
  1. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Going to take a break, go out and have lunch:coffee3: I will reload 8400 profile tonight and set ICCMAX 400A, work on voltages. Should I enable VDDQ Training? 8400 profile is getting close, first time in 4-days passed cycle 1 with no errors,..
  2. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Cycle 1 is no errors, early into cycle 2 get error #6, then error #11. Memory not showing in HwInfo64 after last bios adjustment, restart fixed. memory showing now. Going to save this profile, work on it tonight. Thanks.
  3. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    I did not set ICCMAX 400A, there are 3 shown in bios, all are in Auto,.. IVR Transmitter VDDQ ICCMAX, Unlimited ICCMAX, and IA SoC ICCMAX Reactive Protector,.. I would be guessing it's IVR Transmitter VDDQ ICEMAX? Everything else set. Y Cruncher error @ start. Checking TM5 now.
  4. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    @Veii DIMM_2 slot is empty, I use PCIE 5.0 M.2 Card in lower X16 PCIe slot. I found RTT_NOM, it is disabled. Going to try to enable, start at 34ohms and test. Will keep bumping up...
  5. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    2, 10 = RTT issue. I'm still unsure how to adjust RTT_NOM. BIOS shows RTT settings in Auto, I do not know which RTT to adjust, or current values to increase. Looking for page showing current RTT_NOM clocks.
  6. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Thanks, looks like dropping SA to 1.22v resolved error #12 in cycle 1. Unfortunately I have a host of new errors in cycle 1,.. error #6 came early in cycle 2.
  7. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Thanks Veii, post edited. I'm stumped with Error #12, can't shake it. #12 shows up early in cycle 1, with error #2, sometimes error 12 - 2 - 10,.. always in cycle 1. I have...
  8. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    I'm working on 8400 CL36 profile today, been fixing TM5 errors all day. :LOL:
  9. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Thanks, I will play with filtering, running the benchmarks. Tested memory this morning with TM5, 8200 CL36 profile is good to go (y)
  10. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Installed new/clean Windows 11 Pro 64-Bit OS last night, and clean install of Sisoftware Sandra. I can't find Thread Latency Test, is it in Processor tests, or Memory tests? I ran the Processor Inter - Thread Efficiency Test,.. I did not see option to filter to local results at bottom of page...
  11. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Whoops. I will edit the above post, redo benchmarks. Thanks:-)
  12. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Wow, look at that read, write, and copy,.. with just cutting those away (put in 0),.. that's amazing. Edit: Both Channels, thanks CarSalesman.
  13. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Hello, thanks for all the help. I managed to raise Copy Speed. tWR 24 works good with tWTR_L = 24 and tWTR_S = 4. Nice improvement on performance.
  14. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Thank you, I will keep testing,.. working towards target, seems Cache & Memory Benchmark I ran after setting up profile vs the bios 0066 profile are very close, would be nice to bump Copy up a bit. :LOL:
  15. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    I just checked, WTR_L and WTR_S are both in Auto. So I will play around with 8-12-32-4-24,.. see what shakes out. I remember when setting WTR in BIOS it shows in ATC 3, or 4 differance, so 24-8 will show as 28-12. (and)
  16. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    You have very good eyesight, I did not see the difference in WTR_L, WTR_S,.. so best to leave it 48-16, as failsafe. Thanks. Will need to fix WTR_L, and _S,.. and tRDRD before moving on, there needs alinment. I will keep testing 8-16-32-8-32. :-)
  17. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    I updated BIOS to1801 today, still testing. Manually loaded 8200 profile and noticed with everything in Auto,.. All voltages are much lower, stable vs 0066. With all BIOS settings, timings exactly the same,.. it's strange that tWRRD_sg, and tWRRD_dg train differant on 1801 vs 0066.
  18. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    Started testing 8600MTs profile, so far it's going well,.. Moderately loose timings @ 40-54-54-136 DDR/DQ 1.47v, everything else in auto.
  19. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    System Restore worked, everything is good. Just need to reinstall some apps. Do you want to try tuning things with 5600MTs profile, or is finished? Huge improvement vs default 5600, thanks for all the help. (y) I'm going to start testing new 8600MTs profile,.. after installing all windows...
  20. Braegnok

    [Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

    AsrTCSetup v4.0.16 still shows WTR_L, S as 30 10,.. not 24 4. New timings passed TM5 no errors. RDWR_SG & DG both cap at 18 yes, the system tries training three times then boots into F1 screen with 16, 17. I adjusted VDDQ_MEM 1.32v and VDD_MEM 1.38v. And bumped SA up to 900mV. So VDDQ Training...
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