[Sammelthread] Battlefield 2042

Es scheinen ja echt viele hier zu zocken. Wenn ihr Lust habt, kommt doch in den BF2042 HWLUXX discord. Macht mehr Spass als alleine zu spielen.
Zocken hier ? Alles was ich lese , wie mist das Game doch ist. Sie schreiben mehr über Probleme und CO als zu daddeln hahahahahahaha.

Inzwischen müssen wir es doch wissen. BF1/3/4/5 sowie 2042 waren oder sind aktuell bei Releast Müll. Alle wurden nach und nach besser , und reiften beim Kunden.

EA wird es erst begreifen , wenn keiner mehr das Game kauft. So lange wir denen die Kohle in den Rachen werfen , wird sich da nix dran ändern .

Aber was noch trauriger ist , das ist bei fast 90 Prozent aller Spiele , die auf den Markt kommen
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Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Bei Gott, wenn sie im 4 Update immer noch nichts von UI Scaling oder Colorpalette fürs Hud schreiben, sehe ich mich gezwungen jeglichen Cyan ton mit Geforce Experience in ein angenehmes Blau umzuwandeln und mich 12 Meter vom Monitor weg zu setzen um den ganzen Clutter zu ertragen.

Verstehe ich keinen Millimeter, ich kriege davon Augenkrebs.
Für mich die wichtigsten Punkte:

On Thursday, we’re releasing Update #2. We’re making the following changes:
  • Improved Soldier Revives, addressing ‘unable to revive when a Soldier dies close to an object, or wall’.
  • A respawn protection system that will help to prevent any extraneous issues that can leave a player in a downed state for too long, and force a manual respawn when required.
  • Re-enabling our UAV-1 Interaction in Battlefield Portal, available on our Battlefield Bad Company 2 maps. It was overpowered, and we’ve made adjustments to account for that.
  • Vehicle Balancing for the LCAA Hovercraft and MD540 Nightbird mentioned above.
  • Dispersion has been reduced for all weapons except Shotguns, which results in more consistent bullet spread during gameplay.
There are a handful more critical changes that we’re making alongside this update, which we’ll detail in full in our Update Notes on November 24.

"We also want to give you the assurance that we’re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return. End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them. We’ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you, including details about our long-term vision for certain features and functions.

Now, let’s focus on what is coming. We’ll be delivering Update #2 for the game on Thursday, November 25, followed by a further, substantial Update #3 in early December. We are also working on another update that we are looking to deploy in advance of the Holidays too. In addition to the updates that are coming, we’ll also be sharing more about Season 1 in early 2022."

For all of you playing on PCs, we want to acknowledge that many of you are finding that performance of the game is presently CPU bound, and not enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end GPUs and CPUs are seeing the benefit of consistent, high frame rates. Identifying engine level optimisations and developing solutions will require a lengthier response time from us so that it gets done right. Short term, we’ll be doing all we can to help offer performance improvements that reduce the load, and up your frame rates where possible. We’ll keep you updated on our work through our Battlefield channels.

Gunplay and Balance
Shortly after launch, many of you who play on PC helped to highlight an odd inconsistency with the behaviour of aiming, relative to your mouse sensitivity settings. We have done a great deal of investigation around this and have been able to validate that some settings are not properly applying. We have developed a fix for this and we’re targeting the third upcoming Update for this.

Update #2:

  • Reduced spread globally when zoomed and moving
  • Improved stationary zoomed accuracy for many weapons
  • Spread now decreases faster and earlier when pacing shots. This means more success with single-fire or short bursts.
  • Increased PP-29 vertical recoil to ensure that the weapon does not overperform when engaging outside of its intended combat range
Update #3

  • Fixed an issue where spread would be too high when trying to fire while zoomed right after sprinting for some Portal weapons.
  • Reduced effectiveness of the NTW-50 against vehicles.
Our current focus is also around the behaviour of vehicles. Since the game went live, we saw the Hovercraft become a fan favorite given its high durability and effectiveness in combat. We designed this vehicle to behave as an alternative to the LATV4, but not as an upgrade. In Thursday’s Update #2, we have balanced the health of this vehicle to bring it more in line with its design, and made sure that its weaponry is appropriately effective.

We’ve also performed a similar review of the Nightbird’s 20mm Cannons which were generating excessive splash damage. This will be adjusted in Update #2, and we’re continuing to monitor the behaviour of Vehicle Unlocks in case it's observed that we need to make further changes.

Update #3 sieht einfach mad aus :fresse2:


  • Added a UI list that shows nearby players that can revive you within 50m when downed
  • Added a UI list that shows incoming revivers when downed and pinged by a player that intends to revive you
  • When low on ammo or health, nearby friendly players within 50m will now show a resource icon above their head indicating that they can provide you with health or ammo
  • Increased Big Map Resolution for improved navigation
  • Added health bars on enemy vehicles and enemy soldiers when looked at
  • All player world icons now scale over distance, making them smaller when far away in an effort to reduce icons cluttering the screen
  • Time before revive completion is now visible for the downed player when being revived
  • Fixed an issue where friendly player icons would sometimes not be hidden when behind walls causing a lot of icons to be constantly visible on screen.
  • Fixed an issue where friendly soldiers are missing their blue UI icons when a player is in a downed state
  • Fixed an issue where some player names don't show when looking at multiple Soldiers/Vehicles that are next to each other
  • Changed the visibility behavior of the fire mode icon in the HUD. By default, the fire mode icon is now visible if it is currently possible to change fire-mode. The behavior can be changed to allow the fire mode icon to always be visible (even if it’s not possible to change fire mode) or turned off. The option is called “Fire Mode Indicator” under “HUD” Options
  • Added an option that allows for the disabling of the button prompts visible in the HUD
  • Added message about which player healed you when getting healed by other players
  • Added message about which player shared ammo when getting ammo from other players
  • Fixed an issue where IFF markers on Squad Members do not change with colorblind option
  • Improved visibility of IFF marks over distances
  • Fixed an issue where IFF markers would not be visible when using low video settings
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Immerhin tut sich was👍
game developer 1x1: nen unfertiges Produkt releasen, via announcement einlenken dass man auf die LEIDENSCHAFTLICHE Community hört und den Wünschen nachkommen will.

ich bins leid.
Ich war eben auf einem Server, wo ich niemanden treffen konnte. Ich habe dann das Game neugestartet und bin wieder auf dem selben Server gelandet. Das Problem war natürich noch vorhanden. Wenn man es nicht besser wüsste, könnte man meinen, dass ist ein ganzes neues Unternehmen, die ihr erstes Game raushauen und keinerlei Erfahrung haben.
Für mich die wichtigsten Punkte:

On Thursday, we’re releasing Update #2. We’re making the following changes:
  • Improved Soldier Revives, addressing ‘unable to revive when a Soldier dies close to an object, or wall’.
  • A respawn protection system that will help to prevent any extraneous issues that can leave a player in a downed state for too long, and force a manual respawn when required.
  • Re-enabling our UAV-1 Interaction in Battlefield Portal, available on our Battlefield Bad Company 2 maps. It was overpowered, and we’ve made adjustments to account for that.
  • Vehicle Balancing for the LCAA Hovercraft and MD540 Nightbird mentioned above.
  • Dispersion has been reduced for all weapons except Shotguns, which results in more consistent bullet spread during gameplay.
There are a handful more critical changes that we’re making alongside this update, which we’ll detail in full in our Update Notes on November 24.

"We also want to give you the assurance that we’re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return. End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them. We’ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you, including details about our long-term vision for certain features and functions.

Now, let’s focus on what is coming. We’ll be delivering Update #2 for the game on Thursday, November 25, followed by a further, substantial Update #3 in early December. We are also working on another update that we are looking to deploy in advance of the Holidays too. In addition to the updates that are coming, we’ll also be sharing more about Season 1 in early 2022."

For all of you playing on PCs, we want to acknowledge that many of you are finding that performance of the game is presently CPU bound, and not enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end GPUs and CPUs are seeing the benefit of consistent, high frame rates. Identifying engine level optimisations and developing solutions will require a lengthier response time from us so that it gets done right. Short term, we’ll be doing all we can to help offer performance improvements that reduce the load, and up your frame rates where possible. We’ll keep you updated on our work through our Battlefield channels.

Gunplay and Balance
Shortly after launch, many of you who play on PC helped to highlight an odd inconsistency with the behaviour of aiming, relative to your mouse sensitivity settings. We have done a great deal of investigation around this and have been able to validate that some settings are not properly applying. We have developed a fix for this and we’re targeting the third upcoming Update for this.

Update #2:

  • Reduced spread globally when zoomed and moving
  • Improved stationary zoomed accuracy for many weapons
  • Spread now decreases faster and earlier when pacing shots. This means more success with single-fire or short bursts.
  • Increased PP-29 vertical recoil to ensure that the weapon does not overperform when engaging outside of its intended combat range
Update #3

  • Fixed an issue where spread would be too high when trying to fire while zoomed right after sprinting for some Portal weapons.
  • Reduced effectiveness of the NTW-50 against vehicles.
Our current focus is also around the behaviour of vehicles. Since the game went live, we saw the Hovercraft become a fan favorite given its high durability and effectiveness in combat. We designed this vehicle to behave as an alternative to the LATV4, but not as an upgrade. In Thursday’s Update #2, we have balanced the health of this vehicle to bring it more in line with its design, and made sure that its weaponry is appropriately effective.

We’ve also performed a similar review of the Nightbird’s 20mm Cannons which were generating excessive splash damage. This will be adjusted in Update #2, and we’re continuing to monitor the behaviour of Vehicle Unlocks in case it's observed that we need to make further changes.

Update #3 sieht einfach mad aus :fresse2:


  • Added a UI list that shows nearby players that can revive you within 50m when downed
  • Added a UI list that shows incoming revivers when downed and pinged by a player that intends to revive you
  • When low on ammo or health, nearby friendly players within 50m will now show a resource icon above their head indicating that they can provide you with health or ammo
  • Increased Big Map Resolution for improved navigation
  • Added health bars on enemy vehicles and enemy soldiers when looked at
  • All player world icons now scale over distance, making them smaller when far away in an effort to reduce icons cluttering the screen
  • Time before revive completion is now visible for the downed player when being revived
  • Fixed an issue where friendly player icons would sometimes not be hidden when behind walls causing a lot of icons to be constantly visible on screen.
  • Fixed an issue where friendly soldiers are missing their blue UI icons when a player is in a downed state
  • Fixed an issue where some player names don't show when looking at multiple Soldiers/Vehicles that are next to each other
  • Changed the visibility behavior of the fire mode icon in the HUD. By default, the fire mode icon is now visible if it is currently possible to change fire-mode. The behavior can be changed to allow the fire mode icon to always be visible (even if it’s not possible to change fire mode) or turned off. The option is called “Fire Mode Indicator” under “HUD” Options
  • Added an option that allows for the disabling of the button prompts visible in the HUD
  • Added message about which player healed you when getting healed by other players
  • Added message about which player shared ammo when getting ammo from other players
  • Fixed an issue where IFF markers on Squad Members do not change with colorblind option
  • Improved visibility of IFF marks over distances
  • Fixed an issue where IFF markers would not be visible when using low video settings
Hört sich doch super an 👍
Für mich ist der wichtigste Punkt das sie sich um die Performance kümmern. Klingt auch so im Text als ob nur Mittelklasse Systeme die Probleme hätten aber davon ist ja jeder betroffen.
Bei Gott, wenn sie im 4 Update immer noch nichts von UI Scaling oder Colorpalette fürs Hud schreiben, sehe ich mich gezwungen jeglichen Cyan ton mit Geforce Experience in ein angenehmes Blau umzuwandeln und mich 12 Meter vom Monitor weg zu setzen um den ganzen Clutter zu ertragen.

Verstehe ich keinen Millimeter, ich kriege davon Augenkrebs.

Farbeblind Modus > personalisiert > Farben nach Wunsch individuell anpassen.

Hab ich schon am Tag 1 gemacht da dieses cyan einfach nicht ertragbar ist.

Kannst für alles die Farben selbst anpassen. Wo sind die Zeiten hin das die Leute hier die Optionen auseinander genommen haben :d


Diesen "super Sprint" den man machen kann wenn man 2 mal sprinten hintereinander drückt (und man in den Optionen dauerhaft aktivieren kann das er es immer macht). Was genau für ein Nachteil hat der? Mir ist bisher keiner aufgefallen.


Im Moment hab ich Sundance und Angel am liebsten.

Sundance weil sie ihre Spezial Granaten selbst auffullt. Panzerabwehr Granate auf ein Fahr / Flugzeug > mit der M5 hinterher. Ist fast wie ne Javelin :d

Als normale Granaten kann man dann die Bewegungssensoren mit nehmen. Für die kriegt man sogar XP wenn die Gegner spotten. Und dank des Wingsuit kommt man überall schnell hin.

Und Angel mit der "Stinger" dazu und etwas für range. Ist einfach toll mit der Ausrüstungs Kiste die man sich rufen kann und so quasi unendlich muni für die Stinger hat und ggf das loadout switchen kann.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Konnte bisher nur kurz ins Game schauen und habe eine Frage, wenn ich bei Bad Company 2 manuell nach Servern suche, sind da wirklich sehr wenige und die haben zu 80% sehr hohe pings oder sind leer. Muss man quasi dieses automatische beitreten benutzen?
Frage deshalb, weil ich das 2x gemacht hatte und auf fast leeren Servern gelandet bin.
Diesen "super Sprint" den man machen kann wenn man 2 mal sprinten hintereinander drückt (und man in den Optionen dauerhaft aktivieren kann das er es immer macht). Was genau für ein Nachteil hat der? Mir ist bisher keiner aufgefallen..
Doch, beim "Supersprint" dauert der Wechsel in den Anvisiermodus minimal länger als im normalen Sprint.
Dlss bringt gar nichts. Das einzige was passiert, die GPU Last sinkt von 90 Prozent Auslastung auf 70-75 weil die CPU es nicht schafft.
Ihren GenderGaga und Armee der Klonkrieger können die sich sonst wohin stecken.
Verstehe auch nicht, wie Leute noch jubeln können.
Ich kann nur jedem raten, mal ein paar Runden BF3 o BF4 zu spielen. Das ist battlefield 👍
CPU Benches von PCGH. Ryzen doch recht stark:


ADL fehlt da leider.
Damit dürfte mein 3700x ziemlich nahe an nem 5900x sein :fresse2:
Bin ja gespannt ob sie die Specialist bis zum nächsten BF rauschmeißen und wieder Klassen bringen.
Die sind tatsächlich gar nicht so das Problem. 4 Ausrüstungen erstellen je nach "Klasse" die man spielen möchte.

Und einfach ein Spezialisten wählen für die extra Fähigkeit.

Ist doch im Grunde nur ein erweitertes Klassen System, halt nur nicht mehr vor definiert.

Gibt wohl shcon die ersten Mods? Oder warum testet Igor mit nem WW2-Kampfpanzer die Objektzerstörung?
Er spielt einfach den Portal Modus. Die letzten Mods die es für ein BF gab waren zu BF2 Zeiten.
Habt ihr gesehen, dass DLSS Bäume / Gebüsche usw. kahler darstellt? In manchen Situationen sieht man Gegner auf jeden Fall besser. Mir wäre es das nicht wert (naja spiele eh nicht mehr), aber es gibt ja genug Leute die alles maximal kompetitiv einstellen.
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