[Sammelthread] World of Warships

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Wie ist das Format so? hatte sich intressant angehört, aber hab momentan schon genug termine im Kalendar ^^

Adrenalin pur... Macht mega spaß... Als DD ist sehr fordernd...

Twitch hier kannst du mich bewundern ab 2:55:00 Ab 2:95 ist ein spiel von uns... Gerade MDF geklatscht :shot: leider kein Streamer dabei gewesen der mein Game gesehen hat... Nächstes bei 5:20...
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Im Schneesturm voll die Stärken der Z ausgespielt. Leider kein Solo Warrior weil am Ende nur 1o3 war, Allerdings war ich im Zugzwang aufgrund der Zeit und hab in einem Rush eine Montana und fast noch eine Prinz Eugen zugleich rausgehauen, danach war der Gegner im Zugzwang aber keine chance mich zu catchen =)

Alles klar. Weiß schon wieso ich das Game mittlerweile nach 6 Tagen weg sein nicht mehr vermisse.

In version 0.8.0 of the game World of Warships, the new aircraft carriers will be introduced. The update will significantly change the gameplay of the whole class as players know it, moving away from the specific controls and gameplay, that is currently more in the realm of real-time strategy games. The main goals of the changes are to:
- increase the popularity of aircraft carriers,
- increase the entertainment factor when playing them
- improve the balance in comparison to other classes.

More than 5,000 players participated in the testing of aircraft carriers. Thank you for your feedback and the time spent on tests. You have allowed us to find, and fix, a lot of bugs as well as improve some mechanics.

Anyone will soon be able to try the new CVs. Their gameplay is gradually taking its final form. In this post, we'll tell you about a few recent changes implemented following test results.

The small opportunities of autopilot system is one of the reasons why players want to control the aircraft carrier independently and in parallel with the aircraft. It didn't allow the ships to move in reverse, so if the aircraft carrier crashed into an island, then you had to spend a lot of time to get it back on the right course. We have improved autopilot for all classes of ships. Now, if the player puts a navigation point in the stern sector relative to the current course of the ship, the autopilot will reverse. Thus, by plotting points in the tactical map view, you will be able to remove the aircraft carrier from the collision with the island, without the need to return/recall your active aircraft.

We know that there are other situations in which some players would like to use a squadron and an aircraft carrier in parallel. However, at the heart of the new gameplay is the management of only one game unit at a time - predominantly an aircraft squadron. This condition is necessary for not spreading the player's attention too thin in battle and reduce the current overload of micro management, making the class of aircraft carriers more accessible to everyone.

Another controversial point was the protection of the aircraft carrier from an enemy air attack. Players had to return the squadron, and only then, from the СV, use the necessary counter measures, including the fighters call. Not all players used this opportunity. Often they were unable to react in time or they were not ready to lose control of their planes. To solve this problem, we are working on an automatic activation system of the relevant CV consumables when it is in danger.

Speaking about fighters. The time during which they chased plane, has been reduced. Now it will be easier to run away from them. During tests, the circle on the minimap showed the trajectory on which the fighters were patrolling. Players couldn't figure out how far away from the fighters it was safe to fly. Now the circle will show the extreme boundary of the zone, the area within which your planes will be attacked. Thus, the working of the consumable "fighters" will become more obvious and understandable.

Balance is one of the hottest topics of discussion. It is important to understand that it is impossible to bring optimum balance to the final state of the class in the test environment, as players behave differently there than on the main server. That's why, the work on the balance settings of aircraft carriers will continue after their release. Within a few months, you can expect numerous changes to the parameters of aircraft, including the number of units and their types. As is the case with the initial test of new aircraft carriers, here we will count on your feedback and support to assist us in the 'fine-tuning' process.

Thanks to our joint efforts, the class of aircraft carriers will soon get a new life in World Of Warships. Thank you!

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Na dann byby cv's
Wann landet 0.8.0. denn ca?

Alles was ich bis jetzt davon gesehen habe war uninteressant und die Tatsache, dass sie jetzt schon das Balancing im Live Betrieb ankündigen lässt schlimmes erahnen.
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Januar Patch aller Vorraussicht nach
gibt durch die ganzen Aktionen, die ab Donnerstag starten 8019 Stahl, dazu noch Schneeflocken - könnte dann doch eng werden, auf die 27k zu kommen.
Ich will endlich mal genaueres zu den Schneeflocken hören :d 27k brauchste doch garnicht oder haste kein 25% Gutschein mehr ?

Mal eine Frage in die Runde :

Stalingrad oder Bourgogne ? und warum^^
Im Luxx Clan stand doch ein Upgrade für ein Gebäude offen?
Sollte man wegen der Stahl-Aktion über Weihnachten das Stahl-Boni-Modul upgraden?
Wo die Moskwa schonmal warm geschossen ist von den CWs wollt ich nur wenigstens gewinnen um vielleicht genug fxp zu bekommen zwecks leg upgrade Fortschritt. Dann sowas :d und Tankmässig war da sooo viel mehr drin, die Bow in BBs waren sooo schlecht, da war deren HE noch schlimmer als alles andere xD

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thx, damit hol ich mir die Jean Bart - gibt ja hier schon wieder 60k Kohle zu holen und wegen Alaska noch kein Wort. Kostet die nun 1,5 Mio Free Exp, oder 250k Kohle oder weiß jemand schon was? Ich persönlich denke, die wird für 1 Mio FreeExp kommen.
Manchmal ist echt zum heulen..
Hätte heute Abend Zeit für CWs, noch wer?
Ich wäre da

Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A5000 mit Tapatalk
Wäre heute Abend mit dabei, wahrscheinlich aber erst gegen acht/halb-neun.
Ernsthaft? OMNI, -RT-, AONO, 10GO, MDF, TWA :eek:

Wo kann man sich für andere Gegner anmelden? :hust:

Gerade TWA ist maximal frustrierend...
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