[Sammelthread] HP ProLiant G8 G1610T/G2020T/i3-3240/E3-1220Lv2 MicroServer

Hm...hier siehts gut aus soweit:

$ megadl https://mega.nz/#\!Ok4ykIAA\!UHgQGWOKd8Gq7V7p6EEko3rom0IhAFDJ_Lh1FwXOyIg 
Downloaded 871790_001_spp-2016.10.0-SPP2016100.2016_1015.191.iso
$ md5sum 871790_001_spp-2016.10.0-SPP2016100.2016_1015.191.iso 
3e93873632c5758666c5b1c305d557ea  871790_001_spp-2016.10.0-SPP2016100.2016_1015.191.iso
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Mein Server spricht mit HP !

Ich bin mal wieder begeistert vom Würfel...

Mein Zweitwürfel hat eben beim Booten rot geblinkt. Irgendwas mit dem P410: "Drive Array Controller Failure (Slot 1)" !
Naja, ist ja nur ein Bastelwürfel dachte ich, ich hab ja auch ein Spare P410 falls nötig.
Dann bin ich weg gegangen um was anderes zu erledigen...

Auf einmal klingelt das Telefon und ein HP Mitarbeiter ist dran: "Ihr Gen8 Server hat uns ein Problem gemeldet ! Ein Support Case wurde aufgemacht" !
Wow, das ist ja mal cool ! Ich hatte meine Daten nach dem Kauf im iLO eingetragen, das hat sich jetzt gelohnt :-)
Es gab dann auch noch eine Support Mail von HP dazu wo ich die AHS logs uploaden soll. Eben gemacht, mal schauen wie es weiter geht...
Dafür ist die Webseite wirklich schei*e..
Hab Garantie auf 2 Server und schaffe es auf Biegen und Brechen nicht dieses SPP runterzuladen.
Meinen herzlichen Dank.....:bigok:

Werde dann mal versuchen, das Ding komplett nach OneDrive zu bekommen. Da hab ich noch über 1TB Speicher frei...;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Share-Online - dl/D246AKFO9HH8

Wer nur iLO per Webinterface updaten will und nur die .bin braucht ;) sha512 im Textdokument, ist aus dem extrahierten RPM-Paket für RHEL7.
Japp bei mir ist auch gerade Mega.nz abgenippelt (5gb).... Meinen Account lösche ich dann mal, da seht ihr mal was ihr alle an dem (von vielen) gehassten Dotcom gehabt habt. Mega hat mit dem Gründer nichts mehr zu tun, wurde von Geldgeiern eingesackt (Dotcom hatte das auch geschrieben).
Japp bei mir ist auch gerade Mega.nz abgenippelt (5gb).... Meinen Account lösche ich dann mal, da seht ihr mal was ihr alle an dem (von vielen) gehassten Dotcom gehabt habt. Mega hat mit dem Gründer nichts mehr zu tun, wurde von Geldgeiern eingesackt (Dotcom hatte das auch geschrieben).

Habe ich nun auch getan! Der Käufer ist ein chinesisches Aktien- & Finanzkonsortium.

Bin gerade dabei ESXi komplett neu einzuspielen, es gab ne Aktualisierung und zuvor hatte ich ohne Probleme SPP 2016.10 doppelt drüberlaufen lassen.
http://www.hardwareluxx.de/communit...0lv2-microserver-963207-375.html#post25014379 Versucht doch wenigstens mal den Anschein zu erwecken als das Ihr mehr als die letzte Seite lesen würdet..... Meine Fresse jetzt schon der 2 te der meint den Held spielen zu müssen das es die ILO ganz einfach zum downloaden ( wer nur die ILO braucht) gibt. man man echt......

Danke noch einmal an wchristian für das finden und POSTEN und an die Leute die das SPP upgeloaded haben. Der Rest hört auf zu schreiben das es eine neue ILO gibt..... https://youtu.be/rq68A07CDcM was anderes kann man nicht mehr dazu sagen....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
http://www.hardwareluxx.de/communit...0lv2-microserver-963207-375.html#post25014379 Versucht doch wenigstens mal den Anschein zu erwecken als das Ihr mehr als die letzte Seite lesen würdet..... Meine Fresse jetzt schon der 2 te der meint den Held spielen zu müssen das es die ILO ganz einfach zum downloaden ( wer nur die ILO braucht) gibt. man man echt......

Danke noch einmal an wchristian für das finden und POSTEN und an die Leute die das SPP upgeloaded haben. Der Rest hört auf zu schreiben das es eine neue ILO gibt..... https://youtu.be/rq68A07CDcM was anderes kann man nicht mehr dazu sagen....

Hast den Link denn überhaupt ausprobiert? :)
Würde ich erst einmal tun, bevor man herumquakt. Die Firmware der iLO kannst tatsächlich einfach so herunterladen, ansonsten wäre es sozusagen ein Wunder? Weil ich bin nicht angemeldet gewesen um den Download zu bekommen.
Den direkten Download (Deep-Link) kann ich auch noch gerne posten:

Hauptsache *quaken* :d
Das SPP hat bei mir drei Sachen im ESXi aktualisiert: Smart Array Treiber v6.0.0.120-1OEM.600.0.0.2494585, iLO v2.50 und den P420 v8.00.

Edit: Ich versteh auch nicht, wo das Problem mit dem Verlinken der Seriennummer des MS Gen8 liegt. Am besten nutzt man die englische GUI. Account erstellen/einloggen > My IT Environment > Contracts & warranties > Link warranties.
Product serial number: S/N vom Pappschild
Product number: P/N vom Pappschild
Product location: Germany
Assign nickname: MeinCoolerGen8
Ownership Type: Single
> Submit

Gibt es Probleme / Fehler, dann vorher mal den Status der Garantie prüfen unter Product Support > Repair & warranty > Warranty check.

Meldungen kopieren Snip Tool oder Handy, Rechnung abfotografieren und an das Supportticket anfügen. Das dauerte bisher keine 8 h bis da eine Meldung kam. Gibt man die Handynummer mit an, wird man da auch immer zwischen 10 und 12 Uhr zurück gerufen - aus Erfahrung.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@ DataKill Heute Mittag hat der Link von wchristian für die ILO einwandfrei funktioniert ohne Anmeldung, nur das SPP ging nicht sonst hätte ich ja nichts gesagt. Danach habe ich den Link nicht mehr probiert warum auch. Warum der jetzt nicht mehr geht..... Aber bei dir trifft der Nuhr wohl ins schwarze...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@ DataKill Heute Mittag hat der Link von wchristian für die ILO einwandfrei funktioniert ohne Anmeldung, nur das SPP ging nicht sonst hätte ich ja nichts gesagt. Danach habe ich den Link nicht mehr probiert warum auch. Warum der jetzt nicht mehr geht..... Aber bei dir trifft der Nuhr wohl ins schwarze...

Oh Kapitän,
vielleicht interessiert es euch, das ich lieber einen Direktlink noch einmal poste, als einen Link ein Postings darüber, der auf einen mehr oder weniger fragwürdigen Sharehoster weiterleitet, einfach unkommentiert stehen zu lassen. Nun denn, es liegt an euch, ob ihr vielleicht die Postings darüber leset und verstehet. Das mit dem SPP, ja dies ist so eine schlimme Sache, wenn man keinen Support mehr hat. Der Ton mein Herr Kapitän, der macht die Musik, aber dies habt ihr wohl vergessen mit euren 2431 Beiträgen. Ja, da spricht man gerne von viel Geblubber und heiße Luft um Nichts. Oh Kapitän, vielleicht mal einen Küstennebel weniger schlucken, bevor man so einen *ätzenden* Ton anschlägt?
Nun vielleicht nicht so blümerant, aber vielleicht geht es in Zukunft ein wenig freundlicher und verzeiht ich bin noch ein einfacher Matrose auf diesem Schiff (Forum).

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Smart Array Treiber v6.0.0.120-1OEM.600.0.0.2494585

Ich versteh auch nicht, wo das Problem mit dem Verlinken der Seriennummer des MS Gen8 liegt. Am besten nutzt man die englische GUI.
Gibt es Probleme / Fehler, dann vorher mal den Status der Garantie prüfen unter Product Support > Repair & warranty > Warranty check.

Meldungen kopieren Snip Tool oder Handy, Rechnung abfotografieren und an das Supportticket anfügen. Das dauerte bisher keine 8 h bis da eine Meldung kam. Gibt man die Handynummer mit an, wird man da auch immer zwischen 10 und 12 Uhr zurück gerufen - aus Erfahrung.

Also, bislang bin ich mit dem Smart Array Treiber zufrieden, das System läuft ... flüssig! D. h. Problem gelöst und kein Treiber-Downgrade mehr nötig.

Über die Verknüpfung von Gerätegarantien mit dem Kundenkonto könnte ich Bücher schreiben. Sie funktionierten bei mir einfach nicht! Ein Grund dürfte sein, dass bei drei von vier Geräten die Garantie bereits abgelaufen war und beim Microserver drei Monate vorher angefangen hat. Allerdings bin ich mit der telefonischen Kundenbetreuung sehr zufrieden, auch per eMail bekommt man schnell geholfen. Binnen weniger Stunden wurden die Garantien dem Kaufdatum angepasst.
@DataKill Es geht doch nicht um den Link über deinem. Der war genauso wie deiner (link geht wieder) unnötig. Es werden immer nur die letzten 1-2 Seiten gelesen und dann Fragen gestellt oder Sachen verkündet die zb. 3-5 Seiten vorher schon geschrieben worden sind. Das ist etwas Nervend.
Hauptsache *quaken*
Den Spruch mit dem Glashaus kennste ? Wie dem auch sei BTT.

@Ollmann War das Downgrade nicht nur für ESXI nötig ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@Ollmann: Herzlichen Dank für deine Verlinkungen. Download und Zusammensetzen hat prima geklappt. Danke!!!

mir fällt in letzter Zeit auf, dass mein ILO von Zeit zu Zeit "Server Reset" meldet. Im Prinzip merke ich davon nichts, weil ich eigentlich keine der laufenden Anwendungen neu starten muss. Heute Abend gerade erlebt. Der Server fängt laut an zu rauschen, startete neu. Dann 2 mal piepen, Windows startet normal. Ich melde mich an und stelle fest, dass meine Anwendungen weiter laufen. So, als wenn der Server aus dem Ruhezustand erwacht ist.
Wie komme ich an mein ILO - Log ran, um es hier hereinzukopieren?

Meine Softwarestände:

Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet. 1.36.0
iLO. 2.50 Sep 23 2016
IP. 1.62.31
SPS Firmware.
System ROM. J06 11/02/2015
System ROM Bootblock. 02/04/2012

Hier mal die kopierte Eventlog.csv. Sorry für die fehlende Formatierung, aber Excel ist nicht so mein Ding.

"ID","Severity","Last Update","Initial Update","Count","Description",
2916,"Informational","10/25/2016 20:11","10/25/2016 20:11","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2915,"Informational","10/25/2016 19:06","10/25/2016 19:06","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2914,"Informational","10/25/2016 18:54","10/25/2016 18:54","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2913,"Informational","10/25/2016 18:54","10/25/2016 18:54","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2912,"Informational","10/25/2016 18:53","10/25/2016 18:53","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2911,"Informational","10/25/2016 18:41","10/25/2016 18:41","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2910,"Informational","10/25/2016 17:29","10/25/2016 17:29","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2909,"Informational","10/25/2016 17:23","10/25/2016 17:23","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2908,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:41","10/25/2016 16:41","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2907,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:41","10/25/2016 16:41","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2906,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:41","10/25/2016 16:41","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2905,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:40","10/25/2016 16:40","1","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2904,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:40","10/25/2016 16:40","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2903,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:40","10/25/2016 16:40","1","Server power restored.",
2902,"Caution","10/25/2016 16:40","10/25/2016 16:40","1","Server reset.",
2901,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:40","10/25/2016 16:40","1","Power on request received by: Wake On LAN.",
2900,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:39","10/25/2016 16:39","1","Server power removed.",
2899,"Informational","10/25/2016 16:39","10/25/2016 16:39","2","iLO network link up at 10 Mbps.",
2898,"Caution","10/25/2016 16:40","10/25/2016 16:39","3","iLO network link down.",
2897,"Informational","10/25/2016 10:04","10/25/2016 10:04","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2896,"Informational","10/25/2016 10:03","10/25/2016 10:03","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2895,"Informational","10/25/2016 10:03","10/25/2016 10:03","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2894,"Informational","10/25/2016 04:06","10/25/2016 04:05","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2893,"Informational","10/25/2016 04:05","10/25/2016 04:05","1","Server power restored.",
2892,"Caution","10/25/2016 04:05","10/25/2016 04:05","1","Server reset.",
2891,"Caution","10/25/2016 04:06","10/25/2016 04:05","2","iLO network link down.",
2890,"Informational","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","Server power removed.",
2889,"Informational","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2888,"Informational","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2887,"Informational","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","Server power restored.",
2886,"Caution","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","Server reset.",
2885,"Caution","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","iLO network link down.",
2884,"Informational","10/24/2016 20:05","10/24/2016 20:03","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2883,"Informational","10/24/2016 20:03","10/24/2016 20:03","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2882,"Informational","10/24/2016 20:03","10/24/2016 20:03","1","Server power restored.",
2881,"Caution","10/24/2016 20:03","10/24/2016 20:03","1","Server reset.",
2880,"Caution","10/24/2016 20:05","10/24/2016 20:03","2","iLO network link down.",
2879,"Informational","10/24/2016 20:02","10/24/2016 20:02","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2878,"Informational","10/24/2016 20:02","10/24/2016 20:02","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2877,"Informational","10/24/2016 20:02","10/24/2016 20:02","1","Virtual media disconnected by: Administrator.",
2876,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:58","10/24/2016 19:58","1","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2875,"Caution","10/24/2016 19:58","10/24/2016 19:58","1","iLO network link down.",
2874,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:58","10/24/2016 19:58","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2873,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:58","10/24/2016 19:58","1","Server power restored.",
2872,"Caution","10/24/2016 19:58","10/24/2016 19:58","1","Server reset.",
2871,"Caution","10/24/2016 19:58","10/24/2016 19:58","1","Host server reset by: Administrator.",
2870,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:57","10/24/2016 19:57","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2869,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:57","10/24/2016 19:57","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2868,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:56","10/24/2016 19:56","1","System One-Time Boot modified by: Administrator.",
2867,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:55","10/24/2016 19:55","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2866,"Informational","10/24/2016 19:54","10/24/2016 19:54","1","Virtual media connected by: Administrator.",
2865,"Informational","10/24/2016 17:27","10/24/2016 17:27","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2864,"Informational","10/24/2016 17:27","10/24/2016 17:27","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2863,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:49","10/24/2016 09:49","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2862,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:49","10/24/2016 09:49","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2861,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:49","10/24/2016 09:49","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2860,"Caution","10/24/2016 09:49","10/24/2016 09:49","1","Server reset.",
2859,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:47","10/24/2016 09:47","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2858,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:47","10/24/2016 09:47","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2857,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:47","10/24/2016 09:47","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2856,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:49","10/24/2016 09:47","2","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2855,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:49","10/24/2016 09:47","2","Server power restored.",
2854,"Caution","10/24/2016 09:47","10/24/2016 09:47","1","Server reset.",
2853,"Caution","10/24/2016 09:50","10/24/2016 09:47","3","iLO network link down.",
2852,"Caution","10/24/2016 09:45","10/24/2016 09:45","1","iLO reset for Firmware upgrade.",
2851,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:45","10/24/2016 09:45","1","Firmware upgraded to version 2.50.",
2850,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:51","10/24/2016 09:45","4","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2849,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:45","10/24/2016 09:45","1","Firmware upgrade complete.",
2848,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:45","10/24/2016 09:45","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2847,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:44","10/24/2016 09:44","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2846,"Informational","10/24/2016 09:44","10/24/2016 09:44","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2845,"Caution","10/24/2016 09:41","10/24/2016 09:41","1","Firmware upgrade started from: name not found).",
2844,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:27","10/24/2016 06:27","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2843,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:27","10/24/2016 06:27","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2842,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:20","10/24/2016 06:20","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2841,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:20","10/24/2016 06:20","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2840,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:20","10/24/2016 06:20","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2839,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:20","10/24/2016 06:20","2","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2838,"Informational","10/24/2016 06:19","10/24/2016 06:19","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2837,"Informational","10/23/2016 08:59","10/23/2016 08:58","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2836,"Informational","10/23/2016 08:57","10/23/2016 08:57","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2835,"Caution","10/23/2016 08:59","10/23/2016 08:57","2","iLO network link down.",
2834,"Informational","10/23/2016 08:57","10/23/2016 08:57","1","Server power restored.",
2833,"Caution","10/23/2016 08:57","10/23/2016 08:57","1","Server reset.",
2832,"Informational","10/23/2016 00:30","10/23/2016 00:30","1","Server power removed.",
2831,"Informational","10/23/2016 00:30","10/23/2016 00:30","1","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2830,"Caution","10/23/2016 00:30","10/23/2016 00:30","1","iLO network link down.",
2829,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:52","10/22/2016 11:52","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2828,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:52","10/22/2016 11:52","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2827,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:51","10/22/2016 11:51","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2826,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:51","10/22/2016 11:51","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2825,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:51","10/22/2016 11:51","1","Server reset.",
2824,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:48","10/22/2016 11:48","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2823,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:48","10/22/2016 11:48","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2822,"Informational","10/25/2016 17:25","10/22/2016 11:43","1","iLO clock has been synchronized with",
2821,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:41","10/22/2016 11:41","1","Server reset.",
2820,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:41","10/22/2016 11:41","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2819,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:41","10/22/2016 11:41","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2818,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:41","10/22/2016 11:41","1","Server reset.",
2817,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:39","10/22/2016 11:39","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2816,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:39","10/22/2016 11:39","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2815,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:35","10/22/2016 11:35","1","Server reset.",
2814,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:35","10/22/2016 11:35","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2813,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:35","10/22/2016 11:35","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2812,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:35","10/22/2016 11:35","1","Server reset.",
2811,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:48","10/22/2016 11:34","3","Server power removed.",
2810,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:34","10/22/2016 11:34","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2809,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:34","10/22/2016 11:34","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2808,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:30","10/22/2016 11:30","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2807,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:30","10/22/2016 11:30","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2806,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:29","10/22/2016 11:29","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2805,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:29","10/22/2016 11:29","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2804,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:29","10/22/2016 11:29","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2803,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:29","10/22/2016 11:29","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2802,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:28","10/22/2016 11:28","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2801,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:28","10/22/2016 11:28","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2800,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:27","10/22/2016 11:27","2","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2799,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:27","10/22/2016 11:27","2","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2798,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:27","10/22/2016 11:27","3","Browser login: Administrator -",
2797,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:27","10/22/2016 11:27","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2796,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2795,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2794,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","2","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2793,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2792,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2791,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2790,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2789,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:26","10/22/2016 11:26","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2788,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","1","Server reset.",
2787,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2786,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2785,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","1","Server reset.",
2784,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2783,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","2","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2782,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","1","Server reset.",
2781,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:25","10/22/2016 11:25","2","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2780,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:24","10/22/2016 11:24","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2779,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:08","10/22/2016 11:08","1","On-board clock set was previously [NOT SET].",
2778,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","APO: Restored power state to standby.",
2777,"Caution","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","Power restored to iLO.",
2776,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:06","10/22/2016 11:06","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2775,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:06","10/22/2016 11:06","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2774,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:06","10/22/2016 11:06","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2773,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:05","10/22/2016 11:05","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2772,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:04","10/22/2016 11:04","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2771,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:04","10/22/2016 11:04","2","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2770,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:04","10/22/2016 11:04","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2769,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:03","10/22/2016 11:03","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2768,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:03","10/22/2016 11:03","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2767,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:03","10/22/2016 11:03","2","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2766,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:02","10/22/2016 11:02","1","Server reset.",
2765,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:53","10/22/2016 11:02","9","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2764,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:02","10/22/2016 11:02","2","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2763,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:02","10/22/2016 11:02","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2762,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:02","10/22/2016 11:02","2","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2761,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:02","10/22/2016 11:02","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2760,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:53","10/22/2016 11:02","9","iLO network link down.",
2759,"Informational","10/22/2016 11:51","10/22/2016 11:02","10","Server power restored.",
2758,"Caution","10/22/2016 11:02","10/22/2016 11:02","1","Server reset.",
2757,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:59","10/22/2016 10:59","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2756,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:59","10/22/2016 10:59","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2755,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:59","10/22/2016 10:59","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2754,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:58","10/22/2016 10:58","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2753,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:58","10/22/2016 10:58","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2752,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:57","10/22/2016 10:57","1","Server power removed.",
2751,"Informational","10/22/2016 10:57","10/22/2016 10:57","1","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2750,"Informational","10/22/2016 09:18","10/22/2016 09:17","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2749,"Informational","10/22/2016 09:17","10/22/2016 09:17","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2748,"Caution","10/22/2016 09:18","10/22/2016 09:17","2","iLO network link down.",
2747,"Informational","10/22/2016 09:17","10/22/2016 09:17","1","Server power restored.",
2746,"Caution","10/22/2016 09:17","10/22/2016 09:17","1","Server reset.",
2745,"Informational","10/21/2016 23:50","10/21/2016 23:50","1","Server power removed.",
2744,"Informational","10/21/2016 23:50","10/21/2016 23:50","1","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2743,"Informational","10/21/2016 23:50","10/21/2016 23:50","1","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2742,"Caution","10/21/2016 23:50","10/21/2016 23:50","1","iLO network link down.",
2741,"Caution","10/21/2016 15:27","10/21/2016 15:27","1","iLO network link down.",
2740,"Informational","10/21/2016 15:27","10/21/2016 15:25","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2739,"Informational","10/21/2016 15:25","10/21/2016 15:25","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2738,"Informational","10/21/2016 15:25","10/21/2016 15:25","1","Server power restored.",
2737,"Caution","10/21/2016 15:25","10/21/2016 15:25","1","Server reset.",
2736,"Informational","10/21/2016 15:25","10/21/2016 15:25","1","Power-On signal sent to host server by: Administrator.",
2735,"Informational","10/21/2016 15:25","10/21/2016 15:25","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2734,"Informational","10/21/2016 12:13","10/21/2016 12:13","1","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2733,"Informational","10/21/2016 12:08","10/21/2016 12:08","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2732,"Informational","10/21/2016 12:08","10/21/2016 12:07","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2731,"Caution","10/21/2016 12:13","10/21/2016 12:07","3","iLO network link down.",
2730,"Informational","10/21/2016 12:07","10/21/2016 12:07","1","Server power restored.",
2729,"Caution","10/21/2016 12:07","10/21/2016 12:07","1","Server reset.",
2728,"Informational","10/21/2016 12:13","10/21/2016 12:06","2","Server power removed.",
2727,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:59","10/21/2016 11:59","1","Server reset.",
2726,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:59","10/21/2016 11:59","1","Server reset.",
2725,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:59","10/21/2016 11:59","1","On-board clock set was previously [NOT SET].",
2724,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","APO: Last power state restored.",
2723,"Caution","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","Server reset.",
2722,"Caution","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","Power restored to iLO.",
2721,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:57","10/21/2016 11:57","1","Server reset.",
2720,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:57","10/21/2016 11:57","1","On-board clock set was previously [NOT SET].",
2719,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","2","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2718,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2717,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2716,"Caution","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","2","iLO network link down.",
2715,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","APO: Last power state restored.",
2714,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","2","Server power restored.",
2713,"Caution","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","Server reset.",
2712,"Informational","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","3","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2711,"Caution","[NOT SET] ","[NOT SET] ","1","Power restored to iLO.",
2697,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:48","10/21/2016 11:48","1","Server reset.",
2696,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:47","10/21/2016 11:47","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2695,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:47","10/21/2016 11:47","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2694,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:47","10/21/2016 11:47","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2693,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:46","10/21/2016 11:46","1","Server reset.",
2692,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:59","10/21/2016 11:45","18","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2691,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:45","10/21/2016 11:45","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2690,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:59","10/21/2016 11:45","19","Server power restored.",
2689,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:59","10/21/2016 11:45","19","iLO network link down.",
2688,"Caution","10/21/2016 11:45","10/21/2016 11:45","1","Server reset.",
2687,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:51","10/21/2016 11:45","3","Server power removed.",
2686,"Informational","10/21/2016 11:56","10/21/2016 11:45","2","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2685,"Informational","10/21/2016 04:56","10/21/2016 04:56","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2684,"Informational","10/21/2016 04:49","10/21/2016 04:49","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2683,"Informational","10/21/2016 03:57","10/21/2016 03:56","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2682,"Informational","10/21/2016 03:56","10/21/2016 03:56","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2681,"Caution","10/21/2016 03:57","10/21/2016 03:56","2","iLO network link down.",
2680,"Informational","10/21/2016 03:56","10/21/2016 03:56","1","Server power restored.",
2679,"Caution","10/21/2016 03:56","10/21/2016 03:56","1","Server reset.",
2678,"Informational","10/20/2016 21:31","10/20/2016 21:31","1","Server power removed.",
2677,"Informational","10/20/2016 21:31","10/20/2016 21:31","1","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2676,"Caution","10/20/2016 21:31","10/20/2016 21:31","1","iLO network link down.",
2675,"Informational","10/20/2016 10:30","10/20/2016 10:30","2","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2674,"Informational","10/20/2016 10:30","10/20/2016 10:30","2","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2673,"Informational","10/20/2016 10:30","10/20/2016 10:30","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2672,"Informational","10/20/2016 10:31","10/20/2016 10:29","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2671,"Informational","10/20/2016 10:29","10/20/2016 10:29","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2670,"Informational","10/20/2016 10:29","10/20/2016 10:29","1","Server power restored.",
2669,"Caution","10/20/2016 10:29","10/20/2016 10:29","1","Server reset.",
2668,"Caution","10/20/2016 10:31","10/20/2016 10:29","2","iLO network link down.",
2667,"Informational","10/20/2016 09:52","10/20/2016 09:52","1","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2666,"Informational","10/20/2016 09:52","10/20/2016 09:52","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2665,"Caution","10/20/2016 09:52","10/20/2016 09:52","1","iLO network link down.",
2664,"Informational","10/20/2016 09:52","10/20/2016 09:52","1","Server power restored.",
2663,"Caution","10/20/2016 09:52","10/20/2016 09:52","1","Server reset.",
2662,"Informational","10/19/2016 21:56","10/19/2016 21:56","1","Server power removed.",
2661,"Informational","10/19/2016 21:56","10/19/2016 21:56","1","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2660,"Caution","10/19/2016 21:56","10/19/2016 21:56","1","iLO network link down.",
2659,"Caution","10/19/2016 12:28","10/19/2016 12:28","1","iLO network link down.",
2658,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:29","10/19/2016 12:27","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2657,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:27","10/19/2016 12:27","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2656,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:27","10/19/2016 12:27","1","Server power restored.",
2655,"Caution","10/19/2016 12:27","10/19/2016 12:27","1","Server reset.",
2654,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:26","10/19/2016 12:26","2","Browser login: Administrator -",
2653,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:26","10/19/2016 12:26","3","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2652,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:22","10/19/2016 12:22","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2651,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:22","10/19/2016 12:22","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2650,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:20","10/19/2016 12:20","1","Virtual media disconnected by: Administrator.",
2649,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:20","10/19/2016 12:20","1","Virtual media connected by: Administrator.",
2648,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:20","10/19/2016 12:20","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2647,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:20","10/19/2016 12:20","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2646,"Informational","10/19/2016 12:20","10/19/2016 12:20","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2645,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:24","10/19/2016 10:24","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2644,"Caution","10/19/2016 10:17","10/19/2016 10:17","1","Server reset.",
2643,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:19","10/19/2016 10:09","2","Server power removed.",
2642,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:19","10/19/2016 10:09","2","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2641,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:07","10/19/2016 10:07","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2640,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:17","10/19/2016 10:02","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2639,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:17","10/19/2016 10:02","2","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2638,"Caution","10/19/2016 10:19","10/19/2016 10:02","4","iLO network link down.",
2637,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:17","10/19/2016 10:02","2","Server power restored.",
2636,"Caution","10/19/2016 10:02","10/19/2016 10:02","1","Server reset.",
2635,"Informational","10/19/2016 10:02","10/19/2016 10:02","1","Power on request received by: Automatic Power Recovery.",
2634,"Caution","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:59","1","Server reset.",
2633,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:58","10/19/2016 09:58","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2632,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:57","10/19/2016 09:57","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2631,"Caution","10/19/2016 09:49","10/19/2016 09:49","1","Server reset.",
2630,"Caution","10/19/2016 09:38","10/19/2016 09:38","1","Server reset.",
2629,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:38","10/19/2016 09:38","1","Power on request received by: Automatic Power Recovery.",
2628,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:36","4","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2627,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:36","4","Server power restored.",
2626,"Caution","10/19/2016 09:36","10/19/2016 09:36","1","Server reset.",
2625,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:33","10/19/2016 09:33","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2624,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:33","10/19/2016 09:33","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2623,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:33","10/19/2016 09:33","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2622,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:33","2","Server power removed.",
2621,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:33","2","iLO network link up at 100 Mbps.",
2620,"Informational","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:33","6","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2619,"Caution","10/19/2016 09:59","10/19/2016 09:32","6","iLO network link down.",
2618,"Informational","10/19/2016 08:19","10/19/2016 08:18","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2617,"Informational","10/19/2016 08:18","10/19/2016 08:18","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2616,"Informational","10/19/2016 08:17","10/19/2016 08:17","1","Server power restored.",
2615,"Caution","10/19/2016 08:17","10/19/2016 08:17","1","Server reset.",
2614,"Caution","10/19/2016 08:19","10/19/2016 08:17","2","iLO network link down.",
2613,"Informational","10/18/2016 20:43","10/18/2016 20:43","1","Server power removed.",
2612,"Informational","10/18/2016 20:43","10/18/2016 20:43","1","iLO network link up at 10 Mbps.",
2611,"Caution","10/18/2016 20:43","10/18/2016 20:43","1","iLO network link down.",
2610,"Informational","10/18/2016 09:47","10/18/2016 09:47","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2609,"Informational","10/18/2016 09:47","10/18/2016 09:47","1","Remote console session stopped by: Administrator -",
2608,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:21","10/18/2016 08:21","1","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2607,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:21","10/18/2016 08:21","1","Embedded Flash/SD-CARD: Restarted.",
2606,"Caution","10/18/2016 08:21","10/18/2016 08:21","1","iLO network link down.",
2605,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:21","10/18/2016 08:21","1","Server power restored.",
2604,"Caution","10/18/2016 08:21","10/18/2016 08:21","1","Server reset.",
2603,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:21","10/18/2016 08:21","1","Power-On signal sent to host server by: Administrator.",
2602,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:20","10/18/2016 08:20","1","Remote console started by: Administrator -",
2601,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:20","10/18/2016 08:20","1","Browser logout: Administrator -",
2600,"Informational","10/18/2016 08:20","10/18/2016 08:20","1","Browser login: Administrator -",
2599,"Informational","10/17/2016 21:01","10/17/2016 21:01","1","Server power removed.",
2598,"Informational","10/17/2016 21:01","10/17/2016 21:01","1","iLO network link up at 10 Mbps.",
2597,"Caution","10/17/2016 21:00","10/17/2016 21:00","1","iLO network link down.",

Ich habe die jetzt mal so gelassen, wie sie ausgegeben wurde.

Merkwürdig sind die Ereignisse rund um die Server Resets..

OK. Verstehe... Was ich aber absolut nicht verstehe ist, dass der Rechner so neu hochfährt, als wäre nix gewesen. D.h. meine Programme sind geöffnet und laufen normal weiter. Wenn das heute nachmittag nicht passiert wäre, hätte ich gar keinen Grund gehabt, da nachzuschauen...


@Ollmann: Wie? Hattest doch vorhin anders geschrieben... Wieso jetzt nix ungewöhnliches??

- - - Updated - - -

So sieht das dann aus, wenn ich den Server herunterfahre, was ich in der Regel über Nacht auch mache.

2919,"Informational","10/25/2016 22:00","10/25/2016 22:00","1","iLO network link up at 10 Mbps.",
2918,"Informational","10/25/2016 22:00","10/25/2016 22:00","1","Server power removed.",
2917,"Caution","10/25/2016 22:00","10/25/2016 22:00","1","iLO network link down.",

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wie? Hattest doch vorhin anders geschrieben... Wieso jetzt nix ungewöhnliches?

Hier ein Beispiel:
2894,"Informational","10/25/2016 04:06","10/25/2016 04:05","2","iLO network link up at 1000 Mbps.",
2893,"Informational","10/25/2016 04:05","10/25/2016 04:05","1","Server power restored.",
2892,"Caution","10/25/2016 04:05","10/25/2016 04:05","1","Server reset.",
2891,"Caution","10/25/2016 04:06","10/25/2016 04:05","2","iLO network link down.",
2890,"Informational","10/24/2016 22:31","10/24/2016 22:31","1","Server power removed.",

Server wurde von dir normal ausgeschaltet? Er meldet 04:06 Uhr, dann 04:05 Uhr ... "Server reset". Das macht mich stutzig! Wie alt ist dein Würfel? Daher würde ich die Stromleitung prüfen! An dieser sollte kein größerer Abnehmer angeschlossen sein. Die Batterie auf der Platine messen, ob sie noch funktioniert ggf. austauschen.
Ich stelle fest, dass das Gerät auch einen "Server Reset" meldet, wenn der Schalter zum Einschalten gedrückt wird. Die Uhrzeiten stimmen nicht. Es wird immer mit 2 Stunden Differenz angezeigt. Also wenn der Server anzeigte, 4:05 , dann war es 6:05. Zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte ich den Server auch eingeschaltet. Ich wurde nur stutzig, weil der Würfel gestern Nachmittag von alleine neustartete. Ich habe jetzt mal das ILO - Log gelöscht und werde das mal im Auge behalten. Die Stromleitung, an der der Server hängt, sollte eigentlich OK sein.

Der Server ist jetzt etwas mehr als 1 Jahr alt...

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
SNTP richtig einstellen!

Ich nutze: Deutsche Telekom, Darmstadt Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig

Unter welchem Menüpunkt kann man denn einen NTP-Server festlegen? Ich dachte bisher immer, dass die Timestamps einfach in der Zeitzone UTC sind, was auch Sinn machen würde.
Hier stellst du das ein
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