[Sammelthread] Hell let Loose

hi ho...


mit der erhöhten sichtweite der markierungen komme ich damit schon besser zurecht, danke =)



Wenn du Glück hast und noch nen Key bekommst könntest du heute noch testen.

Das Game ist nicht all zu groß. Wenn dein Download schnell genug ist könntest du es noch schaffen.

Ich habe leider keinen key mehr zum verteilen übrig.

Gesendet von meinem CLT-L29 mit Tapatalk
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Bin etwas verwirrt. Gibt es verschiedene Betas?
Weil gerade diesen Thread auf Steam gefunden
Hell Let Loose :: May Closed Beta Changelist!

Wenn ja, würde ich mich egal für welche Beta über einen Key freuen, auch wenns nur für die Beta die nur bis heute läuft ist.

PS: Oder ist die die vom 24-28ten läuft nur für Backer, oder Amerika oder so?

Egal, wäre wirklich cool wenn jemand noch einen hätte, auch wenns nur noch für heute ist. Hab 15MB download, also sollte es fix gehen...

Developer Briefing #22 – Final Beta Date & Content Details!


Hey everyone,

Welcome to Developer Briefing #22! This week we’re excited to share with you all the details for our next and final closed beta…

The last closed beta before Early Access launch will take place on the weekend of May 24th to May 27th. We'll be providing further information on the beta, including start times, closer to the date.

We’re still working through the feedback and bug reports from the previous beta, but we wanted to let you know when you can head back to the frontline.

But you didn’t think we’d leave you with just a date, did you? Let’s take a moment to look at some of the new content and updates that you’ll be experiencing in the last beta.

May Closed Beta – Content & Feature Updates

Below are some of the new features and content that you’ll be playing with in the next closed beta. We hope you’ll be pleased to hear that some of these additions are content we’ve already planned, whilst others are directly from player feedback in previous betas – helping us to further craft the game ahead of Early Access launch.

New Map – Foy

The first map in Hell Let Loose to feature snow, Foy will give players a whole new strategic frontline to battle over. With its unique weather environment and combination of wooded and urban areas, those fighting on this map need to be ready for a wide range of battlefield scenarios that differ greatly from Hurtgen Forest and Sainte-Marie-du-Mont.

Dieses Wochenende ist die letzte beta Phase.

Die Keys waren für alle gültig.

Jeder der vorbestellt hatte, bekam 3 Keys die nur für die Beta Phasen gültig waren.

Gesendet von meinem CLT-L29 mit Tapatalk
Die Beta endet Morgen. Nicht heute.
Also, wie schon gesagt, nochmals vielen dank an VictimOfMyOwn für den Key.

Finde die Grafik und Gameplay genau so wie ich ein Spiel suchte, OK bin erst seit paar Minuten drin, aber es kommt schon nah an Forgotten Hope 2 ran, welches ich immer noch zocken wpürde, wären die Server nicht so Mau... (so schade dass FH2 so spät rauskam, da waren dann alle bei BF3 unterwegs... ) :[

Aber ich habe ein großes Problem, und zwar habe ich kein Sound...nur in dem Game nicht...doch wohl den Voicechat höre ich im Game, und im intro den sound von Team17...ansonsten alles tot...

Wie gesagt, gerade schon ein wenig gesucht, aber ok die kombi HDMI zu Beamer/TV und Optical out an Anlage hat nicht jeder, muß wohl noch ein wenig weiter suchen...aaaarghhhh

Ansonsten, wirds hoffentlich ein gut besuchtes SPiel, gefällt mir zumindest von anhieb!

EDIT: Habe das Soundproblem beheben können, alles gut, hatte für Batman AK paar Sounddateien im System ausgetauscht, um 5.1 zu haben....zurückgetauscht und alles wieder gut....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo zusammen, wie ich hier lese kommt das Game gut bei euch an?
Ist es wirklich so, dass ein Match 2 bis 4 dauert? :d
Bzw. kommt es häufig vor? Wenn ich es richtig verstehe sind das die max. Werte, aber wie oft sind die Teams gleichstark, dass sich das so lange zieht?
Und habe ich einen Nachteil, wenn ich nicht von Anfang bis Ende dabei bin?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Spiel ist jetzt im EA verfügbar.

Gesendet von meinem GM1913 mit Tapatalk
kann man es mit red orchestra 2 vergleichen - oder ist es eher casual?
Man kann es vielleicht mit Post Scriptum vergleichen aber selbst damit kann man HLL nicht vergleichen :fresse:
Und RO2 spielt sich schneller. HLL braucht auch wie Post Scriptum gute Teams damit es wirklich funktioniert.
Hallo zusammen, wie ich hier lese kommt das Game gut bei euch an?
Ist es wirklich so, dass ein Match 2 bis 4 dauert? :d
Bzw. kommt es häufig vor? Wenn ich es richtig verstehe sind das die max. Werte, aber wie oft sind die Teams gleichstark, dass sich das so lange zieht?
Und habe ich einen Nachteil, wenn ich nicht von Anfang bis Ende dabei bin?

Je nachdem wie sich gut sich die Gegner formieren kann ein Spiel schon mal 1-2 Stunden dauern. Die Maximale Zeit sind 2 Stunden. Schnelle Kämpfe gehen 30-40 Minuten manche 1 Stunde und solche die sich lange hinziehen weil sich ein Team nicht geschlagen geben will und zurück angreift können schon mal 2 Stunden dauern.

Ob es durch frühzeitigen Abbruch einen Nachteil gibt würde mich auch interessieren.

Spass macht das Game wie ich finde, wichtig ist das genügend Respawn Points aufgestellt werden, sonst macht es nicht mehr so Spass. ;) meine Lieblingsmap ist St. Marie Dumont, die läuft auch am besten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gehts nur mir so oder findet ihr auch keine europäischen Server?

Ich finde ausschließlich US Server etc.
Versuche mal das was im Bild steht.


  • Unbenannt.JPG
    42,9 KB · Aufrufe: 356
Auf welchem Server spielt ihr so?
War jetzt meistens auf dem Brot Server.
seit gestern ist die Utah Beach Map draußen!
Hab 2 Runden gezockt, scheint echt eine gute Map zu sein - hätte erwartet, es wird ein Gemetztel für die US-Seite, aber ist echt ausgewogen. Ziemlich verwinkelt, viel Möglichkeiten zum Flankieren

Das Game braucht definitiv mehr Spieler!! :d
Im Schnitt Zocken es 1600 laut Steamcharts. Hatte gestern auch mal vorbei geschaut auf der Utah Map. Hat laune gemacht.
Hey zusammen, also ich kann fast keinem Server beitreten. Jedes Mal kommt die Meldung: "Host Closed Connection".
Ich habe das Spiel zur Firewall hinzugefügt, habe es als Admin ausgeführt, sowie auch den Steam-Client aber es ändert sich nichts daran.
Im Steamforum fand ich jetzt auch nichts was wirklich weiterhilft.

Jemand vielleicht eine Lösung dafür?
Ist ganz schön was los. SInd einige Server Randvoll :fresse2:
Spiele seit letzter Woche auch wieder öfters.
Mir gefällt's wirklich gut.

Omaha beach ist in diesem Spiel wirklich sehr gelungen. Schaut einfach toll aus und ist riesig.

Gesendet von meinem HTC 10 mit Tapatalk
Eben mal wieder angezockt. Die Performance ist echt mies geworden. Unter 50% GPU Auslastung. So sehen auch die fps aus.
Ich hab grad in die Steam Stats geschaut. Noch schlimmer der PLayercount als Hunt: Showdown. Lohnt das überhaupt? 24€ dafür ist schon happig, sonst würde ich auch mal...
Spaß macht es aber nicht mit der Performance.

Gesendet von meinem OnePlus 7 Pro mit Tapatalk
Dann lasse ich das erstmal :fresse:
Hab es gestern mal zwei Runden gespielt und finde, es macht echt Spaß.
Gefühlt jeder ist wirklich an Teamplay interessiert, Server gibts genügend, die Performance ist echt okay. Gut aussehen tut es finde ich auch.
Kann man schonmal einen gemütlichen Abend mit verbringen.
Ich bin auch sehr begeistert vom Spiel!

Vor kurzem kam ein großes Update mit neuen Panzern und einer neuen Karte. Auch die Performance hat sich gebessert...

Patch Changelist


  • Commanders can now dismantle friendly Garrisons
  • Added an option to hard enable HUD with T (as opposed to having it pop up all the time) - allowing for fast hide and reveal.
  • Make Server Browser sort by Player Count & Ping by Default
  • Increase Map/Kick vote cooldown times - this is to immediately cut down on the endless spam. We will be reworking this feature drastically in the following Updates as it is rarely useful and needs a lot of refining.
  • Drastically increased server browser refresh speed.
  • Experience V2 has been implemented, resulting in increased experience gained across the board - with many of the slower leveling roles having their actions balanced to earn more experience. We will continue to watch this, but our intention is to significantly increase the gain compared to our first iteration (which was too slow and too punishing for many roles).
  • Added new German “NCO” Officer Loadout
  • Added new US “NCO” Officer Loadout
  • Added new German “Veteran” Assault Loadout
  • Added new German “Veteran” Automatic Rifleman Loadout
  • Added new US “Veteran” Automatic Rifleman Loadout
  • Players are awarded significant exp for being revived - as opposed to giving up. The intention here is to reward players for being patient in waiting for a Medic.
  • Fixed significant armour issues eg. the German Panther tank can be one-shot by a US Sherman medium tank.
  • Added 'Reset Hints' button to options menu
  • Additional speculative fix for exp bug. We expect this to solve it but will continue to monitor.
  • Fixed: Users can edit the 'Engine.ini' config file to remove some shadows and all FX
  • Player’s camera now shakes when going prone.
  • Consolidated and made uniform / weapon and gadget slots across all roles.
  • Added Stuart Light Tank to Foy Warfare

PLEASE NOTE - Our experience system always saves your accumulated experience during a battle. This means that if you leave early before the battle ends, it will save the experience you’ve earned so far.

Currently, the notification when you leave indicates that all you will lose are your end of match bonuses. We will work to make this notice clearer, as many players believe instead that they lose ALL experience if they leave a match early - which is not the case.


  • Removed Game Analytics. Many players will see FPS and stutter issues fixed by this.
  • Re-work sandbag walls to remove internal geometry and bring within poly budget.
  • Fixed: Spawning on a Garrison in a fully populated server, in a busy area, can cause a locked frame rate


  • New sound engine has been integrated and tested thoroughly. From here we will start to overhaul and polish sound and mix treatment within the game (this is similar to an Unreal Engine upgrade - now that it’s done we can begin working with the new tools). This allows for better directionality, clearer highs and lows, location-specific sounds.
  • Integrated SFX into the mapping process so that all maps will now have area specific ambient and prop specific sound (fire burns, flies buzz etc)
  • All bullet casing eject audio has been overhauled to be sensitive to the surface the casing is dropping on, as well as new assets and where it sits in the mix.
  • All tanks now have a separate fire sound for the interior positions of the vehicles
    Shells now have proper flyby sounds as they fly past you - each according to the weight/caliber of the shell.
  • New audio now plays when your vehicle is being repaired.
  • New gravel footstep and bullet hit sounds
  • Fixed: the frontend's music can be heard skipping soundtracks


  • All new player role icons
  • All new spawn location icons
  • Overhauled deployment screen key
  • Overhauled Create Unit screen
  • Added new marker placement radial menu (hold MMB)
  • Added quick ping function (Click MMB)
  • Overhauled ability to mark map directly (RMB opens up menu when clicking on map)
  • Overhauled view team and view personal buttons on final screen
  • Redesigned deploy button.
  • Redesigned artillery icons (this treatment will be given to the rest of the emplaced weapons we add, as well as current ones - such as AT guns)
  • Animated spawn point icons
  • Adjusted Commendation messaging to make it much more obvious (per community feedback):

  • Increase Commendation time by 10 seconds
  • Place an explanatory line of text at the top of the Commendation screen so that people know what to do.
  • Show who Commended you.

  • We now hide unoccupied seats in seat nameplates (increased work on vehicle nameplates is to come)
  • Commander interface appearance has been overhauled
  • Adjusted look of Barracks UI
  • Redesigned most inventory icons.
  • Redesigned bandage/morphine prompt
  • Redesigned deploy weapon prompt
  • Redesigned enter vehicle prompt
  • Redesigned all vehicle position icons
  • Created unique icon for Heavy Tanks
  • Added Early Access disclaimer on boot
  • Added social links to landing screen
  • Fixed: the text format used for the Outpost, Garrison and HQ tool tips are inconsistent
  • Fixed: the "Unit Member" icon found on the in-game map legend does not match the icon used on the map itself
  • Fixed: [Omaha] the first strong point icon is misaligned on the UI
  • Fixed: In the US Barracks, the Grenade and the Smoke Grenade icons have scaling issues
  • Fixed: After the user has finished performing the animation of bandaging or reviving, the heal/revive button prompt will briefly show again
  • Fixed: The keybindings for switching seats is found in the 'Common' keybindings
  • Fixed: All tanks display "1" as the keybind for their shell types
  • Fixed: When a player is unable to be muted, an empty tooltip will appear when hovering beside their name on the scoreboard
  • Fixed: Inconsistent Icon Placement for US Helmets unlocked below Role Level 10
  • Fixed: Map Player Icons scale inconsistently with map zoom
  • Fixed: The Tiger tank map icon doesn't scale correctly
  • Fixed: US resources can be observed after the user has joined the server, but before they have joined a team
  • Fixed: The player will see a message that states "No Bandages" if they are killed by an explosion while injured
  • Fixed: "+0,000" is briefly displayed before the experience calculation begins
  • Fixed: Attempting to enlarge the map's key for the first time in a server results in the key to quickly enlarge and shrink
  • Fixed: Currently equipped cosmetics are not highlighted while on the 'Barracks' screen
  • Fixed: If a player is kicked from a unit, they are still shown as part of the unit they were kicked from on the scoreboard.
  • Fixed: Make the unit prefix on the voip notification better spaced and larger and more obvious.
  • Fixed: Foy HUD Compass is noticeably off set

Visual Improvements

  • When you mouse over a cosmetic option it will now preview on your character.
  • Fixed: Unrealistic movement of flying cockroaches
  • Fixed: The player can observe the horizon reflecting off the inside handles of the drivers view port while inside a Tiger tank
  • Fixed: In the Barracks, multiple helmets are very low resolution with the Low Video Preset.
  • Changed the main menu background lighting and look.
  • Fixed: The LOD of the Heer Winter coat noticeably changes once within 6 meters.
  • Fixed: Stretched polygons are visible when the German LMG wearing the Heer Summer Uniform goes into prone, critical or fatal stance
  • Fixed: The German Commander's coat animation appears to reset when switching from a weapon
  • Fixed: The US Melton Winter uniform, German Commander's coat, and Heer Winter uniform gets stuck to the front of the player after going prone
  • Fixed: The US Anti-Tank's rocket bag on their back stretches depending on where they're aiming
  • Fixed: Shadow incorrectly baked on German Anti-Tank role's hand within the Barracks
  • Fixed: In the Barracks, multiple Roles have a clipping issue on the crotch with the Heer Winter Uniform
  • Fixed: Observing the German Commander's coat while he is in the prone position results in an animation issue
  • Fixed: Heads that use the winter headscarf will clip through some German helmets
  • Fixed: In the Barracks, the Allies Assault's backpack is stretched when the Summer Uniform is equipped
  • Fixed: In FPP, when a player switches from certain stances or vaults while looking directly downwards, their equipment moves to the left briefly
  • Fixed: [Omaha] The propeller on the Higgins Boats does not appear to be animated
  • Fixed: Lowered loading screen progress widget
  • Fixed: Character models will not cast a shadow when looking at them at a distance with Binoculars or a Sniper Scope but all helmets will.
  • Fixed: Players can observe a graphical issue with the Bazooka in FPP when vaulting over objects
  • Fixed: Backface culling observed on the right hand in FPP when vaulting with the M1 Carbine


  • New Assault Vest uniform for the American forces - we were going to implement the US Airborne, but community feedback led to us looking at how we may better implement this from a game design perspective ;).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Users would be booted out of the queue (and the queue was reset) when a game would end). Users now stay in queue and join the server as expected after the map transitions
  • Fixed: The player character is seen to climb up in air and teleport to their destination, when climbing a ledge.
  • Fixed: If players are killed during a climb/mount animation the player camera will be locked to 180 degree rotation on respawn
  • Fixed: The 'Team Killed' notification will sometimes dismiss itself through no input from the user
  • Fixed: Application can become unresponsive during the transition from the Enlist screen to a server while minimizing the window
  • Fixed: Player can clip through part of a log pile asset while prone, allowing them to see through the object
  • Fixed: A particular couch asset reflects the sky on Low and Medium graphical presets
  • Fixed: The Tiger Tank wreck has a small gap in the panel on the turret where players can see and shoot through
  • Fixed: Players will result in having stuttered and inaccurate collision when exiting a tank that is at an angle
  • Fixed: The Axis Helmets Icon Box automatically scrolls back to the currently selected helmet
  • Fixed: In-game hints are being reset after the user closes the game
  • Fixed: Placing the cursor between the third and fourth row of helmets on the German Sniper role violently shakes the helmet list
  • Fixed: Border highlights for cosmetics will not appear correctly if the user traverses over the icons quickly
  • Fixed: Pasting large amounts of text into the search bar on the Enlist menu will cause a severe performance drop
  • Fixed: On the scoreboard, there is no tooltip present when hovering over the Mute icon
  • Fixed: On the scoreboard, when a player is muted and the icon is greyed-out, it can be difficult to see
  • Fixed: When headings or servers are highlighted on the 'Enlist' screen, there is no audio cue to accompany their highlight
  • Fixed: The player cannot initially build constructibles if the player equips the watch/wrench and opens up the UI in quick succession
  • Fixed: Tank coaxial machine guns do not automatically reload after resupplying until the player swaps seat or exits and reenters the tank.
  • Fixed: A player that gives a Commendation to a user that already has 5 Commendations will use up their Commendation
  • Fixed: Initially joining an Infantry unit results in the 'Rifleman' description to be missing
  • Fixed: The cosmetic helmets list does not refresh to the top after changing tabs or menus
  • Fixed: If the player begins using a bandage on themselves while prone and stands up during the animation, it will end the bandaging animation
  • Fixed: On the loadouts screen, the Anti-Tank's wrench displays the opposite team's tooltip
  • Fixed: The 'Redeploy' option is not greyed out on the post-match screen
  • Fixed: Players are unable to reposition Commander abilities slightly left or right of the map icon
  • Fixed: Players are unable to reposition the Commander's Munition abilities on the predicted path when it is going certain directions
  • Fixed: On the deploy screen if the player changes the loadout then selects another role before deploying, they will be given the incorrect loadout
  • Fixed: Incorrect amount of Resources lost by the Defending team once a full column/row is lost
  • Fixed: While performing an overhead grenade throw, pressing the button for the under head throw results in the grenade immediately being thrown
  • Fixed: Joining a Recon or Armor unit without a Leadership role puts the player as the Leader, however without any leadership functionality
  • Fixed: Multiple windows can be produced by repeatedly clicking the button to kick a player from the unit
  • Fixed: [QL][Enlist]– The banned players can join the server queue
  • Fixed: The player is unable to select Commander role after a map change if the previous Commander has not yet loaded into the map.
  • Fixed: Users can create empty Units
  • Fixed: Once a player has been kicked from a unit, the player can create empty units and subsequently deploy into active gameplay as an empty unit
  • Fixed: The second US smoke grenade cannot be 'cooked' and is immediately thrown


  • Fixed: Cooking a German grenade while running results in the running animation to play in the hand holding the grenade
  • Fixed: The Walther P38's magazine can be seen flying into the player's hand during the TPP reload animation
  • Fixed: Inconsistent animation between commander and unit leader when using the watch/pocket watch to place a garrison
  • Fixed: There are clipping issues with the cables attached to the Heer Panzer Cap from a TPP
  • Fixed: The German sniper has incorrect TPP sprinting animations when running forward-right/left
  • Fixed: The German Sniper has incorrect TPP walking animations in certain directions


  • Fixed: Destroying a tank just before a map change from a map vote may cause multiple users to crash


  • When following the format given for the VipAdd function within the RCon Guide the user will be met with a Fail notification. To successfully add a VIP the user must add a comment after the player's Steam ID, however this is not stated within the RCon Guide. Now the VipAdd functions format reads VipAdd <steam-64-id> <comment>.


  • Fixed: [Foy-O] The initial US tanks spawn instantly when the required Fuel is acquired, and do not subtract their Fuel Cost
  • Fixed: [Foy-O] Long snow mound section in F10 is missing bullet collision
  • Fixed: [Foy] The character needs to jump in order to pass through a wall break from E4 sector only when starting from one side of it
  • Fixed: [Foy] A house located at sector E5 has LoD issues


  • Fixed: [ST Marie Du Mont] – A tree from the edge of the map in D1 has a noticeable LoD change
  • Fixed: There is a noticeable performance drop in a section of the St Marie town
  • Fixed: A house found in C3 of SMDM has noticeable texture issues when viewed at different distances

Utah Beach

  • Fixed: [Utah] A puddle in I6 has its murky water plane noticeably end
  • Fixed: [Utah] Certain sandbags and barbed wire are floating when observed from a distance greater than 115 meters away in sector I6
  • Fixed: On Utah, the ground of a specific destroyed structure has incorrect collision
  • Fixed: On Utah, players can navigate to a specific area in sector A5 that is outside the intended playable area of the map

Hürtgen Forest

  • Fixed: [Hurtgen] A specific tree has a noticeable LoD change at 27m
  • Fixed: [Hurtgen] Multiple sandbags in B6 are low resolution
  • Fixed: [Hurtgen] A smoke particle effect can be seen floating above a destroyed tank model
  • Fixed: [Hurtgen] A specific tree becomes visible only when within 25m from it
  • Fixed: [Hurtgen] There appears to be a large gap in the maps geometry on the far West side of the map

Omaha Beach

  • Fixed: [Omaha] There are multiple wooden fences that have tank collision
  • Fixed: [Omaha] Grass can be seen clipping through the house in sector E3
  • Fixed: Bunker doors clip through terrain in H5 of Omaha
  • Fixed: [Omaha] A specific section of the stone slope in sector I5 is altering its texture due to an LOD issue
  • Fixed: [Omaha] The character can clip through the top of a haystack in the F5 map sector
  • Fixed: [Omaha] There is a noticeable LOD issue on the roof of a building in sector C4
  • Fixed: [Omaha] Grass can be seen clipping through the house in sector E5
  • Fixed: [Omaha] The character can clip through the top of a haystack in the H6 map sector
  • Fixed: [Omaha] Failed collision with the roof of the church located in the E6 sector
  • Fixed: [Omaha] LOD issues present on two houses present in sector B5 of the map
  • Fixed: [Omaha] Grass can be seen clipping through the house in sector F4
  • Fixed: [Omaha] LOD issues present on a house in sector D4 of the map
  • Fixed: [Omaha] There is a kitchen wall that has a widow that leads to a brick wall in sector D6
  • Fixed: Players can see through bunker roofs while performing a jump-prone action
  • Fixed: [QL][Omaha] A portion of the ground is missing collision with the character in the H7 sector
  • Fixed: [Omaha] - A house in I8 has noticeably low LOD when viewed from a distance
  • Fixed: [Omaha] Dirt tracks are not connected to the terrain in sector H8
  • Fixed: [Omaha] Multiple visual issues with LoDs are present in sector D6 of the map.
  • Fixed: On Omaha, there is a stationary tank inside a specific boat which the player can clip through, and potentially use as an exploit
  • Fixed: On Omaha a Scarecrow produces a blood particle effect when shot
  • Fixed: On Omaha, seaweed on hedgehogs produce a concrete PFX when shot


  • Fixed: [SME] Strafing runs sometimes cannot be placed horizontally or diagonally
  • Fixed: Players spawn above the ground on the bottom German HQ spawn on SME Offensive
  • Fixed: [SME] Outposts and Garrisons cannot be placed on the sidewalks
  • Fixed: [SME] There is a back garden in sector E5 that the player can enter and not exit
  • Fixed: [SME] Outposts and Garrisons cannot be placed on top of wooden plank pathways used next to allotments

Known Issues

  • The new Sherman Jumbos are currently only available on Purple Heart Lane. We will be amending this to include one of them on each other map, as well as a reinforceable option for the Commander at the cost of Fuel.
  • We’re currently still cleaning up the code that is resulting in “Server Full” and “Lost Connection” messages.
  • Performance is well under where it should be across the game. We’ve developed a huge amount of new systems and processes during the course of developing Update 5 that we’re rolling out in order to improve FPD across the whole game.
  • There are some mapping issues present in Purple Heart Lane. We’ll be rolling out a hotfix to tackle these soon.
  • Both Offensive and Warfare mode have been played long enough for us to get a sense of key fixes and tweaks we need to make in order for them to be far more finished and fun to play. We’ll be making many changes to these according to community feedback for Update 6.

Currently Working On (in no specific order)

  • Overhauling FPP systems to make them far more fluid and photoreal.
  • Overhauling TPP systems to use recorded mocap animations.
  • Currently upgrading Unreal Engine version to 4.24 to achieve large scale optimisations
  • Stats system to tie into the Barracks.
  • Replacing current fat FPP hands with photoreal hands and integrating new sleeves to reflect new uniforms.
  • Working on Western Front map
  • Working on an urban Western Front map
  • Working on an unannounced map.
  • Working on overhauls for many key locations in older maps (in order to both optimise them and create better gameplay and visuals)
  • About to add all new character options to the career level progression.
  • Currently working on new uniforms, helmets and heads (including more grizzled and appealing options for heads).
  • Currently working on Scout Cars and Recon mechanics.
  • Implementing melee combat.
  • Continued overhaul of UI and HUD features according to community feedback
  • Large scale audio overhaul in-progress in the animation branch (for all new animations).
  • Flamethrower FPP setup.
  • Re-assessing supply boxes and ammo boxes to remove ugly “redeploy” gameplay loop.
  • Continued visual upgrades and optimisations on all maps and fx.
  • Continued bug fixes across the entire spectrum.
Ja der Patch war auf jeden Fall ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
Was mich allerdings noch extrem abnervt sind die Waffengeräusche. Klingen teilweise noch sehr extrem nach Erbsenpistole, vorallem das MG42
An den Sounds arbeiten sie kontinuierlich weiter, vor allem die Lokalisierung der geräuschquellen soll verbessert werden.
Ich finds auch klasse, wird mit jedem Update besser.
Würde nur gerne mal was anderes sehen, als Nordfrankreich. Aber das soll ja noch kommen.

Ich wünschte, Tarkov bekäme solch wunderschöne Landschaften, wie HLL hin.
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