Apple NVIDIA GEFORCE 6800 ULTRA geht auch im Win Rechner??


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Kleine Frage, weiß jemand ob eine Apple NVIDIA GEFORCE 6800 ULTRA auch in einen normalen Win Rechner funzt? Oder nur im Mac?
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Der Anschluß ist aber anders, kein AGP, kein PCI-Express.
Ist doch so ein "komisches" Interface :hmm: ....
Also ich hab das hier gefunden...Da steht irgendwie auf AGP 8x basierend ich hab keine Ahnung von den Mac's

NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra Graphics Upgrade
The groundbreaking new NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra delivers the
industry’s first 16-pipe superscalar architecture and support for
the world’s fastest DDR3 memory to raise the bar for 3D graphics
performance. The specifications of the GeForce 6800 Ultra GPU,
are stunning: Using over 220 million transistors it supports a
256-bit interface for an effective memory bandwidth of 35.2 GB
per second which delivers 600 million vertices, 6.4 billion
textured pixels per second. The GPU is built on an AGP 8X board
and includes 256MB of DDR3 memory for use in the most
demanding graphics applications. It is the first card available to
support the DVI standard dual link digital signal specification
from the two DVI ports it features. This capability is required to
drive the new 30-inch LCD, high resolution Apple Cinema HD
display. The combination of a GeForce 6800 Ultra with a dual
processor Power Mac G5 driving two 30-inch Apple Cinema HD
Displays is the definitive tool for the creative professional.
Special note on the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra: due to size
of this advanced graphics card, the adjacent PCI or PCI-X slot will
be blocked and cannot be used. This reduces the number of
available PCI or PCI-X slots from three to two
ich weiss nur das apple karten aus nem g4 nich in nem sonstigen rechner, aber der agp slot is derselbe, hat wohl mit dem bios der karte zu tun
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