Silver unter Win XP


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Hi, da das ja hier doch ne recht große community, auch im Games bereich is, dachte ich mir, frag ich hier auch einmal ...
Kennt irgendjemand von euch noch das Spiel Silver von Infogrames ? Wenn ja, weiß jemand wie man es unter Win XP zum laufen kriegt ?
Ich hab nämlich schon fast alles probiert was mir einfällt ... weiß vielleicht noch jemand ein Programm um ein OS wie Win98 unter Win XP zu simulieren ?
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win xp kann das !

start => programme => zubehör => Programmkompatibilitäts-Assistent

dann befolgen das dort steht und eben win98 kompatibilität auswählen
ich glaub so ähnlich hab ich das letztes jahr gemacht, als ichs wieder rausgekramt hab :d
*kramen muss* :d muss ich unbedingt mal wieder zoggen, war mein erstes rollenspiel ;)

und ja es sollte mit kompatibilitäts modus laufen
Das mit der Win XP Kompabilitätskacke hatte ich leider schon versucht, hilft aber in allen möglichen Konbinationen nicht, ich komme ja auch bis zu einer bestimmten stelle, mit ner modifizierten exe, aber anner bestimmten stelle (wo mein beim orakel die karte bekomme, für die leute die es kennen) beendet es sich und er gibt mir ne Fehlermeldung.

€: Es gibt doch auch hier anhänger, ich wusste es ! Es war mein erstes RPG und ich finds immer noch geil, nur leider komme ihc nicht weiter als zu der stelle ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hier findest du noch mar tips:
Common technical problems with silver nowadays seem to be:

1) Game installs but doesn't load and I'm using Windows XP operating system.

2) Graphics distortion bar problem at the bottom of screen, or new game won't even start at all.

3) Game crashes suddenly to desktop and gives an error message, which usually is 'exception: access violation'.

4) Game crashes after the Oracle or when you try to access your inventory screen through the pie menu or when you try to pause the game by pressing F12. I'm using geforce family video card.

5) Can't open the game map and I have geforce4 or equal/better video card. (question/suggestion only)

Current solutions:

1), 2) These issues are well answered in the game technical FAQ found from the main page of this forum and in the other threads on this forum. The key is the unofficial geforce patch, which evidently works with some other video cards too like ati radeon family cards. Read the FAQ to learn more and where to obtain the patch.

3) This problem occurs to everybody using Pentium III or better at some point of the game. This may happen in random locations but the most 'typical' places are maybe: the first swamp screen after the fire tree, cave in the monastery after the monk has given you ethereal potion (or something like that), and the room in Chains prison right after Fuge's lightning hits your party. Some have said that it helps to drink diff. potions or equip your party differently before entering these 'crash sites', but if those won't work then there is one thing that will for sure. Today's fast processors seem to be too much for Silver and therefore you need to 'burden' your CPU a bit. One good way to do this is to use CPU Killer. It's not freeware but you can use it 20mins at a time and that should be enough for you to load Silver and play past that scene where game always crash. 4% slow down factor should be enough to do the trick.. if it isn't, raise the factor. When the problem is 'crash-to-desktop + error-message', always try CPU Killer first to fix it.

4) First of all, if game crashes after the Oracle, try loading earlier savegame and make sure you can open your inventory screen through the pie menu and that you can pause the game by pressing F12 without problems. If you can, then it could be speed related problem and you might want to try CPU Killer mentioned above to fix it. After the Oracle the game throws you automatically to inventory screen so that's why the inventory-screen-crash and Oracle-crash are often the same problem.

I had this problem my self when I recently once again played Silver through and I managed to fix it by downgrading my video drivers from Detonator 53.04 to 30.82.

5) I have no solution for this unfortunately, but I'd like to ask has it been confirmed that the problem is geforce4 chipset, not the video drivers? Has any geforce4 owner tried to downgrade video drivers to e.g. Detonator 30.xx if this had fixed the problem? I have geforce2 my self and changing back to old drivers fixed the inventory problem. I would appreciate it if someone using geforce4 tests this and lets me know. Thx.

And finally, many thanks for Choja keeping Silver still alive and still helping ppl here to solve their issues with it.
What a compelling game it still is.

Hi all,

If you are reading this, then I assume you are having technical difficulties with the game, Silver. This thread contains some of the basic solutions to most common technical problems reported with the game. Please read all the problem descriptions and follow the instructions according to whatever problem you are currently dealing with.

This thread will continually be updated with new information and/or instruction if any are found. If you believe there's something missing in the following content please first check the twin thread to this one (Silver's gameplay FAQ), as the problem may not be a technical one but a gameplay one. If you cannot find the solution in either thread then feel free to contact me via email or private message and I shall work to update the info ASAP.

If you have any further queries or are uncertain of any steps in the instructions, feel free to post on the forum and I and others will endeavour to respond to them the best we can.

One final thing: in severeal solutions below you will need to make the distinction between which version of Silver you have. The instructions for how to differentiate between US and UK/International English have been given at the bottom of this post.

Have a great time!

Simon Lai
aka Magician/Choja
InfogramesNA/InfogramesUK Silver forum moderator
ICQ: 37410586
MSN Messenger:

PS. I have re-organised the content of this thread according to when you may encounter the error whilst playing the game.
First of all, if you are encountering any technical problems with playing the US version of Silver, I ask you to download and install the official patch prior to reporting any problems. The patch can be located at: (you'll also find soundtracks and other goodies here).

Secondly, there is no official patch at all for the UK/International English version of Silver. There are quite a few un-official patches out however, which are available from my silver website (refer to Silver Links thread for the URL).

1) The game and/or installer won't start and you are currently running Win2k, WinME or WinXP.
Solution 1: right click on the program that you run to start the installer/game then choose properties. Somewhere there in one of the tabs should be a setting which enables compatibility mode between win95 or 98. This should make the game work. Note: I only have Windows98 myself, so I cannot give any more specific instruction than the above words. Sorry!
Solution 2: Go to and download then install the patch appropriate for your version of Silver.
Solution 3: Re-install the version of DirectX that's on your Silver CD 1. Doesn't matter if you already have the latest version of DirectX installed - just re-install it again. For some people this actually makes it work, though I don't know why.
Solution 3: I've been informed the NEW patch for the geforce doesn't seem the work. I've got the old patches still however, and have uploaded them to:

2) There are horizontal graphical distortion bars in the background rendered image and I am using one of the video cards in the GeForce family.
Solution: Go to and download then install the patch appropriate for your version of Silver.

3) Window's screen capturing doesn't seem to work.
Solution: Window's screen capturing may not work in some DirectX applications. You will need a 3rd party program to do a screen capture. A freeware one is available from (the freeware version is the older version of one of the software from that site).

4) The Boatman in Rain won't accept my cursed doubloon.
Solution 1: You need to have talked with the professors at Gno before the boatman will take you to the next stage of the game.
Solution 2a: There is a bug associated with the UK/International English version where if you talk to the Boatman first prior to the professor at Library of Gno and/or obtaining the cursed doubloon then the Boatman may never accept the cursed doubloon no matter what you do. If you have an earlier savegame prior to have spoken to the Boatman then I recommend you to load from that savegame to continue.
Solution 2b: If you do not have an earlier savegame, you'll need to obtain one from another player (I can supply savegames for US or UK/International English). Soon I will be making these savegames available for download from my website (URL can be located in the Silver Links thread).

5) The game crashes either randomly or at the swamp after the fire tree/Fuge.
Solution 1: You need to slow down your computer to around a low-end Pentium speed machine. One way of doing this is using CPU Killer, available from .
Solution 2: Quaff a potion of enchanted armour on your character/s prior to enter the area.
Solution 3: Remove ALL magic orbs and wield normal weapons/armours instead.
Solution 4: Change your party formation by going back to the Rebel Camp.

6) When the monk gives me the ethereal potion and my character drinks it, the game crash.
Solution 1: Make sure the character drinking the ethereal potion quaffs a potion of enchanted armour PRIOR to speaking with the monk and getting the ethereal potion.
Solution 2: Remove ALL magic orbs and wield normal weapons/armours instead.

7) The sewer bells won't ring and you are playing the UK/International English version of the game.
Solution 1: You're not ringing the bell - note that the bell is near the top of a small platform that you cannot reach with your character. You will hence need to shoot a projectile to hit it! Arming yourself with a projectile weapon won't work by itself - you will need to hold down a particular key whilst clicking at the bell in order to shoot it successfully. The exact key you need to press should be noted in the manual accompanying the game.
Solution 2: UK/International version of the game are known to contain the bug where despite ringing the bell the gate won't open. On my silver website (URL available from Silver Links thread) are the appropriate UNOFFICIAL patches that *may* resolve this problem - however, I cannot assure that it will work or that it's virus free (I didn't write the patch).
Solution 3: You may need to obtain a savegame where the gate is opened for you (I can supply savegames for US or UK/International English). Soon I will be making these savegames available for download from my website (URL can be located in the Silver Links thread).

8) You are playing the UK/International English version of the game and in the end-game sequence, your characters won't flee to avoid destruction.
Solution: UK/International version of the game are known to contain the bug where the characters simply won't run for some unknown reason. On my silver website (URL available from Silver Links thread) are the appropriate UNOFFICIAL patches that *may* resolve this problem - however, I cannot assure that it will work or that it's virus free (I didn't write the patch).

-=How to tell which version of Silver you have=-
The instructions will only inform you of the 2 different English versions that's available. All non-English versions are one of a kind and there are no patches (official or otherwise) for those versions.

To tell which English version of silver you have, look on the CD with the silver and blue lettering side on top.

- If it says (c) Infogrames United Kingdom Limited 1999., then you have the UK/International English version (this one is typically distributed in every English-speaking country except in the US)
- If it says (c) Infogrames North America., then you have the US English version (this one is typically distributed only in the United States)

Ansonsten habe ich das hier noch: ed2k://|file|Silver.PC-Game.Unofficial.Patch.rar|1634806|E5172972CB7E67846A7CC03354253365|h=HNNCHNMAIML4ULNLXDZNZMFCY5NLWPCH|/
Danke ich hab zwar noch hoffnung ... aber nicht mehr viel ... das Game will immer noch nciht, das hatte ich größtenteils schon ausprobiert ... ich denke ich werde mir wohl nen 600MHZ Pentium zulegen müssen um es vernünftig zocken zu können ...

€: Hast dus zum laufen bekommen ?
Ja, Silver war schon was.^^

Aber Leute, Silver ist bei weitem kein RPG, das ist ein Adventure. ;)
Es ist aber auch zum Teil PRG ...
Aber ich glaube es ist echt nicht möglich das spiel unter XP vernünftig zum laufen zu bekommen, ich werd mich meinen restlichen urlaub nochma dran setzen und die .exe auseinandernehmen und schleifen und sprünge verbessern in der hoffnung das es was bringt.
Also ich hab auch das Problem das dass spiel an der Stelle nach dem Orakel abstürtzt. Könnte es nicht gehen wenn man einfach das nächste Savegame läd (ist ja eh eine minute dannach)??? Also wer hat noch n altes Savegame!!!
Joa, geht, aber jedesmal wenn du karte aufgeht stirbt das Game. Ich kann nur keinen erstellen da ich auch nicht weiter komme als bis zum orakel -.-
ich hab silver auch gezoggelt damals und fand es echt supi :)
Auf die Karte kommt man auch ganz einfach mit der taste m !!! Ich habe folgendes Problem.. Ich starte das Spiel klicke auf neues Spiel starten. er läd und bringt mir die One and only Fehlermeldung: Exeption: Acces Violation. Ich hab 450mhz Pll und eine Geforce DDR 256 und 468 mb Ram(wayne). Ich bin win2k fan habe aber derzeitig winxp druff! Habe auch keine Lust neuzu installieren.. Könnt ihr mir helfen evtl. ein Savegame von der ersten stelle am hafen schicken?? Vielleicht geht es aber auch mit dem Geforce Patch aber das ist nicht zu installln an meinem Pc =(.. PLZ HELP ME

hmm komisch, habe das game auch mal gezockt mit WinXP und musst nix umstellen... lief auf anhieb
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
jo, grafisch ist es echt nicht schlecht.
man muss aber dazu sagen das die hintergründe vorgerendert sind.
Das gabs auch schon vor 1999, siehe final fanatsy, resident evil reihe etc.
Kann das spiel jeden uneingeschränkt empfehlen die unkomplizierte action-RPG's mögen.
Der Patch funzt auch, nur gibs dann trotzdem beim aufruf der karte nen violation access error... liegt wohl an Win XP ... ich glaub ich mach ma nen emuliertes win98 druff und teste ma damit ..

Habe mir nun auch Silver für meinen PC geholt, doch es verträgt sich anschienend überhaupt nicht mit meiner hardware.

Ständig habe ich Streifen auf dem ganzen Screen und der Sound spinnt auch andauernd.

Habe bereits den Kompatibilitätsmodus in unterschiedlichen Einstellungen ausprobiert, aber das Prob bleibt.

Gibt`s da vielleicht einen Patch oder liegt es einfach an der hardware bzw. den Treibern? :hmm:

lol, ich dacht mir grad "Silver", hm
"silver", hmmmm dann "neee" dann die Screen Shots
-> dann "doch klar :d"

mann du, hab`s total verdrängt .... (ich unwürdiger)
hab`s glaub auch noch

-> War bei ne "Best Of" oder "games Vol." drauf,
muss nur noch kucken, wo ich`s hab.

Thx an den Threadersteller!!

€: und natürlich an den Patch-Site-Finder :d
Das spiel habe ich Durchgespielt und es ist ein geiles game bei Win XP musste ich aber nichts verändern.
Also ich konnte es soweit unter XP immer normal starten, aber weil ich ne Radeon hatte (erste ne 9800Pro, jetzt ne X800XL), waren da die übelsten Grafikfehler (so komisch verzerrtes Bild, weiss auch nich wie ich das anders beschreiben soll)
War auch egal, was ich in den Treibereinstellungen gemacht hatte.

Den aktuellsten Patch konnte ich mir nie saugen, weil der wirklich nirgends verfügbar war (ist ja auch schon reichlich alt, das Game)
Aber vor ein paar Monaten war das bei ner Screenfun bei, mit aktuellem Patch. Da konnte ich mir dann die Screenfun CD von nem Kollegen ausleihen und mal eben ziehen.
Aber hab dann auch schnell wieder die Lust verloren :fresse:
Ich mein das Game hat auf jeden Fall relativ gute Grafik und ne tolle Story und vor allem ein hammergeiles Kampfsystem, aber hab's nu schon soooo oft durchgespielt und die Story is sooo linear und die Endkämpfe sind quasi immer die gleichen Abläufe. Angriff abwarten + blocken / ausweichen und dann mit speziellem Zauber angreifen wenn der sich gerade erholt.
Wir wären dir alle sehr dankbar wenn du den Patch hier mal irgendwo hochladen könntest...
du müsstest post haben
und deine pn-box ist voll :p

ich übernehm aber keine gewähr falls was nich klappt
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