PC geht unter Last aus und bootet unendlich lang ohne Bild


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Ich hab nun seit ein paar Wochen das Problem, das mein PC unter Last einfach abstürzt und dann unendlich lang ohne Bild versucht zu booten (Grafikkarte, Mainboard und Rams leuchten weiterhin). Damit der PC wieder normal startet muss die Power taste gedrückt halten damit der PC ausgeht und kann dann wieder ganz normal starten. Wann der PC abstürzt ist komplett zufällig, mal passierte das nach 5 Stunden spielen, mal nach 2 Stunden... ebenfalls ist mir aufgefallen das nachdem ich den PC wieder anschalte und mein Spiel wieder starte der PC wieder nach 1 Stunde ausgehen kann aber auch mehrere Stunden weiter laufen kann ohne das das Problem wieder auftritt.

Vermute ein Defekt am Netzteil bin mir aber unsicher... würde mich sehr freuen wenn mir jemand helfen kann das Problem zu ermitteln/lösen.

CPU: 5800X3D
GPU: 6800XT
Mainboard: ROG STRIX B550-F Gaming
Netzteil: Corsair RM850x 80 gold (im März 2024 gekauft)
@Eugenius ich würde DOCP für die Dauer der Testphase und Fehlersuche auslassen.

Und wie lange lief der 5800x 3D von dir mit den Curve Optimizer Einstellungen?
Bitte einmal kontrollieren das die aus sind.
Wenn weiterhin WHEA Fehler auftreten... meine CPU (5900x) hat nach ein paar Jahren mit dem CO auch angefangen auf einzelnen Kernen Probleme zu machen.

Ende der Geschichte: einige der Kerne die Jahre auf -20/-25/-10 liefen mögen jetzt lieber -5 oder 0, einer der vorher nur -10 wollte läuft jetzt auf +2, Degradierung halt... .

Falls sich der Verdacht den CO betreffend bei dir erhärten sollte, es gibt da ein passendes Testprogramm:
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
@Eugenius ich würde DOCP für die Dauer der Testphase und Fehlersuche auslassen.

Und wie lange lief der 5800x 3D von dir mit den Curve Optimizer Einstellungen?
Bitte einmal kontrollieren das die aus sind.
Wenn weiterhin WHEA Fehler auftreten... meine CPU (5900x) hat nach ein paar Jahren mit dem CO auch angefangen auf einzelnen Kernen Probleme zu machen.

Ende der Geschichte: einige der Kerne die Jahre auf -20/-25/-10 liefen mögen jetzt lieber -5 oder 0, einer der vorher nur -10 wollte läuft jetzt auf +2, Degradierung halt... .

Falls sich der Verdacht den CO betreffend bei dir erhärten sollte, es gibt da ein passendes Testprogramm:
Bin mir nicht 100% sicher seit wann ich die CO Einstellungen bearbeitet habe aber ungefähr 4-6 Monate? Habe mal im BIOS reingeschaut und es war alles im Standardbetrieb.

Konnte es nur kurz testen aber bis jetzt ist der PC nicht abgestürzt (mit abgeschaltetem DOCP Modus und Arbeitsspeicher auf manuelle 3200MHz)

Werde mal das CoreCycler Tool über Nacht laufen lassen und hoffe dass der PC am Morgen noch an ist. :wut:
21:55:34 - Iteration 1
+++ The initial test order:
+++ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
+++ The initial number of available cores: 8
+++ The initial number of unique available cores: 8
+ Random test order selected, building the test order array...
+ The final test order:
+ 1, 7, 4, 3, 0, 2, 6, 5
+++ The number of available cores: 8
+++ The number of unique available cores: 8
+++ The number of cores with an error: 0
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error: 0
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (1 of 8) [index 0 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 1, 7, 4, 3, 0, 2, 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 1
21:55:34 - Set to Core 1 (CPU 2)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 1 (CPU 2)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 2
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 4 [CPU 2, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 4
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 4
+++ The final affinities array: 4
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 11848
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 4
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 11848
+++ The returned thread handle: 4536
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 11848 to 4 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 1/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 00m 29s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 0
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:55:34 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:55:43 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 16488 - prime95
+++ ID: - 8460 ok - 17168 ok - 17436 ok - 8056 ok - 12280 ok - 13132 ok - 11848 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:55:44 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 16488 - prime95
+++ ID: - 8460 ok - 17168 ok - 17436 ok - 8056 ok - 12280 ok - 13132 ok - 11848 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:55:45 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:55:45 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:55:45 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:55:34
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:55:45 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:55:45 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:55:47 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:55:47 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:55:49 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:55:49 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:55:51 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:55:51 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:55:51 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:55:51
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 1 (CPU 2)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 1 (CPU 2)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 16488 - prime95
+++ ID: - 8460 ok - 17168 ok - 17436 ok - 8056 ok - 12280 ok - 13132 ok - 11848 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 524428
+++ Try 1
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:55:52 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:55:53 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 589964
+ ProcessId: 12104
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 589964
+ ProcessId: 12104
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 12104
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 589964
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 12104
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 12104
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (2 of 8) [index 1 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 7, 4, 3, 0, 2, 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 7
21:55:53 - Set to Core 7 (CPU 14)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 7 (CPU 14)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 14
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 16384 [CPU 14, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 16384
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 16384
+++ The final affinities array: 16384
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 16608
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 16384
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 16608
+++ The returned thread handle: 3104
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 16608 to 16384 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 2/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 00m 49s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 1
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:55:53 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:56:02 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 12104 - prime95
+++ ID: - 13244 ok - 12172 ok - 6996 ok - 7744 ok - 13348 ok - 19904 ok - 16608 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:56:03 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 12104 - prime95
+++ ID: - 13244 ok - 12172 ok - 6996 ok - 7744 ok - 13348 ok - 19904 ok - 16608 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:56:04 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:56:04 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:56:04 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:55:53
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:56:04 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:56:04 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:07 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:56:07 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:09 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:56:09 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:11 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:56:11 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:56:11 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:56:11
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 7 (CPU 14)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 7 (CPU 14)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 12104 - prime95
+++ ID: - 13244 ok - 12172 ok - 6996 ok - 7744 ok - 13348 ok - 19904 ok - 16608 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 589964
+++ Try 1
+ 21:56:12 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:56:12 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:56:13 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 655500
+ ProcessId: 8264
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 655500
+ ProcessId: 8264
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 8264
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 655500
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 8264
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 8264
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (3 of 8) [index 2 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 4, 3, 0, 2, 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 4
21:56:13 - Set to Core 4 (CPU 8)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 4 (CPU 8)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 8
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 256 [CPU 8, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 256
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 256
+++ The final affinities array: 256
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 18904
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 256
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 18904
+++ The returned thread handle: 5656
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 18904 to 256 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 3/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 01m 09s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 2
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:56:13 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:56:22 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 8264 - prime95
+++ ID: - 324 ok - 17328 ok - 15152 ok - 4272 ok - 4040 ok - 20196 ok - 18904 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:56:23 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 8264 - prime95
+++ ID: - 324 ok - 17328 ok - 15152 ok - 4272 ok - 4040 ok - 20196 ok - 18904 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:56:24 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:56:24 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:56:24 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:56:13
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:56:24 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:56:24 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:26 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:56:26 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:28 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:56:28 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:30 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:56:30 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:56:30 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:56:30
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 4 (CPU 8)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 4 (CPU 8)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 8264 - prime95
+++ ID: - 324 ok - 17328 ok - 15152 ok - 4272 ok - 4040 ok - 20196 ok - 18904 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 655500
+++ Try 1
+ 21:56:31 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:56:31 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:56:32 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 721036
+ ProcessId: 19084
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 721036
+ ProcessId: 19084
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 19084
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 721036
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 19084
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 19084
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (4 of 8) [index 3 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 3, 0, 2, 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 3
21:56:32 - Set to Core 3 (CPU 6)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 3 (CPU 6)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 6
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 64 [CPU 6, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 64
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 64
+++ The final affinities array: 64
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 17008
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 64
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 17008
+++ The returned thread handle: 6124
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 17008 to 64 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 4/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 01m 28s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 3
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:56:32 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:56:41 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 19084 - prime95
+++ ID: - 16940 ok - 3932 ok - 2988 ok - 10924 ok - 9600 ok - 14844 ok - 17008 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:56:43 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 19084 - prime95
+++ ID: - 16940 ok - 3932 ok - 2988 ok - 10924 ok - 9600 ok - 14844 ok - 17008 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:56:44 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:56:44 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:56:44 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:56:32
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:56:44 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:56:44 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:46 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:56:46 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:48 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:56:48 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:56:50 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:56:50 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:56:50 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:56:50
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 3 (CPU 6)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 3 (CPU 6)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 19084 - prime95
+++ ID: - 16940 ok - 3932 ok - 2988 ok - 10924 ok - 9600 ok - 14844 ok - 17008 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 721036
+++ Try 1
+ 21:56:51 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:56:51 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:56:52 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 786572
+ ProcessId: 3476
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 786572
+ ProcessId: 3476
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 3476
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 786572
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 3476
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 3476
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (5 of 8) [index 4 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 0, 2, 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 0
+ Trying to avoid Core 0 / CPU 0, as this is mainly used by the OS
+ Setting to CPU 1 instead, which is the second virtual CPU of Core 0
21:56:52 - Set to Core 0 (CPU 1)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 0 (CPU 1)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 1
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 2 [CPU 1, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 2
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 2
+++ The final affinities array: 2
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 14896
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 2
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 14896
+++ The returned thread handle: 6704
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 14896 to 2 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 5/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 01m 48s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 4
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:56:52 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:57:01 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 3476 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18004 ok - 9056 ok - 2204 ok - 9760 ok - 5492 ok - 7444 ok - 14896 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:57:02 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 3476 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18004 ok - 9056 ok - 2204 ok - 9760 ok - 5492 ok - 7444 ok - 14896 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:57:03 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:57:03 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:57:03 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:56:52
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:57:03 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:57:04 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:06 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:57:06 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:08 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:57:08 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:10 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:57:10 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:57:10 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:57:10
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 0 (CPU 0)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 0 (CPU 0)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 3476 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18004 ok - 9056 ok - 2204 ok - 9760 ok - 5492 ok - 7444 ok - 14896 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 786572
+++ Try 1
+ 21:57:10 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:57:10 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:57:11 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 721440
+ ProcessId: 6004
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 721440
+ ProcessId: 6004
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 6004
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 721440
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 6004
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 6004
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (6 of 8) [index 5 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 2, 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 2
21:57:11 - Set to Core 2 (CPU 4)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 2 (CPU 4)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 4
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 16 [CPU 4, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 16
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 16
+++ The final affinities array: 16
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 19040
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 16
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 19040
+++ The returned thread handle: 7176
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 19040 to 16 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 6/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 02m 07s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 5
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:57:12 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:57:21 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 6004 - prime95
+++ ID: - 9692 ok - 12492 ok - 12496 ok - 7948 ok - 5772 ok - 13956 ok - 19040 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:57:22 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 6004 - prime95
+++ ID: - 9692 ok - 12492 ok - 12496 ok - 7948 ok - 5772 ok - 13956 ok - 19040 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:57:23 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:57:23 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:57:23 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:57:11
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:57:23 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:57:23 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:25 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:57:25 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:27 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:57:27 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:29 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:57:29 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:57:29 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:57:29
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 2 (CPU 4)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 2 (CPU 4)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 6004 - prime95
+++ ID: - 9692 ok - 12492 ok - 12496 ok - 7948 ok - 5772 ok - 13956 ok - 19040 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 721440
+++ Try 1
+ 21:57:29 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:57:29 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:57:30 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 786976
+ ProcessId: 11996
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 786976
+ ProcessId: 11996
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 11996
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 786976
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 11996
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 11996
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (7 of 8) [index 6 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 6, 5
+ The selected core to test: 6
21:57:31 - Set to Core 6 (CPU 12)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 6 (CPU 12)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 12
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 4096 [CPU 12, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 4096
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 4096
+++ The final affinities array: 4096
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 8156
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 4096
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 8156
+++ The returned thread handle: 5540
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 8156 to 4096 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 7/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 02m 26s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 6
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:57:31 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:57:40 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 11996 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18364 ok - 16720 ok - 4348 ok - 13400 ok - 9276 ok - 9168 ok - 8156 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:57:41 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 11996 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18364 ok - 16720 ok - 4348 ok - 13400 ok - 9276 ok - 9168 ok - 8156 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:57:42 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:57:42 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:57:42 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:57:31
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:57:42 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:57:42 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:44 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:57:44 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:46 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:57:46 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:57:48 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:57:48 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:57:48 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:57:48
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 6 (CPU 12)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 6 (CPU 12)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 11996 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18364 ok - 16720 ok - 4348 ok - 13400 ok - 9276 ok - 9168 ok - 8156 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 786976
+++ Try 1
+ 21:57:49 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:57:49 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:57:49 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 852512
+ ProcessId: 18272
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 852512
+ ProcessId: 18272
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 18272
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Incorrect number of threads found (0 instead of 1), trying again [1]
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 2)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 852512
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 18272
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 18272
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+++ Trying to switch to a new core (8 of 8) [index 7 of 7]
+ Still available cores:
+ 5
+ The selected core to test: 5
21:57:51 - Set to Core 5 (CPU 10)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_started
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Started testing Core 5 (CPU 10)
+++ The number of Processor Groups: 1
+++ The number of CPUs in the last group: 0
+++ The group ID of the CPU to set to: 0
+++ The number of processors in this group: 16
+++ The IDs of the CPUs in its own group: 10
+++ Calculated the group specific affinity as 1024 [CPU 10, Group 0]
+++ All calculated group specific affinities: 1024
+++ Found number of stress test threads: 1
+++ The original affinities array: 1024
+++ The final affinities array: 1024
+++ Processing stress test thread number 0
+ Trying to set the affinity for thread ID: 6552
+ - Processor Group: 0 | Affinity: 1024
+++ Getting the thread handle for thread ID: 6552
+++ The returned thread handle: 8544
+++ Successfully set the group affinity for thread ID 6552 to 1024 within group 0
Running for 6 minutes...
Progress 8/8 | Iteration 1/10000 | Runtime 00h 02m 46s
+++ The number of cores with an error so far: 7
+++ The number of cores with a WHEA error so far: 0
+++ 21:57:51 - Tick 1 of max 36
+++ Remaining max runtime: 360s
+++ 21:58:00 - Suspending the stress test process for 1000 milliseconds
+ Suspending threads for process: 18272 - prime95
+++ ID: - 11012 ok - 16140 ok - 13028 ok - 18876 ok - 6192 ok - 8728 ok - 6552 ok
+++ Suspended: 7
+++ 21:58:01 - Resuming the stress test process
+ Resuming threads for process: 18272 - prime95
+++ ID: - 11012 ok - 16140 ok - 13028 ok - 18876 ok - 6192 ok - 8728 ok - 6552 ok
+++ Resumed: 7
+++ 21:58:02 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
+++ 21:58:02 - Checking for stress test errors
+++ Checking the new Prime95 log entries...
+++ 21:58:02 - Looking for new WHEA errors
+++ Core Start Date: 17.10.2024 21:57:51
+++ Stored WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+++ Last WHEA Error Date: 15.10.2024 19:46:17
+ No new WHEA error
+ 21:58:02 - Checking CPU usage: 0ms (expected: 100ms, lower limit: 50ms)
+ 21:58:02 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:58:04 - Checking CPU usage again (#1): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#1)
+ 21:58:04 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:58:06 - Checking CPU usage again (#2): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage (#2)
+ 21:58:06 - ...the CPU usage was too low, waiting 2000ms for another check...
+ 21:58:08 - Checking CPU usage again (#3): 0ms (expected: 2000ms, lower limit: 1000ms)
+ Still not enough usage, throw an error
+ There has been an error while running the stress test program!
+ Error type: CPULOAD
+ 21:58:08 - The stress test program has a log file, trying to look for an error message in the log
+++ 21:58:08 - Getting new log file entries
+++ The stress test log file doesn't exist yet
ERROR: 21:58:08
ERROR: There has been an error while running Prime95!
ERROR: At Core 5 (CPU 10)
ERROR MESSAGE: The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+ No FFT size provided in the error message, make an educated guess.
ERROR: No additional FFT size information found in the results.txt
+ The max FFT size was outside of the range where it still follows a numerical order
+ The selected max FFT size: 32768
+ The limit for the numerical order: 8192
+ The last 5 entries in the results.txt:

+++ Adding Event Log entry: core_error
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error on Core Core 5 (CPU 10)!
+++ [EVENTLOG] There has been an error while running Prime95!
+++ [EVENTLOG] Error Type: CPULOAD
+ There has been some error in Test-StressTestProgrammIsRunning, checking (TICK)
+ Trying to close the stress test program to re-start it
+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 18272 - prime95
+++ ID: - 11012 ok - 16140 ok - 13028 ok - 18876 ok - 6192 ok - 8728 ok - 6552 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 852512
+++ Try 1
+ 21:58:09 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
+ restartTestProgramForEachCore is not set, restarting the test program right away
21:58:09 - Trying to restart Prime95
+ Starting the stress test program
+ Starting Prime95
+++ Trying to start the stress test with the command:
+++ "C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe" -t
+ Trying to get the stress test program main window handle
+ Looking for these window names:
+ ^Prime95 \- Torture Test$, ^Prime95 \- Self\-Test$, ^Prime95 \- Not running$, ^Prime95 \- Waiting for work$, ^Prime95$
+ 21:58:09 - Window found
+ Found the following window(s) with these names:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 918048
+ ProcessId: 18140
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Filtering the windows for ".*prime95\.exe$":
+++ Found the following windows:
+ - WinTitle: Prime95 - Torture Test
+ MainWindowHandle: 918048
+ ProcessId: 18140
+ Process Path: C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ Process Path (PS): C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\test_programs\p95\prime95.exe
+ The process performing the stress test is the same as the main window
+++ The stress test process id: 18140
+++ The expected number of threads to find: 1
+++ Trying to get the threads that are running the stress test
+++ Trying to get the threads (loop: 0 - iteration: 1)
+++ Found the expected number of threads (1 = 1)
+ Main window handle: 918048
+ Main window process name: prime95
+ Main window process ID: 18140
+ Stress test process name: prime95
+ Stress test process ID: 18140
+ Stress test thread IDs:
+ ──────────────────────────────────
+ Iteration complete
+ ──────────────────────────────────

The following cores have thrown an error: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

+ Trying to close the stress test program
+ Trying to close Prime95
+ Resuming threads for process: 18140 - prime95
+++ ID: - 18132 ok - 11828 ok - 11868 ok - 5404 ok - 16096 ok - 20460 ok - 11120 ok
+ Trying to gracefully close Prime95
+++ The window process main window handle: 918048
+++ Try 1
+ 21:58:10 - Sent the close message, waiting for Prime95 to exit
+ - ... has exited: True
+ The main window has exited
+ The main window has truly exited
+ Prime95 closed
21:58:10 - All Cores have thrown an error, aborting!
+++ ┌─────────────────────────┐
+++ └─────────────────────────┘
+ 21:58:10 - Terminating the script...
+ Successfully destroyed the shutdown block reason: (True)
+++ Adding Event Log entry: script_terminated
+++ Adding the Windows Event Log entry:
+++ [EVENTLOG] CoreCycler was terminated
+++ [EVENTLOG] The log files for this run are stored in:
+++ [EVENTLOG] C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\logs\CoreCycler_2024-10-17_21-55-04_PRIME95_SSE.log
+++ [EVENTLOG] C:\Users\kulin\OneDrive\Desktop\corecycler-\logs\Prime95: Prime95_2024-10-17_21-55-04_SSE_HUGE_FFT_8960K-32768K.log
+++ [EVENTLOG] Summary:
+++ [EVENTLOG] Run time: 03 minutes, 06 seconds
+++ [EVENTLOG] Iterations: 1 started / 1 completed
+++ [EVENTLOG] Tested cores: 8 cores / 8 tests
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 0 (1x), Core 1 (1x), Core 2 (1x), Core 3 (1x), Core 4 (1x)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 5 (1x), Core 6 (1x), Core 7 (1x)
+++ [EVENTLOG] The following cores have thrown an error:
+++ [EVENTLOG] - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 0 | CPU 0 | 2024-10-17 21:57:10 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 1 | CPU 2 | 2024-10-17 21:55:52 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 2 | CPU 4 | 2024-10-17 21:57:29 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 3 | CPU 6 | 2024-10-17 21:56:50 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 4 | CPU 8 | 2024-10-17 21:56:31 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 5 | CPU 10 | 2024-10-17 21:58:08 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 6 | CPU 12 | 2024-10-17 21:57:48 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] Core 7 | CPU 14 | 2024-10-17 21:56:11 | CPULOAD
+++ [EVENTLOG] - The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
+++ [EVENTLOG] No WHEA errors were observed during the test
+++ Removing the startup task "\CoreCycler\\CoreCycler AutoMode Startup Task"
+++ Removing the .automode file

╟──────────────────────────────────┤ Summary ├─────────────────────────────────╢

Run time: 03 minutes, 06 seconds
Iterations: 1 started / 1 completed
Tested cores: 8 cores / 8 tests
Core 0 (1x), Core 1 (1x), Core 2 (1x), Core 3 (1x), Core 4 (1x)
Core 5 (1x), Core 6 (1x), Core 7 (1x)


The following cores have thrown an error:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Core 0 | CPU 0 | 2024-10-17 21:57:10 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 1 | CPU 2 | 2024-10-17 21:55:52 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 2 | CPU 4 | 2024-10-17 21:57:29 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 3 | CPU 6 | 2024-10-17 21:56:50 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 4 | CPU 8 | 2024-10-17 21:56:31 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 5 | CPU 10 | 2024-10-17 21:58:08 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 6 | CPU 12 | 2024-10-17 21:57:48 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)
Core 7 | CPU 14 | 2024-10-17 21:56:11 | CPULOAD
- The Prime95 process doesn't use enough CPU power anymore (only 0ms instead of the expected 2000ms)

No WHEA errors were observed during the test


The log files for this run are stored in:
- CoreCycler: CoreCycler_2024-10-17_21-55-04_PRIME95_SSE.log
- Prime95: Prime95_2024-10-17_21-55-04_SSE_HUGE_FFT_8960K-32768K.log

Immerhin "No WHEA errors were observed during the test" ?
Bedeutet das, der Prozessor ist nicht das Problem?
Such in deinem Log mal nach:
"There has been an error while running Prime95" oder "Error on Core Core"

So wie ich das sehe hat entweder der Corecycler da ein generelles Problem, oder deine CPU ist mit jedem Kern ausgestiegen den es hatte.
Für 100% Gewissheit, würde ich im verlinkten Corecycler Thread mal lieb nachfragen ob jemand der etwas mehr in der Materie steckt als ich mal drüber schaut.
Hab gerade am PC ein Twitch Stream offen gehabt und PC ist direkt wieder abgeschmiert, keinerlei Spiele oder sonstiges angehabt (PC lief auch weniger als 1 Stunde)... also Bildschirm wird schwarz, PC macht einen "normalen" Neustart da ich durch die Kopfhörer den Windows start sound höre aber Bildschirme bleiben im Standby Modus (bekomme kein Bild) VGA Lample am Mainboard leuchtet in einem sehr hellen Weiß. Ereignisanzeige hat diesmal nichts von jeglichen Fehlern gemeldet außer was immer nach einem Neustart auftaucht.
"There has been an error while running Prime95" oder "Error on Core Core"
Das ist ein Bug vom Programm
Jo dann wäre deine Grafikkarte als nächstes. RAM wurde ausgiebig getestet ja (EXPO aus, Singlechannel,...)?
Lade dir mal Furmark und mach den Benchtest für die Grafikkarte

PS: Kannst zugleich mal die Karte b.z.w. das System entstauben. Komponenten mögen keine Schichten von Staub da diese dadurch wärmer werden,
bis was kaputt geht wie bei dir :sneaky:
Ich vermute noch das das entstauben bei der Karte nichts mehr bringen wird. Aufmachen neue Pads, Paste, joo und dann hoffen oder beim neu kaufen dies beachten ....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hab versucht den Arbeitsspeicher zu testen aber es lief 2 Tage lang ohne Probleme nachdem ich die neuen Riegel eingebaut habe. Neue Grafikkarte kam heute an konnte es aber nicht testen weil ich nicht genug PCIe Kabel hab... morgen kommt das neue Netzteil, werde dann beides testen können und beten dass es nicht am Mainboard oder Prozessor liegt.
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