Radeon RX 6000: 3DMark Time Spy Effizienzliste

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Uptate 150W -> 1 place forward


Not the best result I could get today, but enough for second place in the standings. In the strategy of lowering the memory frequency relative to the factory 1000 MHz, which I applied in the category up to 100 Watts, it becomes clear that the factory frequencies should be sufficient over a fairly wide range of the total GPU power. Probably up to 200 watts this strategy is quite viable.
Ich warte mit den Einträgen, bis du mal fertig bist. ;)
I'll wait with the entries until you're finished.
I don't think I can improve my result in the 150 Watt category much enough to deserve first place, and I've already earned second place. However, I would like to focus on what is happening in general in my case, which is certainly not unique. There are two results that are close to each other, but they differ in the distribution of power between the memory subsystem and the core. In one case it is about 28% of the total power, in the second about 23.4%. This reveals the following: 1) the increase in performance of the memory subsystem and core with the overall power budget must be balanced with each other; 2) the search for the optimal balance occurs in each case individually, since the quality of components even within the same batch differs.
.. bis ein Ösi um die Ecke kommt, welcher nur CustomWak+MoRa/Hardtubes verwendet. 8-)
.. in meiner Wohnung (keine Klima) hat es inzwischen 29°C, also nicht über die Temperaturen wundern. :mad:


150W: (und ja ich bin ein Troll)



1.) ..via MPT -> AMD.RX6900XT.rom replace with AMD.RX6950XT.rom
2.) ..via MPT -> Memory Timing Control = 2
3.) ..create a "base-template" and just adjust the numbers -> profit

100W | 16 338 | 1.669 | 2089 (2) | 700 | 1000 | 910mV | 2050
150W | 19 538 | 2.018 | 2089 (2) | 700 | 1000 | 915mV | 2075
200W | 21 550 | 2.267 | 2089 (2) | 700 | 1000 | 880mV | 2050
250W | 22 849 | 2.446 | 2089 (2) | 725 | 1050 | 935mV | 2075

Warning: Please do NOT copy my parameters! Every single card is unique! (especially if you don't know what memory control timing 2 is.)
Danke, ach hätte man etwas mehr Zeit für solche Themen, .. schon ewig am "ToDo".
Weigere mich ein LC-Bios aufzuspielen, kommt eh (bei mir) nicht zur Geltung.
Verwende 24/7 ein UV-225W Profil (auf 100% Stabilität getrimmt).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was da los bei Dir? Komm ich da auch hin wenn ich endlich die Zeit für die Mora Inbetriebnahme finde? Glückwunsch! 😉
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