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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    @KaerMorhen Actually me and my contacts/friends were using optimus stuff and all have decided to go back to watercool from now on. Among the issues are quality control and customer service. Only thing we are going to use from them now on are there fittings and adapters/extenders shall they...
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    That's great news. Hopefully that is final so we know which GPU to target this time around.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Will help knowing which GPU brand/model to get. Last generation was an pain. I'm not planning to get till block released anyways. Not rushing into it like last time.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Hoping to hear good news on which 4080 GPU you will be making blocks this round soon
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    For those looking at fans. The phantek T30-120 are really good performance but the cable daisy chain management part is perfect. I no longer need the dewire fan solution. I definitely will replace the SL140mm on my Mo-ra3 whenever they are released.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    I really want to try out this block but have 3080ti strix and top performance block coming in (i was first person to preorder strix version)
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Just want to say love the new rads. They fit well with my build, perform well and super easy to maintain. No more of the random copper in my loop too so that means the source was brass tubing. Great also to see you guys improving the block further. Will keep afloat of how it performs...
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Lot of people doing that. In North america ppl are buying alphacool over bykski etc as in north america they are competitively priced with bykski
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    For those wondering i have started testing the rads and so far good. One D5 at 100% gets about 200lph. Not bad for three rads plus three Qd4. [URL unfurl = "true"] [/ URL]
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    Optimus Signature v2 + FTW3 Wasserblock unboxing

    The optimus ftw3 might even get active backplate. They are even looking at more premium material than cast acrylic for there kingpin block. That and there active block promises to knock another 20degrees off there passive block
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    [Sammelthread] WATERCOOL - Laberthread (inoffiziell)

    Did proof of concept build with the radiators and my modular concept seems to work out better than thought. The radiators look so good they are worth mounting up on top. I will figure an way to get an extended top made or an solution i can reuse my existing top. Long time to finish build with...
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    [Sammelthread] WATERCOOL - Laberthread (inoffiziell)

    Just got in the radiators. Very nice looking (me and my friend order)
  13. S

    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Thanks for the information. I was wondering if someone ever reviewed that unit. I guess if that's the case, I may have to go liquidhaus style and just convert an internal radiator in the future to external setup. Western review sites are lot fewer than the Germans one. I personally prefer the...
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    I do hope the next version of mo-ra improves on the flow restrictions. I just put together my Mo-Ra3 and it takes two d5 pump at 60-70% to achieve flow rate of 1gpm.
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    [Sammelthread] WATERCOOL - Laberthread (inoffiziell)

    I saw. I have 3 of those radiators in shipping. I waited 8+ months for them from leaks to actual shipping lol.
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    [Sammelthread] WATERCOOL - Laberthread (inoffiziell)

    They also reviewed the thick version. If you see the test results, its in the page. Not lot of ppl reviewed it hopefully Igorlabs does but the review scene for waterparts kind of barren at this point. You got igorslab and vsg at techpowerup. VSG been in this game for long time (he's the guy...
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Great idea. I really hope it works out. This idea was tried for the Optimus thread and failed miserably.
  18. S

    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Some orders have shipped out to my knowledge. So its just matter of them hitting your order. My rad order has not been shipped out yet.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Always excited to see what new products you come out with the CPU block gaining my attention more.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Its unfortunate no strix block planned because i just got my temp block and probably would have gone watercool if they had one in works. Now just waiting for radiators to complete my build while i wait for planned gpu block to become available to order.
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