[Sammelthread] iRacing

Hatte nu geklappt,aber von 2,63 auf 2,40 (Safty Points ?) runter weil einige den Holzhammer ausgepackt haben...Start als 4 ,beendet mit P4 dann +45 Punkte,wenn man allen aus dem Weg geht hat man doch keine Chance...Wenn mir das Game nur nicht so gefallen würde : )

Nice mit Post 1,habs mir grad mal durchgelesen.MfG
Eben noch ein Rennen gefahren, als zweiter ins Ziel und 0.05 Punkte runter, als rookie muss man sich wohl entscheiden welche Punkte man verlieren möchte...Wird das Verhalten tatsächlich besser in höheren Klassen? Muss den Ferrari wohl doch kaufen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Wenn du sr gut machen willst um in den Lizenzen aufzusteigen empfiehlt es sich, das quali nicht zu fahren und aus der Box zu starten. So hat du das Rennen vor dir, die, die langsamer sind als du holst du eh ein und du gehst den Gerangel an Start aus dem Weg.
Besser wird es eher wenn du aus dem bottom split raus bist, also eher wenn dein ir steigt.
in den höheren Klassen geht's auch manchmal wild zu im bottom split aber weniger als bei den rookies.
Systemanforderungen und Linkliste im Startpost ergänzt
Juhu mein Rating ist jetzt auf 3.45, ready for promotion :)
Wie machst du das und hörst du jetzt auf zu zocken bis Dienstag? ^^

Edit. Schon wieder miese,aber aus der Box starten kann ich nicht,schließlich will ich racen und keine Shopping Tour fahren.Start von 3,als 10er beendet ,2x abgeschossen worden : (
Naja ,um 20Uhr dann den nächsten Versuch :/
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Naja fahre halt rennen und Time Trails ^^

Und es ist ja auch so wenn du sagen wir mal von 2,99 auf 3,01 aufsteigst bekommst du 0,4 Rating (geschenkt) damit du nicht gleich beim ersten schlechten Rennen wieder in die niedrigere klasse fliegst.

Und nein ich höre nicht auf zu Spielen gestern hatte ich ein mieses rennen wo ich den Wagen sogar komplett an der Box reparieren lassen musste aber hab immernoch Plus gemacht (+0,02) :d
Wie machst du das und hörst du jetzt auf zu zocken bis Dienstag? ^^

Edit. Schon wieder miese,aber aus der Box starten kann ich nicht,schließlich will ich racen und keine Shopping Tour fahren.Start von 3,als 10er beendet ,2x abgeschossen worden : (
Naja ,um 20Uhr dann den nächsten Versuch :/
Bist du schon aus Rookie raus? Wenn nicht, mach es einfach so, raus aus der Box und aus allem raushalten. Danach wirds besser, bis A würde ich das nicht durchziehen, hab ich damals dummerweise gemacht und das kostet so verdammt viel iRating [emoji23][emoji85]

Gesendet von meinem BLA-L29 mit Tapatalk
Hatte vorhin das qually versaut und als 11er gestartet, P2 geschafft und beides ging höher. Time Trial bringt auch Sr? Wie lange geht das denn? Hatte da nie gesehen wieviel Runden man fahren muss.
TT geht immer 30 Min und du musst je nach Kurs eine gewisse Anzahl an sauberen Runden schaffen im Schnitt so 4-5.

Je mehr du fährst und das Fehlerfrei ist natürlich umso besser. Rennen bringen glaube ich zwar mehr, aber ich kann dir empfehlen die TT zu fahren so lernst du dein Auto und den Kurs erstmal richtig kennen und bekommst trotzdem SR.
Ich fahre keine Rennen wenn ich Track und Auto nicht kenne ,habe dann aber Training genommen.TT werde ich dann später mal testen,beginnt das wenn ich reingehe oder hat das auch sonen Zeit-Intervall wie die Rennen(meine zb. 10Uhr/11Uhr usw) ?
Ein großes Problem ist natürlich auch das viele im Rennen trainieren,da hilft es auch nicht von hinten zu starten ,vorbei muss man an denen ja auch,und wenn die sich breit machen haben die dich wenigstens gesehen^^
TT's starten immer gesondert alle 2 min. da du ja alleine bist
Ja danke,hatte zwischendurch schon geschaut,hoffe ich bekomme es heute noch Zeitlich gebacken das mal zu testen,habe wohl erst Sonntag Abend wieder zeit mein Rating auf 3 zu bringen,wird eng.Hat einen schönen Suchtfaktor das Game was das leveln betrifft : )
Auch den Thrill ohne Kollision zu racen finde ich hier höher als bei anderen Games.Wobei ich aber sagen muss das ich die Saubersten und fairsten Rennen bei rF2 hatte als ich bei ~ISR~ mitgefahren bin oder beim ersten F1 von CM als wir hier ne Foren Liga hatten,lang ists her : (
Gibt es eigentlich Liga Ambitionen hier zu diesem Game ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja danke,hatte zwischendurch schon geschaut,hoffe ich bekomme es heute noch Zeitlich gebacken das mal zu testen,habe wohl erst Sonntag Abend wieder zeit mein Rating auf 3 zu bringen,wird eng.Hat einen schönen Suchtfaktor das Game was das leveln betrifft : )
Auch den Thrill ohne Kollision zu racen finde ich hier höher als bei anderen Games.Wobei ich aber sagen muss das ich die Saubersten und fairsten Rennen bei rF2 hatte als ich bei ~ISR~ mitgefahren bin oder beim ersten F1 von CM als wir hier ne Foren Liga hatten,lang ists her : (
Gibt es eigentlich Liga Ambitionen hier zu diesem Game ?
Gibt ja einige die Ligen Veranstalten. Bei SRD läuft zum Beispiel gerade die Einschreibung zur vVLN. Virtualracing.org hat auch einige Serien zur Auswahl.
Dann läuft ja dieses WE 12h Sebring, muss nur leider arbeiten, hatte mich eigentlich schon sehr auf Sebring gefreut.

Gesendet von meinem BLA-L29 mit Tapatalk
Wenn ACC nichts wird werde ich mich mal damit beschäftigen.
30 min TT mit 2x off Track hat +0,08 sr gebracht.
Edit, 2 Rennen danach sr wieder runter, geht nur mit der Boxen Variante oder Qually versauen 😠
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
2019 Season 2 - Release Notes
This season release includes one new car, expansive track upgrades, and enhancements to make iRacing more realistic than ever before.

Some highlights include:
• Engine Model Enhancements (engine stalling)
• High Dynamic Range (HDR) Rendering
• NASCAR 2019 Season updates
• V7 Tire Model enabled on the Skip Barber Formula 2000
• Charlotte Motor Speedway - 6 New Track Configurations
• Daytona International Speedway - Daytona Rising upgrades
• Nürburgring Night-Mode preview
• iRacing BETA Interface - Current Series and performance upgrades
• Much more!

Full 2019 Season 2 Release details are below.


iRacing BETA Interface - New Features

- "Vehicle Damage" is now a toggleable option when creating Hosted Sessions and Test Sessions via the "Car Options" dropdown.
- - You can toggle damage ON (default) or OFF within the Car Options section of the Cars card.
- - With vehicle damage disabled, all vehicles in the session are indestructible, and will take no damage at all from any sources. Being invulnerable also means your vehicle performance will never be adjusted from collisions, such as changes in aerodynamics or vehicle weight that might normally result from an impact.
- - - For any and all iRacing Series (Ranked and Unranked), Practices, Qualifiers, Time Trials, Time Attack, and other non-user created racing events, vehicle damage will remain ON. This feature is designed for use in Hosted Sessions and Test Drive only.

- "Disable Decals & Numbers" is now a toggleable option when creating Hosted Sessions and Test Sessions via the "Car Options" dropdown.
- - With this option enabled, car numbers and car decals applied via the Paint Kit will not be displayed. Stockcar contingencies will also be removed.

- The Filtering and Sorting toolbar has been upgraded, separating filters into 3 different sections:
- - Sort = Orders the displayed information.
- - Categories = Filters by selected items.
- - Tags = Filters in ANY or ALL selected items.

- Race registration has been updated, and any errors that occur should be displayed more clearly.
- - These errors most often occur when trying to register for a Session for which you are already registered using a different car.

- For all Table Views, each column header can now be clicked to sort the table by the values of that column.
- - These sorts are saved when leaving the screen, or exiting the application.

- License restrictions for joining a Session no longer apply to Spectators.

- A new error modal window has been implemented that will catch some errors and display them.

iRacing BETA Interface - Current Series

- The Official Series section has been redesigned and optimized so that browsing the available Series is now faster and easier than ever before!
- - Users now have a page with all Current Series for the season displayed.
- - Clicking on any Series opens the Series modal window, which contains all available Sessions, a list of entries, schedule, and series information.
- - - Join an Official Session for the Series by selecting a Session to join.
- - - Click on "Entries" to see a list of all currently registered entrants, where you can spot, spectate, or join the session as a driver.
- - - "Schedule" and "Series Info" have all the details on the Series.
- - These changes result in dramatic performance improvements, and have been made to fix stuttering and responsiveness.

- Additional Current Series improvements include:
- - The "Search" function has been optimized.
- - Additional filtering options are now available at the top-right.
- - Tag filters can be set to match ALL selected Tags, or set to match ANY selected Tags in the dropdown menu.
- - - You can filter by Session details, such as if the Session is populated, has spectators, has friends, or has someone from your Watched Drivers list in the Session.
- - A Sessions filter has been added which matches Sessions that are currently "Open" for Registration as well as if a Session is "Ready Soon". Additionally, Practice, Qualifier and Race Sessions can be filtered individually.
- - For Table View, reduced the number of columns for improved legibility.
- - For Table View, the column formerly known as "Promo" has been renamed "MPR" for clarity.

iRacing BETA Interface - User-Created Races

- The retrieval of Session data has been optimized, to get you the data you need faster and more efficiently.

- Selecting individual cars or entire car classes, results in a more consistent interface.

- For creating Hosted Sessions, "Fixed Setups" and "Car Classes" have been moved to the "Car Options" dropdown.

- Car abbreviations now appear in the Hosted Session modal Entry List.

- The Admin list is now alphabetized by driver.

- Filtering enhancements:
- - Individual car categories have been added to the Filter dropdown menu.
- - "Owned" and "Unowned" have been added as Tags for cars.

iRacing BETA Interface - Time of Day

- Time of Day and Date/Time selection has been reworked to use sliders instead of the calendar.
- - Time carry over has been removed in favor of simply not adding a time offset to the Session you are configuring.
- - The estimated start time of a Session with zero offset is displayed for reference purposes. Moving the slider past zero will recalculate the date based on the starting time and the offset that you choose.
- - Moving the slider bar will increase the offset of that Session and the starting time displayed will change based on the offset.
- - When the offset carries over into the next day, the date will be displayed for reference.

- Date formatting has been changed to be more internationally friendly.

iRacing BETA Interface - Fixed Issues

- Fixed an issue where Starred items would require a page refresh to be visible.

- Fixed an issue in Current Series and User-Created Races where the team label would highlight a team for which the user did not belong.

- Fixed an issue in the Open Practice tab where clicking the left "Register" button in a register dropdown menu registers the user as a Spectator instead of a Driver.

- Fixed an issue where clicking the Active Connections button would cause the iRacing BETA Interface to error out.

- Fixed an issue when selecting a track, sometimes only the first track config would be displayed as a choice.

- Fixed an issue where opening a Hosted Session modal, joining a League Session, or launching a Test Drive could cause the application to error, and/or enter an unstable mode.

iRacing Membersite - General

- As of this 2019 Season 2 deployment, iRacing no longer officially supports the Internet Explorer web browser.
- - For some web browser alternatives and more information on what this means, check out this post:
- - Log in | iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations

iRacing Membersite - League Seasons

- League Season Driver and League Team Points standings can now be viewed as Overall (All Car Classes/All Cars), by Car Class, by Car, or by Car In Class.

- League Seasons can now be configured to drop races by specifying the number of races to count toward the standings. This can be set when creating or editing a season and a points system is selected.
- - Races are dropped for an individual when the number they have participated in surpasses the number to count toward the standings.
- - Races are ordered by the total points after adjustments with the highest scoring races being kept. Only adjustments made from the race results screen apply when determining if the race is to be dropped or kept.

- League Seasons can now be edited to change the season name, the points system, or number of races to count. Edit a League Season by selecting it and then using the new "Edit" button in the header.
- - Changes to the points system apply only to Sessions run AFTER the change was made.
- - If the points system is changed from "Custom" to something else, the original Custom points schedule will be deleted.

- League Season points adjustments can now only be made from the standings when viewing the overall (All Car Classes/All Cars) to be more clear that these adjustments count toward all of the standings, not only for a specific car class or car.

- League Season points adjustments made from the standings view are added in after races have been dropped for an individual.

- A new points system has been added as an option for League Seasons called "Dirt" which corresponds to USAC's 2019 feature event points for non-Silver Crown races, as found in section 5.9 B. here: http://www.usacracing.com/assets/files/rules/2019/2019_part_4_Points.pdf

iRacing Membersite - League Heat Race Results

- For League Heat Races, the "Points" column now reflects the points earned in that segment.

- A new column called "Agg Points" has been added to the League Heat Race Results and reflects the total number of points earned from the first segment to the current segment.

iRacing Membersite - Spectator Sessions

- When Series Sessions that are available for spectating continue into the following race week, they will now be listed separately from the current race week sessions. Each list will be titled by the correct track name for the race week.

- Series Spectator Sessions are now first listed in order by license class (Rookie to Pro), then listed alphabetically within a license class.

- Hosted and League Spectator Sessions are now ordered by Session Name.

- Improved the performance of loading Spectator Sessions.

iRacing Downloader

- After applying the 2019 Season 2 update, the iRacing Downloader will now use IPv6 for its downloads if you have enabled iRacing to use this protocol, and you actually have IPv6 available. If a download attempt via IPv6 fails to connect, the downloader will retry using IPv4. If the download then succeeds using IPv4, the rest of your current download call will use IPv4.

Engine Model

- An engine cylinder compression torque model has been added to iRacing.
- - At low RPMs (below idle rpm), as the engine rotates it causes cycles of positive and negative torque to be generated as the individual pistons are being compressed then released. The amount of torque generated depends on the engine configuration parameters, such as compression ratio and number of cylinders. This allows the motor to stall out properly, and allows it to get "stuck" between cylinder compression torque peaks and not roll away if the car is in gear without the clutch being pressed. This also produces a jerky motion if the vehicle is rolling at very low rpm.
- - - The Anti-Stall Aid should be disabled in order to notice this in action, otherwise you will struggle to get the engine to go below idle.

- The Driving Shift Aid has been updated.
- - What was previously the "None" option was actually not none; it always left the Anti-Stall Clutch Aid on for you. With the updated engine stalling, we can finally let you turn the Anti-Stall Aid all the way off. Now, the "None" option really means no clutch aid at all. The "Anti-Stall Clutch" is now it's own option. If you had "None" selected previously, you will now have the "Anti-Stall Clutch" selected to maintain the same level of behavior you had before.
- - If you choose "None," it is very easy to stall the motor if you do not press the clutch in at the right moments. Watch out if you are in a car without a starter motor!
- - You will probably also want to turn the Auto-Starter Aid OFF and start the motor yourself.
- - When setting up a custom event, the Hardcore Level dropdown has a new entry for "Disallow all driving aids" that forces the Shift Aid to None.

- The engine startup sequence has been updated.
- - All cars now have engine ignition and starter noises.
- - The ignition/starter sequence remains a work in progress, and will be updated over time. Many cars will use a default sequence and share a generic set of sounds.
- - Cars with unique ignition/starter sounds are as follows:
- - - Audi Quattro GTO
- - - Audi R8 LMS GT3
- - - BMW M8 GTE
- - - BMW Z4 GT3
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype
- - - Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
- - - Dallara DW12
- - - Dallara F3
- - - Dallara IR18
- - - Ferrari 488 GT3
- - - Ferrari 488 GTE
- - - Ford Falcon FG V8
- - - Ford GT
- - - Formula Renault 2.0
- - - Formula Renault 3.5
- - - Holden Commodore VF V8
- - - Indycar Dallara - 2011
- - - McLaren MP4-30
- - - Pro Mazda
- - - Skip Barber Formula 2000
- - - V8 Supercar Ford Falcon - 2012
- - - Williams-Toyota FW31

- Certain cars require the clutch pedal to be pressed (if the anti-stall clutch is not enabled) before the starter will operate:
- - Ford Mustang FR500S
- - Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
- - Mazda MX-5 Cup - 2015
- - Mazda MX-5 Roadster - 2015
- - Pontiac Solstice

- Certain cars have anti-stall clutch behavior built in to them, so even if you turn the Shift Aid to None, they will still have anti-stall.
- - Audi R18
- - Dallara DW12
- - Dallara IR18
- - McLaren MP4-30
- - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991)
- - Porsche 919 Hybrid
- - Williams-Toyota FW31

- Direct drive cars with Shift Aid set to None will still use Anti-Stall Clutch Aid when in the pit stall, or in a starting grid location to allow you to start the car up and get rolling - at which time the Anti-Stall Aid is disabled, so you can stall the car if you spin or stop.

- The auto-starter has been updated.
- - When getting in a car, the auto-starter will wait about half a second before trying to start the car, instead of the instant you hit the Drive button. If you have stalled the car on track, the auto-starter waits 2 seconds (while stopped, in Neutral, or pressing the clutch) before trying to start the car. Pressing the throttle makes the auto-starter fire more quickly.

Tire Model

- The new version 7 (V7) tire model has been introduced on the Skip Barber Formula 2000.
- - This model has significant improvements to both rubber compound modeling and tire carcass dynamics modeling, and the feedback has been very positive for the few vehicles we have been testing it on. Only the RT2000 has undergone enough testing to release with this build, but we hope to put this tire model on every vehicle soon.

- The allowable cold pressure range has been opened up to allow pressures that are, frankly, too low (14 psi) all the way up to too high (45 psi), but we feel it is important to allow you to push the boundaries so we can better find out if the tire is behaving reasonably. Running at too low a pressure can give you a very evil car. High speed corners and low tire pressures do not work well together. Which tire pressure is optimal will vary from track to track, and sometimes you may find compromising one part of a track is worth extra speed in other parts of that track. Also remember that average lap time is often more important than best lap time, so don’t forget to average in extra time caused by spins! In other words, if you’re having trouble racing on low pressures, try raising them.

League Racing

- League Season Heat Racing events can now earn Season points.
- - The Feature Race is allocated points based on the Season's selected points system.
- - Qualifying, Heats, and Consolation Races are only allocated points if they are configured to do so and the points system is not "None".
- - Points schedules and rules for Qualifying, Heats, and Consolation Races are based on USAC's 2019 points schedules for non-Silver Crown races, as found in section 5.9 B. here: http://www.usacracing.com/assets/files/rules/2019/2019_part_4_Points.pdf
- - - Qualifying allocates points to the first six positions, 6 points for first, and decreasing by 1 for each subsequent position.
- - - Heats allocate points to the first eight positions, 8 points for first, and decreasing by 1 for each subsequent position. However, if Consolation Races are configured to receive points, then positions 5 through 8 only receive their points if they advanced directly to the Feature.
- - - Consolation Races allocate points to the first eight positions, 4 points for first and decreasing by 1 for each subsequent position with 4th through 8th receiving 1 point. However, participants earning Heat Race points will not also receive Consolation Race points.
- - - Stacked Consolation Races only allocate points for the final Consolation Race. Non-Stacked Consolation Race allocate points to each Consolation Race.
- - - - Custom points will be supported in a later release.

Heat Racing

- The method in which drivers are appended to the Feature Race's starting grid when there is more than one non-stacked Consolation Race has been updated.
- - Previously, the specified number of drivers that advanced from a Consolation Race were appended to the Feature starting grid from the results of the first Consolation Race, then that number from the results of the second Consolation Race were added, etc.. Now, the winner of the first Consolation Race is added to the Feature grid, then the winner of the second Consolation Race is added, etc., followed by the 2nd place finisher of the first Consolation Race, then the 2nd place finisher of the second Consolation Race, etc., until the specified number of drivers have been taken from all of the Consolation Races.

Dynamic Track

- The system for calculating track temperature as reported to the user in the Info tab and telemetry has been improved.

Dirt Racing

- Reduction to tire grip on dirt surfaces as the hardpan is approached has been amplified.

Pit Stops

- Rule changes for GTE pit stops have been implemented.
- - Cars must now re-fuel first and may only change tires once re-fueling is complete. This takes into account the real-life WEC rules for the 2019/20 season.


- Fixed an issue where teammates could not see the steering wheel rotate.

- A separate set of bloom post processing parameters have been added for night-mode.
- - This should help with the daytime sparkle issues, and improve bloom at nighttime.

High-Dynamic Range (HDR)

- This release includes a preliminary version of High Dynamic-Range (HDR) rendering. When it is enabled the Simulator uses HDR render targets for items such as mirrors, environment maps, main render targets, and even HDR display back buffers. Previously, very bright pixels would be clamped to “fit” into Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) formats. This clamping causes important information about the actual brightness of bright pixels to be lost and to be treated as less bright than they should be treated. HDR rendering allows the bright pixels to be rendered without loss of information, and used during many internal rendering steps, limiting the loss of brightness to only the final step of converting to the display. HDR rendering drastically improves the quality of rendering, and also provides for additional future effects (this is a very early version!). And, when coupled with an HDR display, it allows for an expanded color gamut and extremely bright sun and solar reflections to actually be displayed at higher intensity than the rest of the scene on the display. HDR does not require an HDR display to provide most of the visual benefits because many of the benefits occur before the conversion to the display, but HDR displays benefit the most.

- Support has been added for HDR displays, such as HDR10 televisions and monitors. The Simulator can now be configured to output HDR formats to an HDR display via an HDR10 frame buffer (10-bits per color channel instead of , or an HDR16F frame buffer (16-bit floats per color channel). When using HDR16F, the Simulator renders a special expanded color space (BT. 2020) using a special gamma (ST.2084). When rendering in HDR10 mode the Simulator just outputs the smaller color space BT.709 (HDTV color). However, Windows or the device driver may do conversions in either case, so you likely want to try both. When used in conjunction with HDR rendering, very bright sun and solar reflections can be displayed on screen, and the expanded color space looks incredible. You almost certainly need to be in full-screen modes when using these formats, especially HDR16F. If the Simulator leaves full screen, the colors may look blown out, and you may need to press Alt+Enter to get back into full-screen.

- To enable HDR rendering without an HDR display, all you need to do is check the “HDR rendering” checkbox on the Graphics Options screen, and restart the Simulator for it to take effect. When HDR rendering is checked, bloom is also checked, and cannot/should not be unchecked for best results. Enabling this option will use more video memory to store the extra large image formats, but higher end cards should have plenty of memory for this.

- To enable an HDR display, you will need to run the iRacing graphics auto-config and select an HDR10 or HDR16F mode from the resolution dialog, this will automatically force on HDR rendering and bloom. Try both HDR modes and select whichever works best for you. HDR10 uses slightly less memory, but HDR16F looks best in many cases due to the expanded color space. If the graphics auto-config does not present either of those modes, then you first need to setup your HDR display properly in Windows 10. HDR displays only work with Windows 10, and only when connected with higher-end display port 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 connections. And, in the Windows 10 display settings, the display first needs to be setup to be HDR. See the Windows 10 HDR settings in the Windows Settings -> Display Settings. If you cannot get Windows to first recognize the display as HDR and allow you to toggle it into HDR mode for gaming, you will be unable to get the Simulator to provide the HDR modes via DX11. Please note, you may need to also alter a setting inside the HDR display’s menus to enable HDR mode on the desired input, this is very common, before Windows will detect it as HDR capable. HDR display modes will not work on very old versions of Windows 10, and will not work at all on Windows 7.

Visual Effects

- Photographer spectators have been spotted using flash photography in the stands, and around the track!
- - These spectators will light-up their flashbulbs throughout a session, especially when there's some serious action going on!

- Visual effects generated via PopcornFX should now better obey a users' selected minimum detail level.

Virtual Reality

- A form of nVidia’s simultaneous multi-projection, named Single Pass Stereo (SPS), has been added to help optimize VR rendering. SPS allows the Simulator to render the scene for one eye, and then GPU, via shaders and SPS, create the image for the other eye, without the Simulator needing to submit the entire scene a second time. This reduces the CPU load of the rendering thread and increases the frame rate, especially for the largest and most complex scenes when the frame rate would be lowest.
- - SPS requires a supporting nVidia GPU with a newer device driver installed. GTX1000 and GTX2000 series GPUs, with device drivers after v390 support it. The option is called “SPS” on the Graphics Options screen, and it will be enabled by default if your device driver reports that your GPU supports it. If the SPS option is disabled in the Graphics Options screen, and you have a supported GPU, try a newer device driver.

- Fixed an issue when using VR where the mouse cursor could get stuck on a "curved screen mode" while using the iRacing BETA Interface, even when not on a curved screen.


- Ignition and starter sequences remain a work-in-progress, and will be updated over time.
- - Currently, many cars will use a default audio sequence and will share a generic set of sounds.
- - Cars with unique ignition and starter sounds are as follows:
- - - Audi Quattro GTO
- - - Audi R8 LMS GT3
- - - BMW M8 GTE
- - - BMW Z4 GT3
- - - Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype
- - - Dallara DW12
- - - Dallara F3
- - - Dallara IR18
- - - Ferrari 488 GT3
- - - Ferrari 488 GTE
- - - Ford GT
- - - Ford Falcon FG V8
- - - Formula Renault 2.0
- - - Formula Renault 3.5
- - - Holden Commodore VF V8
- - - Indycar Dallara - 2011
- - - McLaren MP4-30
- - - Pro Mazda
- - - Skip Barber Formula 2000
- - - Williams-Toyota FW31

- All cars have had their engine load sounds modified to be more sensitive to subtle changes in throttle levels.


- Additional detailing has been added to the driver's gloves.

Animated Pit Crew

- The animated pit crew will now look directly at your car as it approaches and leaves.

- The animated Indycar Pit Crew has been training all season, and is now 10% faster!

- The reflectivity of skin-tones in light has been reduced slightly.

- The air wrench hose movements have been smoothed a bit, and should appear less jaggy.

Pace Car

- A new pace car model, Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991), has been added to the iRacing service!

- The default Road pace car is now the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991).


- When playing through a Session change, the system will look forward for data to prepare the replay world for the new session.
- - This fixes an issue on Session transitions where the track in replays could appear to have a stripe-pattern effect. This was being caused by data from the previous Session being used to create the track state, only then to have it overwritten in chunks with the new data.


- While using the camera tool, blimp velocity may now be a negative number, so it can rotate in both directions.

Admin Commands

- A new Admin Command, "!trackstate", has been added.
- - This command allows an Admin to view and change the track state of the NEXT Session.
- - - This is intended especially for dirt racing, to allow Admins to make on-the-fly changes to the track (like simulating some re-prep before the feature for example).


- A new telemetry variable, "PitsOpen" has been added. This variable is true if you are currently able to receive service in your pit.

- A new telemetry variable, "PlayerCarInPitStall" has been added. This variable is true if you are stopped in your stall and parked cleanly so that you can receive service.


- The Fanatec API has been updated to the latest version.


- The iRacing software has been updated with the latest EasyAntiCheat libraries.


Audi R18

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- The blue lights on the FIA safety display will now flash when Cautions are out.


- - The BMW M8 GTE has been added to the iRacing roster of vehicles!
- - The twin-turbo, V8 powered beast joins the already impressive lineup of GTE cars in iRacing. With over 500 bhp, the flagship racing car from BMW competes around the world in series including the FIA World Endurance Championship and the IMSA Weathertech SportsCar Championship. In iRacing, you will see the M8 in the multiclass IMSA Series as well as the iRacing Le Mans and iRacing Le Mans Endurance series. A front engine car, the BMW has already earned a reputation for being tough to pass due to its performance and size. iRacers will have the opportunity to race the M8 wheel to wheel against the Porsche RSR, Ford GT, and Ferrari 488 and find out for themselves which of the GTE cars will reign supreme.


- Starter and compressor sound levels have been adjusted.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

- Fixed an issue where the wing supports would disappear whenever the car was damaged.

- Fixed an issue where the digital display digits were sometimes not at the correct brightness.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

- Fixed an issue where some display digits were not illuminating correctly.

Dallara F3

- Currently, there is a known issue where the tire warmers are not working for this vehicle during Race Sessions. We are still investigating, and do not currently have a timeline for a fix.
- - Please note that the car was only intended to have tire warmers during Race Sessions, so it does not have tire warmers at all.

Dallara IR18

- Tire grip has been reduced slightly at road tracks.

- New 2019 rear speedway wicker options added. Full length front speedway wicker has been removed due to season rules.

- Minimum fuel capacity is now 0.25 KG.

- Vehicle branding has been adjusted for the 2019 season.

- Fixed an issue where the inside of the hubs were not rendering when the tires were removed.

- Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Late Model

- (ALL) - Front packer garage increment adjustment has been changed from 1/4" to 1/16".

- (ALL) - World of Outlaws branding has been updated.

- (ALL) - Minimum damping is now enforced while the car is in the garage.
- - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Midget

- Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Sprint Car

- (ALL) - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Sprint Car - Non-Winged

- (ALL) - Cockpit adjustable dampers have been re-enabled per latest USAC rules.

- (ALL) - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.

Dirt U.M.P. Modified

- Minimum damping is now enforced while the car is in the garage.
- - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- Season setups have been updated.

Ferrari 488 GTE

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- Baseline setup has been adjusted.

Ford GT - 2017

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- Baseline setup has been adjusted.

Formula Renault 3.5

- Legal pushrods length have been increased.

- Non-adjustable bumpstops have been altered to better assist with suspension over-travel concerns.

Legends Ford '34 Coupe

- (ALL) - The rear wheel mass position has been adjusted slightly.

Lotus 49

- Fixed an issue with the mirrors rendering incorrectly.

NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado

- Vehicle branding and ruleset have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra

- Vehicle branding and ruleset have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Vehicle branding and ruleset have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 - 2018

- Short Tracks/RC will use 750hp engine and INTS and SS will use 550hp engine.

- 2019 spec aero packages have been applied.

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Aero grills have been implemented for this vehicle.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet SS

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Ford Fusion

- Short Tracks/RC will use 750hp engine and INTS and SS will use 550hp engine.

- 2019 spec aero packages have been applied.

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Aero grills have been implemented for this vehicle.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Toyota Camry

- Short Tracks/RC will use 750hp engine and INTS and SS will use 550hp engine.

- 2019 spec aero packages have been applied.

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Aero grills have been implemented for this vehicle.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2011

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2013

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado - 2013

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.


- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.


- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991)

- Rear wing has been strengthened to reduce the likelihood of damage from small impacts.

Porsche 911 RSR

- 2019 Season 2 GTE BoP:
- - Slightly reduced aero drag for higher topspeed.
- - Aero downforce has been decreased slightly.
- - Fuel consumption has been increased slightly to compensate for reduced aero drag.

- Baseline setup has been adjusted.

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

Porsche 919 Hybrid

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- The blue lights on the FIA safety display will now flash when Cautions are out.

Radical SR8

- Idle speeds have been increased.

- Season setups have been updated.

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- The long awaited V7 Tires are now implemented on this vehicle!
- - Please take them out for some vigorous testing, and let us know what you think. We are looking to gather feedback before fully implementing these on all vehicles.

- Allowable tire pressure range has been adjusted to 14 to 45 psi.

- New in-car, on-board, and chase engine sounds, as well as starter, ignition, gear shift, and engine limiter sounds have been added for this vehicle.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Sprint Car

- Season setups have been updated.

Subaru WRX STI

- Fixed an issue with rendering artifacts on the side mirrors.

Super Late Model

- Various vehicle updates, including:
- - New aerodynamic information applied.
- - Brakes have been altered to better match car performance after aero updates.
- - Small Front-end geometry tuning.
- - 3" ride heights are now legal in the garage.

- Season setups have been updated.

Williams-Toyota FW31

- Fixed an issue where some display digits were not illuminating correctly.


Autodromo Nazionale Monza

- (ALL) - The fixed cubemaps for this track has been adjusted for better visual reflections.

- (ALL) - Fixed an issue where some walls would colorfully flicker at night when headlights shone on them.

Charlotte Motor Speedway

- - A fully re-scanned and re-built version of Charlotte Motor Speedway was released in the 2019 Season 1 build, but it only included the Roval. With this release, we have have added numerous additional track configurations. These were built using the updated laser scan data. These new configs are as follows:
- - Oval - The full oval track used by NASCAR.
- - Roval Long - An alternate version of the Roval which uses an additional track area in the infield to create a longer version of the track. This track is 2.42 miles in length.
- - Legends Oval - The standard Legends oval using parts of the oval and pit road.
- - Legends RC Short - A 0.72 mile road configuration using a short area of the infield road course.
- - Legends RC Medium - A 1.25 mile road configuration using an expanded area of the infield road course.
- - Legends RC Long - A 1.5 mile road configuration using an even more expanded area of the infield road course and parts of the NASCAR oval and pit road.

- This current version of Charlotte Motor Speedway appears on the website as "Charlotte Motor Speedway". The original Charlotte is still available for historical reasons and appears on the website as "Charlotte Motor Speedway - 2016".

Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans

- The color of gravel trap tire marks has been adjusted.

Circuit of the Americas

- Fixed an issue where some walls were not visible on lower graphics settings.

Daytona International Speedway

- - The Daytona Rising real-world track facility upgrades have been implemented at our digital version of this legendary speedway!
- - - The art team has also overhauled much of the environment to bring it up to the latest and greatest specs!

Twin Ring Motegi

- (Oval) - Animated pit crews have been enabled on this track configuration.


- A preliminary version of night lighting has been added to all configurations of Nürburgring, including the GP Circuit, Nordschleife, and Combined circuits. We do not consider this project finished and still plan to place additional lighting, but consider this an early-access preview!

Neben dem BMW M8 gibts noch tolle Neuigkeiten für VR User, man munkelt von einem Performance Plus von bis zu 30% in schwierigen Szenen (Mit nVidia Karten ab GTX1xxx). Dazu ein neues Reifenmodell, allerdings erst mal nur für den Skip Barber
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mamma Mia,was für ne Update Liste^^

Täusche ich mich jetzt oder nutzt du auch VR ? Wenn ja, nutzt du mit deiner GTX2080 SS und mit welchem Faktor ? Habe da noch nicht getestet was so geht .MfG
200 % in steam vr mit der htc vive
Danke,werde dann mal 150% probieren.Müsste mir mal mein Aida64 für die GPU auf dem Tasta LCD fit machen zur Überwachung,hatte vor kurzem nen neuen PC gebastelt und Aktuell wird nur die CPU angezeigt...Mit welchem Tool kann man eigentlich nen GPU Log machen ? Den LCD kann ich eh nicht mit der Vive sehen...Müsste sonst mal fpsVR mitlaufen lassen ,sollte wohl eh das beste sein,hatte ganz vergessen das ich das bei Steam geholt hatte :/

Edit:Bei 150% im Practice hab ich ne max load von 93% gesehen,hatte ab und zu nen Drop der aber wohl nichts mit der Last zu tun hatte.Frametimes waren max 10,2ms,VRam lag bei 4,1GB,kann man in den Einstellungen außerhalb von SS noch was an Texturen in VR rausholen ? Ich denke ich teste nachher mal so ein Race,vermute aber das ich dann auf 130% runter muss,mal schauen.

Falls du das Tool nicht kennst, hab auch erst im ACC VR Thread davon gelesen...:fpsVR on Steam
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
2019 Season 2 - Release Notes
This season release includes one new car, expansive track upgrades, and enhancements to make iRacing more realistic than ever before.

Some highlights include:
• Engine Model Enhancements (engine stalling)
• High Dynamic Range (HDR) Rendering
• NASCAR 2019 Season updates
• V7 Tire Model enabled on the Skip Barber Formula 2000
• Charlotte Motor Speedway - 6 New Track Configurations
• Daytona International Speedway - Daytona Rising upgrades
• Nürburgring Night-Mode preview
• iRacing BETA Interface - Current Series and performance upgrades
• Much more!

Full 2019 Season 2 Release details are below.


iRacing BETA Interface - New Features

- "Vehicle Damage" is now a toggleable option when creating Hosted Sessions and Test Sessions via the "Car Options" dropdown.
- - You can toggle damage ON (default) or OFF within the Car Options section of the Cars card.
- - With vehicle damage disabled, all vehicles in the session are indestructible, and will take no damage at all from any sources. Being invulnerable also means your vehicle performance will never be adjusted from collisions, such as changes in aerodynamics or vehicle weight that might normally result from an impact.
- - - For any and all iRacing Series (Ranked and Unranked), Practices, Qualifiers, Time Trials, Time Attack, and other non-user created racing events, vehicle damage will remain ON. This feature is designed for use in Hosted Sessions and Test Drive only.

- "Disable Decals & Numbers" is now a toggleable option when creating Hosted Sessions and Test Sessions via the "Car Options" dropdown.
- - With this option enabled, car numbers and car decals applied via the Paint Kit will not be displayed. Stockcar contingencies will also be removed.

- The Filtering and Sorting toolbar has been upgraded, separating filters into 3 different sections:
- - Sort = Orders the displayed information.
- - Categories = Filters by selected items.
- - Tags = Filters in ANY or ALL selected items.

- Race registration has been updated, and any errors that occur should be displayed more clearly.
- - These errors most often occur when trying to register for a Session for which you are already registered using a different car.

- For all Table Views, each column header can now be clicked to sort the table by the values of that column.
- - These sorts are saved when leaving the screen, or exiting the application.

- License restrictions for joining a Session no longer apply to Spectators.

- A new error modal window has been implemented that will catch some errors and display them.

iRacing BETA Interface - Current Series

- The Official Series section has been redesigned and optimized so that browsing the available Series is now faster and easier than ever before!
- - Users now have a page with all Current Series for the season displayed.
- - Clicking on any Series opens the Series modal window, which contains all available Sessions, a list of entries, schedule, and series information.
- - - Join an Official Session for the Series by selecting a Session to join.
- - - Click on "Entries" to see a list of all currently registered entrants, where you can spot, spectate, or join the session as a driver.
- - - "Schedule" and "Series Info" have all the details on the Series.
- - These changes result in dramatic performance improvements, and have been made to fix stuttering and responsiveness.

- Additional Current Series improvements include:
- - The "Search" function has been optimized.
- - Additional filtering options are now available at the top-right.
- - Tag filters can be set to match ALL selected Tags, or set to match ANY selected Tags in the dropdown menu.
- - - You can filter by Session details, such as if the Session is populated, has spectators, has friends, or has someone from your Watched Drivers list in the Session.
- - A Sessions filter has been added which matches Sessions that are currently "Open" for Registration as well as if a Session is "Ready Soon". Additionally, Practice, Qualifier and Race Sessions can be filtered individually.
- - For Table View, reduced the number of columns for improved legibility.
- - For Table View, the column formerly known as "Promo" has been renamed "MPR" for clarity.

iRacing BETA Interface - User-Created Races

- The retrieval of Session data has been optimized, to get you the data you need faster and more efficiently.

- Selecting individual cars or entire car classes, results in a more consistent interface.

- For creating Hosted Sessions, "Fixed Setups" and "Car Classes" have been moved to the "Car Options" dropdown.

- Car abbreviations now appear in the Hosted Session modal Entry List.

- The Admin list is now alphabetized by driver.

- Filtering enhancements:
- - Individual car categories have been added to the Filter dropdown menu.
- - "Owned" and "Unowned" have been added as Tags for cars.

iRacing BETA Interface - Time of Day

- Time of Day and Date/Time selection has been reworked to use sliders instead of the calendar.
- - Time carry over has been removed in favor of simply not adding a time offset to the Session you are configuring.
- - The estimated start time of a Session with zero offset is displayed for reference purposes. Moving the slider past zero will recalculate the date based on the starting time and the offset that you choose.
- - Moving the slider bar will increase the offset of that Session and the starting time displayed will change based on the offset.
- - When the offset carries over into the next day, the date will be displayed for reference.

- Date formatting has been changed to be more internationally friendly.

iRacing BETA Interface - Fixed Issues

- Fixed an issue where Starred items would require a page refresh to be visible.

- Fixed an issue in Current Series and User-Created Races where the team label would highlight a team for which the user did not belong.

- Fixed an issue in the Open Practice tab where clicking the left "Register" button in a register dropdown menu registers the user as a Spectator instead of a Driver.

- Fixed an issue where clicking the Active Connections button would cause the iRacing BETA Interface to error out.

- Fixed an issue when selecting a track, sometimes only the first track config would be displayed as a choice.

- Fixed an issue where opening a Hosted Session modal, joining a League Session, or launching a Test Drive could cause the application to error, and/or enter an unstable mode.

iRacing Membersite - General

- As of this 2019 Season 2 deployment, iRacing no longer officially supports the Internet Explorer web browser.
- - For some web browser alternatives and more information on what this means, check out this post:
- - Log in | iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations

iRacing Membersite - League Seasons

- League Season Driver and League Team Points standings can now be viewed as Overall (All Car Classes/All Cars), by Car Class, by Car, or by Car In Class.

- League Seasons can now be configured to drop races by specifying the number of races to count toward the standings. This can be set when creating or editing a season and a points system is selected.
- - Races are dropped for an individual when the number they have participated in surpasses the number to count toward the standings.
- - Races are ordered by the total points after adjustments with the highest scoring races being kept. Only adjustments made from the race results screen apply when determining if the race is to be dropped or kept.

- League Seasons can now be edited to change the season name, the points system, or number of races to count. Edit a League Season by selecting it and then using the new "Edit" button in the header.
- - Changes to the points system apply only to Sessions run AFTER the change was made.
- - If the points system is changed from "Custom" to something else, the original Custom points schedule will be deleted.

- League Season points adjustments can now only be made from the standings when viewing the overall (All Car Classes/All Cars) to be more clear that these adjustments count toward all of the standings, not only for a specific car class or car.

- League Season points adjustments made from the standings view are added in after races have been dropped for an individual.

- A new points system has been added as an option for League Seasons called "Dirt" which corresponds to USAC's 2019 feature event points for non-Silver Crown races, as found in section 5.9 B. here: http://www.usacracing.com/assets/files/rules/2019/2019_part_4_Points.pdf

iRacing Membersite - League Heat Race Results

- For League Heat Races, the "Points" column now reflects the points earned in that segment.

- A new column called "Agg Points" has been added to the League Heat Race Results and reflects the total number of points earned from the first segment to the current segment.

iRacing Membersite - Spectator Sessions

- When Series Sessions that are available for spectating continue into the following race week, they will now be listed separately from the current race week sessions. Each list will be titled by the correct track name for the race week.

- Series Spectator Sessions are now first listed in order by license class (Rookie to Pro), then listed alphabetically within a license class.

- Hosted and League Spectator Sessions are now ordered by Session Name.

- Improved the performance of loading Spectator Sessions.

iRacing Downloader

- After applying the 2019 Season 2 update, the iRacing Downloader will now use IPv6 for its downloads if you have enabled iRacing to use this protocol, and you actually have IPv6 available. If a download attempt via IPv6 fails to connect, the downloader will retry using IPv4. If the download then succeeds using IPv4, the rest of your current download call will use IPv4.

Engine Model

- An engine cylinder compression torque model has been added to iRacing.
- - At low RPMs (below idle rpm), as the engine rotates it causes cycles of positive and negative torque to be generated as the individual pistons are being compressed then released. The amount of torque generated depends on the engine configuration parameters, such as compression ratio and number of cylinders. This allows the motor to stall out properly, and allows it to get "stuck" between cylinder compression torque peaks and not roll away if the car is in gear without the clutch being pressed. This also produces a jerky motion if the vehicle is rolling at very low rpm.
- - - The Anti-Stall Aid should be disabled in order to notice this in action, otherwise you will struggle to get the engine to go below idle.

- The Driving Shift Aid has been updated.
- - What was previously the "None" option was actually not none; it always left the Anti-Stall Clutch Aid on for you. With the updated engine stalling, we can finally let you turn the Anti-Stall Aid all the way off. Now, the "None" option really means no clutch aid at all. The "Anti-Stall Clutch" is now it's own option. If you had "None" selected previously, you will now have the "Anti-Stall Clutch" selected to maintain the same level of behavior you had before.
- - If you choose "None," it is very easy to stall the motor if you do not press the clutch in at the right moments. Watch out if you are in a car without a starter motor!
- - You will probably also want to turn the Auto-Starter Aid OFF and start the motor yourself.
- - When setting up a custom event, the Hardcore Level dropdown has a new entry for "Disallow all driving aids" that forces the Shift Aid to None.

- The engine startup sequence has been updated.
- - All cars now have engine ignition and starter noises.
- - The ignition/starter sequence remains a work in progress, and will be updated over time. Many cars will use a default sequence and share a generic set of sounds.
- - Cars with unique ignition/starter sounds are as follows:
- - - Audi Quattro GTO
- - - Audi R8 LMS GT3
- - - BMW M8 GTE
- - - BMW Z4 GT3
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype
- - - Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
- - - Dallara DW12
- - - Dallara F3
- - - Dallara IR18
- - - Ferrari 488 GT3
- - - Ferrari 488 GTE
- - - Ford Falcon FG V8
- - - Ford GT
- - - Formula Renault 2.0
- - - Formula Renault 3.5
- - - Holden Commodore VF V8
- - - Indycar Dallara - 2011
- - - McLaren MP4-30
- - - Pro Mazda
- - - Skip Barber Formula 2000
- - - V8 Supercar Ford Falcon - 2012
- - - Williams-Toyota FW31

- Certain cars require the clutch pedal to be pressed (if the anti-stall clutch is not enabled) before the starter will operate:
- - Ford Mustang FR500S
- - Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
- - Mazda MX-5 Cup - 2015
- - Mazda MX-5 Roadster - 2015
- - Pontiac Solstice

- Certain cars have anti-stall clutch behavior built in to them, so even if you turn the Shift Aid to None, they will still have anti-stall.
- - Audi R18
- - Dallara DW12
- - Dallara IR18
- - McLaren MP4-30
- - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991)
- - Porsche 919 Hybrid
- - Williams-Toyota FW31

- Direct drive cars with Shift Aid set to None will still use Anti-Stall Clutch Aid when in the pit stall, or in a starting grid location to allow you to start the car up and get rolling - at which time the Anti-Stall Aid is disabled, so you can stall the car if you spin or stop.

- The auto-starter has been updated.
- - When getting in a car, the auto-starter will wait about half a second before trying to start the car, instead of the instant you hit the Drive button. If you have stalled the car on track, the auto-starter waits 2 seconds (while stopped, in Neutral, or pressing the clutch) before trying to start the car. Pressing the throttle makes the auto-starter fire more quickly.

Tire Model

- The new version 7 (V7) tire model has been introduced on the Skip Barber Formula 2000.
- - This model has significant improvements to both rubber compound modeling and tire carcass dynamics modeling, and the feedback has been very positive for the few vehicles we have been testing it on. Only the RT2000 has undergone enough testing to release with this build, but we hope to put this tire model on every vehicle soon.

- The allowable cold pressure range has been opened up to allow pressures that are, frankly, too low (14 psi) all the way up to too high (45 psi), but we feel it is important to allow you to push the boundaries so we can better find out if the tire is behaving reasonably. Running at too low a pressure can give you a very evil car. High speed corners and low tire pressures do not work well together. Which tire pressure is optimal will vary from track to track, and sometimes you may find compromising one part of a track is worth extra speed in other parts of that track. Also remember that average lap time is often more important than best lap time, so don’t forget to average in extra time caused by spins! In other words, if you’re having trouble racing on low pressures, try raising them.

League Racing

- League Season Heat Racing events can now earn Season points.
- - The Feature Race is allocated points based on the Season's selected points system.
- - Qualifying, Heats, and Consolation Races are only allocated points if they are configured to do so and the points system is not "None".
- - Points schedules and rules for Qualifying, Heats, and Consolation Races are based on USAC's 2019 points schedules for non-Silver Crown races, as found in section 5.9 B. here: http://www.usacracing.com/assets/files/rules/2019/2019_part_4_Points.pdf
- - - Qualifying allocates points to the first six positions, 6 points for first, and decreasing by 1 for each subsequent position.
- - - Heats allocate points to the first eight positions, 8 points for first, and decreasing by 1 for each subsequent position. However, if Consolation Races are configured to receive points, then positions 5 through 8 only receive their points if they advanced directly to the Feature.
- - - Consolation Races allocate points to the first eight positions, 4 points for first and decreasing by 1 for each subsequent position with 4th through 8th receiving 1 point. However, participants earning Heat Race points will not also receive Consolation Race points.
- - - Stacked Consolation Races only allocate points for the final Consolation Race. Non-Stacked Consolation Race allocate points to each Consolation Race.
- - - - Custom points will be supported in a later release.

Heat Racing

- The method in which drivers are appended to the Feature Race's starting grid when there is more than one non-stacked Consolation Race has been updated.
- - Previously, the specified number of drivers that advanced from a Consolation Race were appended to the Feature starting grid from the results of the first Consolation Race, then that number from the results of the second Consolation Race were added, etc.. Now, the winner of the first Consolation Race is added to the Feature grid, then the winner of the second Consolation Race is added, etc., followed by the 2nd place finisher of the first Consolation Race, then the 2nd place finisher of the second Consolation Race, etc., until the specified number of drivers have been taken from all of the Consolation Races.

Dynamic Track

- The system for calculating track temperature as reported to the user in the Info tab and telemetry has been improved.

Dirt Racing

- Reduction to tire grip on dirt surfaces as the hardpan is approached has been amplified.

Pit Stops

- Rule changes for GTE pit stops have been implemented.
- - Cars must now re-fuel first and may only change tires once re-fueling is complete. This takes into account the real-life WEC rules for the 2019/20 season.


- Fixed an issue where teammates could not see the steering wheel rotate.

- A separate set of bloom post processing parameters have been added for night-mode.
- - This should help with the daytime sparkle issues, and improve bloom at nighttime.

High-Dynamic Range (HDR)

- This release includes a preliminary version of High Dynamic-Range (HDR) rendering. When it is enabled the Simulator uses HDR render targets for items such as mirrors, environment maps, main render targets, and even HDR display back buffers. Previously, very bright pixels would be clamped to “fit” into Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) formats. This clamping causes important information about the actual brightness of bright pixels to be lost and to be treated as less bright than they should be treated. HDR rendering allows the bright pixels to be rendered without loss of information, and used during many internal rendering steps, limiting the loss of brightness to only the final step of converting to the display. HDR rendering drastically improves the quality of rendering, and also provides for additional future effects (this is a very early version!). And, when coupled with an HDR display, it allows for an expanded color gamut and extremely bright sun and solar reflections to actually be displayed at higher intensity than the rest of the scene on the display. HDR does not require an HDR display to provide most of the visual benefits because many of the benefits occur before the conversion to the display, but HDR displays benefit the most.

- Support has been added for HDR displays, such as HDR10 televisions and monitors. The Simulator can now be configured to output HDR formats to an HDR display via an HDR10 frame buffer (10-bits per color channel instead of , or an HDR16F frame buffer (16-bit floats per color channel). When using HDR16F, the Simulator renders a special expanded color space (BT. 2020) using a special gamma (ST.2084). When rendering in HDR10 mode the Simulator just outputs the smaller color space BT.709 (HDTV color). However, Windows or the device driver may do conversions in either case, so you likely want to try both. When used in conjunction with HDR rendering, very bright sun and solar reflections can be displayed on screen, and the expanded color space looks incredible. You almost certainly need to be in full-screen modes when using these formats, especially HDR16F. If the Simulator leaves full screen, the colors may look blown out, and you may need to press Alt+Enter to get back into full-screen.

- To enable HDR rendering without an HDR display, all you need to do is check the “HDR rendering” checkbox on the Graphics Options screen, and restart the Simulator for it to take effect. When HDR rendering is checked, bloom is also checked, and cannot/should not be unchecked for best results. Enabling this option will use more video memory to store the extra large image formats, but higher end cards should have plenty of memory for this.

- To enable an HDR display, you will need to run the iRacing graphics auto-config and select an HDR10 or HDR16F mode from the resolution dialog, this will automatically force on HDR rendering and bloom. Try both HDR modes and select whichever works best for you. HDR10 uses slightly less memory, but HDR16F looks best in many cases due to the expanded color space. If the graphics auto-config does not present either of those modes, then you first need to setup your HDR display properly in Windows 10. HDR displays only work with Windows 10, and only when connected with higher-end display port 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 connections. And, in the Windows 10 display settings, the display first needs to be setup to be HDR. See the Windows 10 HDR settings in the Windows Settings -> Display Settings. If you cannot get Windows to first recognize the display as HDR and allow you to toggle it into HDR mode for gaming, you will be unable to get the Simulator to provide the HDR modes via DX11. Please note, you may need to also alter a setting inside the HDR display’s menus to enable HDR mode on the desired input, this is very common, before Windows will detect it as HDR capable. HDR display modes will not work on very old versions of Windows 10, and will not work at all on Windows 7.

Visual Effects

- Photographer spectators have been spotted using flash photography in the stands, and around the track!
- - These spectators will light-up their flashbulbs throughout a session, especially when there's some serious action going on!

- Visual effects generated via PopcornFX should now better obey a users' selected minimum detail level.

Virtual Reality

- A form of nVidia’s simultaneous multi-projection, named Single Pass Stereo (SPS), has been added to help optimize VR rendering. SPS allows the Simulator to render the scene for one eye, and then GPU, via shaders and SPS, create the image for the other eye, without the Simulator needing to submit the entire scene a second time. This reduces the CPU load of the rendering thread and increases the frame rate, especially for the largest and most complex scenes when the frame rate would be lowest.
- - SPS requires a supporting nVidia GPU with a newer device driver installed. GTX1000 and GTX2000 series GPUs, with device drivers after v390 support it. The option is called “SPS” on the Graphics Options screen, and it will be enabled by default if your device driver reports that your GPU supports it. If the SPS option is disabled in the Graphics Options screen, and you have a supported GPU, try a newer device driver.

- Fixed an issue when using VR where the mouse cursor could get stuck on a "curved screen mode" while using the iRacing BETA Interface, even when not on a curved screen.


- Ignition and starter sequences remain a work-in-progress, and will be updated over time.
- - Currently, many cars will use a default audio sequence and will share a generic set of sounds.
- - Cars with unique ignition and starter sounds are as follows:
- - - Audi Quattro GTO
- - - Audi R8 LMS GT3
- - - BMW M8 GTE
- - - BMW Z4 GT3
- - - Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype
- - - Dallara DW12
- - - Dallara F3
- - - Dallara IR18
- - - Ferrari 488 GT3
- - - Ferrari 488 GTE
- - - Ford GT
- - - Ford Falcon FG V8
- - - Formula Renault 2.0
- - - Formula Renault 3.5
- - - Holden Commodore VF V8
- - - Indycar Dallara - 2011
- - - McLaren MP4-30
- - - Pro Mazda
- - - Skip Barber Formula 2000
- - - Williams-Toyota FW31

- All cars have had their engine load sounds modified to be more sensitive to subtle changes in throttle levels.


- Additional detailing has been added to the driver's gloves.

Animated Pit Crew

- The animated pit crew will now look directly at your car as it approaches and leaves.

- The animated Indycar Pit Crew has been training all season, and is now 10% faster!

- The reflectivity of skin-tones in light has been reduced slightly.

- The air wrench hose movements have been smoothed a bit, and should appear less jaggy.

Pace Car

- A new pace car model, Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991), has been added to the iRacing service!

- The default Road pace car is now the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991).


- When playing through a Session change, the system will look forward for data to prepare the replay world for the new session.
- - This fixes an issue on Session transitions where the track in replays could appear to have a stripe-pattern effect. This was being caused by data from the previous Session being used to create the track state, only then to have it overwritten in chunks with the new data.


- While using the camera tool, blimp velocity may now be a negative number, so it can rotate in both directions.

Admin Commands

- A new Admin Command, "!trackstate", has been added.
- - This command allows an Admin to view and change the track state of the NEXT Session.
- - - This is intended especially for dirt racing, to allow Admins to make on-the-fly changes to the track (like simulating some re-prep before the feature for example).


- A new telemetry variable, "PitsOpen" has been added. This variable is true if you are currently able to receive service in your pit.

- A new telemetry variable, "PlayerCarInPitStall" has been added. This variable is true if you are stopped in your stall and parked cleanly so that you can receive service.


- The Fanatec API has been updated to the latest version.


- The iRacing software has been updated with the latest EasyAntiCheat libraries.


Audi R18

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- The blue lights on the FIA safety display will now flash when Cautions are out.


- - The BMW M8 GTE has been added to the iRacing roster of vehicles!
- - The twin-turbo, V8 powered beast joins the already impressive lineup of GTE cars in iRacing. With over 500 bhp, the flagship racing car from BMW competes around the world in series including the FIA World Endurance Championship and the IMSA Weathertech SportsCar Championship. In iRacing, you will see the M8 in the multiclass IMSA Series as well as the iRacing Le Mans and iRacing Le Mans Endurance series. A front engine car, the BMW has already earned a reputation for being tough to pass due to its performance and size. iRacers will have the opportunity to race the M8 wheel to wheel against the Porsche RSR, Ford GT, and Ferrari 488 and find out for themselves which of the GTE cars will reign supreme.


- Starter and compressor sound levels have been adjusted.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

- Fixed an issue where the wing supports would disappear whenever the car was damaged.

- Fixed an issue where the digital display digits were sometimes not at the correct brightness.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

- Fixed an issue where some display digits were not illuminating correctly.

Dallara F3

- Currently, there is a known issue where the tire warmers are not working for this vehicle during Race Sessions. We are still investigating, and do not currently have a timeline for a fix.
- - Please note that the car was only intended to have tire warmers during Race Sessions, so it does not have tire warmers at all.

Dallara IR18

- Tire grip has been reduced slightly at road tracks.

- New 2019 rear speedway wicker options added. Full length front speedway wicker has been removed due to season rules.

- Minimum fuel capacity is now 0.25 KG.

- Vehicle branding has been adjusted for the 2019 season.

- Fixed an issue where the inside of the hubs were not rendering when the tires were removed.

- Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Late Model

- (ALL) - Front packer garage increment adjustment has been changed from 1/4" to 1/16".

- (ALL) - World of Outlaws branding has been updated.

- (ALL) - Minimum damping is now enforced while the car is in the garage.
- - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Midget

- Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Sprint Car

- (ALL) - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.

Dirt Sprint Car - Non-Winged

- (ALL) - Cockpit adjustable dampers have been re-enabled per latest USAC rules.

- (ALL) - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.

Dirt U.M.P. Modified

- Minimum damping is now enforced while the car is in the garage.
- - Damper adjustments will no longer influence heights and weights while the car is sitting in the garage.

- Season setups have been updated.

Ferrari 488 GTE

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- Baseline setup has been adjusted.

Ford GT - 2017

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- Baseline setup has been adjusted.

Formula Renault 3.5

- Legal pushrods length have been increased.

- Non-adjustable bumpstops have been altered to better assist with suspension over-travel concerns.

Legends Ford '34 Coupe

- (ALL) - The rear wheel mass position has been adjusted slightly.

Lotus 49

- Fixed an issue with the mirrors rendering incorrectly.

NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado

- Vehicle branding and ruleset have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra

- Vehicle branding and ruleset have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Vehicle branding and ruleset have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 - 2018

- Short Tracks/RC will use 750hp engine and INTS and SS will use 550hp engine.

- 2019 spec aero packages have been applied.

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Aero grills have been implemented for this vehicle.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet SS

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Ford Fusion

- Short Tracks/RC will use 750hp engine and INTS and SS will use 550hp engine.

- 2019 spec aero packages have been applied.

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Aero grills have been implemented for this vehicle.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Toyota Camry

- Short Tracks/RC will use 750hp engine and INTS and SS will use 550hp engine.

- 2019 spec aero packages have been applied.

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Aero grills have been implemented for this vehicle.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2011

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2013

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado - 2013

- Diff ranges have been opened to allow for any ratio at any track.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro

- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.


- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.


- Contingency decals and branding have been updated for the 2019 NASCAR season.

- Minimum and maximum tire pressure limits have been adjusted.

- Brake and gearbox settings have been simplified by track type.

- Steering offset variable has been reduced to +/- 15 degrees.

- Small changes to drafting to improve suckup at Super Speedway tracks.

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991)

- Rear wing has been strengthened to reduce the likelihood of damage from small impacts.

Porsche 911 RSR

- 2019 Season 2 GTE BoP:
- - Slightly reduced aero drag for higher topspeed.
- - Aero downforce has been decreased slightly.
- - Fuel consumption has been increased slightly to compensate for reduced aero drag.

- Baseline setup has been adjusted.

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

Porsche 919 Hybrid

- The car number font has been adjusted to better match the real world version.

- The blue lights on the FIA safety display will now flash when Cautions are out.

Radical SR8

- Idle speeds have been increased.

- Season setups have been updated.

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- The long awaited V7 Tires are now implemented on this vehicle!
- - Please take them out for some vigorous testing, and let us know what you think. We are looking to gather feedback before fully implementing these on all vehicles.

- Allowable tire pressure range has been adjusted to 14 to 45 psi.

- New in-car, on-board, and chase engine sounds, as well as starter, ignition, gear shift, and engine limiter sounds have been added for this vehicle.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Sprint Car

- Season setups have been updated.

Subaru WRX STI

- Fixed an issue with rendering artifacts on the side mirrors.

Super Late Model

- Various vehicle updates, including:
- - New aerodynamic information applied.
- - Brakes have been altered to better match car performance after aero updates.
- - Small Front-end geometry tuning.
- - 3" ride heights are now legal in the garage.

- Season setups have been updated.

Williams-Toyota FW31

- Fixed an issue where some display digits were not illuminating correctly.


Autodromo Nazionale Monza

- (ALL) - The fixed cubemaps for this track has been adjusted for better visual reflections.

- (ALL) - Fixed an issue where some walls would colorfully flicker at night when headlights shone on them.

Charlotte Motor Speedway

- - A fully re-scanned and re-built version of Charlotte Motor Speedway was released in the 2019 Season 1 build, but it only included the Roval. With this release, we have have added numerous additional track configurations. These were built using the updated laser scan data. These new configs are as follows:
- - Oval - The full oval track used by NASCAR.
- - Roval Long - An alternate version of the Roval which uses an additional track area in the infield to create a longer version of the track. This track is 2.42 miles in length.
- - Legends Oval - The standard Legends oval using parts of the oval and pit road.
- - Legends RC Short - A 0.72 mile road configuration using a short area of the infield road course.
- - Legends RC Medium - A 1.25 mile road configuration using an expanded area of the infield road course.
- - Legends RC Long - A 1.5 mile road configuration using an even more expanded area of the infield road course and parts of the NASCAR oval and pit road.

- This current version of Charlotte Motor Speedway appears on the website as "Charlotte Motor Speedway". The original Charlotte is still available for historical reasons and appears on the website as "Charlotte Motor Speedway - 2016".

Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans

- The color of gravel trap tire marks has been adjusted.

Circuit of the Americas

- Fixed an issue where some walls were not visible on lower graphics settings.

Daytona International Speedway

- - The Daytona Rising real-world track facility upgrades have been implemented at our digital version of this legendary speedway!
- - - The art team has also overhauled much of the environment to bring it up to the latest and greatest specs!

Twin Ring Motegi

- (Oval) - Animated pit crews have been enabled on this track configuration.


- A preliminary version of night lighting has been added to all configurations of Nürburgring, including the GP Circuit, Nordschleife, and Combined circuits. We do not consider this project finished and still plan to place additional lighting, but consider this an early-access preview!

Neben dem BMW M8 gibts noch tolle Neuigkeiten für VR User, man munkelt von einem Performance Plus von bis zu 30% in schwierigen Szenen (Mit nVidia Karten ab GTX1xxx). Dazu ein neues Reifenmodell, allerdings erst mal nur für den Skip Barber

Auf den M8 freue ich mich schon richtig :d Schade dass das neue Reifenmodell nur beim Skippy kommt, der Cup Porsche hat es ja auch schon.
Das mit VR ist sehr erfreulich, hoffe das klappt auch problemlos.

Mamma Mia,was für ne Update Liste^^

Täusche ich mich jetzt oder nutzt du auch VR ? Wenn ja, nutzt du mit deiner GTX2080 SS und mit welchem Faktor ? Habe da noch nicht getestet was so geht .MfG

Fahre mit der Odyssey Plus, habe bei Steam VR unter Video den Regler auf 200% und bei Anwendung auf 100% und bin eigentlich sehr zufrieden so.
VR ist schon mega, aber ich muss mich erst noch dran gewöhnen, bin jetzt gut 3h gefahren, wenn man das Teil dann absetzt fühlt sich das doch sehr komisch an xD
Aber das Feeling ist unvergleichlich, bin auf Anhieb schneller und sicherer unterwegs als davor.

meine Rendererdx11 Settings:

AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file

[Graphics Options]
AllowTSOSelfShadows=1 ; 0=off, 1=more self-shadowing objects when shadow mapping
SelfLitBloom=0 ; 0= disable 1= enable bloom for self lit objects
DNSMFilter=2 ; 0= none 1= Fetch4 2= PCF4 3= PCF4P 4= PCF8P 5= PCF16P
DNSMShadowFade=25 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
NumFixedCubemaps=0 ; number of fixed cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
NumDynamicCubemaps=0 ; number of dynamic cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
ReplayRenderModes=0 ; 0=off, 1=Replay Render Modes enabled
Distortion=0 ; 0=off, 1=Distortion enabled
SharpeningClamp=9 ; sharpening clamp (0=min, 10=default, 100=max)
SharpeningAmount=125 ; sharpening strength (10=min, 125=default, 300=max)
FXAAQualityEdgeThreshold=166 ; 333=too little(fast),250=lowqual,166=default,125=highqual,63=overkill(slow)
FXAAQualitySubPix=75 ; aliasing amt (100=soft,75=default,50=sharp,25=low,0=0ff)
FXAA=0 ; 0=off, 1=FXAA enabled
Sharpening=0 ; 0=off, 1=sharpening enabled
HeatHaze=0 ; 0=off, 1=heat haze enabled
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=0 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track\cars, 3=track\cars\tso
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=0 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=3 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=0 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=0 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=1 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=1 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
PitObjectDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
CarDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
SkyDetail=0 ; 0=low update rate, 1=med update rate, 2=high update rate
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=2 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
EnableTireMarks=1 ; 0=Disable Tire marks 1=Enable tire marks
EnableSwayTrees=0 ; 0=normal trees, 1=trees sway with wind
TrackDisplacementEnable=1 ; 0=render without displacement, 1=render using track displacement shaders
DNSMMaxLightsPerPass=3 ; 0- 6 = Shadowing lights per-fullscreen pass
DynamicShadowRes=1 ; (For 3 maps! So, x3) 0 = 512x512 1 = 1024x1024 2 = 2048x2048 3 = 4096x4096
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with dynamic tires
DynamicTrackTextureUpdateRate=2 ; 0=min, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high frequency of dynamic track texture updates
DynamicTrackDataRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
ShaderQuality=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high, 3=max
HeadlightLevel=2 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
NumMultiGPUs=1 ; Number of GPUs in Crossfire/SLI (1=off to 4). Set low as works.
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
CarPaint2048x2048=1 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=1 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
WorldNearPlaneDistance=10 ; In 1/10 meters, min=1(0.1m) max=30(3m), helps z-fighting but may clip track.
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 0=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
MipLODBias=0 ; % bias texture lookup 100 is a mip level, positive is blurry, negative sharp
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=0 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=203 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 0=disabled/multi-gpu
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8192 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
VidMemMB=8192 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
UIScalePct=66 ; User Interface Size

BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=1 ; 1 or 3
EnableSMPSurround=0 ; 0=off 1=Enable Simultaneous Multi-Projection via GPU
RenderViewPerMonitor=0 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=0 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=0 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=0 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max

Renderer=? ; Driver DLL - Don't Edit This!
Version=0 ; Driver Version - Don't Edit This!
Vendor=? ; Driver Vender - Don't Edit This!

[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=192 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem 128-768 (MB)

[Oculus Rift]
RiftEnabled=1 ; Enable Oculus Rift Support
PixelsPerDisplayPixel=116 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=0 ; Use Rift, if detected, without prompting
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
PrevVirtualMirrorWidth=1124 ; System use only -> do not edit...
PrevVirtualMirrorHeight=220 ; System use only -> do not edit...

OpenVREnabled=1 ; Enable OpenVR Support
PredictionMode=1 ; 0=off, 1=dynamic, 2=fixed
ResolutionScalePct=100 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=0 ; Use OpenVR without prompting (note: Oculus has priority if enabled)
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears

[Replay Graphics]
AllowTSOSelfShadows=0 ; 0=off, 1=more self-shadowing objects when shadow mapping
SelfLitBloom=0 ; 0= disable 1= enable bloom for self lit objects
DNSMFilter=2 ; 0= none 1= Fetch4 2= PCF4 3= PCF4P 4= PCF8P 5= PCF16P
DNSMShadowFade=25 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
NumFixedCubemaps=0 ; number of fixed cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
NumDynamicCubemaps=0 ; number of dynamic cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
ReplayRenderModes=0 ; 0=off, 1=Replay Render Modes enabled
Distortion=0 ; 0=off, 1=Distortion enabled
SharpeningClamp=9 ; sharpening clamp (0=min, 10=default, 100=max)
SharpeningAmount=125 ; sharpening strength (10=min, 125=default, 300=max)
FXAAQualityEdgeThreshold=166 ; 333=too little(fast),250=lowqual,166=default,125=highqual,63=overkill(slow)
FXAAQualitySubPix=75 ; aliasing amt (100=soft,75=default,50=sharp,25=low,0=0ff)
FXAA=0 ; 0=off, 1=FXAA enabled
Sharpening=0 ; 0=off, 1=sharpening enabled
HeatHaze=0 ; 0=off, 1=heat haze enabled
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track\cars, 3=track\cars\tso
DynamicShadowFilters=1 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=0 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=0 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=0 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=1 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=1 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
PitObjectDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
CarDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
SkyDetail=2 ; 0=low update rate, 1=med update rate, 2=high update rate
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=4 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hatte das erste Mal in VR erst nen Kart zum gewöhnen ,dann ne Stunde einen F1 gefahren und musste dann sofort los zur Arbeit mit meinem Auto,in der ersten Kurve hab ich mich irre Erschreckt weil auf einmal die Schwerkraft wieder da war,cooler Mindfuck^^
Hab das Tool erst mal Deinstalliert da es wegen der Auflösung auf 188% eingestellt hat,wenn ich selbst dann in Steam was ändere scheint es sich zu summieren,lief jedenfalls nicht rund.Aber in Steam VR bleibt der eingestellte Wert wenn ich es beende nicht bestehen,wie "speichert"man den Wert?
Kann es nicht sein lassen Rennen zu fahren und werde wohl bald meine Lizenz abdrücken : (
Mittlerweile bin ich bei 2,22 angekommen ,leider auch durch eigene Fehler.Schön von hinten Aufgeholt,dann kannte wohl einer vor mir den Track nicht und hat so früh gebremst das ich mich in der Box erholen durfte...
Sharpening bringt noch was an Qualität
Danke,werde ich mal testen.
Wegen der Odyssey Plus musste ich erst mal googlen,hört sich gut an,ist der Fliegen Gitter Effekt Tatsächlich vermindert? Beim racen stört es mich nicht,aber wenn man am Start steht oder im SP fällt es schon auf,aber das Gaming Erlebnis macht es bei weitem Wett,nie wieder racer ohne VR (zumindest solange es kein Hologramm fürs Wohnzimmer gibt: )

Urks,gibt ja nen VR Thread für iRacing,ich hoffe ich hab demnächst mal Langeweile...Log in | iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Danke,werde ich mal testen.
Wegen der Odyssey Plus musste ich erst mal googlen,hört sich gut an,ist der Fliegen Gitter Effekt Tatsächlich vermindert? Beim racen stört es mich nicht,aber wenn man am Start steht oder im SP fällt es schon auf,aber das Gaming Erlebnis macht es bei weitem Wett,nie wieder racer ohne VR (zumindest solange es kein Hologramm fürs Wohnzimmer gibt: )

Urks,gibt ja nen VR Thread für iRacing,ich hoffe ich hab demnächst mal Langeweile...Log in | iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations

Also ich hatte Vive sowie auch die Oculus und beide waren für mich nicht akzeptabel. Die Odyssey Plus ist um einiges besser und ich werde diese behalten. Der Fliegengitter Effekt ist schon noch sichtbar, wenn man ihn sehen will. Man kann ihn auf jeden Fall sehr viel besser ausblenden als bei der Vive oder Oculus und die Farben sind durch das AMOLED Display richtig gut, Schwarz ist zudem auch Schwarz. Solltest du mit dem Gedanken Spielen dir die Brille zu kaufen, mach es :d
Ich brauche mal ein paar Tips von euch. Wer von euch nutzt ein Dashboard Tool ala Z1 Dashboard.
Je nach Lust und Laune hab ich nicht immer Bock in VR zu zocken und hab noch nen 10zoll Touch 800×600 Pixel Display welches ich gern zusätzlich zum 34 Zöller als Dashboard ans Rig montieren würde.
Gibt es da noch andere Tools die ich mal testen sollte oder ist Z1 wirklich das welches fast alle nutzen?
Konnte da leider sonst nur Infos zu Android Apps finden.
Der M8 ist jetzt verfügbar :)

Jetzt muss nur noch meine License umspringen, passiert das automatisch?
ja, du bekommst ein popup angezeigt

Wo siehst du den M8?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich depp hab nicht genau gelesen da stand "M8 now available" allerdings in den Patchnotes für den morgigen Patch :fresse:
Ohjeh da werd ich jetzt doch mein konto mal bisschen belasten müssen.
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