[Sammelthread] Kodi - open source Mediacenter

Open ATV V4 läuft bei mir. Maximal 2 Clients + 1 ne Aufnahme, das ist aber nicht die Regel. Mit der Originalen dürfte kein Oscam Laufen ? Wenn ich nicht Irre ist aber doch eigentlich die Originale Open ATV ? War zumindest bei meiner Box damals so.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.

<Off Topic>
..Was auch eine Tolle Sache ist..
jau uvm. uA auch mit dem DVBViewer GE..

</Off Topic>

..aber wer nicht DVBViewer addicted ist/den DVBViewer nicht kennt/hat und mit einem Enigma Receiver unterwegs ist, sollte/kann getrost bei Kodi mit dem Enigma/VU+ Addon bleiben...verpasst hat man nix.

Aus Frankreich schrieb:
Der König ist tot, es lebe der König!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das mit den DVB viewer hab ich mir auch schon angeguckt. Nur passt in mein htpc nur ein Tuner ich möchte aber 3 clienten versorgen und 2tens müsste dann der htpc durch gehend laufen wenn die anderen 2 clienten gucken wollen.

Deswegen ist mir momentan das die beste Lösung.
Für die Zukunft ist aber schon meine Server Aufrüstung geplant mit 2 dual Tuner nur das dauert noch und ich muss dann noch sat kabel in den Keller legen.

2 Clienten sind Fire TV Sticks nur im Wohnzimmer ist ein HTPC.
Ist natürlich auch noch ne Variante für das Wohnzimmer werd ich mir die tage mal angucken.

Mal ne andere Frage wieder zu Kodi.
Taste "C" ist ja so ne Info Taste.
Auf meine Logitech Touch gibt es auch eine Info taste.
Wenn ich diese im Menü drücke kommt auch das selbe fenster wie bei der Taste "C"
Aber im Live TV Fenster also wenn ein Sender an ist macht diese Info Taste von der Logitech Nichts aber von der Tastatur das "C" öffnet die sender auswahl.
Kann ich irgendwo Gucken welche funktion die Info Taste hat und diese ändern das es genau so wie das "C" funktioniert?
ja aber wie heißt die funktion die auf dem "C" ist.

edit: Kontextmenü war es. teste ich gleich mal wenn der kleine im Bett ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also das funktioniert leider nicht der über nimmt das laut addon aber sobald ich wieder in live TV die Info taste drücke passiert nichts.
Aber jetzt weis ich den code von der Fernbedienung. Kann ich das dann nicht manuell in der config einstellen?

Ich drehe hier gleich ab.
Kodi Nervt mich gerade tierisch und selbst google kann mir nicht weiterhelfen.
Ich habe die Kodi Version 14.2 drauf.

Also eigentlich möchte ich nur bei Live TV das ContextMenü mit der Info Taste meiner Logitech Touch öffnen.
Aber Keine Alternative Remote.xml oder keyboard.xml funktioniert.
Auch nicht das Addon Keymap Editor klappt.
Kopiert habe ich es nach C:\Users\DayOne\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\keymaps
Versucht habe ich es auch schon nach
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\userdata\keymaps
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\userdata\

Hilft alles nichts Kodi lädt das ganze einfach nicht.

hier die letzte log datei

21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (14.2 Git:20150326-7cc53a9). Platform: Windows NT x86 32-bit
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Mar 26 2015 by MSVC 180030723 for Windows NT x86 32-bit version 6.0 (0x06000000)
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Running on ASUS All Series with Windows 8.1, kernel: Windows NT x86 64-bit version 6.3
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4330 CPU @ 3.50GHz, 4 cores available
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1920x1080 32Bit at 59Hz
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Running with restricted rights
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Aero is enabled
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Users\Dennis\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Users\Dennis\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Users\Dennis\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\cache
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\Kodi.exe
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Local hostname: HTPC
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Users\Dennis\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\kodi.log
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: load settings...
21:23:49 T:2228 WARNING: CSettingString: unknown options filler "timezonecountries" of "locale.timezonecountry"
21:23:49 T:2228 WARNING: CSettingString: unknown options filler "timezones" of "locale.timezone"
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Thread ActiveAE start, auto delete: false
21:23:49 T:4064 NOTICE: Thread AESink start, auto delete: false
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: CAESinkWASAPI::EnumerateDevicesEx: data format "AE_FMT_DTSHD" on device "TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)" seems to be not supported.
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: CAESinkWASAPI::EnumerateDevicesEx: data format "AE_FMT_TRUEHD" on device "TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)" seems to be not supported.
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: CAESinkWASAPI::EnumerateDevicesEx: data format "AE_FMT_AAC" on device "TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)" seems to be not supported.
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Enumerated DIRECTSOUND devices:
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 1
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {17DF9084-5E0D-41FE-8B27-E43E74F7DF86}
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : Speakers - Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 2
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {B188DC80-9546-4A5E-B40B-B62186B7090D}
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI - TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,BL,BR,SL,SR,LFE
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 3
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,BL,BR,SL,SR,LFE
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Enumerated WASAPI devices:
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 1
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {17DF9084-5E0D-41FE-8B27-E43E74F7DF86}
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : Speakers - Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,LFE,SL,SR,BL,BR
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,96000,48000,44100
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S24NE4MSB,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_S16BE,AE_FMT_LPCM
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 2
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {B188DC80-9546-4A5E-B40B-B62186B7090D}
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI - TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: TX-NR616 (2- High Definition Audio-Gerät)
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,LFE,SL,SR,BL,BR
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,176400,96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 3
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,LFE,SL,SR,BL,BR
21:23:49 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,176400,96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org
21:23:49 T:3944 NOTICE: Thread RemoteControl start, auto delete: false
21:23:49 T:1944 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusCEC start, auto delete: false
21:23:49 T:964 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusUSB start, auto delete: false
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Found screen: Digital Flat Panel (1024x768 60Hz) on Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, adapter 0.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Primary mode: 1920x1080@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:49 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 25.00i - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:50 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 23.98 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 24.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 25.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 29.97 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 30.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 50.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 25.00i - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 59.94 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 60.00 - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 29.97i - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 30.00i - Full Screen
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
21:23:51 T:2228 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window tv
21:23:51 T:2228 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic48
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos90
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version TV26
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running database version Epg8
21:23:51 T:2228 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.Channel"
21:23:51 T:2228 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended"
21:23:51 T:2228 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "GUI.Property.Value"
21:23:51 T:2228 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
21:23:51 T:4964 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:2728 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: initialize done
21:23:51 T:2728 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
21:23:51 T:1728 NOTICE: Thread PVRManager start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: Thread PVRClient start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::Open - VU+ Addon Configuration options
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::Open - Hostname: ''
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::Open - WebPort: '80'
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::Open - StreamPort: '8001'
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::Open Use HTTPS: 'false'
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: Running the application...
21:23:51 T:2944 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetDeviceInfo - DeviceInfo
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetDeviceInfo - E2EnigmaVersion: 2015-06-17
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetDeviceInfo - E2ImageVersion: 5.0.0
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetDeviceInfo - E2WebIfVersion: OWIF 0.4.6
21:23:51 T:4736 NOTICE: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetDeviceInfo - E2DeviceName: Quad Plus
21:23:51 T:1496 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:2228 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
21:23:51 T:2804 NOTICE: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:3556 NOTICE: Thread TCPServer start, auto delete: false
21:23:51 T:2804 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
21:23:51 T:2804 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
21:23:51 T:4964 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
21:23:51 T:4900 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:23:52 T:1728 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 17 times.
21:23:52 T:1728 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetRecordings Error fetching lists for folder: '/media/hdd/movie/'
21:23:52 T:1396 NOTICE: Thread PVRGUIInfo start, auto delete: false
21:23:53 T:1728 NOTICE: EPG::CEpgContainer::Start - EPG thread started
21:23:53 T:2740 NOTICE: Thread EPGUpdater start, auto delete: false
21:23:53 T:716 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:06 T:2632 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 55 times.
21:24:06 T:2632 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
21:24:06 T:1664 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:11 T:4352 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 15 times.
21:24:11 T:4352 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
21:24:11 T:1616 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:13 T:2480 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 7 times.
21:24:13 T:2480 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
21:24:13 T:4996 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:19 T:4372 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 45 times.
21:24:19 T:4372 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
21:24:19 T:992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:20 T:4840 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 8 times.
21:24:20 T:4840 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:24:20 T:3472 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:21 T:3420 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 8 times.
21:24:21 T:3420 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:24:21 T:2568 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:24:22 T:4632 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 12 times.
21:24:22 T:4632 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:24:30 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.module.youtube.dl/icon.png
21:24:30 T:2728 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.ace.extrapack/icon.png
21:24:32 T:3420 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/service.libraryautoupdate/icon.png
21:24:49 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.artworkorganizer/fanart.jpg
21:24:51 T:4632 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.advanced.wol/icon.png
21:25:06 T:2228 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:25:06 T:2228 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:25:06 T:2228 ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.keymap/script.keymap-1.0.9.zip.md5>
21:25:14 T:4008 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:25:16 T:2728 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.keymap/script.keymap-1.0.9.zip
21:25:26 T:1552 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
21:25:33 T:2504 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
21:25:33 T:2504 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
21:25:40 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.artworkorganizer/icon.png
21:25:51 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.audio.profiles/icon.png
21:26:01 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.xbmcbackup/icon.png
21:26:03 T:1880 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
21:26:12 T:4116 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:12 T:4116 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:26:17 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:26:17 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:26:27 T:4840 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.cinema.experience/icon.png
21:26:29 T:4048 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:29 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: pvr://channels/tv/Alle Kanäle/0.pvr
21:26:29 T:2228 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
21:26:29 T:4568 NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
21:26:29 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
21:26:30 T:4020 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Television' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Television'
21:26:30 T:2032 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VOX' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VOX'
21:26:30 T:5108 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1'
21:26:30 T:5052 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben'
21:26:30 T:2732 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL2' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL2'
21:26:30 T:2764 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'DMAX' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'DMAX'
21:26:30 T:3464 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'kabel eins' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'kabel eins'
21:26:30 T:3504 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben MAXX' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben MAXX'
21:26:30 T:4856 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 Gold' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 Gold'
21:26:30 T:4408 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ANIXE SD' from client '1': server error
21:26:30 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ANIXE SD'
21:26:30 T:3756 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTLNITRO' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTLNITRO'
21:26:31 T:340 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'n-tv' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'n-tv'
21:26:31 T:1412 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'N24' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'N24'
21:26:31 T:300 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ORF1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ORF1 HD'
21:26:31 T:708 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ATV HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ATV HD'
21:26:31 T:1948 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ATV2' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ATV2'
21:26:31 T:4760 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PULS 4 Austria' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PULS 4 Austria'
21:26:31 T:4636 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Nickelodeon' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Nickelodeon'
21:26:31 T:2752 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Comedy Central Nederland' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Comedy Central Nederland'
21:26:31 T:1648 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SUPER RTL' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SUPER RTL'
21:26:31 T:1808 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Boomerang' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Boomerang'
21:26:31 T:3120 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Animax' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Animax'
21:26:31 T:1548 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Nicktoons (S)' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Nicktoons (S)'
21:26:31 T:4528 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Cartoon Network (S)' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Cartoon Network (S)'
21:26:31 T:4176 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:31 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney XD' from client '1': server error
21:26:31 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney XD'
21:26:32 T:4524 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SPORT1' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SPORT1'
21:26:32 T:804 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Eurosport Deutschland' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Eurosport Deutschland'
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
21:26:32 T:848 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MELODIE TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MELODIE TV'
21:26:32 T:3272 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Comedy Central / VIVA AT' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Comedy Central / VIVA AT'
21:26:32 T:2316 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Comedy Central/VIVA' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Comedy Central/VIVA'
21:26:32 T:748 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VIVA Polska.' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VIVA Polska.'
21:26:32 T:3740 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VIVA Polska..' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VIVA Polska..'
21:26:32 T:2992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 256
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating video thread
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VIVA Polska' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Opening stream: 7 source: 256
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86019
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VIVA Polska'
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Opening stream: 6 source: 256
21:26:32 T:4556 NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Opening stream: 5 source: 256
21:26:32 T:4556 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(teletext)::WaitUntilEmpty
21:26:32 T:4568 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(teletext)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: waiting for teletext data thread to exit
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating teletext data thread
21:26:32 T:3720 NOTICE: Thread DVDTeletextData start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:3720 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDTeletextData
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 256
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::GetFormat - Creating DXVA(1280x720)
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Opening stream: 7 source: 256
21:26:32 T:4568 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86019
21:26:32 T:4556 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::GetFormat - Creating DXVA(1280x720)
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: DXVA::CDecoder::Close - closing decoder
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: fps: 0.000000, pwidth: 1280, pheight: 720, dwidth: 1280, dheight: 720
21:26:32 T:1564 NOTICE: D3D: rendering method forced to DXVA processor
21:26:32 T:2228 WARNING: CWinRenderer::UpdateVideoFilter - chosen scaling method 1 is not supported by renderer
21:26:32 T:2708 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VOX Music TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VOX Music TV'
21:26:32 T:1408 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'gotv' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'gotv'
21:26:32 T:3248 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Music Box Russia' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Music Box Russia'
21:26:32 T:4952 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PMC' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PMC'
21:26:32 T:1332 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nex1' from client '1': server error
21:26:32 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nex1'
21:26:33 T:3148 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Shanson TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Shanson TV'
21:26:33 T:2424 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'iMovie' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'iMovie'
21:26:33 T:104 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Mjuzik TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Mjuzik TV'
21:26:33 T:612 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TV Disco' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TV Disco'
21:26:33 T:3864 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Mjuzik TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Mjuzik TV'
21:26:33 T:1172 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TV Disco' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TV Disco'
21:26:33 T:4444 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Music 24' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Music 24'
21:26:33 T:716 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV ROCKS' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV ROCKS'
21:26:33 T:1888 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Hits' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Hits'
21:26:33 T:3624 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Dance' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Dance'
21:26:33 T:1404 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1'
21:26:33 T:4468 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1 Classic' from client '1': server error
21:26:33 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1 Classic'
21:26:34 T:3920 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:26:34 T:564 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Deluxe Music HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Deluxe Music HD'
21:26:34 T:1456 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1 Classic.' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1 Classic.'
21:26:34 T:3136 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1.' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1.'
21:26:34 T:4028 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1'
21:26:34 T:3516 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1'
21:26:34 T:4832 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Hits.' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Hits.'
21:26:34 T:4160 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Hits' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Hits'
21:26:34 T:2336 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV'
21:26:34 T:1720 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV'
21:26:34 T:3288 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Classic' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Classic'
21:26:34 T:4704 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Dance' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Dance'
21:26:34 T:2296 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Music' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Music'
21:26:34 T:3844 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV ROCKS.' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV ROCKS.'
21:26:34 T:4104 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Rocks' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Rocks'
21:26:34 T:4964 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Rocks' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Rocks'
21:26:34 T:5104 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Polska.' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Polska.'
21:26:34 T:4340 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Polska' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Polska'
21:26:34 T:5016 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD Austria' from client '1': server error
21:26:34 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD Austria'
21:26:35 T:1380 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV BASE HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV BASE HD'
21:26:35 T:4560 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV PULSE HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV PULSE HD'
21:26:35 T:1992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV IDOL HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV IDOL HD'
21:26:35 T:2396 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:26:35 T:3520 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:26:35 T:2080 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Live HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Live HD'
21:26:35 T:2380 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Live HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Live HD'
21:26:35 T:3108 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MCM' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MCM'
21:26:35 T:3796 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RFM TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RFM TV'
21:26:35 T:292 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RFM TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RFM TV'
21:26:35 T:336 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MCM TOP' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MCM TOP'
21:26:35 T:1892 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MCM TOP' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MCM TOP'
21:26:35 T:5040 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel '40 TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '40 TV'
21:26:35 T:4992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MEGA' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MEGA'
21:26:35 T:2832 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MAD T.V' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MAD T.V'
21:26:35 T:3152 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova MAD MUSIC My Rock' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova MAD MUSIC My Rock'
21:26:35 T:820 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova MAD MUSIC Greek' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova MAD MUSIC Greek'
21:26:35 T:3324 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova 3D' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova 3D'
21:26:35 T:2780 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy'
21:26:35 T:320 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova 3D Cy' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova 3D Cy'
21:26:35 T:3892 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova Mad Music Seasonal Cy' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova Mad Music Seasonal Cy'
21:26:35 T:4720 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy'
21:26:35 T:3368 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TF1' from client '1': server error
21:26:35 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TF1'
21:26:35 T:652 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NRJ HITS' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NRJ HITS'
21:26:36 T:3264 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC PLAYER' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC PLAYER'
21:26:36 T:4252 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC'
21:26:36 T:3476 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC'
21:26:36 T:1672 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC HD'
21:26:36 T:5096 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Syfy' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Syfy'
21:26:36 T:2700 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel '13th Street' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '13th Street'
21:26:36 T:2372 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Discovery Channel' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Discovery Channel'
21:26:36 T:1044 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NatGeo Wild' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NatGeo Wild'
21:26:36 T:4948 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'National Geographic' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'National Geographic'
21:26:36 T:1976 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Fox Serie' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Fox Serie'
21:26:36 T:3524 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TNT Serie' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TNT Serie'
21:26:36 T:2632 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Motorvision TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:36 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Motorvision TV'
21:26:37 T:1664 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:37 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney XD' from client '1': server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney XD'
21:26:37 T:3132 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:37 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Crime' from client '1': server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Crime'
21:26:37 T:1028 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Passion' from client '1': server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Passion'
21:26:37 T:3500 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:37 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Animax' from client '1': server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Animax'
21:26:37 T:1296 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Living' from client '1': server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Living'
21:26:37 T:1180 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1 Classic' from client '1': server error
21:26:37 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1 Classic'
21:26:38 T:3900 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Cartoon Network (S)' from client '1': server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Cartoon Network (S)'
21:26:38 T:996 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Boomerang' from client '1': server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Boomerang'
21:26:38 T:1812 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:38 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'A&E' from client '1': server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'A&E'
21:26:38 T:4180 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:38 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 emotions' from client '1': server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 emotions'
21:26:38 T:4292 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'kabel eins classics' from client '1': server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'kabel eins classics'
21:26:38 T:2800 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:38 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Cinema+1' from client '1': server error
21:26:38 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Cinema+1'
21:26:39 T:1040 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:39 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 5 times.
21:26:39 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:39 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Action' from client '1': server error
21:26:39 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Action'
21:26:39 T:2376 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:39 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:39 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Atlantic' from client '1': server error
21:26:39 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Atlantic'
21:26:39 T:3352 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:40 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 4 times.
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NatGeo HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NatGeo HD'
21:26:40 T:4112 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:40 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 4 times.
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Atlantic HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Atlantic HD'
21:26:40 T:4640 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:40 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Syfy HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Syfy HD'
21:26:40 T:2808 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel '13th Street HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '13th Street HD'
21:26:40 T:4956 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:40 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Universal HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:40 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Universal HD'
21:26:41 T:2480 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:41 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TNT Glitz HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TNT Glitz HD'
21:26:41 T:1644 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:41 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'E! Entertainm. HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'E! Entertainm. HD'
21:26:41 T:2724 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:41 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney Channel HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney Channel HD'
21:26:41 T:2976 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:41 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Fox HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:41 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Fox HD'
21:26:42 T:5004 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Cinema+1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Cinema+1 HD'
21:26:42 T:1160 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:42 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Deluxe Music HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Deluxe Music HD'
21:26:42 T:660 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:42 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sportdigital' from client '1': server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sportdigital'
21:26:42 T:1776 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:42 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Sport 1' from client '1': server error
21:26:42 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Sport 1'
21:26:42 T:3004 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 8 times.
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
21:26:43 T:3636 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Closing stream player 1
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
21:26:43 T:4556 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Closing audio device
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Closing stream player 2
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
21:26:43 T:3208 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:43 T:1564 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:43 T:1564 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: deleting video codec
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: DXVA::CDecoder::Close - closing decoder
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: DXVA::Close - closing decoder context
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Closing stream player 3
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: Closing stream player 4
21:26:43 T:4568 NOTICE: waiting for teletext data thread to exit
21:26:43 T:3720 ERROR: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true (-1)
21:26:43 T:3720 NOTICE: thread end: data_thread
21:26:43 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:43 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SPORT1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:43 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SPORT1 HD'
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
21:26:43 T:4100 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
21:26:43 T:2228 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
21:26:43 T:2056 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:44 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 12 times.
21:26:44 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:44 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Bundesliga 1' from client '1': server error
21:26:44 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Bundesliga 1'
21:26:44 T:3176 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:45 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 10 times.
21:26:45 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:45 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Bundesliga HD 1' from client '1': server error
21:26:45 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Bundesliga HD 1'
21:26:45 T:4428 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 9 times.
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 HD'
21:26:46 T:5080 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 Gold HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 Gold HD'
21:26:46 T:5064 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben HD'
21:26:46 T:3192 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben MAXX HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben MAXX HD'
21:26:46 T:3472 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL HD'
21:26:46 T:3972 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTLII HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTLII HD'
21:26:46 T:3304 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SUPER RTL HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SUPER RTL HD'
21:26:46 T:2356 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTLNITRO HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTLNITRO HD'
21:26:46 T:4344 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VOX HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VOX HD'
21:26:46 T:4412 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'kabel eins HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'kabel eins HD'
21:26:46 T:4236 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SIXX HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SIXX HD'
21:26:46 T:3652 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TLC HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TLC HD'
21:26:46 T:4392 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NICKELODEON HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NICKELODEON HD'
21:26:46 T:596 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney Channel HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney Channel HD'
21:26:46 T:5116 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'n-tv HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'n-tv HD'
21:26:46 T:2568 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SPORT1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SPORT1 HD'
21:26:46 T:2536 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'N24 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:46 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'N24 HD'
21:26:47 T:4884 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TELE 5 HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TELE 5 HD'
21:26:47 T:4656 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'DMAX HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'DMAX HD'
21:26:47 T:4764 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'sonnenklar.TV HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'sonnenklar.TV HD'
21:26:47 T:1908 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Deluxe Music HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Deluxe Music HD'
21:26:47 T:5036 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:26:47 T:2420 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Redlight' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Redlight'
21:26:47 T:460 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'EXOTICA TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'EXOTICA TV'
21:26:47 T:2280 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT 5' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT 5'
21:26:47 T:3936 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT 6' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT 6'
21:26:47 T:4572 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT 7' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT 7'
21:26:47 T:5092 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT HQ' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT HQ'
21:26:47 T:5000 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT HD'
21:26:47 T:4668 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PINK O TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PINK O TV'
21:26:47 T:3552 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Dorcel TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Dorcel TV'
21:26:47 T:3676 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Brazzers TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Brazzers TV'
21:26:47 T:3964 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Hustler TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Hustler TV'
21:26:47 T:4684 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Hustler HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:47 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Hustler HD'
21:26:47 T:3924 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PRIVATE TV' from client '1': server error
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PRIVATE TV'
21:26:48 T:1508 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Daring tv! 133' from client '1': server error
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Daring tv! 133'
21:26:48 T:2920 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Redlight HD' from client '1': server error
21:26:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Redlight HD'
21:27:13 T:4632 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.facebook.media/icon.png
21:27:36 T:4632 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.globalsearch/icon.png
21:27:46 T:4632 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/plugin.program.HyperSpin/icon.png
21:27:56 T:4632 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.ircchat/icon.png
21:28:10 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.filecleaner/icon.png
21:28:20 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.xbmc.debug.log/icon.png
21:28:32 T:2312 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:28:32 T:1728 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:28:32 T:1728 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetRecordings Error fetching lists for folder: '/media/hdd/movie/'
21:29:10 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:29:10 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:29:20 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/plugin.program.mceremote/icon.png
21:29:30 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:29:30 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:29:51 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.moviequiz/icon.png
21:30:24 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/screensaver.randomtrailers/icon.png
21:30:35 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.games.rom.collection.browser/icon.png
21:30:37 T:4796 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:30:37 T:1728 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:30:37 T:1728 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetRecordings Error fetching lists for folder: '/media/hdd/movie/'
21:31:14 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:31:14 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:31:14 T:3756 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:31:34 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.rss.editor/icon.png
21:31:48 T:3272 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Television' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Television'
21:31:48 T:2316 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VOX' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VOX'
21:31:48 T:748 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1'
21:31:48 T:3740 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben'
21:31:48 T:2992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL2' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL2'
21:31:48 T:4128 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'DMAX' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'DMAX'
21:31:48 T:4192 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'kabel eins' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'kabel eins'
21:31:48 T:4464 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben MAXX' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben MAXX'
21:31:48 T:808 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 Gold' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 Gold'
21:31:48 T:2428 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ANIXE SD' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ANIXE SD'
21:31:48 T:5076 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTLNITRO' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTLNITRO'
21:31:48 T:1076 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'n-tv' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'n-tv'
21:31:48 T:4804 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'N24' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'N24'
21:31:48 T:4988 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ORF1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ORF1 HD'
21:31:48 T:3752 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ATV HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ATV HD'
21:31:48 T:2940 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:48 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ATV2' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ATV2'
21:31:49 T:2708 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PULS 4 Austria' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PULS 4 Austria'
21:31:49 T:2208 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Nickelodeon' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Nickelodeon'
21:31:49 T:1408 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Comedy Central Nederland' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Comedy Central Nederland'
21:31:49 T:3248 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SUPER RTL' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SUPER RTL'
21:31:49 T:4952 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Boomerang' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Boomerang'
21:31:49 T:1332 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Animax' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Animax'
21:31:49 T:3148 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Nicktoons (S)' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Nicktoons (S)'
21:31:49 T:2424 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Cartoon Network (S)' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Cartoon Network (S)'
21:31:49 T:104 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney XD' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney XD'
21:31:49 T:612 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SPORT1' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SPORT1'
21:31:49 T:3864 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Eurosport Deutschland' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Eurosport Deutschland'
21:31:49 T:1172 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MELODIE TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MELODIE TV'
21:31:49 T:3064 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Comedy Central / VIVA AT' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Comedy Central / VIVA AT'
21:31:49 T:4444 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Comedy Central/VIVA' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Comedy Central/VIVA'
21:31:49 T:1108 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VIVA Polska.' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VIVA Polska.'
21:31:49 T:716 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VIVA Polska..' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VIVA Polska..'
21:31:49 T:1888 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VIVA Polska' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VIVA Polska'
21:31:49 T:3624 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VOX Music TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VOX Music TV'
21:31:49 T:1404 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'gotv' from client '1': server error
21:31:49 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'gotv'
21:31:49 T:4468 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Music Box Russia' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Music Box Russia'
21:31:50 T:3920 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PMC' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PMC'
21:31:50 T:1960 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nex1' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nex1'
21:31:50 T:564 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Shanson TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Shanson TV'
21:31:50 T:1456 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'iMovie' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'iMovie'
21:31:50 T:3136 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Mjuzik TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Mjuzik TV'
21:31:50 T:4028 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TV Disco' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TV Disco'
21:31:50 T:3516 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Mjuzik TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Mjuzik TV'
21:31:50 T:4832 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TV Disco' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TV Disco'
21:31:50 T:1528 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Music 24' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Music 24'
21:31:50 T:4160 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV ROCKS' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV ROCKS'
21:31:50 T:2336 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Hits' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Hits'
21:31:50 T:1720 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Dance' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Dance'
21:31:50 T:3288 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1'
21:31:50 T:4704 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1 Classic' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1 Classic'
21:31:50 T:2296 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:31:50 T:3844 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Deluxe Music HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Deluxe Music HD'
21:31:50 T:4104 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1 Classic.' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1 Classic.'
21:31:50 T:4964 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1.' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1.'
21:31:50 T:5104 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1'
21:31:50 T:4340 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1'
21:31:50 T:5016 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Hits.' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Hits.'
21:31:50 T:1380 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Hits' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Hits'
21:31:50 T:4560 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV' from client '1': server error
21:31:50 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV'
21:31:51 T:1992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV'
21:31:51 T:2396 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Classic' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Classic'
21:31:51 T:2080 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Dance' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Dance'
21:31:51 T:2380 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Music' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Music'
21:31:51 T:3108 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV ROCKS.' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV ROCKS.'
21:31:51 T:3796 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Rocks' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Rocks'
21:31:51 T:292 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Rocks' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Rocks'
21:31:51 T:336 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Polska.' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Polska.'
21:31:51 T:1892 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Polska' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Polska'
21:31:51 T:5040 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD Austria' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD Austria'
21:31:51 T:4992 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV BASE HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV BASE HD'
21:31:51 T:2832 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV PULSE HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV PULSE HD'
21:31:51 T:3152 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV IDOL HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV IDOL HD'
21:31:51 T:820 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:31:51 T:3324 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:31:51 T:2780 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Live HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Live HD'
21:31:51 T:320 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV Live HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV Live HD'
21:31:51 T:3892 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MCM' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MCM'
21:31:51 T:4720 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RFM TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RFM TV'
21:31:51 T:3368 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RFM TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:51 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RFM TV'
21:31:52 T:652 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MCM TOP' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MCM TOP'
21:31:52 T:3264 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MCM TOP' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MCM TOP'
21:31:52 T:4252 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel '40 TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '40 TV'
21:31:52 T:3476 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MEGA' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MEGA'
21:31:52 T:1672 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MAD T.V' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MAD T.V'
21:31:52 T:5096 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova MAD MUSIC My Rock' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova MAD MUSIC My Rock'
21:31:52 T:2700 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova MAD MUSIC Greek' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova MAD MUSIC Greek'
21:31:52 T:2372 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova 3D' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova 3D'
21:31:52 T:1044 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy'
21:31:52 T:4948 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova 3D Cy' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova 3D Cy'
21:31:52 T:1976 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova Mad Music Seasonal Cy' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova Mad Music Seasonal Cy'
21:31:52 T:3688 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'nova Mad Music My Rock Cy'
21:31:52 T:4420 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TF1' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TF1'
21:31:52 T:3524 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NRJ HITS' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NRJ HITS'
21:31:52 T:2632 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC PLAYER' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC PLAYER'
21:31:52 T:1664 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC'
21:31:52 T:4424 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC'
21:31:52 T:3132 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'M6 MUSIC HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'M6 MUSIC HD'
21:31:52 T:856 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Syfy' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Syfy'
21:31:52 T:4376 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel '13th Street' from client '1': server error
21:31:52 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '13th Street'
21:31:53 T:392 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Discovery Channel' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Discovery Channel'
21:31:53 T:1028 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NatGeo Wild' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NatGeo Wild'
21:31:53 T:3500 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'National Geographic' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'National Geographic'
21:31:53 T:4852 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Fox Serie' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Fox Serie'
21:31:53 T:3228 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TNT Serie' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TNT Serie'
21:31:53 T:1296 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Motorvision TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Motorvision TV'
21:31:53 T:1180 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney XD' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney XD'
21:31:53 T:3900 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Crime' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Crime'
21:31:53 T:996 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Passion' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Passion'
21:31:53 T:1812 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Animax' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Animax'
21:31:53 T:1560 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL Living' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL Living'
21:31:53 T:3220 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VH1 Classic' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VH1 Classic'
21:31:53 T:4920 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Cartoon Network (S)' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Cartoon Network (S)'
21:31:53 T:4180 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Boomerang' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Boomerang'
21:31:53 T:76 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'A&E' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'A&E'
21:31:53 T:4292 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 emotions' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 emotions'
21:31:53 T:2800 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'kabel eins classics' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'kabel eins classics'
21:31:53 T:3172 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Cinema+1' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Cinema+1'
21:31:53 T:4212 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Action' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Action'
21:31:53 T:1040 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Atlantic' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Atlantic'
21:31:53 T:3672 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NatGeo HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:53 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NatGeo HD'
21:31:54 T:3692 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Atlantic HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Atlantic HD'
21:31:54 T:4268 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Syfy HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Syfy HD'
21:31:54 T:4228 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel '13th Street HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table '13th Street HD'
21:31:54 T:1004 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Universal HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Universal HD'
21:31:54 T:2376 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TNT Glitz HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TNT Glitz HD'
21:31:54 T:3352 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'E! Entertainm. HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'E! Entertainm. HD'
21:31:54 T:4452 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney Channel HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney Channel HD'
21:31:54 T:5048 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Fox HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Fox HD'
21:31:54 T:1516 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Cinema+1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Cinema+1 HD'
21:31:54 T:4152 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Deluxe Music HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Deluxe Music HD'
21:31:54 T:4112 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sportdigital' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sportdigital'
21:31:54 T:4352 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Sport 1' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Sport 1'
21:31:54 T:1616 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SPORT1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SPORT1 HD'
21:31:54 T:3976 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Bundesliga 1' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Bundesliga 1'
21:31:54 T:3184 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Sky Bundesliga HD 1' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Sky Bundesliga HD 1'
21:31:54 T:4640 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 HD'
21:31:54 T:4108 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SAT.1 Gold HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SAT.1 Gold HD'
21:31:54 T:2368 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben HD'
21:31:54 T:4932 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'ProSieben MAXX HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'ProSieben MAXX HD'
21:31:54 T:2808 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTL HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTL HD'
21:31:54 T:4956 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTLII HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTLII HD'
21:31:54 T:1800 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SUPER RTL HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SUPER RTL HD'
21:31:54 T:2480 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'RTLNITRO HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'RTLNITRO HD'
21:31:54 T:4996 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'VOX HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'VOX HD'
21:31:54 T:1644 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'kabel eins HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'kabel eins HD'
21:31:54 T:3764 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SIXX HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:54 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SIXX HD'
21:31:55 T:1512 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TLC HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TLC HD'
21:31:55 T:2724 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'NICKELODEON HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'NICKELODEON HD'
21:31:55 T:1268 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Disney Channel HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Disney Channel HD'
21:31:55 T:4200 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'n-tv HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'n-tv HD'
21:31:55 T:2976 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SPORT1 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SPORT1 HD'
21:31:55 T:2416 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'N24 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'N24 HD'
21:31:55 T:5004 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'TELE 5 HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'TELE 5 HD'
21:31:55 T:1160 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'DMAX HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'DMAX HD'
21:31:55 T:3276 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'sonnenklar.TV HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'sonnenklar.TV HD'
21:31:55 T:660 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Deluxe Music HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Deluxe Music HD'
21:31:55 T:3888 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'MTV HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'MTV HD'
21:31:55 T:1776 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Redlight' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Redlight'
21:31:55 T:2196 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'EXOTICA TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'EXOTICA TV'
21:31:55 T:3204 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT 5' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT 5'
21:31:55 T:3004 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT 6' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT 6'
21:31:55 T:3044 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT 7' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT 7'
21:31:55 T:2736 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT HQ' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT HQ'
21:31:55 T:1936 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'SCT HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:55 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'SCT HD'
21:31:56 T:4448 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PINK O TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PINK O TV'
21:31:56 T:4984 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Dorcel TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Dorcel TV'
21:31:56 T:5012 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Brazzers TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Brazzers TV'
21:31:56 T:1012 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Hustler TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Hustler TV'
21:31:56 T:4564 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Hustler HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Hustler HD'
21:31:56 T:3636 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'PRIVATE TV' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'PRIVATE TV'
21:31:56 T:4556 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Daring tv! 133' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Daring tv! 133'
21:31:56 T:3332 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClient::GetEPGForChannel - addon 'Quad Plus:' returned an error: server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: PVR - PVR::CPVRClients::GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Redlight HD' from client '1': server error
21:31:56 T:2740 ERROR: EPG - EPG::CEpg::Update - failed to update table 'Redlight HD'
21:32:29 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:32:29 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:32:29 T:1564 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
21:32:39 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.speedfaninfo/icon.png
21:32:42 T:2460 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:32:42 T:1728 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:32:42 T:1728 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetRecordings Error fetching lists for folder: '/media/hdd/movie/'
21:33:06 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.toolbox/icon.png
21:33:26 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:33:26 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:33:48 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:33:48 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:33:58 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.transmission/icon.png
21:34:08 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.tvguide/icon.png
21:34:19 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.tvrage.com/icon.png
21:34:30 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/script.tvshowtime/icon.png
21:34:41 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/plugin.program.utorrent/icon.png
21:34:47 T:888 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
21:34:47 T:1728 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:34:47 T:1728 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Vu::GetRecordings Error fetching lists for folder: '/media/hdd/movie/'
21:34:51 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/plugin.program.video.node.editor/icon.png
21:35:01 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
21:35:01 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Enumerated DIRECTSOUND devices:
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 1
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {6C26BA7D-F0B2-4225-B422-8168C5261E45}
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : Network Device - Remoteaudio
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: Remoteaudio
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 2
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Enumerated WASAPI devices:
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 1
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {6C26BA7D-F0B2-4225-B422-8168C5261E45}
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : Network Device - Remoteaudio
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Remoteaudio
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates :
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats :
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 2
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates :
21:35:06 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats :
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Enumerated DIRECTSOUND devices:
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 1
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {6C26BA7D-F0B2-4225-B422-8168C5261E45}
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : Network Device - Remoteaudio
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: Remoteaudio
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 2
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Enumerated WASAPI devices:
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 1
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {6C26BA7D-F0B2-4225-B422-8168C5261E45}
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : Network Device - Remoteaudio
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Remoteaudio
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates :
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats :
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: Device 2
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_sampleRates :
21:35:08 T:3848 NOTICE: m_dataFormats :
21:35:11 T:4116 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/gotham/script.videoextras/icon.png
21:35:12 T:2228 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
21:35:12 T:2228 NOTICE: Saving settings
21:35:12 T:2228 NOTICE: stop all
21:35:12 T:2228 NOTICE: stop player
21:35:12 T:2228 NOTICE: PVRManager - stopping
21:35:17 T:2228 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
21:35:18 T:2804 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: clean cached files!
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: unload skin
21:35:18 T:2228 ERROR: CWinSystemWin32::ChangeResolution : ChangeDisplaySettingsEx failed with -2
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: stopped
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: destroy
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: unload sections
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: destroy
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10013 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10014 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10015 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10016 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10017 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10018 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10019 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10021 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10107 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10115 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10104 from the window manager when it didn't exist
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: unload sections
21:35:18 T:2228 NOTICE: application stopped...
21:35:18 T:2228 ERROR: dllFreeLibrary - Invalid hModule specified
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nimm doch Testweise die Kodi 15 Isengard Nightly
Diese Sat durchs Netzwerk streamen Geschichte interessiert mich.
Habe ich das richtig verstanden das ich dann mit einer sky Karte in mehreren Räumen TV gucken kann ohne die Karte andauernd umzustecken?
Nach welchem Stichwort muss ich suchen um mich da reinlesen zu können?
ich konnte mein Problem lösen in dem ich direkt im System die keyboard.xml geändert habe.
Wieso es mit dem Addon nicht geht und über Userdata keine ahnung.

Aber mal so eine Andere Frage.
Kann ich irgendwie die EPG einstellung ändern.
Eigentlich möchte ich nur das er die EPG einstellung Läd von den Sender den ich gerade einschalte und nicht alle am anfang.
Wie macht ihr das eigentlich mit der Einbindung verschiedener Dienste in Kodi?

Möglich ist es ja durch Addons, allerdings gefallen mir diese von der Bedienung her meistens nicht.

Gibt es nicht auch ein Android für den HTPC, über das ich dann die verschiedenen Apps nutzen kann? Am liebsten wäre mir wirklich eine Bedienung wie auf dem iPad :d

- Spotify
- Amazon Instant Video
- Netflix
- vollwertiges Kodi für alle lokalen Medien

Wird dafür Bluestacks genutzt?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
War auch eher so gedacht -> nur das lässt sich beim EPG einstellen ;)
@HardwareFreaky ich Streame von einer VU+ DUO2 + Sky (Bestückt mit 2 x Kabel Steck Karten). Du hast dir den Nachfolger gekauft mit nativen 1 GB Netzwerk, meine habe ich noch über einen USB 1 GBE Adapter laufen. Rest ist glaube ich gleich. Gestreamt wird auf einen I3 Nuc + Openelec 5 xy, Windows 10 + Kodi, 2 x FireTV Stick @Kodi.

Hab jetzt gestern mal das Streamen auf ein Fire TV Stick Probiert das klappt bei mir irgendwie nicht.
HD Sender gehen aber SD Sender stellt der auf 4:3 obwohl 16:9 ausgestrahlt wird und ruckeln extrem.
Bei mein HTPC im Wohnzimmer Stellt der alles korrekt dar und ruckelt auch nichts.

ist doch bestimmt nur eine einstellungs sache oder?


passiert aber nur mit den enigmah plugin bei Simple IPTV läuft es auch problemlos.


Konnte das Problem mittlerweile lösen.

Folgende Einstellung muss auf den Stick gemacht werden.
Einstellungsebene auf Experte stellen
Dann Beschleunigung und libstafright deaktivieren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bei mir tauchen auf allen 3 Sticks nicht solche Probleme auf, zumindest sind sie mir noch nicht aufgefallen. Ich nutze das VU+Enigma Plugin.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jo die V15 Isengard
Dafür habe ich gerade ein anderes Problem. Mein Stick der direkt am AVR hängt meint andauernd neu Booten zu müssen. Das geht mir gerade sehr auf den Senkel.......
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Werde wohl die Tage auch mal die beta installieren. Die letzte beta hat meine AS.XML nicht genommen.

Benutzt du auch das beigefügte Netzteil??
Ein Problem hätte ich da noch.
Und zwar verschwindet der TV-Button bei mir aus der Home-Leiste.

Geschichte dazu.
Ich hab einen Streaming-Proxy auf meinem NAS eingerichtet (Windows) der mir meine KD-Kanäle bereitstellt, bzw. eine m3u.
Diese Playlist liegt auf einer SMB-Laufwerksfreigabe und ich kann sie von allen Rechnern (und Tabletts) in meinem Haushalt aus erreichen, bzw. alle Rechner können damit was anfangen und zeigen das TV-Programm.

Auf meinem OpelElec/Kodi Media-Center habe ich also Simple IP TV eingerichtet, der TV-Button ist erschienen und ich konnte wundervoll TV schauen.
So lange bis ich Kodi neu gestartet habe.
Ich habe keine Einstellung verändert, ich kann weiterhin im Plugin wundervoll auf die SMB-Freigabe zugreifen und die Playlist auswählen. Das Plugin ist immer noch aktiviert. Aber kein TV-Button.

Wie kann ich als Linux-Laie rausbekommen warum es nach einem Neustart ohne Änderung irgendwelcher Parameter (einfach nur Abends ausgemacht und morgens wieder angeschaltet) der TV-Button fehlt?
@ HardwareFreaky Ja ohne Netzteil spackt das Teil nur rum.

@HisN uff keine Ahnung, sieht mir so aus als wenn Openelec das PVR Addon deaktiviert, das erklärt dein verschwundenen TV Buttom. Warum er das macht ka ..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Skin wechseln. Probiere ich aus.

Wenn ich einfach auf blau noch ein paar PVR-Addons installiere, vielleicht kommt er ja dann wieder^^
werd mir wohl doch jetzt wieder ein HTPC für das Schlafzimmer zusammen bauen wenn man was Vernünftiges im Wohnzimmer hat ist man doch verwöhnt und möchte das auch im schlafzimmer nicht missen.
Habe eine Frage zu Kodi unter Windows.
Ich habe Kodi auf meinem Windows 8.1 Laptop installiert und möchte Kodi mit der Android APP Yatse steuern. Bei meinem Raspberry Pi 2 auf dem ich OpenElec installiert habe funktioniert das auch alles aber Yatse findet meine Windows Kiste nicht. Liegt das an der Windows Firewall? Was muss ich einstellen damit ich Kodi steuern kann?

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