[Sammelthread] Ryzen RAM OC + mögliche Limitierungen

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Ich hab jetzt glaub ich ganz gute Einstellungen gefunden :)
Versuche mich jetzt mal dran Spannungen zu senken. VDimm 1,5V ist mir mir 51,5 Grad zu viel.

Edit: Mit VDimm 1,48V gibs einen Fehler bei 2126% :(


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Niedrigere Spannung wirst du dann nur mit höherer CL hinbekommen, sprich CL16.
Ich hab jetzt glaub ich ganz gute Einstellungen gefunden :)
Versuche mich jetzt mal dran Spannungen zu senken. VDimm 1,5V ist mir mir 51,5 Grad zu viel.

Edit: Mit VDimm 1,48V gibs einen Fehler bei 2126% :(
Bei den Timings ist aber noch viel Potential :fresse2:
Jemand einen Tipp bzgl. IF 1900MHz beim 5800X3D? Hab SOC 1.1V, VDDG 1.05 bereits probiert. Zusätzlich hatte ich den Speicher auf 3200MHz gelockt.

Beim 3700X konnte ich das auch nicht erreichen, liegts vielleicht am Board (Crosshair VI Hero)?
1900Mhz bootet bei mir auch einfach gar nicht.
Darüber läufts dann wieder.
Bei den Timings ist aber noch viel Potential :fresse2:
VDimm 1,49V scheint zu laufen (bin grad bei 30000%), lasse es mal so, probiere morgen dann mit der Spannung noch straffere Timings :)
Denke 51 Grad sind noch im Rahmen

1900Mhz bootet bei mir auch einfach gar nicht.
Darüber läufts dann wieder.
Bei mir geht 1900Mhz auch nicht. 1933 scheißt aber ein haußen Whea Fehler, mit 1866MHz läuft es super :)
Bei mir geht 1900Mhz auch nicht. 1933 scheißt aber ein haußen Whea Fehler, mit 1866MHz läuft es super :)
Ab 2000Mhz bekomme ich wheas im Idle. Habe aber bisher auch nur an der vsoc gedreht, bei den anderen Spannungen muss ich mich erst einlesen. Ram OC war für mich nie ein Thema, da mir die Geduld fehlt. Aber schauen, was der neue Chip so macht, muss man ja trotzdem mal. :)
1966 läuft grad durch aida stress mit 1,1vsoc
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
VDimm 1,49V scheint zu laufen (bin grad bei 30000%), lasse es mal so, probiere morgen dann mit der Spannung noch straffere Timings :)
Denke 51 Grad sind noch im Rahmen

Bei mir geht 1900Mhz auch nicht. 1933 scheißt aber ein haußen Whea Fehler, mit 1866MHz läuft es super :)
3733MHz nehmen und dafür dann die Timings straffen, bringt am meisten bei dir! Du hast das bekannte "Memory Hole".
Das ist ein "FCLK-Hole", hab ich mit meinem 5950X auch. Kannst ja mal probieren asynchron laufen zu lassen, dann wirst sehen, dass der UMC/RAM 1900MHz (FCLK einfach auf 1800MHz stellen) mitmachen. Ich kann auch andersrum alles auf Default in den UEFI-Settings haben und nur den FCLK auf 1900MHz stellen und ich bekomme keinen Boot.
Ja mit FCLK 1900 bekomme ich keinen Boot hin. Es geht nur 1866 oder 1933. Letzteres hat aber sekündlich WHEAs, daher bleibe ich bei 1866 :)

Bin mittlerweile bei 14-15-15-15-30 Timings :)
Läuft echt geil in der Konfiguration, dass sind die selben Timings die ich zuvor bei 3600MHz ohne GDM hatte. Jetzt mit 3733MHz inklusive GDM ist auch die Latenz viel niedriger :d
Temperaturtechnisch bin ich jetzt bei 52 Grad wenn Karhu läuft.

Werde später 14-14-15-14-30 probieren


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14 - 14 - 15 - 14 - 28 sollte gehen

tRP+tRas = tRC

tRRDS 4 und tRRDL 4
tFAW 16
tWTRS 4 und tWTRL 8 oder 12
tRDRDSD und tRDRDDD beide 4
tWRWRSD und tWRWRDD beide 6

tRFC auf 266
Wo liegt das Problem?.....:fresse:

Screenshot 2022-05-16 225800.jpg
tRCDRD oder tRRDL :shot:
Na dann sehr wahrscheinlich tRRDL, wobei tRDWR und tWRRD auch zicken könnte... soviel Möglichkeiten haste ja nicht :fresse:
Kommt auf die Spannung an... tWTRL 8, tWRRD 2, *SCL 2, tRFC 140ns oder weniger. SC/SD/DD Werte auf 1/4/3, 1/6/5, CL14... GDM off... Möglichkeiten gibts viele :fresse2:
Solltest du doch vom Discord kennen ;)
Kommt auf die Spannung an... tWTRL 8, tWRRD 2, *SCL 2, tRFC 140ns oder weniger. SC/SD/DD Werte auf 1/4/3, 1/6/5, CL14... GDM off... Möglichkeiten gibts viele :fresse2:
Solltest du doch vom Discord kennen ;)
Ja schon klar, aber ich wollte mal CL 16 soweit ausreizen wie es geht, und Spannungen soweit runter wie es geht...aktuell liegen 1,38 V an..
Pass doch nur einen einzigen Wert an und mach dann einen Karhu Test, dann bist du dir sicher an welchen Wert es liegt.
Ich pass morgens und abends immer was an und lass es über Nacht und während ich auf der Arbeit bin laufen.

Hab jetzt über Nacht nochmal schärfere Timings ausgelotet :)
Momentan läuft bei Karhu ein Test mit TWTRL und TWR 12


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die letzten Timings testet man dann einzeln, ist richtig ;)
Gerade *SCL 2 und tRFC <150ns nuckeln ordentlich an der Spannung :fresse:
@Cydras tFAW 16 mal noch als erstes mit testen. tWTRL 8, tRRDS 4, tRRDL 6. tRC vermute ich mal 38/36 geht auch noch.
I have the Crucial Ballistix 2x 32gb 3600c16 kit (X570 Aorus master rev 1.1 here, F35b (Agesa, 5950x). I have trouble posting with 1T GDM disabled. GDM enabled runs 1900mhz 1:1:1 on 1.35V auto timings 10000% karhu clear. Can you help me with this? kind regards
Hat jemand den F4-3600C14D-32GTZNA und kann mal einen Screenshot von Zen Timings posten mit aktiviertem XMP Profil?
I have the Crucial Ballistix 2x 32gb 3600c16 kit (X570 Aorus master rev 1.1 here, F35b (Agesa, 5950x). I have trouble posting with 1T GDM disabled. GDM enabled runs 1900mhz 1:1:1 on 1.35V auto timings 10000% karhu clear. Can you help me with this? kind regards
Try it with ClkDrvStr 40 or 60. AddrCmdDrvStr 20, CsOdtDrvstr and CkeDrvStr 24. Maybe a little bit more Volts on the RAM.
A ZenTimins Screen would be usefull.
Try it with ClkDrvStr 40 or 60. AddrCmdDrvStr 20, CsOdtDrvstr and CkeDrvStr 24. Maybe a little bit more Volts on the RAM.
A ZenTimin's Screen would be usefull.

Yes sorry I've been asking around with more details but no-one seems to reply. Let me give you a full run down.

So this is what i've been running for a long time (i used to run 2x16gb micron rev e with tuned timings but i needed to upgrade to 64gb because i do also engineering simulations and heavy multitasking which needs more ram capacity). These are 1900mhz 1:1:1 auto timings, no whea, 10000% clear, 1T, GDM On:


Soc voltage, VDDG IOD/CCD, VDDP are all on auto and they are set to 1.2V,1V-1V,1V respectively. I can raise fclk to 1933mhz/1966mhz/2000mhz and boot just fine but i get whea errors, especially on 2000flck. I've tried several things but seems to be CPU limit (5950x B0 stepping). Even at 1933mhz, increased ram voltage just a single CB20 MT run will generate 50 whea errors (also CB doesn't hit ram much so i knew it's not ram related). Anyways since i cannot do nothing about it i decided to tighten the timings instead.

I found other setups with the same ram like in the RAM overclocking spreadsheet leaderboards etc and did many tries but my board doesn't like GDM Off (which will make the most latency improvement) at all. Using again the above settings (basically all timings on auto) and Vdram at 1.45V which is more than enough, i can boot at 3200mhz, but at 3400mhz it will hang at the POST screen. This is what i found a few days ago and it's important.

Last night i've tried your settings and other tips and i can basically get it to POST at 3800mhz on first boot/training cycle and it will just freeze/hang/lock just after the POST splash screen ( https://i.imgur.com/arKRfdI.jpg ,i cannot even enter the bios). This is was with these settings: https://i.imgur.com/yPXVn8l.jpg
Basically i've put everything where i think it will have the best chance like procodt, and clkdrvstren, but what i think it's the main issue here is to hit the correct Rtt settings. I've been trying the ones from the table in the 1st post here. I didn't managed to finish trying all of them because it was already 5.30am and i had to sleep and wake up for work 2.5hours later.. It's also possible it might hang at the POST screen because of VDDG IOD voltage being too low but i didn't find any info in my quick search for such a problem during ram overclocking.

What do you think i should do?
Die letzten Timings testet man dann einzeln, ist richtig ;)
Gerade *SCL 2 und tRFC <150ns nuckeln ordentlich an der Spannung :fresse:
@Cydras tFAW 16 mal noch als erstes mit testen. tWTRL 8, tRRDS 4, tRRDL 6. tRC vermute ich mal 38/36 geht auch noch.
tFAW 18 macht leider einen Fehler bei 15822%, tFAW 16 auch schon früher.
Ich lass es mal bei 20 und versuche noch andere Timings zu senken.


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Naja mit tRRDS auf 5 ist das auch irgendwie klar :fresse:
tRRDS 4, tRRDL 6, tFAW 16 ;)
Yes sorry I've been asking around with more details but no-one seems to reply. Let me give you a full run down.

So this is what i've been running for a long time (i used to run 2x16gb micron rev e with tuned timings but i needed to upgrade to 64gb because i do also engineering simulations and heavy multitasking which needs more ram capacity). These are 1900mhz 1:1:1 auto timings, no whea, 10000% clear, 1T, GDM On:

Anhang anzeigen 760154

Soc voltage, VDDG IOD/CCD, VDDP are all on auto and they are set to 1.2V,1V-1V,1V respectively. I can raise fclk to 1933mhz/1966mhz/2000mhz and boot just fine but i get whea errors, especially on 2000flck. I've tried several things but seems to be CPU limit (5950x B0 stepping). Even at 1933mhz, increased ram voltage just a single CB20 MT run will generate 50 whea errors (also CB doesn't hit ram much so i knew it's not ram related). Anyways since i cannot do nothing about it i decided to tighten the timings instead.

I found other setups with the same ram like in the RAM overclocking spreadsheet leaderboards etc and did many tries but my board doesn't like GDM Off (which will make the most latency improvement) at all. Using again the above settings (basically all timings on auto) and Vdram at 1.45V which is more than enough, i can boot at 3200mhz, but at 3400mhz it will hang at the POST screen. This is what i found a few days ago and it's important.

Last night i've tried your settings and other tips and i can basically get it to POST at 3800mhz on first boot/training cycle and it will just freeze/hang/lock just after the POST splash screen ( https://i.imgur.com/arKRfdI.jpg ,i cannot even enter the bios). This is was with these settings: https://i.imgur.com/yPXVn8l.jpg
Basically i've put everything where i think it will have the best chance like procodt, and clkdrvstren, but what i think it's the main issue here is to hit the correct Rtt settings. I've been trying the ones from the table in the 1st post here. I didn't managed to finish trying all of them because it was already 5.30am and i had to sleep and wake up for work 2.5hours later.. It's also possible it might hang at the POST screen because of VDDG IOD voltage being too low but i didn't find any info in my quick search for such a problem during ram overclocking.

What do you think i should do?
jumping in:
have you tried to work with ryzen dram calc? from that you could start tighten your specs. but as every cpu as well as every ram behaves under the rules of the mighty goddess RNG, 1900flck might be everything you can get. so clear cmos and look if you can boot without anything set up. from that, start with rdc, if you get this stable again, start tuning or just be fine with what you get. the dark hero has an option in ram setttings called "mem over clock fail count". if you have something simliar, set it to 0.
jumping in:
have you tried to work with ryzen dram calc? from that you could start tightening your specs. but as every cpu as well as every ram behaves under the rules of the mighty goddess RNG, 1900flck might be everything you can get. so clear cmos and look if you can boot without anything set up. from that, start with rdc, if you get this stable again, start tuning or just be fine with what you get. the dark hero has an option in ram settings called "mem over clock fail count". if you have something similar, set it to 0.
mate, sorry if i sound rude but:
- ryzen dram calculator is outdated, doesn't have timings for micron rev b 16gbit over 3200mhz and my issue here aren't timings
- i can run 1900mhz with the ram just fine but only with GDM ON 1T, aka 1.5T
- my issue is that i can't go past POST with GDM off because i need to find the correct settings - if you read my posts i have made progress already
- i know this asus option but gigabyte boards don't have it, they usually reset after 3 tries but for me is quicker to clear cmos manually
mate, sorry if i sound rude but:
- ryzen dram calculator is outdated, doesn't have timings for micron rev b 16gbit over 3200mhz and my issue here aren't timings
- i can run 1900mhz with the ram just fine but only with GDM ON 1T, aka 1.5T
- my issue is that i can't go past POST with GDM off because i need to find the correct settings - if you read my posts i have made progress already
- i know this asus option but gigabyte boards don't have it, they usually reset after 3 tries but for me is quicker to clear cmos manually
yeah. i see. at first you said something about micron e dies, now its micron b.
anyway. you're on these? set everything on auto but load the profil cruicial recommends. go into zen timings read your rtts and start from there. for more stability you can raise vddp to 0.95v.
and i'm sorry if i bothered you with stuff you already know cause i knew ryzen ram oc is a pain in the ass. as i said, i jumped in and gave you an annoying answer. somethimes its the end for your oc road and you have to life with it.

yeah I see. at first you said something about micron e dies, now its micron b.
anyway. are you on these ? set everything on auto but load the profile cruicial recommends. go into zen timings read your rtts and start from there. for more stability you can raise vddp to 0.95v.
and i'm sorry if i bothered you with stuff you already know cause i knew ryzen ram oc is a pain in the ass. as i said, i jumped in and gave you an annoying answer. somethimes its the end for your oc road and you have to life with it.

yes i am on these but the dual kit (i posted spd and info in the thread here yesterday). I had some advice on the discord group, but considering i made this much progress already i think i'll get it to work sooner or later. It seems to be more related to my motherboard and IMC rather than the ram specifically. Trial and error, trial and error (and yes i know ram overclocking is the most annoying type of overclocking;p )
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