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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    But that still raises the question: has anybody made an ultra-low-power trinity system yet? Kind of interested in that...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    The RAM voltage doesn't matter at all for typical (=mostly idle) power consumption. DDR3 has power down states which reduce power consumption to well under 1W in idle. In my 5.9W ivy bridge build I actually overvolt my RAM (1.55V). In idle (ACPI C3/Intel C6) the RAM power consumption is about...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    I investigated the difference between 1 or 2 RAM slots populated a while ago: Mux' vragenuurtje 17/8/2012: hoe zuinig is geheugen? - mux' blog (it's in Dutch, shouldn't be extremely hard to follow for you) Basically, RAM uses no power at all in idle. DDR3 has power down modes specified as an...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    The problem here is that both the OS and the actual hardware won't let me get much lower. Idle, the windows 7 and 8 kernels drop down to a tick rate of around 3Hz which means that essentially the processor and RAM are constantly in power down and the IA cores aren't using any power. When the...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    As promised, here is a link to a summary post about my ultra low power (5.9W) ivy bridge system: Fluffy2 - 5.9 Watt high-end desktop computer - mux' blog Hope you like it :) more to come
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    Like most of these kinds of chips, this inductor is part of the built-in DC/DC converter that makes a suitable core voltage for this chip. You'll find similar approaches (no 1117 or similar LDO chip, but built-in switching DC/DC converters) in most other peripheral chips nowadays, with probably...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    I doubt you will find this information anywhere else without doing some original research yourself. As I understand it, both VRD11.1 and VRD12 specifications are supposed to be compatible with sandy bridge (VRD, or voltage regulator down, being intel's specification for their VRM interface)...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    All Ivy Bridge motherboards have to support intel SVID, but not all boards support a straight implementation. This is why there is such a large difference between APS (active phase switching) and SVID mode on some boards. Intel SVID is how the processor itself communicates with the VRMs. In the...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    Of course, the above effects I described ony make sense with all else being equal. First of all: the formula still stands because universal input power adapters have either a PFC circuit that doubles the input voltage (to get back to 320VDC) or use other techniques that basically boil down to...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    This is not an easy question to answer, I think I will leave a proper (technical) explanation for either a text or video blog because many people have this question (how the hell do I know that a certain board is the best board without anybody having seen or reviewed it? Is it wizardry? - I...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    Yeah, I would honestly be a bit upset if somebody would easily surpass this result. It took me more than a month of tinkering... and lots of annoyance. This motherboard is *not* easy to mod. I would really like Intel to have some kind of backup BIOS feature, and control over more parameters in...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    definitiv niedrigste verbrauch (sorry for the english post) I'm currently about halfway designing and building one of my new projects. You may (but probably won't) know me from 1.5 years ago when I posted some things about my 8.3W core i3 build ( 8.5W Core i3-based desktop computer (English) -...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    (I'm sorry for my English posts, I can read german just fine (so you can answer in german if you want), but I'm not confident about my german writing, so that's why) I know these meters have been tested and given good marks, but as somebody who actually researches in this field I know that...
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    Alltagstaugliche Desktop-Systeme mit 10W Idle-Verbrauch (inkl. Llano FM1 Beispiel)

    I'd like to know the DC current values to verify your AC measurements... Can you do that? AC measurements are pretty inaccurate with these meters in this measurement range.
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    [Vorstellung] 8.5W Core i3-system (Englisch)

    I just got word of somebody with the following configuration and no modding at all: Da's inderdaad dat i3-systeem: Intel DH67CF Intel i3 2100 processor Thermaltake Slim X3 koeler Kingston ValueRAM KVR1333D3N9K2/4G (2 x 2GB memory WD Scorpio Black WD5000BEKT harddisk Pico-PSU 90W & 70W adapter...
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    [Vorstellung] 8.5W Core i3-system (Englisch)

    The design is basically finished now, you can read about it here
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    [Sammelthread] Was verbraucht dein HTPC?

    Das ist natürlich nicht mehr 'stock'.... ;) hmm, denn wird Atom+ION nur billiger sein, das stromverbrauch wird ungefähr gleich sein (aber du hast das schon gesagt). (aber mit transcoden... SB all the way!)
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    [Sammelthread] Was verbraucht dein HTPC?

    Aber die SB chips brauchen mehr unter vollast weil die IGP viel kräftiger ist.
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    [Vorstellung] 8.5W Core i3-system (Englisch)

    No, but I am in the process of designing a very special kind of PicoPSU with which you can monitor, via USB, exactly how much current the computer is drawing on each of the power lines. It will also allow for modifying the 5V and 3.3V voltages (adjustment between 1.0-3.3V and 1.0-5V). This will...
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    [Vorstellung] 8.5W Core i3-system (Englisch)

    Hallo, ich bin Niederländisch und weil es kein problem ist für mich Deutsch zu lesen, wurde ich Englisch schreiben. Some time ago, in september I think, a friend of mine pointed out that a few users on german forums have managed to get a full-blown desktop computer to consume first about 15W...
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