mod Bios für das B450 A Pro Max bekommen ( oder mir sagt jemand fix was ich zum modden brauche :d ) ? Dann könnte ich mit der A750 bisschen rumspielen :d
If you want also try this modded one.
In the Overclocking Tab should be a menu called Advanced -> Open it and go to Demo Board -> PCI-E Port -> Enable ASPM Mode for every device.
Using at your own risk.

this bios ia also good for x570 tomahawk
Dir gehts speziell auch um ASPM?

If this was a question, i don't recomment crossflashing on any board.
The bios is a test for toki for his B550 Gaming Edge.
Zugriff auf ASPM wäre schon nett, denn die A750 hat auf dem Asus B350 Gaming F keinen Schmerz mit dem Idle Power save - nur das MSI Testrig will nicht so. Bei mit aktuellem v2 UEFI. Wenns da noch mehr im MSI Bios zu entdecken gibt was so vor unseren Augen verborgen bleibt bin ich natürlich nicht abgeneigt ;)
Die ASPM unter dem Demo hatte ich bei den mods die ich gemacht habe alle bereits forciert, aber schien ja nicht zu klappen.

Wenn das nun mit deinem Mod funktioniert werde ich das bei meinem EDGE MAX gegen testen, sollte ja dann auch funktionieren.
If you want also try this modded one.
In the Overclocking Tab should be a menu called Advanced -> Open it and go to Demo Board -> PCI-E Port -> Enable ASPM Mode for every device.
Using at your own risk.

Thanks for support. I tried your modded file. I searched every overclocking tab and advanced tab. There is no ASPM setting.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

I'm tried Smokeless_UMAF tool. I fallowed this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/IntelArc/comments/119re2a/comment/ja6njdx. Not worked. May be i'm activated ASPM but somethink breaking low idle power condition. This is firstly intel's secondly msi's problem. Pls dont lose time for me.
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Could you post a screen of my added Advanced menu in the overclocking menu? Wanna know if i have done something wrong.

Du hattest jeweils die Devices aktiviert aber ASPM auf Auto gelassen. Was wenn Auto für deaktiviert steht?
"Auto" steht laut Beschreibung für "wird vom Board eingestellt" also hab ich es beim zweiten Mod auf den L1s eingestellt gehabt, aber das brachte ja leider auch nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis.

Hab es bei meinem Board auch noch getestet da bleibt aber wie bereits erwähnt die Corsair Platte hängen, also bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass es aktiv war.

Nunja, MSI und ASPM werden wohl keine Freunde mehr..

Ich kann auch ohne leben, aber schade ist es dennoch für alle die wie Toki dann eine Intel Karte verbaut haben und aktuell solch eine hohe idle Leistungsaufnahme hinnehmen müssen.

Als ich nun das File selbst noch mal runtergeladen habe und nachgesehen habe was drin steht ist es von L1 auf Auto zurück.. also irgendwas scheint da nicht hingehauen zu haben... mea culpa
Could you post a screen of my added Advanced menu in the overclocking menu? Wanna know if i have done something wrong.

Du hattest jeweils die Devices aktiviert aber ASPM auf Auto gelassen. Was wenn Auto für deaktiviert steht?
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Could you post a screen of my added Advanced menu in the overclocking menu? Wanna know if i have done something wrong.

Du hattest jeweils die Devices aktiviert aber ASPM auf Auto gelassen. Was wenn Auto für deaktiviert steht?
Here is the video link for better examine.



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You are looking in the wrong place, thats why you can't find it. I don't mean the AMD OC menu, i mean the MSI OC menu.
In the MSI OC menu go down to the end of the site and there should be the Advanced. I have replaced Memory-Z with Advanced just for the test.
You are looking in the wrong place, thats why you can't find it. I don't mean the AMD OC menu, i mean the MSI OC menu.
In the MSI OC menu go down to the end of the site and there should be the Advanced. I have replaced Memory-Z with Advanced just for the test.
I'm found it. I'm tried Auto and L0s_L1 setttings. Idle power usage changed 40w to 36w. There is no big difference. PCIex link speed not changed.
I set my monitor hz to 120 after enable ASPM. Idle power usage decreased to ~15-20W. I tried 60 hz. Idle power usage decreased to ~10W.
May be Darki24's solution was succesful. I'm not tested hims modded bios with different monitor hz situations. Thanks for all technical supporters.
If you want also try this modded one.
In the Overclocking Tab should be a menu called Advanced -> Open it and go to Demo Board -> PCI-E Port -> Enable ASPM Mode for every device.
Using at your own risk.

Moin Reous,

lässt sich ASPM bei jedem AM4 Mainboard "nachrüsten"?
bei Asus gibt's die Option leider auch nicht :(

Es ist eh vorhanden (nur ausgeblendet bei MSI), man kann es entweder forcieren oder selbst auswählen (Methode von Reous ist eben manuell einstellen -> mit / durch verschieben eines Menüs beim modden).

Da es aber offensichtlich nicht viel bringt, egal ob "Auto, Enabled oder Forced", wird es wohl an MSI sein, die states richtig zu Handhaben...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
lässt sich ASPM bei jedem AM4 Mainboard "nachrüsten"?
bei Asus gibt's die Option leider auch nicht :(
Bei Asus ist die Option auch versteckt. Eventuell wird es in neueren Bios Versionen freigeschaltet, bei AM5 macht man dies aktuell nämlich.
Wenn es um das TUF B450M-Pro geht, dann ist leider kein Mod möglich. Flashback muss vorhanden sein um einen Mod aufzuspielen.
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