[Sammelthread] MechWarrior: Living Legends

Das ist mir auch aufgefallen, das viele Server ihre max. Anzahl reduziert haben.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
@ 3V!L :

Immer gerne :-)

Gestern den ersten War gezockt (8 on 8)
Man könnte sagen gewisse MW4 ESL Veteranen haben den Hintern versohlt bekommen...

Das Teamplay wird immer besser (natürlich auch mit dem letzten Patch)
Ich bin fast dran zu sagen noch taktischer als BF2. Ohne den richtigen Mix an Einheiten auf der jeweiligen Karte hat man fast keine Chance gegen ein gutes Team.

Würde mich freuen euch auch mal auf den A.I. Servern zu sehen :-)


PS : hatte was gelesen das einige von euch Probs im Hangar mit dem 2 Frames Drop haben : Schatten auf Low dürfte das beheben
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hm kommt einfach mal in den TS 3...
Grade beim Mapwechsel ist es meist recht einfach zu joinen...


TS 3 :

Einfach in den Mechwarrior Channel joinen :-)

Gruß und man sieht sich

Um das zu zocken brauch ich Crysis, korrekt? Jemand ne Idee wo ich das günstig bekomme? Hab letztens schlechte Erfahrungen mit den CD Key Shops gemacht...
Glaube bei Amazon bekommst du das Komplettpaket für ca. 17,99€ (Crysis, Warhead, Crysis Wars)

(Mechwarrior wird demnächst auf Crysis Wars portiert da brauchst du das Warhead/Wars eh...)


EDIT : ich sehe grade die Lieferbare kostet 39,90€
Warten bis die andere Version die Amazon! verschickt wieder auf Lager ist... 10.02.2010..... Dürfte die günstigste Lösung für dich sein...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@ Evil : naja ... wenn eine Sonderaktion ist eventuell aber :

Über Steam :

19,99€ Crysis einzeln
49,98€ Crysis Komplettpaket (Crysis, Wahead, Wars)

Da ist Amazon schon günstiger und man hat noch Datenträger.
Ja okey, ist aber bequemer wenn man zuhause sitzen kann, gerade wenn man es schnell braucht ;)
ich hab nun ein problem. ich hab das spiel auf einer win7 und auf einer winXP partition installiert. der rechner ist der gleiche, bei gamespy einloggen und spielen kann ich mich aber nur auf der win7 installation. auf xp kommt immer "login failed blabla...". ich kann mir auch mein passwort nicht per mail schicken lassen. auch hab ich verschiedene accounts von gamespy ausprobiert, nix. hat jemand ne idee?!
mwll unterstützt doch auch joysticks oder? aber wo kann ich das einstellen?
Im Downloadpaket sind 2 Actionmaps Dateien.
Eine heißt Joystick_Actionmap oder so ähnlich.

Die Joystick Actionmaps in den Ordner :

C:\Users\"DEIN NAME"\Documents\My Games\Crysis\Profiles\"DEIN PROFIL"

kopieren ... die normale Actionmaps Datei löschen die schon vorhanden ist.
Dann die Joystick_Actionmaps einfach in "actionmaps" umbenennen. (gleiche Name wie die die vorher da war)

Schon hast du die Joystick Steuerung drin.
Tasten umbelegen wird allerdings schwierig... da musst du das File selber umschreiben.
Das kann dauern...

Steht allerdings auch im ReadMe drin ....
Beta 0.2 ist draußen!

Neue Mechs, überarbeitete Grafik, endlich Bäume zerstörbar, viele Bugfixes, neue Maps usw.
Läuft wesentlich besser jetzt.
Ach ja und Joystick Unterstützung soll jetzt auch drin sein.
Probierts mal aus.


Version 0.2.0
- Can now use cbill transfer manager while inside a vehicle
- Reduced NARC lock on range from 1000m to 800m.
- Owens now has C3 on all variants.
- Owens now have MASC on B and C variants.
- Warhammer speed has been increased slightly.
- Increased refire rate on SRMs.
- Increased refire rate on StreakSRMs.
- Increased LBX5/10 damage.
- Increased price of most ammo types.
- Decreased MASC speed increase from 50% to 40%.
- Tweaked control performance of all aerospace.
- Greatly increased AC/RAC damage against BA and aerospace.
- Slightly increased spread on RAC2/5s.
- Increased RAC overheat time.
- Rebalanced Rank salaries including starting salary.
- Rebalanced accleration factors on mechs.
- Increased height threshold for applying fall animations on mechs.
- Firebomb and TBolt reload times greatly increased.
- Decreased gauss damage agaisnt aerospace, to prevent guarenteed one shot kills.
- Increased damage and heat of Clan ERPPC.
- Increased speed on both Sulla and Shiva.
- Updated Warhammer configurations.
- Updated Puma configuration.
- Updated Hawkmoth configurations.
- Updated Shiva C configuration.

Bug Fixes
- Stumps on destructible trees are now destructible.
- BA flamer now functions correctly.
- LRM/Streak offsets are now applied when unlocked or guided by tag/narc.
- Reticule targeting now reliable.
- Calliope turrets now properly fire all visual effects on remote clients.
- Fixed multiple ammo reload bugs.
- Laser orientation on remote clients fixed. Vehicle TAG laser now works as intended.
- Tracers orientation on remote clients fixed.
- Missle trails now align to physics direction correctly.
- Fixed ghost MASC sounds on cougar.
- LRMs now adjust descend distance based on height to target.
- Ejector seat is now one shot for both original owner and thieves.
- Mechs do not instantly stop on ejection anymore.
- Joystick x-axis now properly supported.
- Joystick sliders now properly supported.
- Joystick POV switches now properly supported.
- Joystick throttle on mechs now behaves sanely.
- New joystick commands for each axis 'raw' and 'invraw' to send joystick commands without sensitivity.
- When using a joystick, game writes Joystick.cfg file to active profile.
- New min and max variables per joystick axis that allow users to map custom ranges into -1.0 to 1.0 range.
- Fixed corruption of vehicle hud when hitting ESC to go to the main menu.

New Features
- Cheat protection system added.
- Current release uses new installer.
- Prices on all vehicles are now calculated based on chasis, equipment, weapons, and armor.
- C3 computers will now chain together to give even more range.
- Main menu now displays mod version.
- Directional indicator on hud for nearest tag/narc.
- Terrain intelligent bomb sight.
- LongTom projection system.
- Improvements to aerospace controls to allow both percision and speed.
- Rank/Score/Income now scales with how many players are on the server.
- Manpack PPC now has some serious kick to it.
- Lock on cone reduced.
- Lock on timer added which allows you to break line of sight for a short period of time.
- Friendly NARCs and TAGs now show up on the radar/map.
- Added command invertMousePitch to invert pitch on aerospace in game.
- Added analog control of leg turning for relevant devices.
- Added more formal support for gamepads like the xbox360 controller.
- Default actionmap includes mapped functionos for gamepads.
- VTOL booster now angled to move player forward in most situations.

New Content
- Added Osiris to Inner Sphere mechs.
- Added Novacat to Clan mechs.
- Added Thanatos to Inner Sphere mechs.
- Added APC.
- Added Longtom to Innersphere tanks.
- Added MRM20, MRM30, MRM40 missile launchers.
- Added laser based anti-missle system.
- Added Frostbite map.
- Updated Extremity.
- Updated Clearcut.
- Updated Inferno.
- Updated Sandblasted.
- New RAC5 sound.
- New RAC2 sound.
- New sounds for Sulla.
- New nuke particle effect.

- Performance optimizations on desturctible trees.
- Optimized server performance on laser guided missiles.
- Optimized server performance on explosions.
- Optimized server performance on vehicle flamers.
- Optimized RAC sound channel usage.
- Optimized LBL sound channel usage.
- Various map optimizations.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zocke es auch seit gestern. Macht tierisch Laune und ist sogar auf meinen Lappi spielbar. Leider hängt sich Crysis bei mir nach ca. 1h auf unter Win7 x64. Hat jemand eine Idee woran das liegt?
Hängt sich Crysis auf oder das Mod? Schon mal gegengetestet?
Wie meinst du das mit gegentesten? Also es liegt wahrscheinlich eher an Crysis selbst als an dem Mod.

Auf meinen Desktoprechner hängt sich Crysis auch im SP nach ner Weile auf (Win7 x64 Professional) und Crysis ist bei beiden Rechnern auf aktuellen Stand (Patch 1.21).

32 sowie 64 Bit Version hab ich getestet. Die 32 Bit scheint etwas länger durchzuhalten. Fehler ist der allgemeine von Windows: Crysis.exe musste beendet werden und funktioniert nicht mehr...

Sonst habe ich noch nichts weiter dran verstellt. Sollte ich den Kompatibelitätsmodus mal testen? Oder gibt es Hinweise in Zusammenhang mit Win7? Im Crysis-Thread schrieb man, dass der aktuelle Patch 1.21 bei Win7 Probleme macht. Leider kann ich ohne diesen nicht online Spielen.

Der Mod ist ziemlich genial, wäre cool, wenn man das mal unterbrechungsfrei spielen könnte! :banana:
Falls du AVG hast :

Den Ordner in dem sich deine Profile befinden (C:\Users\"DEINNAME"\Documents\My Games\Crysis

als Ausnahme in AVG manuell hinzufügen.

Das wars bei mir.....
Falls das das Virenprogramm ist: sowas nutze ich nicht, macht das System nur unnötig träge.

Der Witz ist: Ich kann ja joinen und auch spielen, aber irgendwann hängt es sich auf (vor allem, wenn ich grad mal mehr credits als das startbudget habe).

Ähm nochwas:
Kann man den DX9 Modus per cfg oder ähnlichem erzwingen? Oder geht das im MWLL Launcher einzustellen?

Habe zur Zeit nur nen Lappi und da brauch ich noch bissl Performance. Vielleicht hat ja jemand was passendes für meine HW:

P8800 - 2x 2,66GHz
HD4650 512MB GDDR3

Im Moment nutze ich die Mster Performance CFG und habe manuell noch niedrige Schatten eingestellt. Geht einigermaßen. Zocke bei einer Auflösung von 1366x768.
Neue Beta draußen


Download auf MWLLDownload.com - Mechwarrior: Living Legends Downloads

- Almost every weapon has been rebalanced using the new internal balacing tools.
- Armor across all vehicles has been rebalanced as well.
- All vehicle variants adjusted to match perfectly to improved tonnage rules. Be warned these are not CBT, but are now strictly adhered to.
- Prices on weapons tweaked, more to come later.
- AC10's and AC20's are now automatic firing weapons.
- Ultra AC's now have a significant jam penalty when overheated.
- All tank's have had the their movement params tweaked.
- AMS now only focuses on 1 salvo of missiles at a time.
- AC10's and AC20's now explode after a certain range
- Increased repair costs.
- Increased maximum flight ceiling of aerospace to 1500m.
- Damage has been tweaked across the board to increase average combat time.
- Reduced order of magnitude on scores.
- Slightly reduced C-Bill accrual rate.
- Cockpit now shakes significantly when jump jetting in a Mech.
- BA view screen shakes slightly when jump jetting.
- Gauss projectile speeds increased.
- PPC projectile speeds slightly decreased.
- AC2/AC5 ranges slightly decreased, now inccur linear damage drop off after stated max range.
- AC10/AC20 inccur damage drop off after stated max range.
- Hawkmoth B reconfigured to hunter killer loadout.
- More than we could possibly listed here.

Bug Fixes

- Fixes for most Light Mech leg animations.
- Fixed out of combat area ceiling height on Inferno.
- If buying ammo for a partially empty weapon the player is only billed for the missing rounds (partial tons).
- AMS is now repairable.
- Aerospace manuverability is no longer frame dependent.
- Fixed vehicle heat damage behaviour.
- Fixed ejector seat not disabling after use for owner of the vehicle.
- Improved joystick support.
- Buying at an APC now also works when connecting to the server after the APC was spawned.
- Hovercrafts now have functioning boost with no overheat effect.
- AMS now stays on one Arrow IV if multiple missile instances are inbound.
- Fixed Mech landing sounds sometimes not playing.
- Fixed destructible trees demanding too much performance.
- Fixed pilot positions in a few mechs.
- C-Bill transfer dialogue and controls do not change weapon group assignments.
- Fixed Test of Strength prices.
- Fixed bug in BA jumpjet effect that caused a CDT.
- Fixed bug which caused weapon reloading not to be correctly displayed on the client.
- Improved Novacat leg animation & performance, *not final version.
- Fixed extra ton of ammo exploit.
- Bomb sight is now more accurate, lateral momentum still not accounted for.
- Fixed bug which caused a VTOL/aerospace to be stuck in hangar structure after spawn.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Harrasser to be stuck in water sometimes.
- Fixed bug which caused damage not to be transfered from the backtorso to torso when backtorso was destroyed.
- Fixed text on HUD grenade indicators and in Buy menus.
- Fix for NARC beacon not being removed after destorying a target.
- Fixed jumpjet percentage indicator.
- Players are not longer able to enter enemy APCs.
- Fixed BA drowning to death after 2 minutes.
- Wire guided weapons such as MRMs actually travel where they say they do now. Still affected by TAG & NARC.
- More than we could possibly listed here.

New Features

- Changed behaviour of ammo quick buy key.
1. Buy ammo for all empty / partially empty weapons
2. If there is only one weapon that needs ammo, that ammo has purchase priority.
3. If there are multiple weapons that need ammo, buy ammo for that weapon selected in the firegroup manager.
- Added possibility to limit player / team respawns with Tickets in Solaris Arena and Test of Strength modes.
- Added HUD display for player / team tickets (if team tickets are inactive the ticket display is used for regular team score).
- Added server variable so that limits teams to IS and Clan assets only (aka "IS vs Clan" mode).
- C-Bill transfer disabled during combat (damage taken), 2 minutes after suicides and reconnections.
- APC owners are now rewarded with 5000 C-Bills for every BA that spawns at their APC.
- ECM and passive radar now increase lock time for missiles (passive and ECM delay effects will stack)
- Added three state radar detection:
1. First state (between 60% and 100% with no line of sight): You only have a blip indicating a valid target and distance.
2. Second state (less than 60% radar range while active with no line of sight): You gain knowledge of the target's class.
3. Third State (less than 80% radar range with line of sight): You have all available information.
- Radar information is cached (but not updated) if you go out of range while targeting.
- Cached target data will show as "Outdated".
- Refactored LUA/HUD code to allow for easy implementation of new game modes.
- C3 broadcasters now receive money for transmitting new targeting information to team mates.
- Now possible to sell vehicles back at the Mech bay / aerospace hangar / VTOL pad, aero hangar. Default key 'J' while still in vehicle.
- When first repairing and then selling your mech you only get the C-Bills for the value of the Mech prior to repairing as it would otherwise be an exploit otherwise.
- Added posibility to limit buy options for a factory (not currently implemented).
- You can now repair aerospace on the runway.
- Betty events are now queued and no longer overlap each other.
- Non-destroyed Mechs without pilot now stay a lot longer on the battlefield.
- Improved landing performance for aerospace units with a "flatten glide path" feature, default key is 'L-CTRL'.
- When crouching, Mechs gain a higher pitch elevation limit to aim at airborn units. Four Mechs receive a base additional elevation bonus and are AA mechs.
- The firegroup manager now remembers the firgroup assignments depending on vehicle and variant. No need to reset them all the time anymore.
- Added crouch, shutdown, AMS, overheat, deploy and C3 indicators to Mech HUD.
- Changed night vision shader with custom configuration.
- Long Tom has now to be deployed before it is able to shoot. Deployed via 'L-CTRL' as default.
- When buying a second BA weapon and the BA small beam laser is still in the inventory, the BA small beam laser is automatically dropped.
- New chat system & killog font.
- New Spectator HUD overlay.
- New damage display icon for tanks,VTOLs and aerospace.
- Internal structure for the Uziel.
- New HUD indicator when overheating.
- Radar ranges and active / passive / GECM state is now shown for friendly units on the overview map as ring indicator.
- Legend on overview map to distinguish all the new symbols.
- Streak SRMs now have more unique firing pattern.
- Heat warnings in HUD overlay.
- Numerous other small features you may or may not notice.

New Content

- Uziel IS 50-ton Medium Mech added.
- Loki CL 65-ton Heavy Mech added.
- Aerospace IS Sparrowhawk added.
- Added AMS turrets for bases. These are neutral and will fire and enemy and friendly shells/missiles.
- Added sounds and effects to Long Tom tank and Long Tom shells.
- Added a library of betty sound warnings.
- Completely reworked SA_Frostbite map layout.
- Reworked SA_Extremity map with new assets and improved terrain layout.
- Tweaks to SA_Sandblasted map.
- Tweaks to SA_Marshes map time of day, added AMS/anti-LT turrets.
- Tweaks to SA_Clearcut map, trees should perform better than 0.2.0.
- New map SA_Mirage map.
- New map SA_ThunderRift map.
- Added Actionmapper input/controls utility accessible from new beta launcher.
- New Beta launcher, providing GUI for server configuration (including level rotation), giving you more advanced options for launching (32/64 Bit, force DirectX 9) and allowing for quick access to various configuration tools (Joystick.exe, Actionmapper).
- New Beta launcher has support for embedded update (future use).
- Added new BA footstep sounds.
- Added new BA gear sound (myomer approximation).
- Added limited library of impact sounds for weapons fire.
- New Long Tom tank model.
- New Long Tom deployment/undeploy animation.
- New Flamer effect.
- Updated PPC effect.
- New laser impact effect particle.
- Added missile models to most missile types.
- New BA weapon Micro Heavy Laser.
- New loading screens for all maps.
- New D/E variants for Shiva and Harasser.
- New sounds effects for certain weapons like the Gauss and UAC lines.
- Extensive Betty audio notification library added
- Betty target status announcements added
- Betty game state announcements added


- Optimized bandwith usage of Mech legs.
- Basic bandwidth improvements over 0.2.0
- Improved particle effect performance for many effects.
- Improved sound channel performance for several sounds.

Known issues:

- Inverting the joyaxis_y on vehicles does not work.
- Implemented impact sound library is only valid for LOD0 detail (only plays out to about 20m) but is sufficient for first person damage impactor notification.
- Impact libary will not play for impacts to Mech legs, tanks, aerospace or VTOLs, will be fixed in a later version.
Playtest der neuen 0.4.0 ist angelaufen.

Dürfte nicht mehr lange dauern :-)

Endlich Terrain Control Modus (eine Art Capture the Flag) und ne Menge Bugfixing (NovaCat Leg Animation fixed etc. etc.)

Gibt eine Menge neuer Screenshots

MechWarrior: Living Legends

Man sieht sich auf dem Schlachtfeld Ihr Freigeburten ;-)
Viel muss man da ja nicht suchen. Zur Zeit sind meistens nur noch zwei Server besucht :-(
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