Ampere Smalltalk-Thread (Startpost lesen, Handel nur im Marktplatz!, keine Botanfragen!)

Then you already found somebody, congratulations :) I guess the best thing then is to wait until this person gets the card so he can give it to you. I agree with you that not everybody who wants a card does it for profit, but still: No offense, but why should somebody believe you? There are enough stories in this thread where people gave away their card at MSRP and the buyer just put it on eBay again afterwards to sell it for more money.

So what makes your story with your "girlfriend's brother" more believable than those of other people? Given it's true, I think if the card is good enough for the mentioned brother, it will be still good enough for you. Otherwise either you or this specific brother has to wait and try to buy the card like everybody else.

Fair enough, it's okay to ask and try :) But it's not really realistic, given the fact there are enough people around who just want to buy a card for their own usage and I don't see any reason why anybody (including you) should expect that somebody else does

a) invest his time for you or somebody else for free
b) pass on a reasonable priced card for himself / OR the profit

.. just to be a nice person in your eyes. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt this is how the world we live in looks like ;)
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Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Die 3090 für die Katze ist nun auch endlich angekommen :banana:


MF, erste Retoure seit sieben oder acht Jahren überhaupt, komplett unbenutzt, Karte anschließend 300€ teurer. :grrr:
Wenn jemand 4 Karten bestellt, dann die beste behält und 3 zurück schickt, dann finde ich das auch nicht OK. Allerdings verfahren ja die Händler mit ihren Preisen auch aktuell nach dem Motto "Jeder ist sich selbst der Nächste". Von daher habe ich da auch kein Mitleid mit den Shops, wenn jemand eine Karte bestellt und Sie dann zurückschickt, weil er in der Zwischenzeit irgendwo vielleicht ein besseres Angebot bekommen hat. Ich selbst habe eine 6900XT für 1.600 € bestellt und falls ich am Dropdonnerstag Glück habe, werde ich auch Null Skrupel haben, die aktuell bestellte Karte wieder zu retournieren. Und sollte es dann eine Sperre geben, dann ist es halt so. Gibt ja nicht nur einen Computerladen in Deutschland.
Vielleicht wirds ja im Sommer was Karten zu bekommen...

"bis zu 50% weniger" soll Mining dann bringen... Heißt statt 3 oder 4 Monate dauert es dann im Worstcase doppelt so lange bis sich die Karte rentiert, bestimmt gehen da die Grafikkarten Preise massiv runter :lol:

Sehe erst frühstens Mitte 2022 eine Beruhigung der aktuellen Lage.
"Lohnt sich das Schürfen für Krypto-Bergleute dann überhaupt noch? Nicht wenige antworten mit "nein" und verkaufen ihre teuren Grafikkarten (die zum Minen von Ethereum notwendig sind) auf diversen Handelsportalen unter Wert." Welche Portale sollen das sein und was heißt unter Wert? Da schweigt sich der BILD-Experte aus.

So schön das wäre, wird in dem Artikel doch eher spekuliert als mit belastbaren Fakten hantiert.
Ist ja auch Bild 😜
Then you already found somebody, congratulations :) I guess the best thing then is to wait until this person gets the card so he can give it to you. I agree with you that not everybody who wants a card does it for profit, but still: No offense, but why should somebody believe you? There are enough stories in this thread where people gave away their card at MSRP and the buyer just put it on eBay again afterwards to sell it for more money.

So what makes your story with your "girlfriend's brother" more believable than those of other people? Given it's true, I think if the card is good enough for the mentioned brother, it will be still good enough for you. Otherwise either you or this specific brother has to wait and try to buy the card like everybody else.

Fair enough, it's okay to ask and try :) But it's not really realistic, given the fact there are enough people around who just want to buy a card for their own usage and I don't see any reason why anybody (including you) should expect that somebody else does

a) invest his time for you or somebody else for free
b) pass on a reasonable priced card for himself / OR the profit

.. just to be a nice person in your eyes. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt this is how the world we live in looks like ;)
Yes. Well, I just need one card, when I get it, I will stop cry about that here ;D Well, I can provide the seller with piece of paper and his required text in front of gpu over next 12 months, no problem, because it wil stay with me for sure. Im honest person. I work in delivery. I cant even give neigbour pakets to one person and lie them that I tried to ring neighbours, but they wasnt home. And im pretty sure, you have noticed that most drivers does that, if you live higher floor, they even dont try to ring you.... But not me, no, I always call every single person, even though i have 20 pakets for 1 adress, even though its last floor etc., I just dont lie to people and I do my best at my job, doesnt matter what kind of job, even hard courier job, but thats the best I could find right now with minimal german language. Sorry, I cant afford to pay scalper prices, i dont earn that much and i dont get any money from goverment.... But its really tough to purchase card, because im out of home before 8AM and im back 7-8PM, so.... i dont have much opportunity. There was many times that I almost got something, almost.... Im not asking for free, but if they ask my week or two week salary for their scalping, im sorry, its not fair and i wont support that...
wann wurde die denn bestellt, beim letzten drop ?
War vom letzten Drop. Ist allerdings auch schon ein wenig her, ich bin nur grade über das Bild gestolpert.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:


Leck fett, das ist mal ein Deal
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der Deal ist unereichbar, denn der Autobuybot hat längst gekauft und hinterlässt dir lediglich ein Souvenir.
Ja das frage ich mich auch.

Schön dass es bei dir 20 Grad sind! Hätte mir nicht gedacht dass soviel möglich ist. Vielleicht waren deine von Anfang an sehr schlecht platziert?

hab Gelid 1.5mm verwendet

Habe bei der anderen jetzt auch die Vorderseite getauscht:

86 Grad bei 30% Lüfter mit +1.000 Mem OC.

Leck mich fett, wie krass schlecht die verbauten Thermal Pads sind. Hätte ich nicht gedacht.

Hab Thermalright 1,5 mm verwendet.
Kannst Du mal nen ETH miner anschmeißen und nach den Temps schauen?
Habe bei der anderen jetzt auch die Vorderseite getauscht:

86 Grad bei 30% Lüfter mit +1.000 Mem OC.

Leck mich fett, wie krass schlecht die verbauten Thermal Pads sind. Hätte ich nicht gedacht.

Hab Thermalright 1,5 mm verwendet.
Gleiches steht bei mir morgen auch an...

Laut NVIDIA zwar Warranty Void, aber die Erfahrung zeigt, dass sie wohl trotzdem tauschen. Was man so liest.
Yes. Well, I just need one card, when I get it, I will stop cry about that here ;D

Yeah, like hundreds of other people monitoring these forums. We're all in this together.

I work in delivery. I cant even give neigbour pakets to one person and lie them that I tried to ring neighbours, but they wasnt home. And im pretty sure, you have noticed that most drivers does that, if you live higher floor, they even dont try to ring you.... But not me, no, I always call every single person, even though i have 20 pakets for 1 adress, even though its last floor etc., I just dont lie to people and I do my best at my job, doesnt matter what kind of job, even hard courier job, but thats the best I could find right now with minimal german language

That's nice of you that you take your job seriously. That's kinda rare in your business, speaking only from the perspective of my own experiences :)

But still: Anybody can tell some kind of story - what if somebody chimes in here and says "he's got cancer and only few months left to live", so he needs the GPU now to have some nice final days? Yeah, thats an extreme example, but would you believe him (somebody "anonymous" on an internet message board) and instantly hand over your graphics card (if you were finally able to get one)?

I honestly doubt it and that is totally okay. Because why should you believe some stranger in here you don't know.

Sorry, I cant afford to pay scalper prices

That's perfectly okay. I could afford those prices and managed to save money for building a new PC. But I just won't pay it. So I have to live with my own decision, exactly like you. That's the reality we live in and you just have to accept it. Either pay those prices or wait like everybody else.

Not that it's important: I waited way longer than you (that doesn't mean I'm more "entitled" to get a "reasonable priced" card earlier than you or than anybody else who might have started looking for a card just yesterday).

That was my own "mistake", I could have bought a card end of last year or in the beginning of this one. But I didn't (because I thought I would start building the system in spring at earliest), so I have to live with this decision. ;) And me (and you) perfectly can.

i dont earn that much and i dont get any money from goverment....

Even as a german, either you work OR you get money from the government. Getting both at the same time is a rare case and usually only happens if you already earn so little that you get additionally support. But then your total earnings will be still on the lower end most likely. Anyway..

But its really tough to purchase card, because im out of home before 8AM and im back 7-8PM, so.... i dont have much opportunity.

Yes, like I already said: Many other people are in the same situation like yours.

You can't change it - the only way is just being patient. Don't buy from scalpers and wait. Scalpers won't magically drop their prices or refrain from buying cards if you just "ask nicely". This behaviour will stop when they can't sell their cards.

Prices will go down. Nobody knows when, but there will be better times where you don't have to constantly monitor all hardware vendors, like before. And I really recommend you to stay patient, especially if you don't are somebody with a big income like your story suggests. There are more important things..

but if they ask my week or two week salary for their scalping

I agree with you, you don't have to explain it to me - of course it's "not fair", but it's reality and you have to accept it - you are no exception here.

im sorry, its not fair and i wont support that...

All I can say is: Fine :) Continue with this strategy. I don't know what else I can say but.. just think about if you really need a graphics card now. Except very few people in some rare productivity fields (no, I don't speak about mining), nobody really does - but of course I perfectly understand that you just want one, I wanted one too.

But honestly, I can't think of any game that isn't playable with older hardware if you adjust your own expectations (and dial down some sliders). For example, I perfectly played through Cyberpunk on a 10 year old CPU and some last generation graphics card. It looked good and the performance was totally okay (sure, 1080p "only") with more than playable FPS. But yeah, who doesn't want more..

If it's not worth for you to pay inflated prices (I'm totally with you in this regard), just don't do it - but accept reality. If you still feel it's really neccessary for you to play at a higher resolution with every slider to maximum, then you have to pay the current prices. There is no other way, for nobody.

Just be glad it's "only" GPUs that mostly suffer from this situation and nothing really important for your life like groceries or whatever. :)

Anyway.. Personally, I just decided to postpone my upgrade plans completely and instead invest the money in something more "reasonable", where I can justify the expenses. Another possibility is just keep / save the money ;) But like I said, this is an individual decision everybody has to make on his own and I don't judge anybody if one decides otherwise.

But hey: Now you know there's at least one person less you have to "fight with" for a graphics card. :) Isn't that nice of me?
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Hat eigentlich jemand der gestern ne EVGA bei Alternate bestellen konnte eine Versandbestätigung bekommen? Ich habe mich schon gefreut endlich ordentlich spielen zu können, aber bei mir steht sie auf Status nicht lieferbar...:poop:
Biete meine Warenkorb mit EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti FTW3 ULTRA bei Alternate für eine neue Leber an.
Ich will mit dem saufen anfangen. :d
lol, mein Bruder rennt der Karte schon seit gestern hinterher, aber seine Leber ist leider schon kaputt. 😅
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