ja bei Arma2 wird es einem nie langweilig
habe zwar den 1.03er patch installiert,
aber noch nicht wirklich angetestet.
werde ihn heute abend mal im MP antesten.
von der armed-assault.de
Empath schickte uns soeben einen Link zu einem Statement von BIS, in dem erklärt wird, woran Sie zur Zeit arbeiten und was die Community in naher Zukunft erwarten kann.
So z.B. finalisieren sie im Moment die Moddingtools und arbeiten auch an den Linux-Serverfiles als auch auch an dem Patch 1.04, in welchem die Performance verbessert (vor Allem in Städten) und viele Bugs behoben werden sollen. Außerdem versucht BIS regelmäßiger die Patches veröffentlichen zu können und bittet die Community weiter fleißig Probleme und Vorschläge zur Verbesserung im BIS-Forum oder im Community Issue Tracker zu äußern.
Howdy folks,
We just wanted to give you a brief update as to what's going on with ArmA II and what we're working on, our immediate plans and such:
* Patch 1.04 for ArmA II is currently in progress, we carefully read the feedback on the forums as much as possible, sometimes of course it can get a little heated and unclear so we also use the Community Issue Tracker, these are the two main points for collecting feedback from the community.
A couple of prioritised areas we're hoping to address for 1.04 are "mouse lag" (this is something we've not been able to reproduce locally but we believe there are a couple of things we can do to help the situation for those users who do seem to suffer from it), the second area we're prioritising is improving performance, especially in urban areas, of course there will be other things addressed in 1.04 but it's too early to go into details about those just yet.
* We're finalising the complete editing tools suite for release, more info can be found at
* Dedicated Linux server, we know this is something the community of course is eagerly waiting for, we continue progress on this but cannot at this point give any time-scale for the release, unfortunately it's not quite as simple as some might think to release a Linux version of our dedicated server but rest assured we're making progress.
* We're working on a new plan for the best way to be able to establish more regular patches release, as well as to grant access to interim versions, to those community members willing to help us with testing various aspects of planned changes in the core engine.
So hopefully a few things for you all to look forward to there, you guys have already taken great steps to ensure that ArmA II has a solid fanbase and community and hopefully some of the things we've outlined above will ensure that this continues for a long time to come.
Please continue with your feedback, suggestions and bug reports, we try to read as much as we can and when possible will give comments back, but just because we're not talking doesn't mean we're not listening!
und hier wird wohl schon an einer armaII erweiterung gearbeitet,
obwohl ja eigentlich die grundversion noch nicht wirklich läuft.