Review Nexoc Osiris S602 12,1" Subnotebook


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Da ich gesehen habe, dass auch welche ein Subnotebook suchen, habe ich mal ein Review zu meins geschrieben. Ihr findet das unter folgendem Link:


Und der Artikel zur Lackierung


Gruß Halema
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Hi Halema!
sorry for commenting your review in English, though reading Deutsch is no problem for me. Thank your for very nice and useful review!

I got my Osiris s602 2GHz/80GB/1GB RAM/Wlan/BT/Multi for 1200+smth euro
2 weeks ago.

1) As far as I understand the weight of Nexoc Osiris S602 12" is not 1,7 kg, as it is written in many places. This is the weight of the barebone. After processor, HD, RAM, and optical drive are added the total weight will be around 2.1 kg. I haven't weighted my own osiris s602, but it is definitely not as light as 1,7 kg!

2) I don't think that the keyboard of this model can be qualified as
"relativ groß". It is not unusual to have full size keyboard on 12" notebooks
(e.g. MSI, apple powerbook et al). I think the keyboard here is 95% of the
normal size. I also haven't noticed that the feeling of cheap keyboard has disappeared after few days, especially on the left hand side of the KB. Though,
the model I tried in the shop had better feel of the keyboard.
"Anscheinend saß die Tastatur nicht perfekt" - this is also true with me, though the
sample version in the shop was better built.

3) my battery life is definitely much shorter than 4 hours under small load,
though I was not specially measuring it.

4) my fan is much more active than yours and I almost haven't experienced it running on the level 1. it really disturbs. However, this problem hopefully will be fixed by NEXOC. Someone has already suggested on this forum that the models
with Celeron-M (consuming 21 Watt) are actually more silent that those with Pentiim-M (consumes up to 28 Watt but it has speedstep options).
Regulating the processor speed using rmclock can be a solution
for Pentinum-M (I haven't tried it yet).

5) I would add small and cheap keyboard to the negative sides of the laptop
as mentioned by you.
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thank you for reading the review. it takes me 10 houres to write it. so lets take a look. i will answer the things on german. it is much easier for me.

1. das gewicht habe ich von der nexoc homepage genommen. daher der fehler. die daten wurden im review geändert. gestern nach 10 stunden hatte ich einfach keine lust mehr. ;) komplett wiegt es nun 2130g und 1,810 ohne akku. die angaben von nexoc sind also sehr verwirrend.

2. ich denke, dass das keyboard nicht als schlecht eingestuft werden muss. die tasten sind genauso groß wie bei meiner desktop tastatur logitech mx 3100. bei der sind mit einfach die tasten zu weich. die tasten, die bei der notebooktastatur kleiner sind, sind die funktionstasten, die man selten braucht wie. enter, back, strg, alt..., so dass ich meine, dass das nicht wirklich stört, denn es ist halt ein kleines notebook und irgendwo muss gesparrt werden. wenn man davon ausgeht, dass die restlichen tasten kleiner werden, wie a-b-c-... dann wäre das ein negativer punkt wert.

3.ich war mit der akkuzeit auch sehr überrascht, da mir auch gesagt wurde, dass das gerät so drei stunden halten würde. ich habe das gerät nun in vorlesungen in der universität verwendet und halt im garten. da hielt das gerät wirklich 3,5 stunden und war halt im internet am surfen. der celeron m taktet sich durchgehend auf 1,4ghz runter, wenn man im akkubetrieb ist, was natürlich dafür sorgen kann. anderer grund wäre natürlich auch, dass du eine andere festplatte hast und der 2,0ghz verbraucht auch einiges mehr an strom, theoretisch.

4. das ist natürlich möglich. wenn man nicht viel macht, sollte der lüfter nicht wirklich viel anspringen bei einem pentium m. ich habe ja den m 370. der ist neuer und sollte auch nun mehr strom verbrauchen, da er ja die neue version ist.

5. wie geschrieben, bin ich mit der tastatur zufrieden. wenn natürlich noch mehr diese meinung haben, werde ich das aufnehmen.

gruß halema
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Osiris S602 = uniwill 223ii0 tested

This is an interesting review for those who are considering
Nexoc Osiris S602 as their future notebook.

The barebore version of this notebook - uniwill223ii0 - is reviewed as
candidate for DoItYourself notebook and is tested/benchmarked in comparison with 14" Dell model based on Sonoma platform.
I think that for those who are interested in different opinions about this notebook it is
interesting to know it other names (useful for googling).

Here there is the list of its names I know:

Uniwill 223ii0 (the underlying barebone)
eagle m12
Prestigio Visconte 120
cebop Mex
U223 (
Jewell (@ .nl or .be) or Jewel Topaz 9600 (
Sentia (by Alienware)
Aero5 Cen Wide (by bullman)
LC2100 (linux laptop,
WinBook X series
OPTIbook MP 200 (Optimus, Poland)
Roverbook Navigator W200, Next W200, Enote student (Russia)
cybersystem 1200
Xeron Viago (the 2004 version of:
"Create", "2200" (, Lynx)

Maybe someone can complement my list?

Added: Nexus Vita 160, 170, 180, 180D
BACOC S200 (Germany)
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ivar schrieb:
With alienware specific design sometime I don't recognize my own lappy on the pics!

finde das design gelungen. auf den ersten blick merkt man wirklich nicht, dass es fast das gleiche barebone ist. aber der doppelte preis muss dann für das gleiche gerät nicht sein... :d
In the replacement model I received from NEXOC the keyboard is OK.
So, my previous complains about the keyboard should not be extended to all
S602 notebooks. Halema was right.
hmm, und ich habe das gerade im review geändert ;)
naja mal schauen... :d warum hast du denn ein neues bekommen?

gruß halema
Hi Halema!

I got the new one because I wrote all my complains to my reseller and he suggested me to send my unit back to Nexoc for improvements. I actually appreciated the way notebookcentrale stands on the side of their customers.

The complains were: the fan (almost permanently on), the keyboard, the chipset Intel 855GM instead of GME and several minor ones.

In the new unit the keyboard is totally satisfactory (there are only very minor issues with the arrow keys in the bottom right which probably just need time to be worked out) but the fan is the same loud though now it sounds differently. However, the fan regularly switches off and it's lowest level is tolerable. Probably I will have to live with it and to try rmclock under windows and some other tool,
don't know yet, which one, under Linux. The new unit also looks really new while the previous one was looking somewhat like refurbished -).

Now I can think about purchasing 6500mAh battery for my thing. -)
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ja dann viel spaß mit dem ding. ich bin vom nexoc echt überzeugt. muss mir aber noch wegen dem akku überlegen, ob dieser große, der hinten rausguckt, das geld wert ist. leider wird dann das gerät wieder ein stück größer... mal schauen

gruß halema
I forgot to add that in the first unit I had 1 dead pixel and now I have 2. :mad:
habe ich auch, aber die stören mich nicht wirklich. einer links unten und ein anderer rechts oben. was solls, das sind halt tfts.... :d
@ ivar

Hab ich das richtig verstanden? Da war ein falscher Chipsatz drin??

Yes, this was my claim. It seems that the standard Windows tool does not distinguish GM and GME.
I first discovered it when working with SUSE 9.3 live DVD. I was surprised.
Then I installed some additional tool on Windows (already forgot which one)
and ... it has confirmed that I have Intel 855GM instead of 855GME on my system.
I could not believe my eyes! How it is possible with the standard barebone?!
NEXOC did not comment any of my claims. They have just replaced barebone
to a new one and replied that there was a "feller".


I have one dead (blue) pixel in the upper left corner and one in the bottom left (it's hardly detectable). They don't really disturb me. I only worry about the future selling prospects of this unit.
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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ha ha ha:

this is the most emotional review I read about notebooks
(it's about russian "roverbooks" which use uniwill barebone but make a big propaganda in russia that they are "russian high tech" products):

иван андреев, соси ты ХУЙ со своими советами или угрозами.
BIOS updare my a**, dumb f***.
RoverBooks are pieces of shit, I returned mine back to store, asked for my money back. First they refused to give them to me, then I tall those f**kers that the bank will not get a peeny from me as a payment for credit. Then the pulled out TOSHIBA with the same configurations.


*** is edited by me. - sure will be removed by roverbook moderators as soon as they will wake up in Moscow soon. :lol:
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ivar schrieb:
I first discovered it when working with SUSE 9.3 live DVD.

Wie läuft denn SuSE auf dem Notebook? Ich liebäugele sehr damit, will es aber nur kaufen, wenn die Grundfunktionen auch möglich sind. (Auf ein Modem könnte ich ja verzichten, aber Sound und USB beispielsweise sollten schon laufen.)

sound workd, USB works. I can't give you more details because it was only live DVD I checked for short. Now I am under Ubuntu.
The display parameters of S602 from the producer's site

Model B121EW01
Resolution (pixel)
WXGA (1280 x 800)
Active Area (mm)
261.1 x 163.2
Pixel Pitch (mm)
Number of Colors
Color Saturation (NTSC%)
View Angle (H/V)
80 / 60
Brightness (cd/m²) (5 points average)
Contrast Ratio
300 : 1
Response Time (ms) (at 25°C)
Power Consumption (W)
1ch LVDS
Supply Voltage (V)
Outline Dimensions (mm)
275.8 x 178.0 x 5.2
Weight (g)
Question about benchmarks:

Nexoc has built a no name PC3200 RAM (1GB) to my notebook. However, memory benchmarks show that it performs only slightly better than PC2700.

Does someone have the same underperforming RAM installed by NEXOC or it's just only me?
wie hast du rausgefunden welcher ram das ist?
1. Everest Home edition tells me that I have PC3200 DDR SDRAM and ... Seriennummer - Keine
(i.e it is a no-name brand).
2. Dr. Hardware 2004 5.5.0e in SDRAM vendor details writes: Name - uknown.

Memory Banwidth Benchmark of SiSoftware Sandra 2005 shows for my notebook
RAM BAndwidth below 2200 MB/s which is on the level of performance of PC2700 RAM with Intel 845GE or 855PM chipset.
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everest kennt auch nicht das mainboard. wenn er das mainboard nicht auslesen kann, kann er auch nicht auf den speicher zugreifen. daraus folgt, dass da noname steht.
die sache dabei ist, dass der speicher zwar ddr 400 ist, also pc 3200, aber der chipsatz nur ddr 333, also pc2700 unterstützt. es ist also normal und hat nichts damit zu tun, ob der speicher einen namen oder keinen hat.
intel hat einfach keine ahnung, wie man chipsätze baut ;)

gruß halema
Afaik, Intel 855GME chipset which should be inbulit in S602 according to the specifications
supports PC3200.
Hi Halema e.a.

do you have the same problem with acpi CPU temperature shown at 11°C constantly?
I am asking just to exclude that it is a purely Centrino thing, becuase you have Celeron M.

How do your HDD temperatures evolve? I use SpeedFan and mobilemeter to measure it.

In my case if I start at 30° then after 60+ minutes at 600MHz (i.e I practically don't do anything on the laptop) HDD temperature is already 56°C and fun starts his annoying switching on for 2,5-5 minutes every 15 minutes (approximately). It is so if I don't load the processor. If I do, the fan additionally switches on for short once the processor speed makes a peak (as shown by rmclock).
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