
Auch NVIDIA optimiert GeForce-Treiber auf Sea of Thieves

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Auch NVIDIA optimiert GeForce-Treiber auf Sea of Thieves


Nachdem AMD mit dem Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.3.3 einen Grafikkarten-Treiber mit Optimierungen für Sea of Thieves veröffentlicht hat, zieht NVIDIA mit dem GeForce 391.24 nach. Neben Sea of Thieves ist diese Version aber auch ein Game-Ready-Treiber für Kingdom Come: Deliverance, WarThunder, Black Desert Online, Metal Gear Survive und Fortnite, inklusive ShadowPlay Highlights im Battle-Royale-Modus.

Folgende Probleme listet NVIDIA als behoben auf:

  • [HTC Vive][Oculus Rift]: The VR headset stops working after several launches of the application or after resume from system Hibernate mode. [200395208/2048746
  • [NVIDIA Freestyle]: NVIDIA Freestyle not enabled for supported games. [2068793]
  • [Media Player Classic Home Cinema]: When launching a video, the system stutters momentarily. [2070328]
  • [G-SYNC]: Alt-tabbing windowed games with G-SYNC enabled and V-Sync ON in-game causes stuttering and drop in frame rate. [2053877]
  • [Firefox]: Driver TDR error may occur when using Firefox. [2049523]
  • [Notebook][Surface Laptop]:Blue-screen crash may occur when installing the driver. [200392051]
  • [Volta GPU]: The display flickers continuously after disabling and enabling the GPU using Device Manager, or when rebooting the system [200391003]
  • [GeForce GTX 1060][Rise of Tomb Raider]: Flickering/corruption occurs when opening the in-game options UI. [200351146] 

 Noch offene Fehler:

  • [NVIDIA TITAN V][G-Sync]: G-Sync displays may go blank when switching between different overclocked memory clocks multiple times. [200361272]
  • [SLI][GeForce GTX 780 Ti]: There is no display output when connecting the DisplayPort and two DVI monitors. [1835763]
  • [GeForce TITAN (Kepler-based)]: The OS fails after installing the graphics card on a Threadripper-enabled motherboard. [1973303]
  • [Pascal GPUs][Gears of War 4]: Blue-screen crash may occur while playing the game. [2008731]
  • [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Doom]: The game crashes due to the driver reverting to OpenGL 1.1 when HDR is enabled. [2049623] 

Der GeForce 391.24 kann ab sofort direkt bei NVIDIA heruntergeladen werden.

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