Jetzt war ich mal kurz im Spiel , die Maus geht nicht , ich kann mich umsehen aber nicht schießen ?
Wird ja immer interessanter.
Dass verstehe ich nicht ganz :
How do you use it?
Find the display DPI that you currently use:
Click Start, click Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization, select Display.
See if you have 100% or 125% or 150% selected.
(On Windows 8.1, if you see a 'Smaller...Larger' slider, then:
- the 1st slider position will be 100%,
- the 2nd slider position will be 125%,
- the 3rd slider position (might not be shown) will be 150%.)
Open the ZIP file at the link above.
Select the folder that matches the Windows version you use and Double-click it.
Select the REG file that matches the DPI% you use and Double-click it.
Answer Yes, OK to the prompts that appear.
(See below for non-Administrator account use.)
Reboot or Log off to apply the fix (you have to reboot or Log off).
Enjoy exactly 1-to-1 mouse to pointer response!
(If you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, then 'Enhance pointer precision' must be checked ON to enable it.)
Was ist mit den 100% gemeint und wo finde ich diese Info ?