ASUS N4L-VM DH, Yonah&Merom**Sammelthread**

Was macht ihr bezüglich der freezes?

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Is it working now with two modules? Otherwise I would suggest you to check the RAM.
I had same problems and after checking the modules I found out that one was defect.
Maybe that is also the problem in your case.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
No, it is freezing up again.

It seams that if I use S3 (Standby Mode) and exit S3 again later, the system will lock up some time after that (hours).

Has anyone had this and fixed it? Is there a revision of this motherboard that DOES NOT have this problem? Someone must know.



Zur Info: mit der onBoard-Grafik + DVI-ADD2 lässt sich problemlos eine Auflösung von 1920 x 1200 darstellen (entgegen den Spezifikationen der DVI-Karte und den Auskünften der ASUS-Hotline). Ich habe es nicht mit Spielen getestet , aber mit Videos läufts bei mir 1a :banana:

Achja: habe der Karte 214 MB zugewiesen (Maximum).

Also, viel Spaß mit Full-HD ;-)
Er? can use the onboard video for a touchscreen on the case, AND use the DVI-ADD2 for video-output to a standard CRT television?

Sounds interesting!!

Thanks for your info, please let me know if this is what you mean. (Oh yes...which DVI-ADD2 do you use?)

Vielen Dank!:hail:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
DVI-ADD2 Karte Auflösung

Zur Info: mit der onBoard-Grafik + DVI-ADD2 lässt sich problemlos eine Auflösung von 1920 x 1200 darstellen (entgegen den Spezifikationen der DVI-Karte und den Auskünften der ASUS-Hotline). Ich habe es nicht mit Spielen getestet , aber mit Videos läufts bei mir 1a :banana:

Achja: habe der Karte 214 MB zugewiesen (Maximum).

Also, viel Spaß mit Full-HD ;-)

Woher hast Du die Karte bezogen?

zu welchem Preis?

mal ne Frage laufen auf dem board Asus N4L-VM auch z.B. intel M 740 mit 1,73Ghz, bei asus steht nix drüber.

hätte da ein angebot, sollte man es denn in zwischen kaufen oder gibts da immernoch random freezes??
Habe das Board nun schon über ein Jahr und hatte noch nie einen "random freeze" -> das gehört wohl (zum Glück) endgültig der Vergangenheit an ;-)

Betreibe es mit MDT 667 Speicher und einem T7200
I have replaced the 2x1Gb memory modules with 1x2Gb memory module (Kingston 667).

So far: no problems. 2x1Gb gives me random freezes, 1x1Gb is just not enough for my system. 1x2Gb looks like the perfect solution!

Does the N4L really work with 2GB memory modules? So 2 x 2GB = 4GB are possible?
In my handbook it says that it works only with 1GB memory modules.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I was curious and installed 2 x 2 GB just for a quick test onto my N4L-VM DH mainboard which is running in my home server. It ran perfectly under openSuse 10.3 32-Bit. It booted flawlessly and I started KDE Desktop and some programs to see if there would be any problems. No problems at all. I am running BIOS 0907 and I never had any problems so far with 2 x 1GB memory made by MDT.

The BIOS displayed 2936 MB usable memory size. That's because PCI devices and others use the address space between 3GB and 4 GB, which is not available to main memory any more under 32-Bit operating systems. You could free that memory under 64-Bit operating systems to use the full 4 GB of RAM but the GM945 chipset is not able to remapthe memory. More modern chipsets have this feature and you can switch it on in the BIOS. But the 945GM chipset is able to run with 4 GB of RAM per default and I could not imagine that ASUS had crippled that ability somehow. But it can only make use of up to 3 GB of RAM. I ran the Transcend RAM with the BIOS setting 'Configure DRAM Timing by SPD: Enabled'. This RAM needs a slightly higher voltage of 2.0 Volts. But this was detected by the BIOS and set accordingly or the RAM was able to run with the 1.9 Volts default voltage of the mainboard. I can't tell.

The 4 GB RAM was a 2 x 2GB RAM Kit from Transcend. It's product designation is Transcend aXeRam DDR2 1066+ 4096MB Dual Channel Kit TX1066QLU-4GK. Of course this is RAM for overclocking and its wasted on this board thus I swapped it out again for the default 2 x 1GB MDT memory. I thought it should work and I just wanted to prove this. I presume a lot of 4GB DDR2-667 or DDR2-800 RAM from different manufacturers should work when it is bought as a dual channel kit. And there still would be the option to do the settings in the BIOS manually.

Running this board with 1 x 2GB plus 1 x 1GB should be the optimum even if that means that it is running in single channel mode. But the harddisk won't swap data that often as with 2 x 1GB in dual channel mode.

I hope this clarifies things a little bit.


Blue Max
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wow, great info!

Thanks a lot for going to all the trouble to test that!

Am I reading your post correctly; does the board go into single channel mode if you install 1x2GB module and 1x1GB module? Can you explain that?

I've gotta try that right away!

Hinzugefügter Post:
Okay, I have plugged in 1x1GB AND 1x2GB (so: 3GB), the system boots up with the message that the MCH is operating in Dual Channel Asymmetric Mode and recognizes 2816 Mb (I think) of RAM.\

So my question is: Will the system freeze up because it is in "Dual Channel Mode" or will the "Asymmetric" part keep everything in "SINGLE Channel Mode" ?

I have no idea??

Intel says:
"Intel 945GM/PM chip set supports dual channel DDR2 in three modes

Single-channel (single SODIMM per channel)
Dual Channel Symmetric
Dual Channel Asymmetric

Dual-channel Symmetric Mode

This mode provides maximum performance on real applications. Addressess are ping-ponged between the channels, and the switch happens after each cache line (64-byte boundary)..... [edited] . The drawback of Symmetric mode is that the system designer must populate both channels of memory so that they have equal capacity, but the technology and device width may vary from one channel to the other.

Asymmetric Mode

Trades performance for design flexibility. Unlike the previous mode, addresses start in Channel A and stay there until the end of the highest rank in channel A, then address continue from the bottom of channel B to the top. [edited].... The system designer is free to populate or not populate any rank on either channel, including either degenerate single-channel case."

Who knows?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Okay, apparently the Intel 945GM supports Flex Mode. This means that it will try to maintain Dual Channel Mode up until the capacity of the smallest memory module, after that it goes Single Channel.

Anyway, my system locked up again (freeze)!!!

So, I'm back to a single 2GB memory module, which isn't too bad...
Piwikiwi, I think either your mainboard or one of your memory sticks are defective. It could be a defect on the second memory slot on your mainboard. I am running a 1.02G revision 0907 BIOS mainboard with 2 x 1GByte DDR2-DIMM 667 and Core2Duo T7200 here for several weeks now as a 24/7 server without any problems under openSUSE 10.3 32-bit. And even 2 x 2GByte did work. What I did not try is 1 x 2GByte + 1 x 1GByte. But I think you have some sort of defect here. I think it is a very stable board with BIOS 0907. Never had any freeze. You could boot a Linux distribution from CD and run the Memtest option to find out if one of the memory modules are not good maybe.


Blue Max
@Blue Max: I've run tests on my memory and they were okay, but it could be the mainboard. I have read that this problem usually shows up when running in Dual Channel Mode WITH a PCI-express videocard installed. On my system removing the videocard is not an option.

One weird thing: the freeze problem only shows up after changing the memory configuration (adding or removing modules) AND THEN using S3 standby at some time.

If I don't use S3, it could remain freeze free for up to one month during tests, I didn't test it longer. Then, if I use S3, the board would freeze up at some random time after that.

For now: 2GB in Single Channel Mode is fine. I'm hoping that it might support a 3GB module, if it becomes available.

p.s: Asus TechSupport sucks! They don't even get back to me when they say they will.

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3Gb Module is physically not possible...

I also have some freezes from time to time when the system is in S3 and wants to bootup - i´m living with it...
I meant: Why do you think a 3GB memory module is physically impossible? I have Google'd around and FOUND 4GB modules, so 2GB is not the physical limit.

If you mean that the motherboard won't support it: How do you know? According to Asus the maximum is 1GB, but mine is already running with a 2GB unit as we speak.

So: what do you mean, Bluebeard?
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