Google sperrt mich/T-Online?


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hi, habe grade versucht, über google was zu suchen und erhalten eine Seite, auf der beschrieben wird, dass "Your client does not have permission to get URL /search?q=Megasrom from this server. (Client IP address:"

Als grund wird genannt:
Google maintains a set of terms and conditions for use ( that prohibit sending automated queries to our search engine. This helps prevent one user from creating technical problems that can affect others who are trying to use our site.

Unfortunately, someone using the same Internet Service Provider (ISP) that you use is violating our conditions of use and is sending us numerous automated search queries. As a result of this abuse, we have been forced to shut off access to Google's services for a number of the people using your ISP.

Please note that we are not accusing you personally of having violated our Terms of Service; you are most likely an innocent victim of someone else's bad behavior here. If it were possible for us to identify and isolate the individual or individuals at fault, we would certainly do so and deal with them directly. This is regrettably not the case, and we need assistance from your ISP to solve the problem.

We have notified your ISP about this problem and we are awaiting their response. We encourage you to contact your ISP or system administrator as well, and to request that they work with Google to take steps to prevent misuse of Google's services. Helping them realize the importance of immediate action is the quickest way for you to regain your Google service.

We apologize for the inconvenience that the loss of Google service is causing you. With your help, we expect that we'll soon be able to provide you with search results once more.


The Google Team


so ein kack <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"> kann das mal bitte mit t-Dsl zugang auch ausprobieren? sowohl als auch

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
hab T-DSL
und bei mir das gleiche <IMG SRC="smilies/sheul.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/mad.gif" border="0">
nicht traurig sein, es gibt eine einfache lösung. demnach werden die ip´s gesperrt.

ich hab mich neu angemeldet und hab die ip erhalten. danach gehts wieder <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

oder du nutzt nen proxy, von denen es reichliche gibt...
Bei mir gings gestern an nem anderen Rechner auch nicht....hier gehts problemlos.
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